(All the cool kids will be there. And so will people who blog at Pols 🙂 – promoted by Colorado Pols)
This is just a thread to firm up our plans.
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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Are we for sure doing it at the Cheeky Monk?
How many people are we talking about? Should we reserve something, or will we be able to just push a few tables together?
I’m very excited to meet all of you, and I think my lovely wife will be joining me.
I was asked last week to give a sermon of sorts for church on the 14th. I may or may not be able to cut out early enough after that to make it
what if it turns out we can’t stand each other ?
I live near the Stake House on Meadowland.
I’m familiar with that one, I used to go there. Now I have to go to the one in Black Forest. Not too far from each other though.
Not sure about exact number of people coming, but I’ll definitely be there.
We should be able to get tables pushed together.
One the southwest corner of Colfax and Pearl.
Anything else you’d like me to Google for you? 🙂
Ok, you can punch me in the face for my snarkiness when we finally meet.
You had your chance.
My scheudle is absolute flux right now, but since it is a Sunday afternoon, I can probably make it.
can’t make it but a word of advice, buy the cheap drinks at the Cheeky Monk for the expensive ones aren’t worth it.
i just accepted a job that may force me to stop blogging.
As head of the RNC blogging effort?
Hence the lack of a presence on any blogs…
Sammy the Orange (beard)
Seriously – congrats on the new job. Hope you enjoy it.
I assume this means that you won’t be my financial advisor.
Good luck anyway.
Do the Dead Guvs appoint a new front page editor, or is there a special election?
I really hope not Dan, it would be a huge loss.
There’s a vacancy committee but GOP rules call for a mini-convention. It could be a free-for-all. I believe a special election would be set within 45 days of the vacancy, but the Dead Guvs have some latitude in this. There’s really no precedent for it.
The original votes. I just found a flash drive in my car that had a bunch of votes that weren’t counted yet.
Plan to attend, or not to attend, accordingly.
Belgian beer, yum.
if the Dead Guvs promise to attend, even if they’re wearing disguises.
All the internets point me, um, back here.
Where did this nickname come from?
It was over my head as well.
Alva Adams, James Peabody and Jesse McDonald are their handles. Check your history — all three were governor of Colorado on the same day in 1905, back when Colorado politics were a real spectator sport.
I’ll be home visiting family, enjoy yourselves. No bar fights!
in a bar?
. . . before heading back to the high country from DIA. Wear “name” tags!
And yes, fine Belgian Beer is more expensive than our common American version. However, one Chimay or Orval will probably put a good buzz on halfway thru, compared to 2-3 Keers…
Wish my brother could be here. He was stationed in Germany for a few years, so he might appreciate a real beer. The German stuff spoiled him.
Instead of nametags, how about if we introduce ourselves by our real names and try to guess who is who?
which one is Alva.
I have dossiers on all of you from the last Halliburton Illuminati meeting.
RedGreen – you need to take care of that late payment on the “Guns and Jugs” subscription.
I have to update my address.
I guess that someone will recognize me in my campaign clothes.
I think I’d really enjoy getting to meet some of you. Especially all of the “reds” and Jambalaya and MoTR.
I’ll be at the company Christmas party. I’m sure I’m breaking everyone’s heart. 🙂
Or is this the disguise you’re going to be wearing for RedGreen…
fingering a watch-chain and bellowing something about the Silver Crisis. That’ll be enough.
Sure make the date when I won’t be in Colorado, heck I am there this weekend for the first time in ummmmm 2 years, but no I fly out of the country on the 14th.
And I so wanted to meet you all, bumer
will live blog?
I thought liveblogging is something bloggers normally do when they’re watching interesting people do something else.
will only be speaking via Pols. I’ll bring my laptop, and you can speak directly to me, but I won’t talk except in here. It’s just more comfortable for me.
if those who blog are sometimes less verbal in person. I suppose the Ultimate Blogger would be one who only spoke in a blog.
my wife’s family members arrive next Saturday for a week of skiing.
That pretty much takes me out of attending, unless I can convince my brother-in-law to come with.
Maybe someone will post a YouTube video instead of some Eastern European Babes:-)
Because I’m planning on wearing the same assless chaps that the lady has on in the video!
The rest of you know what to do with that arrangement!!
this gathering isn’t at your restaurant this time, with all the ass-less chaps and bar fights.
Actually, WLJ…I was going to see if you wanted to head up there together. Maybe catch you at your place for a quick drink and a great story on the way.
Let me know.