Republican Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is projected to win the New York Republican Primary in a decisive victory; Trump was projected the winner shortly after polls closed at 7:00 pm (EST).
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has been declared the winner in New York.
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All states should have the "Colorado model" of voter registration, party affiliation and voting procedures.
New York is just a mess.
Yeah. When the story came out about the Trump kids not being able to vote for their dad, all I could think was, "they had to affiliate when?"
Agreed, but Colorado is not that great. I have been registered here for more than 30 years and suddenly got knocked off the registered voters list. I still don't know why and didn't know it until recently. So NO, Colorado is not great. New York is worse I guess – but frankly, I doubt you could register to vote at polls in Colorado on an election day without getting a provisional ballot which probably won't even count – and you will never know it.
The only causes for being knocked off of the voter list are felony conviction, inability of the county to deliver a voter card by mail to your registered address (I think), or failure to vote over the course of several election cycles.
As to registration deadlines… In Colorado, primary registration is 30 days before the primary election. On Election Day, you can register in your county on the day of the election and receive a real ballot; all of the required validation is done on the spot if you visit a designated location.
I know the reasons for being erased, but have a largely consistent voting record save for a couple of local elections. You get purged faster than your claim of "several" cycles.
What county are you, Jorgensen? My son left Denver 11 years ago and they still sent me his ballots for at least eight eight years. He lives in Connecticut .
Secretary of state Gessler (and now SoS Williams) worked very hard to discredit the Colorado model of election reform, precisely so that it wouldn't spread to other states. These folks truly do not want voting to be easy.
And yes, New York is a mess. Do you see any evidence that Senator / Democratic powerhouse / Secretary of State / soon to be Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton exerted any influence to make it less of a mess?
No, all I saw were the stories about bernie sanders campaigning to reform the corrupt caucus ssysstem that allows a handful of zealots to seize coontrol of a party instead of allowing all party members to vote in a primary. I did see that story, didn't I, MJ? I mean surely the perfect in every way bernie campaign wouldn't be hypocrits, would they?
Well she won by 16 points even though Bernie spent many times more than any other candidate, R or D, most of it on ads attacking HRC's character. So much for high minded Bernie's campaign being all about policy. It worked to the extent of raising her negatives but failed miserably in stopping her big win. And here's Team Sanders plan going forward according to his campaign manager. So much for the people's revolution and democracy.
Read more:
Their plan is that they can get the supers to switch because of HRC's high negatives and polls showing Bernie catching up with her nationally (though certainly not in the popular vote) making Bernie the better candidate for the general. That means more character attack ads because they'll want to raise her negatives even more than they've managed to in New York since March.
As in New York, it won't work and they aren't idiots. They know it. The supers aren't going to switch, especially not against the will of the majority of primary voters and pledged delegates, perfectly in accord with their own preference and party loyalties. So basically the Sanders plan is to ignore "the people", ignore the votes, ignore the pledged delegates and do as much damage to the future Dem presidential candidate as possible anyway. Just because.
So much for a new morally and ethically superior kind of politician and his glorious revolution.
Another fact – Hillary Clintobn gave money to Super Delegates who are seeking re-election – she even said that her huge fundraisers were not for her but help finance these campaigns. This is another problem with the entire political campaign system. Hillary bought their votes with promises to contribute to their campaigns. Oh and thank you George Clooney and other star-powered loonies..
Good lord. A democrat gave money to democrats to help her party win congress and governorships. Will the horror never end? Thank God Bernie Sanders doesn't give a rats ass about the Democratic party!
So she gets criticized for not sharing enough of her funds with other Dems to help them in their elections and she gets criticized for doing so because they're super delegates. Super delegates who are also Dem office holders don't need to be bribed to support a fellow Dem over an outsider who never suppported them at their fund raising events events, stood by them on stages and at podiums or fought in the trenches with them to elect Dem majorities.
Super delegates are Dem office holders and party officals and activists. HRC is one of them. Bernie isn't, never having been a party member. No nefarious explanations of overwhelming support for their fellow Dem are necessary. That's what parties are for. That's what they're about.
The more apt question is why Bernie, having looked down his nose at the Dem party all these years, is now running for the Dem nomination and whining that party member preference for one of their own is somehow unfair while also ignoring the fact that she's beating him anyway with pledged delegates and in the popular vote. You know. With "the people" he's supposed to be so into fighting for.
And now he's talking about how unfair the well known process, the process he was fully aware of from the outset is? Now he's talking about turning super delegates against the popular Dem rank and file preference if HRC wins on both those fronts as she's pretty much sure to do? That's a lot of chutzpah. Especially coming from Mr. Holier Than Thou, oh so pure champion of the people's revolution.
I've appreciated Bernie up until now for all the good he's done in bringing attention to what needs fixing in our system and energizing young voters. I think he's done the country, progressive causes and the Dem party a lot of good. Up until now. At this point I've had about enough of him and of his most self righteous supporters too.
16 point victory, BC? Maybe. Maybe it was 5% victory. Maybe it was closer or farther than that. The point is, we'll never know, since at least
If that had been your legitimate Democratic vote which had gotten removed from the rolls, or your registration which had gotten "lost in the mail", or your registration which had been declared as "inactive", would you be quite so blase about it?
I doubt it.
The point I've been trying to get through is that you Hillary supporters should care – because if there are primary votes getting "lost" now, it could just as easily happen in the general election – Sieg Heil, Trumpenfuhrer.
Of course there has to be a "logical" explanation for Bernie's loss. Blame it on Hillary's actions in condoning voter suppression.
Mama, did it ever occur to you that many people simply are not buying what Bernie is selling? (or more accurately, giving away)
Oh, no! Inactive voters were removed from the rolls and people who moved out were, too! And those mean party people (and it's not a Democratic Party thing – both parties agreed to the rules long ago) closed registrations 6 months ago so that party members wouldn't be ratfscked by outsiders who couldn't even be bothered to registered as active Democrats, knowing that a Presidential campaign was coming up!
As a Bernie supporter, I'm more and more ashamed of the lack of thought coming from some in his camp.
Phoenix, the weirdness in the Brooklyn numbers lies not in the usual numbers of voters moving out or becoming inactive. It's that the numbers were so out of sync for Brooklyn – so many moved out, with no corresponding ones moving in and registering.
It baffled Mayor de Blasio, a Hillary supporter, who called it a "purge".
It's being investigated.
CNN's reporting.
The explations given so far do not seem unreasonable. And it is worth noting that Brooklyn went heavily for Hillary. I just don't think the Bernie people grabbed control and purged Hillary voters. As to the word "purge" it is the one always used. We purge inactive voters. Nothing sinister about it in this context.
Well, you are supposed to remove inactive voters, it's the law. But since Hillary carried the city big time, it"s a fair guess that any mistakenly removed only reduced her margin. Bernie ran better upstate. She clobbered him in brooklyn. If you want to argue you really lost by 20 points, you can make that case.
You sound just like Trump whining that he couldn't possibly have lost a given contest unless it was unfair.
It's not just New York. HRC has over 2 million more votes than Bernie out of all the contests so far. While you're telling me what I should care about, I don't see you caring about the fact that Bernie is all for getting super delegates to switch even if HRC wins the majority of pledged delegates and the popular vote. Or for his stand against things like simple background checks for that matter. He's still your morally superior Bernie.
Well good for you. Nobody has proved a single dirty election trick on HRC's part and as for Trump and the general, presidential elections can only be stolen at razor thin margins. That's why Gore got robbed and Obama didn't, won twice even though he has been much more hated by the right. So pardon me for not sharing your black helicopter hysteria. And thanks but I don't need you to tell me what I should care about. You're welcome to have the last word.
Such a scorched earth approach is not going to endear him to Democrats for when he runs again in 2020.
Bernie will be 79 in 2020. This is probably his last harrah. You gotta admit he didn't go gently into that good night.
79 is the new 69! (ok, stop giggling)
Oh yeah, and here I thought you Clintonistas were all big proponents for the tried and tested over time ???
The problem is that bernie has been so mediocre so long.
Oh yeah, use age discrimination when it suits your goal. Really? Says a lot about your values.
Well, that grim reaper guy does catch up to us all. Are you seriously proposing a president taking office at 79
Well, that grim reaper guy does catch up to us all. Are you seriously proposing a president taking office at 79 for the first time maybe leaving office at 87? It ain't age discrimination when a 40 year old quarterback can't do the job. Already Bernie would be by far our oldest president.
A lot of states would disagree with you on voting procedures, at least for primaries/caucuses. Didn't you feel deprived not being able to vote for a Presidential primary candidate not too long ago?
If Hillary wins the nomination, you can say hello to President Trump. I want to personally thank all the misguided Dems who are voting for Hillary…thanks for "Making America
HateGreat Again" …he couldn't do it without you..Feeling a little bitter and let down this morning, Dukie?
no Frank, not bitter…terrified. And your attempt at 3rd grade provocation by abusing my name (at least i use my real one, "Frank") is merely a shining example of your own pettiness.
You will issue a public apology to America when Trump beats your champion in the general….amirite?
Well, you are supposed to remove inactive voters, it's the law. But since Hillary carried the city big time, it"s a fair guess that any mistakenly removed only reduced her margin. Bernie ran better upstate. She clobbered him in brooklyn. If you want to argue you really lost by 20 points, you can make that case.
Hillary has consistent leads against Trump; more people are scared of a Trump presidency than with another Clinton in the office. I wouldn't worry about that – unless you plan to be part of the cause of her not winning…
Nope.. But Bernie has better numbers in the general than Hillary. I believe that a Trump/Clinton race will provide one of the lowest turnout numbers in American history. Hillary will lose, I believe, because she is, to a huge number of Americans, uninspiring and untrustworthy. Tell me, my dear friends, how long will it take Hillary, should she prevail and win the nomination, to pivot and return to her long-standing right-of-center posture?
As soon as Bernie is out of the picture, Ms. Clinton will rush back into the arms of Jamie and his band of Wall Street billionaires. Those are her people. You may have noticed she did not speak during her visit to the Verizon picket line in New York City. Just milked the photo op..
I think the hate on this board is mostly coming from you, Duke. I Lso think you're abetter man than that.
Sorry, V. It isn't hate…it is concern about the outcome of the general election. If Hillary is nominated, I am convinced she will lose to either Trump or Kasich, one of whom will be the Repub nominee..probably Trump.
What was it I said that you consider hateful? I don't hate Hillary…I just don't trust her and "Vger and the Hillaryheads" aren't doing a very good job of convincing me that she can turn out enough voters to win the general.
What are you going to do to convince millions of voters they should believe her and vote for her? I will hold my nose and do so…but I think she will lose and you can join Frank in his public apology for giving us president Trump. Deal?
Hillary has now beaten bernie in17 of 22 primaries. Every one of his victories was in a state with 75 percent or more white voters. If Bernie is such a power house, why does he lose time and time again. And if polls showing bernie beating trump are infallible, why do we ignore polls showing Hillary trouncing Trump. John Kasich said if Sanders was nominated, republicans would win 50 states.. He's wrong about Vermont but Bernie is a very feeble candidate outside of a nearly all white caucus state like Idaho or Utah.
I didn't say he is "powerhouse". C'mon V. please stop putting words in my mouth.
You guys still don't get it..OK…one more time…
No matter how many of us will hold our noses and vote for Secretary Clinton…if it is Trump v. Clinton, millions of voters are going to stay home…on both sides, so once again, just like the much discussed recalls in Pueblo, we have a low turnout election decided by a very small portion of the electorate…and who usually wins those? The party with fervor on their side. Haven't I heard that repeated here over and over?
Whose camp has more fervor, would you say?
Nothing I ccan say will allay your fears, Duke. But for my part I think he is incredibly vulnerable to the Republi can attack machine. He isn't just a Democratic socialist. In 1980, he was an elector for the Socialist Workers Party. Those are the Trotskyites and nothing Democratic about that crowd. He honeymooned in the Soviet Union, fer gawd's sake. Univision hit him with that tape praising Castro. Worst of all, he is agnostic. Unlike BC, I don't think the public minds a practicing Jew like Joe Lieberman but polls show voters mostly hate atheists. I'm an agnostic too, but I don't run for office. Ironically Jewish voters mostly shunned him because of his views on Israel.
I just dont think after 30 years of hating Hillary, the Republicans can knock her down. But they would sure find fresh meat in Bernie, or " Atheist Bernie " as trump would call him.
I really hope we're both wrong, but no I won't apologize if Trump wins. I'll be too busy heading to Canada.
Bernie will be 79 in 2020. This is probably his last harrah. You gotta admit he didn't go gently into that good night.
You call courteous disagreement with your views "hate". BC calls it "whining". Frankly also habitually attacks the person, not the argument.
It's a logical fallacy.
I don't care to try to break through that "imperial" bias we see in the corporate camp. They can't see beyond their own 401K. They are beyond reason. For them it is all about winning.
They haven't seen what I have seen and they don't want to see it. My "American Dream" was shattered in 2008..we never recovered. I was a homebuilder. After the big banks and insurance companies destroyed my business and crippled my industry (my credit was flawless) they changed the rules so we could no longer get financing and rebuild our companies.
Of course, the big corporate builders and large investors swooped in and grabbed even more market share from the thousands of mom and pop builders who could not continue without financing.
I guess we will have to let Hillary guide us through another bank bailout. I no longer have anything they can steal.
Thanks for sharing that Duke. It provides some insights . My brother in law's sporting goods store failed in the Reagan Recession and he never recovered emotionally or financially. Sorry for what you went through.
I appreciate the thought, V…but sympathy isn't what I'm after…just understanding. My company continues as a shadow of its former self, without my wifes' partnership. She had to seek a new career when we had to change our business model. Ultimately, my marriage has become a victim of those circumstances.
When the band of robber barons (led by the 5 big banks and however many involved insurance companies) destroyed the credit process, that made it almost impossible for small homebuilders to do business in this country.
Perhaps this will help you understand why my loathing for all those fucking thieves that destroy lives so they can own a bigger yacht is so very passionate. Make further associations as you will.
The fact that in the post-2008 crash years of 2009-2012, 95 percent of all income growth went to the top 1 percent is an indictment of just how rigged the system is in favor of the robber-barons.
HRC, a thoroughly known quantity, beats Trump in all the polls so I don't know where that's coming from. Bernie, a much lesser known quantity to the general public, would be a much riskier proposition were he to become the general election candidate. Right now both he and the Rs are concentrating fire on HRC which is naturally causing her unfavorables to rise. That would change in a finger snap if Bernie won the nomination and all the GOP fire got concentrated on him. I can see the hammer and sickle ads now. In fact, only Bernie would give Trump any chance of winning the presidency at all. So I'm very pleased that's not going to happen.
I have addressed this up above in a reply to V. @10:58AM..
There are three questions in that post, about which I would love to hear your thoughts. You think my concerns are unfounded… Please allay them for me.
HRC beats Trump in polls.
Her polling is much more reliable since she's a long known quantity and all the fire has been trained on her.
Bernie is still a largely unknown quantity rendering his approval polling much less reliable at this juncture and when the fire is turned on him his polling will change radically.
HRC will wish to hold together the coalition that has forced her to more progressive positions. She will not want to suffer the reverses that Obama suffered in his adminstration's first midterm election.
The concern abut what HRC says she would do and what Bernies says he would do is vastly out of proportion to what either could do on economic issues. It is not the President but congress that holds the most power there. The President is mainly the cheerleader in chief on those policies
In terms of the policies that do come more strongly under presidential control, Bernie has not demonstrated much nuts and bolts knowledge of how they work and what specifically he could do to achieve his goals. HRC knows her stuff.
The most important factor will be electing a Dem President along with a Dem majority Senate and a House at least headed in that direction. A Democratic presidential candidate will be better equipped to be a factor there. HRC is a long time party Democrat. Bernie is begrudgingly doing the party the great favor of associating himself with it only because he can't very well be their candidate without doing so. He is not part of the party machinery (I know you think that's a dirty word but politics isn't a debutante cotillion) that supports elections nationwide to achieve Democratic majorities. HRC is.
While you choose to believe Trump would beat HRC on the basis of no evidence whatsoever I believe that only Sanders gives Trump a chance and a very good one. I believe a large portion of those who fear a Trump presidency would fear a "socialist" presidency more. I believe that many who would reluctantly vote for HRC, stay home, choose an also ran or leave the top of the ballot blank rather than vote for Trump would have the opposite reaction to a choice between him and a Jewish socialist.
Kasich is a pipe dream and if he was actually forced onto the ticket enough Trump and Cruz supporters would refuse to go along to split the party so his value as a more "moderate" candidate would be destroyed. Had Rs been smart enough to support Kasich from the beginning and had he won the majority of pledged delegates I think he would have been the favorite to win the general. They weren't. They've gone full Tea Party instead. The rank and file doesn't want him. The ony way he can be nominated is such that the GOP couldn't possibly win a general.
HRC will win the nomination. That's a given. She will almost certainly win the general no matter who the GOP comes up with at this point. They have no good options available.
She will be quite similar to Obama as President in terms of policy with some differences, a few for the worse, a few for the better. The WH won't be nearly as socially and culturally brilliant, exuberant and delightful with her and a first gent Bill as it has been with the charming Obamas in residence but it would be pretty dull with the Sanders in residence too.
The polls will change after she is indicted…
Did someone fart?
My shiny new editor says that should have been "shart".
Yeah…it always leaves a stain…
And Hillary's ratings will really crater when the public learns she declared bankruptcy four times, cheating investors out of millions of dollars! Oh, wait…
That is a point upon which we still don't agree…which, of course, is fine.. I don't think that label has the impact it used to.
I have spent a lot of time with working people all over the country in their work setting…hundreds of them, BC. They are, financially, in a bad way. And who is giving them hope? Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Dissect the politics as you will…they will change their affiliations in a heartbeat if they see hope in their choice. So many of them are already unaffiliated anyway.
We political junkies on this site are not normal people. We turn this crap upside down and inside out until we get tired of sniping at each other and change the subject. Normal people don't get much of any of this…but they know what is fair…and they can tell when they have been betrayed..and they love their kids and want to succeed. Please don't kid yourself that they will rush to support someone they see as a champion of their betrayers.
As soon as Hillary changes her rhetoric back to her pre-Bernie self, she will lose them. They will turn to Trump, who has a long-standing hatred of the Barons of Wall Street and the Council of Uptown Gazillionaires. His message will catch them, because he is not a gundamentalist, liberal-hating, nut case like Cruz.
Maybe I'm wrong, I often am…this time I sure hope so…
Socialism still isn’t main stream in America. I do think you’re wrong. And considering how every presidential candidate in my adult lifetime has been asked about their Christian faith the acceptability of a non-Christian President isn’t main stream either. He’s not even a religious Jew. He’s not religious and doesn’t pretend to be.That’s two very heavy strikes. The way “Jesus” still gets bandied about at election time I wouldn’t count on a candidate who doesn’t claim to have any relationship or desire for one with the Christian God to have a real shot. Not at this point in time.
You'll be surprised how fast that nice defender of the little guy becomes the Godless Communist if Bernie were to somehow get the nomination.
Words of wisdom, BC…conventional wisdom…
We won't know until the ship lands…..
Well, in 2016 it's moot since the candidate isn't going to be a Jewish socialist.
Sorry Duke but I really don't feel the need to continue to argue over who should be the Democratic nominee since we already know who will be and we already know where you stand, where I stand, and where the rest of the usual suspects stand. Tired of rehashing moot points. I think we're done here. Don't you?
Yup. Only time will answer the question…but when our disagreements are over such nuances..I think we can agree on smoking a peace pipe…particularly today..😀💚
As a rough rule, Duke, I am rarely wrong when I am pessimistic about politics and usually wrong when I am optimistic.
What BC said.
Hey, Gertie…
Maybe you will respond to this…
I posted it three hours ago and, so far, no one seems to want to make that prediction.
I think 3 hours is about right. Actually, I don't think she needs to pivot much. Unlike the Republicans, who keep tripping over themselves to see who can get furthest right, I don't see Clinton trying to get to the left of Sanders.
She could hardly get to the right of Sanders…that isn't where she has been going ..only as close to him as she can without committing to any of his “socialistic” policies. Her change in rhetoric has been pretty well documented. It is only skin deep.
New Editor….Yay….thanks, Alva!
and Happy 4/20 to however many of you there are at Pols…We are celebrating here….hope you are there.
ummm…. She's already to the right of Sanders along with most elected Dems.
I meant left…duh.
Past behavior predicts future behavior. That is not an erroneous statement, but one basic behavioral psychological standard used by profilers. Duke wants to know how fast HRC goes back to her usual "business" …. I would say immediately.
On a separate note, NO main street media is reporting on the huge major voting kerfuffle in the NY election. In "closed" primaries or caucuses, the people that identify as "Independents" do not get to to vote. We are talking 27% of registered voters in NY state alone. Between that 27% and those that were disenfranchised "by accident" can anyone really say that HRC is winning free and clear? If you want to know more about the NY voting issues, log onto "Democracy Now" for today. They are reporting on the NY mess.
If you have ever watched "The Good Wife" series, you will see where art and reality are directs reflections. I would love to see Sanders and Trump dump the "parties" and run as independents. What a food fight.
RT America has a really sickening story about New Orleans/Louisiana oil and gas rape of the land. The wetlands are predicted to be gone within 10 years. New Orleans cannot survive if that happens. Yet, Obama's courts have weighed in against common sense and the people.
Obama's courts? Oh my.
As for the independents? That's the price they pay for refusing to take a stand, I suppose.
It's how party's choose their candidates. It's not the equivalent of an election. People who don't know how it works have themselves to blame. I do agree that it's ridiculous to shut down party switchng as early as NY does. I also suggest that the time to start trying to get changes in place or switch from caucus to primary, closed to open is well before the next election. Midstream is a little late for whining about it. There's no reason to believe that puging of inactive voters hurt Bernie more than hRC. He's the one with the most new voters, probably not as likely to have been purged yet. When you move make sure you register your address change. Take some responsibility.
Do the activists who pay attention have more power? Sure. As it should be. It's easy to get to be one of them. Just stop watching reality TV and playing games on your smart phone long enough to pay attention to politics, legislation, local municipal matters, state matters, national events, world events. If you can't be bothered don't whine the election rolls around and the people who do pay attention have more clout than you do.
Or as they say, decisions are made by those who show up.
It ain't no kerfuffle, it's the law. What part of "closed primary" don't you understand?
Well if there was anything improper going on it's being looked into. And that's a good thing. But the black helicopter crowd will, say… yeah but it's being looked into by a Dem AG. Of course if he had refused to look into it they would say …. why is the establishment Dem AG refusing to look into it?
Anyhoo… Make of this what you will, everybody. But even Sanders isn't saying HRC didn't really win and win big.