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December 01, 2008 04:51 PM UTC

Front Page Editor Election: Republicans

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: Congratulations to frontpager-elect Laughing Boy, who ousted incumbent Haners by a decisive Barack Obama-style margin. Final tally:

* Laughing Boy – 44 votes (63.77%)

* Haners (incumbent) – 25 votes (36.23%)

Cast your vote below for our next GOP front page guest editor. Write-in candidates not permitted, please choose from the two nominees below. Voting ends tonight at 7:00PM.

Who will be the next GOP Colorado Pols front page guest editor?

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42 thoughts on “Front Page Editor Election: Republicans

      1. I might have voted for Gecko, if only for the entertainment value.

        We’d see Ann Coulter columns reprinted daily ad nauseam, with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity thrown in for spice.

  1. Or just the winds of change, blowing hard?

    Early results from Gobbler’s Notch, the tiny Colorado town near the Canadian border, portend a landslide sweeping Haners from office after just one term. With 23 total votes recorded, the “change” candidate, Laughing Boy, holds a commanding lead of 21 votes, or 91.3 percent, over Haners’ 2 votes, or 8.7 percent. An unknown number of provisional ballots will be counted within two weeks of the election after their eligibility has been determined.

    As the Colorado GOP seeks to reinvent itself after a similarly sweeping defeat in last month’s election, perhaps Republican Polsters envision a similar reconfiguration. Although Haners cannot be blamed entirely for the disasters that beset his tenure, it appears voters may be ready to move on.

    Since 1892, there has never been a Colorado Pols election in which the Gobbler’s Notch vote has failed to accurately predicted statewide results, but observers caution that extremely high turnout and volatile voter discontent could sway the election in unpredictable directions. Polls are open until 7 p.m.

    1. supported Obama and doesn’t oppose gay marriage will just reinforce the idea that this is a lefty blog.  Voted for LB anyway but then I’m a lefty.  So there you go.  

      1. .

        then the Boy Who Laughs will be fairly representative of the smaller, more focused Party that’s left.  A Party that’s conservative on many issues, Bushie on others.


      2. I think Dobson’s endorsement should be invited in any future elections to make sure the Bible Thumper litmus test is satisfied.

        But I voted for LB because I think Haners’ inattention allowed DavidThi to dominate the front page, which has contributed to the blog’s “lefty” rep lately.  

            1. Thanks for reporting that for me, that’s why I voted for you on the Dems side.

              You won’t see any “farewell” posts for me anytime soon, but I do have a lot on my plate right now and (hopefully) in the near future.  So my postings will continue to be sporadic.  It’s going to be good to have someone who can dedicate more time!

              Congratulations LB!!

              (I thought about not congratulating him, just as a shout-out to a certain someone!)

              1. I was going to suggest a telephone call to LB, but I see that you have the situation covered.

                At least you can hold your head up high and tell the world, “I AM a better person that MM!”

      3. The CoPols lefties are influencing the election. (Not that I have a problem with the other LB)  Hang in there Haners, it’s not personal, it’s politics:)

    1. Self-funding doesn’t matter. You can spend all the money in the world, and it won’t sway a single vote. Numerous studies back this up (or at least appear to have something to do with something related to this, vaguely).  

      1. .

        so what if he bought his way in.  He’s now in “put up – shut up” territory.  

        The True Believers will not have patience for any wavering on the Iraq War and Mercenaries, the 2 issues that he used to separate himself from his opponents.  At least, that’s how it looked from Planet El Paso.  

        So if we now have nearly a dozen Representatives in the House who support the Constitution on these key issues, including Freshman Congressman Polis, maybe we’ll see some movement in the right direction.


        1. but I’m not sure the will exists to get control of the mercenary architecture.

          I don’t think most people are apprecitive of the problem that mercenaries represent.  We have got to get mercenaries out of the war fighting and limit them to very narrow roles.

          I hope Jared stays serious on this issue.

          1. Having private fighting forces answerable to no law in any country including our own and outside any sanctioned chain of command is not compatible with the survival of the United States of America in anything but name.

  2. Let the union bashing begin! But seriously, when you write a diary blasting the UAW or AFL, give me a shout so I can prepare my response in a thoughtful manner!

    1. about the same time George W. Bush gets to say “I told you so!” to the Obama administration. Since his crew spent a good four or five years blaming every problem they encountered on Clinton, that’ll be some time …

      Since the winners write the history books, it’ll be up to Danny and LB to decide whether David’s was more of a Carter administration (idealistic but in way over his head) or a Clinton one (overall a success despite the carnal distractions). I think it’s safe already, though, to peg Haners as the George H.W. Bush of front-page editors: a steady hand at the tiller during a period of great transition, but so many unanswered questions about that Iran-Contra thing …

      Congratulations to the outgoing and incoming!

      1. for economic duress during his transition period?

        Apparently, the answer is yes.

        In that vein, I’d like a word with Danny about my health insurance premiums.

        1. A colorado single payor plan is going to be introduced in the next legilative session.  It probably won’t get out of committee, but we need to start talking about the healthcare problem, because even if Obama comes up with a universal healthplan it will likely be up to the states to administer it.

  3. I am looking forward to some spirited debate and great reads from you.

    And Haners, thank you for work here. I look forward to reading more of it.

    And hell, I’m in the wrong thread for this but David, thank you so much for all of your hard work this election cycle. You were a tremendous asset and I think we are lucky to have you here.  

  4. I’m excited about doing this, but I certainly wasn’t running against Haners.  I mean, come on.  The guy has loads much more class and knowledge of the Colorado political landscape than I do, but I’m looking forward to learning a lot.

    Don’t get all warm and fuzzy about my vote for Obama, you freaks.  I can’t stand John McCain, and if Palin had been at the top of the ticket I very well might have voted the other way.

    With me you’ll get more of perhaps a secular Republican take, although I can’t remember an instance of Haners inserting any Christianist bias, although I have been told by certain posters that it corrupts him down to his very core and makes him the imperialist monster that he is.

    For the record, he emailed me yesterday and checked in (as we have before – we’re on the secret Halliburton Facebook page) and I told him I thought it was inappropriate for him to contact me during such a heated election.  Then we made some tentative plans to hang out.

    Expect snark, honesty, and profanity from me.  Lots of profanity.

    And get ready for the “Season of the Sarahcuda”…

    1. And I just e-mailed you again.  

      Congratulations, LB-you’ll do great!

      And to everyone else, I appreciate your kind words.  I promise I’m not going anywhere, and there’s zero chance that I’ve taken this personally.  Any absence from the pols world is only because of what’s going on in the real world (there are other endeavors/elections on the horizon that have my attention at the moment).

      You just better promote my stuff!  🙂

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