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November 30, 2008 06:41 PM UTC

"War on Christmas" planning thread

  • by: JeffcoBlue

(Bring it down, Easter and Purim too – promoted by Colorado Pols)

Because this year, we’re really gonna do this thing. We’re gonna put the “X” back in “X-mas” faster than you can say “Wal-Mart employee trampled.”

By February we’ll all be praying to Mecca anyway, right?

Somebody make sure to leak our nefarious plot to Bill O’Reilly. That’s all I’m personally hoping to get out of this.


57 thoughts on ““War on Christmas” planning thread

    1. Are there? There are the pro-Christmas battalions who think they’re saving the holiday from hordes of militant atheist Jesus-aborters on their way to making Ramadannukahwanzaa the official holiday of December.

      And then there’s the other side, which doesn’t exist.

      What am I missing?

      1. Most of the Jewish (and other non-Christianist) folks I know could care less about seeing Christmas trees and hearing Christmas music, etc.  Not an issue for them, and they don’t feel the need to file lawsuits, etc.  It’s not up to Wal-Mart to educate their children on the history of their own family beliefs.

        Meanwhile, most of the Christianists I know aren’t looking to Bill O’Reilly to tell them if and when their internal family business is under attack.  It’s usually just not.

        1. I’ve never heard of anyone filing a lawsuit to make a store take down a “Merry Christmas” sign or something.

          I still hate Christmas music, though. Not because it’s Christian, but because it’s terrible. And it’s the same five songs, endless covered by mostly talentless hacks.

          It occurred to me a few days ago that if someone were to record a song about Thanksgiving, he could make a fortune. Halloween songs make money, and then as soon as November starts, stores immediately jump to Christmas music. But Thanksgiving is a huge holiday, and nobody seems to have recorded a song about it that can be played in department stores. What’s up with that?

          1. but I wouldn’t be surprised if one developed.  People do get nuckin’ futz on both sides.  Here’s the easiest side to mock, from Focus…

            “Christmas-friendly” retailers – prominent acknowledgment of “Christmas”




            Eddie Bauer



            Lands’ End

            Linens ‘n Things



            Neiman Marcus


            Pier 1 Imports


            The Home Depot


            Toys “R” Us


            “Christmas-negligent” retailers – marginalized use of “Christmas”

            Barnes & Noble

            Bed, Bath & Beyond

            Best Buy


            Circuit City

            Dick’s Sporting Goods


            KB Toys


            “Christmas-offensive” retailers – apparent abandonment of “Christmas”

            American Eagle

            Banana Republic


            Lane Bryant

            Old Navy  

            “Christmas-offensive”, really?  I’d call it tolerance on either side, I’m Jewish and I deal.

            BTW, you’re so right about the music.

            Step one for Thanksgiving is a lovable character.  Like Santa or the Easter Bunny.  Keep it mind the mascot can’t be killed at the end.


            1. representations of Jesus? Maybe a cross somewhere? Maybe a nativity scene?

              No? Then why do these people care?

              Christmas in America is a big secular national holiday with no more religious content than Thanksgiving. Pray or don’t pray, it has no effect on the celebrations.

              1. What’s more in the spirit of the blessed arrival of the Son of God than trampling a 90-year-old man to death in order to get an extra $5 off on “Guitar Hero”?

                  1. It’s just that we happen to share common sense on this one issue.

                    I think that many of you libs just take the boogeyman version of Republicans to form your opinion of the masses.  Many of us actually read Thomas Jefferson…


                    1. I think LB is simultaneously campaigning for the Democratic and Republican front-pager positions. It’s just that important.

                      He’s like Mike Bloomberg, if Mike Bloomberg didn’t have any money. 🙂

              2. Actually isn’t it a bit worse that I, a stinkin’ Jew, got a total of $20 off an iPod?  Thank you, Target, for keeping the Christ in Christmas.  Poor Focus!

            2. Yesterday, they gave me a free Christmas CD, $5.00 off my purchase, and a reminder that their Christmas stuff was 50% off.  Nothing says Christmas like deep discounts and freebies.

          2. I’ll be looking forward to playing “A John Waters Christmas” with cuts like “Here Comes Fatty Claus” (with his “sack of shit..and all them stinkin’ reindeer”) and “Santa Claus Is A Black Man.” And “A Country Christmas” with the classic selection “Captain Santa Claus (And His Reindeer Space Patrol.” Of course, if I feel like getting more traditional, I’ll put on my “Christmas with Colonel Sanders” platter…

            1. They play all this and more, like the weird psychic lady who claims to be channeling John Lennon’s new songs (including a ditty that goes, “listen to the angels as you pray on Christmas Eve”) from Heaven. I’m not making that up.

              The “12 Days of Kwanzaa” is another good one. (That’s by some comedian performing as a character named “Shirley Liquor.”)


          3. I have an agreement with Richard (my boyfriend). He can play all the Christmas music he wants after Thanksgiving and before New Years, but not until then. And not if I get sick because there is nothing worse than being sick with Christmas music playing.

            And there is peace in our apartment as a result.

            I do love the season though. I’m going to steam a plum pudding tomorrow since I was sick on Stir-Up Sunday.

        2. And, I need not remind you that he’s a Culture Warrior. (TM) Anyone got a line on exactly what a Culture Warror is?

          For all you fans out there, here’s the link to the Bill O’Reilly store, where he reminds you that “We say Merry Christmas”  


          Seriously, does anyone really take part in a “War on Christmas?” I think of that and picture the ATF raiding Santa’s Workshop like the Branch Davidian compound.

          I agree with you, LB. No one I know thinks anything of the music or the trees everywhere, but the fact that stores start putting out Christmas displays before Halloween is disturbing.

        3. isn’t the festival that falls near Christmas because this less widely known festival is much more fun than Hannuka which is really no more or less important than a bunch of other festivals.  For Purim you have a fair with booths and games and the kids dress up as characters from the Purim story, you listen to the reading of the Megillah, the scroll that tells the story of Purim, and make noise with noisemakers and booing and hissing whenever the villain Hamen’s named is mentioned.  Drinking is encouraged.  

          1. I’m Jewish enough to have rural white people notice my nose, but not Jewish enough to know about the holidays. But from what I’ve heard, if I’d grown up with Purim, I probably wouldn’t be an atheist today.

            1. the expression “the whole megillah”  meaning the whole long story or the works. As for atheism, that’s a little too dogmatic for my taste. It requires too high a degree of faith to believe so emphatically in a negative.

              There isn’t, after all, a scientific way of proving that God or a spiritual dimension or something other than what is directly or indirectly observable to us doesn’t exist.  Perhaps you should give agnosticism a try. Less rigid. No blind faith required.

              1. which happen to explain all currently observed phenomena in the field. Relativity is popular because it works, as is quantum mechanics. If some other theory explains nature, it’ll become popular.

                Applying the scientific method to theology, my “theory of atheism” predicts that life will be pretty much the same tomorrow as it was yesterday. The “theory of God” predicts that God will mess with life tomorrow just for fun or to test us or something, and change all the rules. I think my theory is accurate more often.

                1. Belief in God is generally not based on theory but if it were, you would have no way of testing whether or not your theory is accurate more often than the God theory.  How could it be demonstrated?  I suspect, sxp, that you are a pretty casual atheist.  It’s my experience that with the really dedicated, dour, lawsuit bringing atheists, atheism functions pretty much like any other faith. It’s not a theory to them. They just know they are right.

                  1. So I donВґt argue with people anymore about it. (I used to go to Christian organizations and pick fights about the existence of God. Yeah, I was THAT guy.)

                    Now IВґm married to a woman whoВґs not an atheist, and itВґs not a big deal as long as she doesnВґt try to convert me. IВґm still quite convinced IВґm right.

                    As for testable predictions: I am praying right now that 1=2. If God exists, he should be able to make that happen.  

                    1. Bertrand Russell story: He was explaining an important principle in mathematics, that any false statement implies any other statement (true or false).

                      So someone asked him, “OK, given 1=2, prove you’re the Pope.”

                      Response: “The Pope and I are two. Therefore the Pope and I are one. Therefore I am the Pope.”

                      As for why, I imagine it’d just be to piss off us math people. I always think of God as the Karl Rove of science.  

                    2. That’s your idea of a scientific test? And how would that prove the nonexistence of a God who couldn’t care less about your silly test or which isn’t something to which such a motive could be attached? But I’ll just drop it. There’s no use arguing with a person about their faith.  Yours just happens to be Atheism.  All the best, sxp

  1. I’m agnostic and I love Christmas. First off, I do believe in Santa Claus – he’s delivered. But the whole thing is nice, especially how much the kids love it.

    And in our front yard, a giant inflatable Santa-Bear. And I’d have more tacky items up if my wife and daughters would let me.

      1. for that very reason.  I don’t know what the religious link is between Christ and a decorated sugar cookie or a solid milk chocolate bunny, but as long as that link exists, I’ll go to Mass.

  2. Both men are channeling the nuns of the fifties who also divided everything in the known world into the good and the bad…they were always on the good side and little boys like billy and danny were always on the bad….

    B and D have internalized the moral conflict into adult life in an perpetual and losing attempt to be the nuns..who had all the power

    B and D will be in control if they can just keep cataloging what is good and what is bad, over and over and over..and demanding that everyone must agree with them or go to hell….christmas, movies, songs, dress, children, the list is endless…..

    it is sad and pathetic…

  3. I don’ like the consumerism and the one upsmanship.  It is theologically minor and inaccurately placed on the calender.

    Easter and Pentacost are theologically more important than Christmas even without all the secular BS.

    Celebrating the birth of Jesus (which was most likely in the spring anyway) doesn’t make sense.  Shouldn’t you be celebrating the “Conception” of jesus since according to the Catholic church that’s when life begins and that is when the miracle occured.

    Soon I will have to start going to church again (its a deal I made with my wife before we got married regarding children) and I will be reminded how unchristian the christian holidays are just how I am reminded how unpatriotic the patriotic holidays are.

    1. I think you need to watch “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” or “A Christmas Carol” while drinking egg nog by a burning yule log. If you focus on theological issues and inaccurate dates, you’ll miss the look on your child’s face when your consumerism and one upsmanship  pays off on Christmas morning.  It’s the one day a year he/she will forgive you for getting him/her up every Sunday morning for two hours of boredom in uncomfortable clothing.

      Merry Christmas.

    1. the price of gas at the pump continues to fall. I say we declare war on the 4th of July next — it seems to have a beneficial effect on some things.

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