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November 22, 2008 04:06 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Oh yeah, big time.”

–Joe Lieberman


71 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

    1. Some of the greatest humanity has to offer are taken before they reach the fullest extent of their potential. John and Robert Kennedy , Mohandas Gandhi, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, and too many others have touched us even after they’ve left us to show us a more enlightened way to live and to treat our fellow man.

      We could spend all our lives wondering what could have been. I hope that rather than mourn, we all endeavor to promote their ideals, and aspire ourselves to be better than we are.

    2. Homecoming scheduled for that night in 1963. Marcia was beautiful, why she liked geeky me remains a mystery.

      Lee Harvey Oswald messed all that up!

      That high school building is going to be a modern art museum.  On Monday I sneaked in and took a number of photos.  You can see them, along with commentary, http://www.pbase.com/pzo/shs .  

          1. .

            it was a US Navy vessel that launched Polaris missiles.  The only surface ship to ever do so, as I recall.  Home Port of Port Canaveral.  

            Ship’s early history: http://www.history.navy.mil/da

            Launch photo: http://www.navsource.org/archi

            Since then, it has been mounted with a phased array radar for early National Missile Defense experiments.  

            In fact, Kennedy visited to watch a sub launch a Polaris off the Florida coast from the OI.  My Dad was the Exec.  He got to spend about 6 hours with JFK as his escort on board.  


        1. Peace Corps.  I had been in my site in the middle of the southern Andes…what was to become FARC country…for just about a month…..first time most people had seen an American…first time I had seen Colombia campesinos….just beginning to get to know each other when the “coke a colas”

          in town, (which is what teenagers were called) with their transistor radios…came and said that Castro had killed Kennedy..I .switched on the shortwave radio in time to hear something called New York World Wide and an open mike….we heard the back and forth in the news room until we got the official announcement. It was awful, but I did not show any signs of panic nor was I afraid for the safety of my family back in the states…

          Colombia was just emerging from fifteen years of violence which began with the Bogotaso…the assassination of Guitan, a young and popular leader.  Colombians assumed that we would have violence in the US and since I was not afraid for my family, some concluded that I was not American, but Russian, and part of a world wide conspiracy from the Soviet Union.  

          Months later, the padre said he was afraid for my safety because some in the village wanted to kill me….luckily my Spanish was so bad at the time, I didn’t have a clue.  What stopped this madness was when Jackie Kennedy took her children out in public at the funeral and john john did the salute…..that picture flashed around the world and arrived in my village on the front page of “El Tiempo” ..a few days later……if Jackie Kennedy was not afraid for the safety of her children, maybe my responses were normal for Americans…

          Every day, the world watches us.  We teach and don’t even know it.

          May Kennedy rest in peace and may perpetual light shine upon him.

          1. Nobody here is going to top that one in the “Where I was when I heard about the Kennedy assasination” category.  Sometimes we do forget that even at our worst, we’re pretty amazing.

            1. That was one of America’s finest hours….belief in our institutions and belief in each other…

              the story of the assassination is, however, one I wish I never had to know….never had to tell….

              On a lighter note, Chris “tingle up my leg” Matthews sometimes spits out truisms..in spite of himself… was screaming on election night about Obama winning…and he kept saying,” is this a great country or what…we did it…and the whole world wants to know how….and we don’t know how we did it….”

              1. “at our worst” or I expressed it poorly.  What I meant was that in the face of all kinds of trauma; political assassinations, suspicions of stolen elections, suspicions of dark conspiracies, even absolute proof of crime in the highest reaches of our government, our underlying faith in our democratic institutions keeps us from going completely over the edge.  

                There are no bloody coups or military take overs. In many parts of the world, such as where you found yourself during that difficult time, that is still seen as amazing and inspiring.  As Chris Matthews enthused, We really do manage to remain a great country through it all.  

  1. A: “Oh yeah, big time.”

    He sold himself to McCain so that maybe he’d have a seat at the McCain Administration table. Realizing he bet on the wrong horse, he offered himself to the Democratic Caucus to save his precious committee chair. I wonder how much integrity goes for these days.

    Honor is a virtue lost in most politicians, and in our society as a whole. Very few give the time to ask themselves if their actions are honorable.

    I’m not angry with Joe Lieberman. I believe that he acted ore in his own interests than the interests of the party or the people he serves. He should realize this and step down of his own volition, rather than act as if the vote to allow him to keep his committee chair was a vote of absolution.

    1. .

      perhaps he believes that he must stay as close as possible to the halls of power to serve the constituency that cannot be named.  

      You can think of him as you will; I’m sure he sees himself as sacrificing personal pride for a larger objective.


  2. This comes from one of my favorite bloggers- Cassandra at Villainous Company:

    Had I realized, lo! these many years, that Governor Palin was personally grinding up helpless live turkeys (feathers, feet and all!) and then somehow reassembling them behind the scenes into the bland, Butterball frozen corpses in plastic bodybags we so casually toss into the grocery cart each November, I would NEVER have participated in this wholesale avian genocide. My God… how many of our poor feathered friends been slaughtered while still alive over the years???

    Who knew of this outrage? And when did they know it? Why weren’t we told?

    And most importantly, how dare this… this…. slut remind us of what we so patently don’t want to think about? She is obviously a moron.

    Incompetent. A fool. And tacky besides. Ye Gods, to think that all this time, we have been eating animals! Live animals that some … monster had to murder in cold blood before their tender, juicy carcasses magically showed up in neat little shrink wrapped packages down at the local Piggly Wiggly. The very thought is disgusting to decent, intelligent, civilized people.

    1. I didn’t understand the left freak out.

      But then again I am a lefty who has butchered animals, hunts and believes that good environmentalism means you understand life and death.

          1. I follow my paternal grandfather’s recipe for a deer kielbasa and he included a proportion of pork. And this is the right time of year for it. Nothing better on New Years than a traditional kielbasa sausage.

            The only trouble is going to be that for deer in this late season in Elbert I’ll have to use a bow and I’m out of practice. I’ll have to work like mad to even get one of the overconfident beasts out there.

            1. She’s married to a hunter.  Yes, the sausage with pig meat is definitely more appealing.

              Deer season just opened yesterday or today in northern Wisconsin, a friend told me.  

                  1. doing checking out X rated movies?

                    (And are you sure about the rating? I know it was controversial but I don’t think they gave it the dreaded X rating.)

                    1. apparently. I could be wrong, because I have seen the movie and it is rated R now. Its one of those weird memories, not sure why I know it, but I do.  

      1. Just amazed that, after everything that has happened in this woman’s short career as a national figure, Sarah didn’t seem to realize how perfectly this plays into the whole Sara Palin as a living breathing SNL skit persona.

        Sure we all know (or should) where the meat on our plates comes from but the whole point of the turkey pardoning thing is to create a light PR moment.  That’s why the President does it on the White House lawn, not at the slaughtering facility.  

        On the other hand, she may well know exactly how this fits her national joke image and may be playing it up with an eye toward her post-Governor career as a daffy righty celebrity.  If that’s the case, I salute her savvy.

    2. And of course, burgers are grown in “Burger Patches” – as McDonald’s tried to indoctrinate us as kids. Oh no, cows aren’t slaughtered and their flesh ground up to make Big Macs…

      I think Palin was set up by the camera crew. It’s very obvious that the photographer was framing the shot so that Palin would be in the foreground and that quizzical, Chaplinesque Turkey Murderer would be in the background, staring at the camera as if he were saying, “Are you seriously taking video of me as I slowly decapitate yet another turkey?”

      I don’t feel sorry for Palin, though. And God help me, I laughed out loud as, turkey writhing in its death throes behind her, she blithely commented about the “brutal” media… She should have realized what was going on behind her.

  3. It’s being reported that Obama has picked Robert Gibbs to be his press secretary.


    Gibbs has been at the side of President-elect Barack Obama since his Senate campaign in 2004. A Southerner and tough fighter, Gibbs has been a passionate defender of Obama who can virtually channel the Illinois senator’s thoughts…

    One critic called Gibbs “the bland face of brazenness” when he said Obama’s decision to resign from his church amid the controversy over the Rev. Jeremiah Wright was “a deeply personal decision, not a political decision.”

    Others marveled at his spunk when he called Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly a “bully” and asked Sean Hannity, “Are you anti-Semitic?” in response to the TV commentator’s questions about Obama’s relationship to William Ayers, a 1960s radical.

    Guy seems fairly unflappable, even when pushing the envelope. Here’s his appearance, referenced above, on Hannity’s show:

  4. Article in the New York Times about Joe Biden moving to Washington, D.C. for the first time in his career:


    Not since Jacob K. Javits took near-daily flights back to New York City (mostly to please his wife, Marian, who refused to leave Manhattan) have a senator’s commuting habits been so carefully documented. But Mr. Biden’s nightly 90-minute Amtrak rides to Wilmington, Del., will grind to a halt in January, when he and Dr. Biden, an English professor, take up residence at No. 1 Observatory Circle, on the grounds of the United States Naval Observatory, the official home of vice presidents since 1974.

    Mr. Biden will be the first vice president to move into the residence without previously living in Washington, said Donald Ritchie, a Senate historian.

    For the Bidens, the move will bring a drastic change in habit. Mr. Biden, 66, will abandon his long-cherished routine that cemented his reputation as “Amtrak Joe,” an average guy who rushes to make the train home to spend time with his kids. Dr. Biden, 57, will almost certainly surrender her job at Delaware Technical and Community College.

    1. .

      Joe didn’t have to rush to catch the train; if he was running late, they held it for him.  If he was really running late, an aide called to tell them that the train could go without him.  

      After all, he used his Senatorial influence to make sure that route didn’t get cut back.  The feeding hand got no bite marks.  


      1. I’ve been trying to find a citation to back up what you’ve written about Amtrak holding trains for Biden, but I haven’t been successful. If you can point me towards a reference, I’d appreciate it.

        1. .

          what I wrote is just me guessing about the circumstances and relationships.  It is not based on personal observation or knowledge.  I haven’t read it anywhere.  I made it up.  Based on what little I know of our governing elites, I believe it to be true.  

          This sort of thing would be especially difficult to document.  If I’m right, who in the know is going to say so ?  

          The workers in AMTRAK who owe him their jobs, which he pays for with appropriated funds ?   Joe’s staff ?  

          Why would I write such negative stuff that, in other circumstances, might be considered slander ?

          I just get tired of hearing about Saint Biden.  

          The guy who was in discussions recently about making his seat in the Senate into a hereditary possession, to be passed on to his son.  

          The guy who repudiates Catholic teaching, but insists he’s a Catholic.  

          The guy who has been in Congress for about a gazillion years, and has yet to make a mark, save for his 25-minute long “questions” to people testifying before him.  

          He claims expertise on foreign policy, but then he put his name on the “Biden – Gelb” colonialist plan for the white man to partition Iraq, with the indigenous Iraqis having no say in the decision.  

          He’s likable enough, and seems decent.  

          But the guy is as pretentious and full of himself as the day is long.  

          He, and most of the most senior members of Congress, ceased “serving” long ago, and now they run for reelection purely out of vanity.  

          Don’t you think that, if he had some important contribution to make, he would have done it by now ?   I think he’s been in Washington 36 years, and still the most notable thing about him is that his first wife was killed in a car wreck.  


          There is just the slightest hint of a possible basis for my allegations in the Wikipedia entry on Joe:

          “Biden has been a strong supporter of increased Amtrak funding and rail security;[37] he hosts an annual Christmas dinner for the Amtrak crews.[37]”

          It proves nothing.


          1. even if my agenda in posting the article was, indeed, to cut the guy a little slack.

            Biden sounds decent enough, at times, from certain angles…but he displays some strong authoritarian tendencies, as well.

          2. I believe that the War on Drugs was one of his accomplishments – that is, in that he got a lot of that legislation through the Senate, not in the abject failure that it’s been.

          3. have presented it as conjecture not as if you were repeating known facts.  But then perhaps you have no more respect for reality based thinking than do folks like Carl Rove and no more use for fact checking before spewing than folks like Rush. Very disappointed, Barron. I gave you more credit than that.

  5. .

    Good news.  The NY Times asked the best minds what we should do in Iraq.


    Folks like Don Rumsfeld and Ahmad Chalabi.

    Folks who got us involved in Iraq in the first place, and who played important roles in ensuring early and consistent success.  

    If the NY Times is the country’s liberal newspaper, these opinions must be pretty respected here, no doubt ?  


    1. You know better than anyone else that the war was pretty purely political.  Even I can give someone advice on a crappy ploy while knowing how it should actually be handled.

    2. we need to accelerate the pull out.  Its bad enough that we are still there, but we put our troops at great risk if we are still responsible but without control.

      Chalabi makes me sick.  He’s an Iranian agent. He suckered us into achieving Iran’s strategic objectives.  Now he wants us to leave? of cousre Iran does now that we’ve achieved their strategic objectives.  I want to leave to, but at least I know we lost the second the war was conceived, because it advanced Iran’s (and to a lesser exten al Qaeda’s) strateic aims.

      I am an amatuer, but the folks who cooked up the Iraq war make me look like Augustus Ceasar.

      1. and the White House could’ve done a lot better vetting if they did their homework, but, of course they didn’t.  He promised a complete army before the invasion and when it actually happened it was a small tribe of about 50 thugs and looters.

        1. the only standard in an administration that bragged about liberation from all things “reality based”.  And obtaining the desired scenario didn’t even require torture in Chalabi’s case. Just a willingness to play and be played in equal measure to get  to the desired goal.

  6. From Talking Points Memo

    Now this is really something. The NRSC and Freedom’s Watch are now airing ads in the Georgia Senate runoff accusing Democratic candidate Jim Martin of being against cracking down on people who abuse and prey on children.

    The problem: Martin’s own daughter was abducted when she was eight years old. Fortunately, she was returned safely. When asked for comment by Election Central, the NRSC declined to comment on this little wrinkle in the story.

    The Martin campaign, as one might expect, is rather revolted by this development.

    “Jim Martin has never forgotten the horror of coming face-to-face with violent crime. That’s why he spent his career working to protect Georgia’s children and families,” Martin spokesperson Kate Hansen said in a press release. “Georgians will reject Chambliss’ false personal attacks because they know that Jim Martin always stands up to protect Georgia families.”

    The Martin campaign is firing back with this ad, in which Martin speaks to the camera about the experience of his daughter’s abduction:

    1. Apparently this kind of crap backfiring on Dole, Musgrace, Bachmann, etc didn’t get the message through. If we can have a couple more lose when they try this, we may see the worst of the worst in campaigning go away.

      1. A 527 put out an ad that Bradford, the breast cancer survivor, doesn’t support breast cancer causes.

        The good news; if both parties learn neither would ever have to retaliate.

  7. from HuffPo – Mayor Newsom

    Yesterday, joined by San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed and Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums I announced a nine-step policy plan for transforming the Bay Area into the “Electric Vehicle (EV) Capital of the U.S.” In support of this initiative Better Place, a global electric transportation company announced that it would enter the U.S. market with California as its first state, beginning in the Bay Area.

    1. Cutler was pathetic.  I have almost lost all of my remaining faith.  How can a 6-5 team who loses to the Raiders be leading the AFC West ?  Crazy.

      1. as much as the Broncos do. And yet I still expect they’ll make the playoffs. I bet the Chargers wish they had Martyball back in a big way.

        One thing to keep in mind is that the Broncos are a young team who caught the injury bug this year. We are going to be a force in the AFC for years to come, whereas the rest of the AFC West teams are either getting old (SD) or are totally inept (KC and Oakland). Don’t lose your faith Fidel.

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