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November 21, 2008 04:36 PM UTC

Open Line Friday!

  • by: Colorado Pols

“He’s always had a crush on me.”

–Hillary Clinton, on Rush Limbaugh


64 thoughts on “Open Line Friday!

    1. My wife and I are hosting our first Thanksgiving dinner next week. I’ll make sure not to play that video during the Cowboys game.

      It did kind of make me hungry though… for mooseburgers.

  1. from the Denver Post

    Moira Jane Murphy thought she became Moira Murphy Meadors after her October wedding, but the state Division of Motor Vehicles wouldn’t allow that change on her driver’s license under renewed marching orders clerks received Monday that bar middle-name changes without a court order.

    State officials say the rule that prevents women from turning maiden names into middle names – part of a spate of laws meant to protect against identity theft – has been on the books since the early 2000s.

    Not a law, a rule. Come on people – use your brains. Fix this.

    1. Many women drop, either officially or unoffically any middle name and use their maiden name instead.

      This is an old, old custom that apparently our wise legislators and bureaucrats are ignorant of.  

  2. from TPM

    The new Gallup poll shows that the Republican Party as an institution has a 61% unfavorable rating, with only 34% favorable. And the numbers have only gone downhill since the election — in October they were at 40% favorable and 53% unfavorable.

    But it actually gets worse for the GOP from there.

    A separate question in the data set showed 59% of Republicans saying the party needs to be more conservative, compared to only 12% who say the party should be less conservative. So not only is the pool of Republican voters shrinking, but the ones who remain are really nuts.

    and from Bloomberg News

    Representative Mike Pence says the Republican Party doesn’t need new ideas: It needs to reconnect to old ones.

    The Indiana lawmaker, elected Nov. 19 to the No. 3 House Republican leadership job, says only the limited-government and low-taxes orthodoxy of Ronald Reagan can revive the party after its heavy losses in this year’s elections.

    Pence, 49, is one of the most outspoken conservatives in the congressional leadership and will be an important player in any plan to lead Republicans back to power.

    1. Is actually an eloquent guy and darn good in front of a microphone (probably since he’s been a radio guy in the past). He frightens me for his ability to mobilize GOP voters more than others fighting for leadership posts right now. He’ll be a pretty formidable opponent, IMO.

        1. to agree that we’re going in the ‘right’ direction.  We have some work to do, but I think you underestimate how much exposure to general incompetence the Dems have now by controlling everything.  

          Remember what it feels like right now between election and inauguration day.  It will only go downhill from here – it’s just natural.

        2. A Pence-style conservative, who is very fiscally conservative and would rather talk economics than social policy is much more formidable than a Boehner or McConnell styled ideologue on both ends, I would venture. We’ll see how that plays out though.  

  3. about handing Arizona’s Gov over to the repubs if Napolitano become Secretary Homeland Security?

    Isn’t this why people don’t want Schweitzer to go anywhere?

      1. You really need someone who can integrate a sprawling organization.

        Clarke is a great public servant, but DHS needs an executive–I hope there is another job for Clarke. CIA maybe?

        1. and Governor Napolitano is certainly versed in one part of the DHS’s duties–immigration.

          However, from everything I’ve read about her, she doesn’t have any experience regarding terrorism. That is somewhat troubling as I would hate to see DHS change its focus from counter-terrorism to immigration enforcement.

          I’m sure I’m being presumptuous that she wouldn’t do a good job, and I’m also sure she’ll get a lot of people who know everything there is to know about the subject.

          1. I would hate to see DHS change its focus from counter-terrorism to immigration enforcement.

            We’re not doing either right now.  If she bakes really good cookies at DHS it will be an improvement.

                1. (the other being African AIDS relief) but it’s more due to the people in places like DHS, the CIA, the FBI, NSA, and local law enforcement.

                  On the downside, terrorism has exploded in many other countries.

                2. Just before 9/11 happened I thought our airport security was pretty good because it had been decades since the previous hijacking of a plane that had taken off from an American airport. Turns out it was just good luck. Who’s to say that’s not just as much as what’s happened since then?

                  1. Until 9/11, nobody had ever hijacked airliners full of people specifically to use them as missiles.

                    I’d love to see some asshole stand up on a plane with a box cutter now.

                    1. You already hear plenty of stories of passengers dogpiling on people who start acting up on airplanes. No one is taking any chances now.

                      My point, though, has more to do with how people tend to relax their vigilance when things don’t happen for a long time. And then there are those times when they test it and still get weapons past the checkpoints.

                      My main beef with Bush has been a) taking unconstitutional (IMO) measures – I’d rather not trade my rights for security – and b) going after Iraq under the guise of fighting terror, when it’s a demonstrable fact that Saddam Hussein was not allied with the terrorists and was not posing a great danger to the region thanks to our presence there.

                  2. Assuming the next 60 or so days go without incident, Bush will have overseen a period where we were nearly 100% sure we were going to get hit again… but we didn’t.

                    Again, I’m giving 95% of the credit to the people working their asses off to make sure it doesn’t happen again. But like it or not, history will remember that there was 9/11, and then 7 years with no attacks.

                  3. Doctrine was to not resist during a hijack.  That doctrine came to an end over Pennsylvania.  

                    No airplane is going to be turned in to a missle again.  No one will ever passively allow a plane to be hijacked again.

                    70’s era hijackers used the act to bring attention to a cause or to gain hostages to trade for prisoners.  But the 70’s are a quaint era of chivalry.  Al Qaeda’s goal was pure terror.  Their objective was served by either us leaving or the US declaringwar on islam (which is why invading Iraq was so stupid–we reinforced by our heavy handed objective).

        1. Wouldn’t she be gone before the Census reports the new numbers? And even if she would be in office Dabee77 reports they have an independent commission down there in Arizona.

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