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November 18, 2008 01:51 AM UTC

Friend of Pols Departs Post?

  • by: Colorado Pols

The frequent layoffs and restructurings at Denver’s two papers often leave us wondering who’s covering what beat–or if anybody is.

But we were surprised to see this today, forwarded to us by a reader who got it as an email autoreply:

From: Ewegen, Bob [bewegen@denverpost.com]

I have retired from the Denver Post effective Friday, Nov. 14, 2008.   Please direct any inquiries to Dan Haley, dhaley@denverpost.com.

Say it ain’t so, Bob. We’ll miss you if it is.


39 thoughts on “Friend of Pols Departs Post?

  1.    Your voice of reason, humor, and experience from the Repub side will be missed.  I hope your move from the Post will not keep you from continuing with our converation here.

      Best wishes for your next chapter.  

  2. His latest column doesn’t say anything about retiring.  Don’t think he’s posted since Thursday.  Not posting for a long weekend isn’t that strange but abruptly ending a long career at the Post without a goodbye column or mentioning his up-coming retirement ( quite the opposite on the front page editor thread) here seems pretty odd.  Please, ColPols, find out what’s up with Bob.

        1. Although it’s not uncommon for reporters or editors to keep an impending resignation close to the vest until the day, so we don’t know whether it was a sudden resignation or he just didn’t tip us off beforehand.

  3. Bob, I hope you continue to post here. From when you posted under an earlier pseudonym to your most recent comments on the election, I appreciated your thoughts.

    If anything, come up with a new name and rejoin us soon.  We can suggest a nom de plume here for you.

    How about Voyager II?

    1. A word or two would be good to have, even if only to confirm everything’s okay.

      If you need to stay quiet while you’re planning your secret takeover of the Republican Party Chairmanship, that’s fine – just say something…

  4. I posted it again because at the time, I was really taken back. First, I was really shocked by the Post’s mistake and second by BE’s response.  I think there was something going on at the Post. I think there still is a whole lot more to the whole story.  Bye the bye. I really don’t drink much. I really need a drink a lot of the time.  Not the same thing.

    They are losing it over at the Denver Post

    Today, the Post in an editorial came out against Amendment 48.  In so doing, the Post announced that

    “The debate over presonhood was settled in 1973 by the Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision on whether states could outlaw abortions. The court defined a fetus as a person if it developed into the third trimester..”

    That is crazy.  Here is what the Court actually decided in Roe v. Wade

    (a) For the stage prior to approximately the end of the first trimester, the abortion decision and its effectuation must be left to the medical judgment of the pregnant woman’s attending physician. Pp. 163, 164.

    (b) For the stage subsequent to approximately the end of the first trimester, the State, in promoting its interest in the health of the mother, may, if it chooses, regulate the abortion procedure in ways that are reasonably related to maternal health. Pp. 163, 164.

    (c) For the stage subsequent to viability the State, in promoting its interest in the potentiality of human life, may, if it chooses, regulate, and even proscribe, abortion except where necessary, in appropriate medical judgment, for the preservation of the life or health of the mother. Pp. 163-164; 164-165.

    and in IX A

    “All this, together with our observation, supra, that throughout the major portion of the 19th century prevailing legal abortion practices were far freer than they are today, persuades us that the word “person,” as used in the Fourteenth Amendment, does not include the unborn.”

    Here is the link: http://www.tourolaw.edu/Patch/

    The issue is not about abortion or even women’s rights.  The issue is accurately describing a decision of the Supreme Court so as to protect the integrity of the United States Constitution.

    But what the hell are they doing at the Post? Making stuff up?  Nobody can google?  The editorial board is looking for a safe place to land ?  The board  figures that no one gives a flying f##k about the Amendment?  Nobody give a flying f##k about what the Post  says???  

    Nothing in the last week has scared me until I read this crazy statement in the Post.  If you cannot trust the Post to even get the facts on this straight, then how the hell can we trust anything they write?  I disagree with a few of their editorial positions…although quite frankly, I never before questioned the veracity of what was stated.

    I need a drink.

    by: dwyer @ Mon Sep 22, 2008 at 21:04:26 PM MDT

    [ Reply ]

    I think you’ve had plenty to drink already

    The post accurately summarized the trimester distinctions.

    by: bob ewegen @ Tue Sep 23, 2008 at 18:38:59 PM MDT

    | Reply ]

    Sure, and the sky is blue

    The Post manufactured the REASON for the distinction in the third trimester.  That is the point.  The Editorial Board of which you are a member let go with an editorial which had a false statement in it.  I showed the documentation which proved the statement is false.  And, since the very issue is the definition of personhood, the false statement takes on immense importance.

    Your hostility does not change the fact that the Post printed a false statement.  Your personal attack doesn’t change the fact that the Post printed a false statement.

    Shame on you and shame on the gd Post.  

    by: dwyer @ Wed Sep 24, 2008 at 07:54:17 AM MDT

    | Reply ]

    You showed nothing except a conclusion that backed up our ed.

    As I said, you have had more than enough to drink already.  Way more than enough.

    by: bob ewegen @ Wed Sep 24, 2008 at 09:29:23 AM MDT

    | Reply ]

    What the hell is your problem, BE?

    Your ed mistated the conclusion of the United States Supreme Court in defining whether or not  the unborn were “persons” in the context of the 14th Amendment. Your ed said that the court said they were, in the third trimester.  I documented that the Supreme Court said no such damm thing.

    I genuinely do not understand what you are doing. The Post made a very serious error in recounting the Court’s decision.

    You are all over the place.  The illusion to my “drinking” is spurious.  Your hostility is unprovoked. You are not making any sense.

    I didn’t object to the conclusion of the ed.  I pointed out a very serious mistatement.  This is not about me. I am not that important.  This is about the credibility of the Post and its editorial board, of which you are a member.  You can bully me all you want, it doesn’t change facts.

    by: dwyer @ Wed Sep 24, 2008 at 09:44:20 AM MDT

    | Reply ]

    It’s about you being non compis mentis, Dwyer.

    How is it bullying you to refute your rantings? And you are the one who mentioned your drinking.  I only noted that it seems to explain some of your outbursts. So take one more snarl and have the last word.

    by: bob ewegen @ Wed Sep 24, 2008 at 10:08:39 AM MDT | Reply ]

  5. Bob is, in every conceivable way, the dean of Colorado reporters/columnists, particularly the latter. When I was an elected official (ok, a politician) I respected him for his wisdom and fairness-and when I became a newspaper columnist, I respected him for his sweeping knowledge of the issues, for his crisp, incisive prose, and for his powerful intelligence.  I can’t believe that he’s left the Post without a word of farewell, without the respect due to the grand (and not so old!) man of Colorado journalism. Bob, what’s the second act?  Your fans are waiting…

  6. That have occured at the Post since Dean Singleton bought it, nothing now surprises me.

    Palmer Hoyt is spinning in his grave.

    I am guessing Bob had had enough and decided to get out now rather than endure more.  Hey, retirement can be swell, and you have a lot more freedom.

    As has been noted here numerous times The Post will be the worse for his departure, as will we.

    If only one daily newspaper survives in Denver, please let it be the Rocky!

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