We’re just going to post the email we received a few minutes ago verbatim. Links to related material helpfully supplied by your hosts:
Dear Colorado Pols,
In your dishonorable attempts to spread dissention and disunity in the Colorado Republican Party by shopping name after name for the next Chairman, you left out the one man who could actually unify all the differing “clans” of the party and move us forward to recovery in 2010. There is one man who has shown his dedication to leadership, was victimized by the powermad ideologcal nuts who gave us Bob Beauprez and Bob Schaffer, and who remains committed to seeing the party restored to its rightful majority position.
I’m talking about Marc Holtzman.
The left has Howard Dean, who lost his presidential primary at the hands of insiders but emerged triumphant as the Chairman of the DNC. Not only did he invest in races way outside “safe” Democrat strongholds, winning many of them-he built the infrastructure that allowed Barack Hussein Obama to outspend his opponent by giant sums and carry key “red” states like Colorado. Doesn’t this story closely parallel Holtzman’s? At least the first half?
Holtzman understands technology, which would give him a leg up on trying to counter the left’s vast network of coordinated online message machines (like Colorado Pols). He doesn’t need a handout from party coffers to stay personally solvent, which would instantly save the party hundreds of thousands of dollars over th next two years. And he has a devoted group of dozens of the most experienced political strategists and longtime grassroots activists in the state who remain personally committed to him.
Indeed, many of us have felt since Holtzman was “punked” (your manner of speech) out of the gubernatorial race, by a man who ultimately lost the office for our party by a humiliating margin, that one day Marc would return to prominence. With the hope of Dick Wadhams turned into yet another embarrassing failure to represent the hopes and needs of Colorado’s enduring conservative majority of citizens, that day could be closer than ever.
Please feel free to publicly post these thoughts, don’t bother replying because this is the only time I intend to use this throwaway email address.
A Committed Colorado Republican
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You’ve got to be kidding me. Holtzman? HOLTZMAN?
The thing is, I wonder if the GOPer is right. Would Holtzman be energizing like Dean was? Innovative and fearless about competing everywhere?
How about with a stepstool?
Didn’t Holtzman poll whether or not he’d make a better candidate if he were married? That’s leadership you can believe!
From one point of view I would love to see Marc Holtzman in charge of Colorado Republicans. I think it would make it impossible for them to challenge Democratic majorities in the state.
On the other hand I’d like to see a Republican party fielding candidates I might support. Republicans similar to Susan Collins of Maine. Maybe even a liberal enough Republican to challenge in CD-1 and make it interesting.
Parties should be broad enough to run a 400 congressional district strategy. And not just a token opposition candidate either.
Ken Chloeber’s run in ’02 against Princess Diana was as a close to a “liberal” Republican running in C.D. 1 as we’re ever likely to see.
He could certainly raise the necessary money. And I suppose it’s one way of keeping him out of the Governor’s race… but would he want it? I don’t know.
Why don’t you ask him ? You know, right after the part where he cuts you the check.
just who are these “devoted group of dozens of the most experienced political strategists”??
Who knew Colorado Pols has so much influence in the upper reaches of Republican Party leadership? Wonder who this committed Republican is.
ColoradoPols was filtering talking points of dissent and disunity to disgruntled republicans like Scott McInnis.
Oh all knowing Dead Guv’s, please tell us who’s going to be the Reagan reincarnate that “changes” the Republican Party.
Alva Adams, James Peabody and Jesse McDonald.
This guy is just too weird. He’s pissed at Pols because Holtzy hasn’t been pushed to the front? Several Polsters mentioned him.
Hey, Republican Dude (Pol’s kind of language you know, like “punked”) this is just an opinion forum.
Keep throwing those punches and insinuations; they will surely get you somewhere……..
it’s much like “liberal media” argument. I find it all to ironic and laughable that republicans seem to always portray themselves as both victims and members of the party of so-called “personal responsibility.”
The Governorator seems to be the only one who actually understands this.
It certainly was more dramatic than simply posting a diary, wasn’t it?
I thought the dissension and disunity within the happy Party of the Elephant was all the work of the two Scotts: McInnis and Starin.
Jim Martin is pitching an entirely new Republican Party and name dropped allies such as Bill Kaufman, Hank Brown, and Norma Anderson.
On the national level, the GOP is splitting along similar lines with Palin attracting the fringe (no insult LB) religious extremists and ideologues like Bill Kristol and Romney is trying to court the business elites. Even several Republican Governors are restless that Palin’s 15 minutes aren’t up yet.
For anyone, like the individual who drafted the above letter, to deny the infighting and coming battle of republican factions, is either out to lunch or works for a high ranking Republican who’s trying to wish it all away.
It’s not the technology that gives us on the left a leg up, it’s the people behind it. The technology is just a communication mechanism.
I can see the GOP in 2 years, they’ll have the blogs, they’s have the email distribution, they’ll be on facebook and MySpace. What they won’t have is the people to make use of any of it.
though he didn’t understand how to and hasn’t used it since July. Bullying people from the internet just didn’t seem to fancy his style I guess.
will use it.
and the guy is a joke. This planted letter by ” a committed colorado republican” is pure Holtzy. I hope he comes back just for the laughs.
More American citizens gave more money to Hussein that to a POW??? It must be some mind trick perpetrated by the liberal media, LIKE COLORADOPOLS! I bet it was Haners!
By a “Committed” Republican he means, to an institution.
Funniest thing I’ve heard today!
Alas, I was not a fan of Holtzy in the 2006 primary as those who have been here a while may recall. And he’s not my first choice this go around for Governor either.
But state chair? That’s an interesting idea.
Why would I need to send pols an e-mail when my front page status is still in effect? As if “Haners” wasn’t mysterious enough, I have to e-mail things to keep my secret identity…pure or something?
I meant to bring to light that you, an R have power in this medium, not that you were he who submitted it.
I was being facetious… again.
I plead “case of the Mondays”
With the Little Fella as state chair, Seymour might write some large checks to the state party. Remember all the $$$ he spent opposing C & D? If nothing else, it brings the party out of debt.
And as far as the GOP traditional strategy of calling the opposing candidate names, what was more effective: Holtzman’s name calling (Both Ways Bob) or Wadhams’ name calling (Boulder liberal Mark Udall)?
Don’t underestimate Holtzy!
…left the state even?
Told PolitickerCO on the 10th that he was “undecided” about running for Governor.
Sounds a lot like what a party chairman would do doesn’t it??
This letter was a set-up by Team Holtzman, I’ll bet money on it.
We know Dick will not go gently into that good night. The battle lines are being drawn with Wadhams, Andrews and Tancredo on one side and McInnis, Holtzman and Martin on the other.
While I can sympathize with the author’s dissapointment, I do not think the tone of his message is going to win many hearts and minds. Holtzman would be a great party leader, but whoever takes on that role is going to to be the public face of the state republican party for at least the next two years. We need a guy with the demeanor of Barack Obama, not Howard Dean.
Cool and collected is what Americans are looking for now. The anger and recrimination within the party has got to stop.
The author uses the president’s middle name as some sort of derragatory slight. That does not work. There was a candidate for congress who was (is?) selling shirts with an atom bomb in the middle of Obama’s logo comparing his name to the terrorist Osama bin Laden. My generation is not going to tolorate such stunts, and these antics will do nothing but drive people away from the Republican party.
Obama has a huge approval rating right now (granted, he has not started to govern yet) because people respond to the manner in which he conducts himself. You don’t see cheap sideshow, unbridled anger, or ad hominum attacks coming from him or leaders in his campaign.
It might take some time to develop policy and react to various proposals from the new adminsitration, but we can start rebuilding our image today by changing the way in which we project our brand.
is a Democrat. Probably doesn’t pull too much weight in the upcoming Battle of the Titans (and the Munchkin).
The rest of his time, he splits between metro Denver and Carbondale…..at least, that’s what I read in one of the Denver dailies a couple of weeks ago along with the announcement that he and Kirsten are expecting.
If this state chair thing doesn’t go his way, there’s always the possibility of running for the House of Commons in ’10 as a Tory somewhere in England.
Are they a viable party again yet?
No, I didn’t think so.
Holtzman can bring that perspective to Colorado and calmly urge state Republicans to accept their long, long exile into the wilderness. It will be a humanitarian mission.
have a shot at becoming PM. They’re on their way.
Your point’s good though, at least they seemed to have learned something in the last 11 years.
He’s disqualified just for the image of him walking that genetic disaster of a dog he has.
Not in a million years. He cost the R’s the Governor’s spot.
“He cost the R’s the Governor’s spot.”
Explain this please…
“Both Ways Bob”
Beauprez killed Beauprez’s campaign. It’s not Holtzman’s fault that Beauprez ran the worst statewide campaign of the last 100 years. He did that all on his own.
That might very well have been missed by Ritter’s nearly equally bad campaign folks.
Holzy was done in MAY. That was when he failed to petition onto the ‘pub primary. No one but political junkies were paying attention at that time, and while we might flatter ourselves at times, we make up a significantly small portion of the electorate. BWB had nearly 6 months to run his campaign without Holzy bothering him, so I say that blaming him for BWB’s loss is complete and utter bullshit.
Besides, even if you were right, what does that prove? Only that BWB was glaringly inadequate.
But remember, Mike Norton, on behalf of his client, Trailhead, didn’t settle their lawsuit against Holtzy to recover their litigation costs incurred when Holtzy sued to get on the primary ballot until the third or fourth week of Oct. ’06.
They just had to keep rubbing the Little Fella’s face in it as long as they could.
I’d forgotten about that. So, if LB is on the right track, Holzy caused BWB to lose because of the publicity of the lawsuit directed at him. Talk about blaming the victim. (I kid…)
And Holtzman will always be the guy who lost to the guy who ran the worst statewide campaign in 100 years. Not exactly a good qualification for running Colorados GOP.
…these people come from hearty stock!
to see him return to Colorado and add to the chorus of flatulence that is now the Colorado Republican Party. Holzman really helped put DU on the map as President, was such an inspiring and unifying factor during his short run for the party’s gubernatorial nomination in ’06… why not direct that boundless talent for the benefit of the Republican Party? And he ‘understands technology!’ Sheesh. Maybe his former friend Bill Owens can beat the drum for him THIS time, too?
I think he actually pissed off everybody in Colorado politics during his ill fated run.
One person trying to make it look like a groundswell.
Ok folks, if it’s a groundswell then there will be a number of actual names attached to the proposal.
I’m pretty moderate, right?
No. Fucking. Way.
If he ends up in that job I’m switching parties. Just imagine what an asshole I’d be then?!?!?
..to pick smart and tech-savvy people to run both his campaign, and the rise of the DNC?
Gov Dr Dean didn’t invent the internet-based campaign he used to raise stunning amounts of cash – he was smart enough to see the potential, and choose the right people to implement it.
I read “The First Campaign” by Garrett Graff early last year, and I recognized then what the Obama campaign was doing was a better-organized, more disciplined version of the Dean campaign of ’04. (Well, unlike Dean, Obama can give a speech without shrieking.)
Holtzman using the web to harvest microdonations from the party faithful? Or using existing social & calendar websites to organize campaign an volunteer events? Dude could barely get out a press release without sounding like a ‘tard, much less counterpunch an experienced and nasty Repub like Bob.
If you want to draw comparisons between Dean and the Colorado GOP Head-du-jour, make sure that there’s something to compare!
…it’s the shmo in charge of it.
I just found this video of his wedding:
There sure is a lot of SNARK here for a Monday…
…no one had a good weekend, huh?