With Bernie Buescher out of the running to replace Andrew Romanoff as the next Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives who do you think is next in line?
I truly believe losing Buescher is not only a loss for the Western Slope but all of Colorado. However I also believe Rep. Kathleen Curry could lead in the same fashion that Bernie would have.
With state Rep. Bernie Buescher defeated at the polls Tuesday, Rep. Kathleen Curry, D-Gunnison, said today she has decided “to throw her hat in the ring” to succeed outgoing Speaker of the House Andrew Romanoff, D-Denver.
“I’ve thrown my hat into the ring for the speaker position,” Curry told Political Notebook.
Curry said she wants to make sure the Western Slope has a seat at the table among the Democratic leadership. With Buescher out, she said she is best candidate to accomplish that goal.
Should Curry replace Romanoff, who is term limited, she would be the Western Slope’s first speaker of the House since Rep. Russ George, R-Rifle, held the position in 2000.
The House Democratic caucus will elect its leaders Thursday in Denver.
Curry has been a leader on rural and water issues, as well as working in a bipartisan manner – See her bill to Preserve the Republican Water River Water j/k. She’s the real deal Western leader.
Enough campaigning from me. Who do you think should be the next Speaker?
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I voted for Curry 😉
She’s well qualified, and it would be a good idea getting someone outside of Denver. The Senate prez is from Denver. The new House majority leader will probably be from Denver. The Guv, Lt. Guv, Treasurer, and most like, the new Sec. of State all hail from Denver.
We need to behave like a statewide governing party. Let the Repubs be the regional party of El Paso, Douglas and Mesa Counties.
Gender certainly shouldn’t be the deciding factor, but the number of women in legislative leadership looks to be, um, dwindling without Fitz-Gerald or Madden around. Especially when you consider that the Dem caucuses have been pretty consistently 50/50 in terms of gender balance of late. It would be nice to have some geographical diversity and Colorado’s second woman speaker.
but she’s also very intelligent and willing to work with just about anyone (except for Doug Bruce). Being a West Slope legislator has allowed her to team up with a lot of Republicans on a lot of issues. She’s well suited for brokering the House.
I don’t like your poll.
if you have a better choice, let us know instead of insulting the picks I have listed.
Carroll for Majority Leader, Andy Kerr in his place, Pommer as senior JBC Dem, Curry as junior, McGihon can be Cacus Chair, Buffie new whip.
No insult intended, I’m just whiny today.
could Wiessman bar-tend from the Speakers desk? I might sit in for those days! What do you think Ewegen?
An Oops?
More or less. Though I still think that Pommer will be Speaker.
I just worry about the JBC and would like him there.
As I posted in the other thread, I think it is a done deal.
In an historic year, Terrence will be the first African-American Speaker of the House.
That will make the Senate President and the Speaker, African-Americans.
What a way to end this election season.
And yes, I voted for Terrence in the poll.
goes to the senate this year.
I doubt they’ll pick Curry. Really, really doubt.
Roger Wilson will most likely be taking her seat pretty soon, It’s unlikely she will find the votes to win. She about 500 votes down.
They won’t risk having all that egg on their face.
Full disclosure, I voted for Roger Wilson.
I just realized this diary is from 2 years ago.
What’s going on? Am I in the twilight zone?
reading the dairy fully (instead of scanning), and seeing the dairy pronouncing Sal Pace’s leadership appointment, I think I understand.
This is meant to be a flashback to the previous leadership selection? Remind up where we were two years ago?
Okay. Now I get it.
Please ignore my inane rambling and continue with your day.
We’re not sure why a posted from 11/5/08 appeared on the homepage on 11/5/2010, but we’re checking it out. As you were, we agree that it’s rather unlikely Kathleen Curry will be the next Speaker.