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November 04, 2008 09:56 PM UTC

Senate Races Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

For Colorado and those other states.


26 thoughts on “Senate Races Open Thread

    1. …a doof-a-saurus

      As far as I know, he would like to move all government away from the education business (including state and local school boards).  Charter schools and vouchers all the way, baby.

      However, he does not want the money to stop flowing to the charters / vouchers.  Just the public oversight.

        1. How convenient that it is all their fault.  So, you would throw out publicly elected oversight because you are upset at the unions.

          Please cite the evidence you have that unions are causing low graduation rates in minorities.

          Personally, I think that widespread, societal racism continues to have a disproportionate effect on low-income families. Either because the parents were not taught how to teach their pre-k kids, or because the parents have no time after their three jobs to teach them, their kids come to kindergarten already two years behind.  The schools try to make that lost time up, but there is only so much you can do after the brain is nearly done developing.

          If the cause is as I suspect, vouchers and charter schools will only make the problem worse.  Vouchers will only cause the cost of private schools to go up to match the rates (law of supply and demand, after all), and you’re left with mostly the same (relatively rich) children attending.  Charter schools require an amazing amount of parental involvement, which again is hard to do when you are working 3 jobs.

          Classic case of the conservatives misdiagnosing the problem because it fits their anti-union world view.  Or maybe because it fits their poorly-hidden support of “white flight.”

          1. and just spend tonight on results.  

            Of course, that doesn’t mean I abandon my crusade to blame the collapse of Western Civilization on the designated hitter rule.

          1. Which is why community members need to get off their collective asses and vote against / run against / recall / etc. board members that do not represent the community’s interest.  Way too many school board seats are unopposed.

            Sorry, Bob.  I could not resist.

  1. My guess is they’ll call it at 7:00.01. And here’s hoping for the sake of all of Colarado, Republican & Democrat, that Schaffer goes back to the private sector so the Republican party can start finding some winners.

  2. Any educated guesses here?

    I’m going with Hagen in NC and Coleman in MN, but I think the MN senate race is by far the closest of any and we probably won’t know the winner tonight.  

    1. MN is probably the closest race that will have its final vote tonight, but I’m guessing that the GA Senate race will be headed to a runoff.  Which one of the two is closer remains to be seen.

      Polls have been trending for Franken lately, and Coleman’s run into some last-minute scandals that may cause undecided voters to hesitate while they’re in the polling booth.  I’m guessing Franken wins it.

      1.    Bob came on to the national scene in his V.P. debate with Mondale in ’76, accusing Dems of having started every war this country has been in since the Jefferson administration.  Bob Dole lost that election.

          It only seems fitting that in an act of desperation, Libby accuses her opponent of being a Godless B****.  And Libby lost this election and departs the national stage.

          Good riddence to both of them!


  3. For years politicians have gone on SNL. It looks like with Franken’s election SNL will go to the Senate. Assuming we also get LA, OR, & AK that puts it at 59 – 40. (Who knows where Liberman will end up.)

  4. I can’t stand Schaffer, anything he stands for or the campaign Wadhams ran but I have to give him credit for a class act concession speech.  Now Bob, end it on a good note and just slip into the sunset.

  5. At 3am MST, Minnesota still has three counties partially outstanding; they appear to be in Franken territory, and Franken is currently down 690 votes.  Franken is marginally favored, but it could go either way depending on which precincts are outstanding.

    In the “I want to bang my head against a wall” category, “96%” of Alaska’s votes are in, and both Ted Stevens and Don Young maintain slim leads.  Rumor has it that the last 4% may be Anchorage, and may account for up to 1/3 of the total vote.  That could change the map.

    In Georgia, AP has not yet called the race.  Apparently the Atlanta area has not counted approximately 600,000 early vote ballots yet.  This not only means that Chambliss/Martin is likely headed for a runoff, it also means there’s a slim chance that Obama could win Georgia.

  6. Just stumbled in the door and Ted freakin’ Stevens is leading by 4,000 votes?!  Don Young by even more than that?!  How in the world did that happen?!   🙂

    Oh, and Gordon Smith up by 10K votes?  Didn’t see that coming…

    1. Alaska vote total is either seriously depressed or there are a LOT of outstanding votes to count yet.

      Jeff Merkley’s camp is feeling upbeat; there are 240,000 ballots left to count in Multnomah and Lane Counties, and both counties are strongly favoring Merkley.

      Similar story in WA-08, where Darcy Burner is awaiting vote counts from the most Democratic regions of that district.

  7. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?

                           Mark Begich     Ted Stevens

    Strongly approve (13%) 11%       82%

    Somewhat approve (26%) 19%       73%

    Somewhat disapprove (20%) 46%    51%

    Strongly disapprove (40%) 75%    21%

    Now it all makes sense.  Another good one:

    Do you approve or disapprove of the way Sarah Palin is handling her job as governor?

                           Mark Begich      Ted Stevens

    Strongly approve (46%)    24%       70%

    Somewhat approve (28%)    55%       38%

    Somewhat disapprove (14%)      78%      20%

    Strongly disapprove (11%)      78%      20%

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