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November 04, 2008 09:54 PM UTC

Presidential Race Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Thread away.


50 thoughts on “Presidential Race Open Thread

    1. Are you the lib version of Nancy Underpants?

      Just a suggestion.  Maybe you need to hit the Zinn a little harder.  The Bill of Rights was neither signed nor put into effect in 1776.

  1. Been getting a slew of emails this afternoon urging me to take to the phones (yet again) and call people to urge ’em to vote.

    Is this just incredible Obama GOTV overkill or is there really some indication that people aren’t voting in the numbers they indicated in the polls?

    1. From the SOS

      As of 7:00p.m. on Monday, November 3, 2008

      Total Number of Eligible Electors: 3,208,878

      – Active Registered Voters:  2,638,211


      – Inactive Registered Voters:    570,667


      General Election Participation Statistics

      % of Total Active Voters*

      – Number of Mail-In Ballots Received      1,339,065 50.8%

      – Number of Early Voting Ballots Cast 365,215 13.8%

      Interesting that 11% of the mail-in ballots haven’t come back yet.  If you’re not going to do it, why waste the paper and money?


      1. In this election?  What?  Who?  Why?

        Colorado and New Mexico are closer than first thought, GOTV will be key in the next 4 hours, I’ll be driving little old ladies to the polls on behalf of Mac.

      1. I asked the Obama office if they needed me today or should I go pass out A-58 flyers. They said go do A-58. Talked to 3 GOTV canvassers while passing out flyers, they’re finding almost everyone has voted or is at work and will vote on the way home.

        And then just now, got an e-mail from Move-On saying that the Obama campaign desperately needs more people and get down there. I think they’re just blasting that out to everyone regardless.

        1. talked to a coworker who lives/votes in Denver.  He said when he showed up to volunteer at the Obama office he was turned away because there were already 50 others and there was nothing for him to do.

    2. No lines, turnout looks like crap. We’re hoping people will show up later this afternoon/evening, but so far it’s discouraging. Don’t know if GOTV is working, though. People may be tuning out the phone calls and door-knocking just like they’ve been tuning out the political ads.

      1. Boulder has 186k active voters, 82k Dems.  Of those, 122k and 59k voted early or mail-in, respectively.  That’s a 65.6% turnout (72% for Dems) from the active voter list.  That might be responsible for the “low” voter turnout.

  2. from TPM

    My polling place is at the fairgrounds in Southern Maryland, about 40 minutes from Washington, D.C. This used to be tobacco country, but is slowly being developed, or other crops are grown. We waited until 10:00 to vote, to avoid the lines. When we got there a 97-year-old Black man was being wheeled out of the polls in his wheelchair. It was the first time he had ever voted in his life. When he came outside he asked if anyone could give him an Obama button. There were none left at the Democrat’s booth so I gave him mine. He was so proud and I started crying. He looked at me and said, “why are you crying? this is a day for glory.” I am still crying.

  3. It’s pretty sick looking at the photos of huge, long, brutally long lines in the eastern states (just take a look at the msnbc frontpage’s slide show).  Is it that hard to institute a vote early system like we have?  Jesus….

    Better yet, we should all be going the Oregon route.  

    1. I think some states just don’t want to do it.  I’m not a big fan of early voting, but obviously it makes “election day” easier.

      All mail voting definitely seems like the best way to go.

    1. Just looking at some of the places where we have results in so far. Obama is substantially outperforming Kerry — which is what he needs to do to win the state, of course, but the differences are pretty substantial.

      Steuben: Kerry 34%, Obama 42%

      DeKalb: Kerry 31%, Obama 38%

      Knox: Kerry 36%, Obama 54%

      Marshall: Kerry 31%, Obama 50%

      1. but the breakdown of how late deciders broke big for Obama.  That surprises me and bodes very well for him (at least in Indiana and probably else where if the trend holds)

  4. Ok, the polls all said we would get this one, but it could have flipped between McCain’s push there and all kinds of reasons people might have lied to the pollsters.

    It’s 0% reporting so clearly it’s exit polls and they must be pretty strong for ABC to say this.

    With PA McCain’s road to a win is virtually impossible.

  5. The guys at FiveThirtyEight said that NH and GA were the most interesting states. In the case of NH it was that if McCain did well there then his maverick/independent schtik was selling.

    It’s Obama 57/42 so by that measure, a very good sign for Obama.

  6. If the VA and NC exit polls hold true then Obama will add both to PA, NH and IN and the march to 400 EV’s is on…..

    looks like from the anecdotal data that GOTV for McCain is non-existent in rural red Virginia  

    1. The vote totals so far give McCain a nice lead. But according to MSNBC we have:

      In Virginia, Obama won the votes of 52 percent of men and 56 percent of women, according to exit poll interviews.

      Virginia, like Indiana, has not supported a Democratic presidential candidate since 1964.

      Obama was winning more than three-fifths of younger voters in Virginia.

      If Obama takes IN and VA then stick a fork in McCain because he’s done.

    1. anyway…Warner was never in a serious race.  Obama is up 8% or so in the exits.  He’ll be fine…

      Warner is winning a ton of the rural white vote Obama couldn’t come close to winning over.

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