No, not the lame movie, but the amendment. True, most posters at this site will likely vote against it, but it has not gotten the attention it deserves, especially given the focus on 47.
Well, as johne’s post here shows, recent polls have shown the anti-family, anti-worker amendments losing, but 54 by not quite as much. This one is more directly anti-union, so it makes sense why the right would support it, but it strikes me as a violation of free speech.
This should be particularly so if you are right leaning. Since when do conservatives think we should limit campaign contributions? Is that not why they opposed McCain/Feingold?
It seems to me that we should not enshrine this into the state Constitution. Might get struck down by the Supreme Court anyway. Let us leave this one to the Legislature. It makes far more sense as a law than an amendment, and it encroaches way too much on freedom of speech.
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Who could oppose clean government?
Ewegen the offshorer of American jobs, Union Bosses, Corporate Thugs and the Political Bosses that bind them all together.
YES on 54, proletariat was screwed when Union Bosses (to lazy to defend their position), propose then accept a financial pay-off by certain corporate thugs to take righteous measures from the vote of the people because they were too lazy to fight them.
Vote YES on 47 and 54 to free the proletariat of the thuggery.
are you saying that the union proposed amendments like demanding all businesses with 20+ employees provide health care coverage to their employees were righteous? That hardly seems like your normal positions on these issues.
The “proletariat”? Isn’t that Socialist Obama type speech? I hardly think you would want to go there.
And what does 54 have to do with corporations agreeing with labor to keep the peace and the status quo (which, by the way, is working relatively well)? It has to do with government contractors or unions that have government contracts not giving political donations.
If 54 was already law, labor and business would have still agreed to holster their weapons and joined forces against the meddling, regulatory, and unnecessary 47. So I fail to see how passing it now would be payback for the labor/business agreement, much less how it would prevent such agreements in the future.
And there are still the Constitutionality questions with 54. I can see the point about 54 attempting to remove impropriety from government contracts, but I am not sure it successfully does that, and risks junking up the state Constitution with policies that really ought to be implemented legislatively.
Vercy, maybe it is time to call Joe Blake, Ritchie, Isenberg and Hammil. They’ll walk you through the deal. If you don’t have access there, I’d suggest a call to Jess Knox, Ernie Duran, or Mitch Ackerman. They’ll help you justify your position and get the talking points down too.
You are full of thuggery.