Consider this an open post for everyone’s efforts today working on campaigns.
So dad, what did you do in the all-important 2008 election? Well kids, let me tell you about today’s effort…
I went down to the Obama South Boulder office (yes, the City of Boulder now has multiple Obama offices) to volunteer from 9:00 – 10:45. They put me on phone calls.
The calls went really well – I’ve done a lot of telesales (enterprise software) and so this was pretty straightforward although it has differences from selling software. I was able to help the ones there who did not have any experience at it on how to ignore the 25% who were rude or mean or fed up with the calls. The trick is to think of one that went well when making each call – and you have to know that the next one will go great.
Got a pretty good response on this including one woman who lost her mail in ballot and so has to go vote on Tuesday, and 2 people who thought they could turn the ballot in at their polling place (why can’t you?).
While I was working Mark Udall’s wife came in to thank the volunteers individually. When I introduced myself she knew who I was – and was very very classy about it. She also said it was nice to see that some bloggers actually get out and work on the campaigns. I told her that most do – but everyone here, add a comment for what you did today to list it out.
At 10:45 I took off to go canvass for Joe Whitcomb. It’s the closest legislative race and so I wanted to put in a day helping. To take the optimistic view in action as well as words.
We met at 11:30 in Broomfield to then be told to drive up to Fredricksburg to be there at 12:30. I wish campaigns would just give the final location/time as I could have called for another 45 minutes. But I know it works better to get people lined up this way.
So we get up there and they give me my list in Firestone (next to the towns of Goodyear, Pirelli, and Michelin). Joe was having us hit undecided female voters.
So I get out of my car and the first 3 yards have McCain signs and I’m thinking, ok this is going to be a rough day. The next house is my first stop and has no yard signs. Turns out the husband & wife there both voted the straight Democratic ticket.
To make a long story short, both the first and second lists they gave me were in neighborhoods that seemed pretty evenly matched. What was amazing was over half the yards had political signs. People are involved in this election. This is a place where you get a decent home cheap, the backyards all have trampolines and the garages all have motorbikes. And this election matters to the majority of people here – a lot. Our democracy is healthy.
So how’s it look for Joe? Who? Joe, Joe Whitcomb – state Senate. What party is he? Democratic. Well I voted all Democratic/Republican for all those other races so I voted for him/his opponent. I met one person who remembered talking to him and one person who left that vote blank because they didn’t know either candidate. And everyone else who had voted already voted the party.
But I think my talking and literature dropping helped because for those who have not voted, they actually have had a reach out from one of the candidates. That should help for a couple of votes.
There were 6 of us total, Joe, his campaign manager, and 4 volunteers. This strikes me as poor the weekend before the election but my measure is my mom who will have 20 out there if she has an opponent (half of them family). Are these good numbers or bad?
I didn’t see anyone else out canvassing but I did see literature on an occasional door – either a Republican or Democratic party drop. The Republican ones were McCain/Palin only while the Democratic ones had a number of things in them from the look of the bag.
So done around 6:30 and I felt pretty good – we had all been out there, no sign of Shawn Mitchell. I saw 2 Shawn Mitchell signs (and no Joe Whitcomb ones) so looking solid. And as I drove out of Fredrick…
There at a major intersection was a boatload of Shawn Mitchell signs just put up and a bunch of clean-cut kids all wearing Mitchell shirts and waving. If they were out all day hitting doors then they had a bigger presence than Joe. If all they were doing was this one waving and this was all Shawn had, then Joe did better.
I then met Mrs. Blog for dinner (my youngest daughter has a busy social life so she took off with her friends). And then headed back to the Obama office to make more calls as they told me earlier they would be open till 9:00pm.
Got there at 8:00pm and it was closed. If they closed because people would be annoyed if called after 7:30 then it was a good decision. But if it makes sense to keep calling till 9:00 and they left cause they were tired – not good. We have 4 days left.
What was unquestionably bad was there was no sign on the door as to what time they open tomorrow morning. While I was there looking another person drove up and she wanted to know when to be there tomorrow morning. I’m guessing they will have 20 – 40 people stop by with that same question. Bad move not putting what/when for Sunday on the door.
But it is a sold operation. I’d say we had 8 of us calling and the canvassing group had another 8 running the office while there was a constant stream of volunteers coming in, given packets, and then heading out to walk the streets.
That’s it for now – more tomorrow.
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Too bad, you might have picked up a vote or three. Extremists on both sides just don’t get it.
As an example, today driving down the street I saw these two yard signs next to each other. YES on 54 & Obama/Biden for President.
p.s. Its YES on 47, 49, 54 to right the peoples voice versus those corrupt bastards at the purported Denver Chamber, Political Bosses and Union Bosses.
p.s. we’ll be welcoming President Elect Obama @9p Denver time next Tuesday. It will get those that want to party a lot of time to party and those that sleep … an early night.
Can’t tell you how many no on 47,49&54 signs I saw while canvassing in heavily GOP precincts today. Many right along next to McCain, Schaffer and state leg Republican signs. A beautiful thing.
To answer David’s question I canvassed – all day and will do the same for the next 3 days.
I went to every house on my walk list. I skipped every house not on it. So I passed houses with both McCain & Obama signs. I also hit houses with both.
ps – as the CEO of a company I voted no on 47, 49, & 54.
Went down to Pueblo yesterday (Sat) with the whole family plus friends to canvass against 47, 49 and 54. It went very well. Not a single person out of 65 said they would be voting yes. Went to the Obama rally in the afternoon. Hot and stood waiting for a long time. We got there early and were only about 35 yards from the podium. When I got home to Springs signed up to volunteer on Election Day for Obama. We’re almost there and there is light at the end of the long tunnel!
I helped make it possible for many others to canvass in northwest denver. I was arranging, sorting, and rearranging walk packets for about 12 hours today. The neat part is that I met one of the grand-daughters of Cesar Chavez. She along with a number of other United Farm Worker organizers came to Colorado to help get out the vote. City councilman Rick Garcia also came to walk a precinct.

ordered chaos
One of these two is Chavez’s grand-daughter.
Walked Wheatridge and found
that the biggest issue facing
voters is related to providing
proof of identification with
I also had to spend the day
kissing my girlfriend’s ass
& I still ain’t gettin’ no booty
till November 5th.
While you’re at it, maybe you don’t mind dropping some Jason Bane lit?
Took two lists to cover my own precinct (wanted to hit my neighbors), and the whole thing took about 6 hours. Then I helped with data entry for another couple hours.
Tomorrow I’m going back to my actual job, but probably Monday I’ll do canvassing and Tuesday I’ll hopefully get to be one of the people running stuff back and forth to polling sites.
Talking to people is really hard work, especially in an election like this where many people have gotten hit far too many times and are understandably tired of it.
Yes some are tired of it, but you can usually find something to discuss that makes it work. Phone calls are harder because it’s easier for someone to tell you to go away and then hang up.
People are much less likely to be rude when you’re standing there smiling in front of them.
Yesterday Capitol Hill Democrats were out putting up door hangers produced by the Denver Democrats.
Part of the challenge of Capitol Hill and other parts of Denver is reaching people in apartment/condominium buildings. I had someone tell me that they were told by managers/residents that even when the materials are left in the lobby or vestibule they just get thrown away. Over the next few years, I hope that Capitol Hill Democrats can build relationships with the HOAS/managers regarding distributing political literature.
Also, feedback for the Denver Dem doorhangers is excellent. Good work Denver Dems!
Peace, Love & Understanding,
Rick VanWie
Pct. 604 Committee Person
Democratic Party of Denver
Just like last weekend, and will be doing it until Tuesday at 6.
We canvassed the Pueblo Obama speech Saturday, and then Sunday we’re hitting parts of HD 5, 6 and 7. Monday and Tuesday is visibility and getting people to the polls.
It’s gonna be close folks, but I think we might just pull it out.
Sorry, but it’s going to turn colder this week and some things just won’t wait.
I’m on the Vets for Obama committee, and after our final Vet phone bank on Thursday, we shifted to non-partisan mode and started our plans to provide bottled water, coffee, snacks, sandwiches, folding chairs, WHATEVER we need to keep people in line and vote on Tuesday Night.
We had a dry run on Friday night in Jeffco – both the Belmar Library and North Lakewood DMV had huge lines of people. Because of the warm day, we went thru 10 cases of bottled water (THANK YOU DEEP ROCK!), and handed out all the food we had set aside for volunteers working that day.
In 2006, it was the Denver polls that were FUBAR – I think that Jeffco is going to have the polling places with long lines of voters.
Back at it today and Monday – I hope that I can get more donated bottled water, and I hope that I can get enough camping and folding chairs for the older voters that will be waiting in line…
Only had a couple of hours because of work, but did what I could.
Hey listen everybody: Please remember your election judges on Tuesday! We will be having a very long day, and would really appreciate a snack, coffee, kind word … anything you can spare to thank us for the job we’re doing on election day. I can’t get out the vote that day, but I can make sure the votes you all get out are cast and counted correctly!
I started by forcing my circle of friends to go absentee, every year they bring extras, and now the extras bring extras.
We go through everything/one, present both sides (unless I really don’t wanna) and force people to vote. We always do it the Saturday before.
Why is Denver the only city to not include a sticker? I want my freakin’ sticker!
in Evergreen helping educate voters up here that yes, there is a qualified dem candidate running for the state legislature. I can’t begin to tell you how beautiful it is up here today! The weather is amazing!
PS, someone tell Councilman Garcia that I am still waiting for the streetlights he promised to get me and my neighbors
I’ve not been walking or calling with the campaigns lately. I have, however, been calling everyone I know socially to make sure they voted. I’ve both been disappointed and glad in this. Disappointed that so many have not yet voted, glad that I’m getting to them before it becomes, “Oh well I meant to vote.”
And I’ll be working it again today and tomorrow to catch anyone else I can think of and tomorrow with a reminder in the evening that Tuesday is the day.
and calling today. At this point there is little point in arguing with people with McSame signs. Now is the time to get supporters’ votes in.
Make sure your voters who haven’t voted yet have basic info such as if you are still holding a mail-in hand deliver Mon. or Tues. Tell them where. Tell them they can’t hand it in at their precinct polling place Tues.
If they aren’t holding a mail-in tell them where their precinct location is, etc Nag procrastinators and make it as easy for inexperienced voters to get it right.
If you can push an undecided to your side fine. Don’t waste time arguing with people who simply are NOT going to vote your way. Some of them might even tell you they changed their mind just to get rid of you so don’t put much stock in McCain sign folks telling you they saw the light. It’s strictly GOTV time now, not lengthy debate time.
On election day, the same holds true even more so. Go to an Obama campaign office or side operation and be available to pick up and drop off mail-ins, shuttle people to the polls, contribute to the care and feeding of poll watchers. Call a campaign or get with your local party to see what they need. That’s the final GOTV push. Canvassing on the last day is OK but mainly just has you knocking on doors of people who won’t be home.
Working out of Obama/Udall ofc at 42 & Lowell, satellite of the main NW location where johne was running support.
We are working with targeted voter lists, checking off whether they have voted or how they plan to vote. Solid organization in place–the goal for this strong Dem area is to maximize turnout. Much better organization than my experience with Kerry/MoveOn in 2004–that was a total flail.
Talked to one semi-undecided (leaning O, undecided Udall) and gave him my best mojo. One other “undecided” was prob a McCain supporter but didn’t want to admit it.
Today I did canvassing here in the People’s Republic so it was overwhelmingly “I already voted and I voted for Obama.” But there were ones that have not voted yet and I figure another reminder never hurts.