It doesn’t get any plainer than a short video clip we were forwarded yesterday by Progress Now:
In this video, Schaffer claims during last Thursday’s debate that the charge he advocates abolishing the Department of Education is “baloney.” Which is followed by an audio clip of Schaffer…explicitly calling for the abolition of the Department of Education.
But the real problem here is pesky modern recording technology. After all, if tape recorders hadn’t existed when the original statement was made, you’d never know Schaffer bald-faced lied to the camera during Thursday’s debate! And isn’t education, like, Schaffer’s big issue or something? Just when you think Schaffer is out of time to inflict yet more harm on himself, he manages to get in another masochistic shot right at the buzzer.
Folks, we couldn’t make up something this pathetic, you’d never believe it if we tried. Is Schaffer determined to out-Beauprez Bob Beauprez, or what?
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I think they still don’t understand how they can be losing, and yet they are – and by significant margins. And they keep trying the few tricks they know, which have worked so wel for the Repubs over the past 20 years and that has to freak them out too.
Everything is upside down for them and that leads to people pannicing and not thinking things through. We may see one or two more items like this.
For some reason, this year Republicans around the country keep running into this “recording” thing. They don’t understand it, forget it exists, and say stupid stuff as a result.
that they’re not used to the fact that anyone can put this stuff on youtube and post links on all the blogs. They used to get away with it because the only way to get a recording out was to have it reported on TV. Some of these recording might be years old too, so if they let something slip over 4 years ago it could come back to haunt them today.
Oh intertubes, I love you.
Before it might get reported, in rare cases it might get shown on TV once – that hit was less than the advantage from the lie. But now, the lie is there for everyone, shown everywhere, and available at any time. Totally changes the equation.
which is why he lies through his teeth.
Up is Down, Black is White. Vote Republican for Change.
Schaffer’s statement was part of the College Republican boilerplate of the 1980’s — that the Dept of Education is a Carter payoff to the “Teachers’ Union.” [Insert Here: Any number of fears about ‘poisoning young minds’ with ‘collectivism,’ ‘fornication,’ ‘secular humanism,’ ‘moral relativism,’ for the real purpose behind this ‘plot.’]
That you’ll get gibberish from a politician is no surprise, but the apparent faith that one can run from one’s one gibberish is truly awesome. Maybe if Bob spent more of his Congressional office budget on experienced, literate and clever staff, he could have readied himself for a campaign that wasn’t a gift from the party elders. I think Bob’s career would be a good case study for the RNC to show their newbies about how laziness turns you into a political eunuch.
He didn’t say he never said it, he just said he’s not in favor of it.
Isn’t it possible that in 12 years, Schaffer changed his mind on an issue?
Granted that Schaffer should have made that clearer, but Lord knows Udall has done the same thing on other issues.
I might not have been so inclined to vote for big oil Bob if you had not reminded me he was in step with Reagan on abolishing the wasteful and superfluous Dept. of Education.
I am just glad someone supports the private corporations that actually find, refine and deliver gas to my local station so I can put it in my SUV and my Hemi.
But adding this icing on the cake seals the deal for me.
Go Schaffer.
Who were you going to vote for without this bombshell dropped three days before the election? Dayhorse Campbell?
It doesn’t bother you that Schaffer is running from his Reagan-siding position, renouncing the one thing that swayed you to his side? Frankly, that would make me less likely to vote for the spineless weather vane.
But good to know you’ve finally made up your mind.
when I take my time to contemplate your perspective. So, yopur perspective is Reagonomics works? Have you been paying attention to the worst economic crises since the Great Depression? Somehow, I don’t think so.
crisis? This is How America Works. Love it or leave it, Bolshevik.
You vote to change it. Democracy. Get it?
Privatizing profits but socializing losses? Well, oldbogus, I don’t believe you quite have a grasp of these issues.
We just haven’t seen them out of DC for several years. Some Republicans did try, but Harry Reid filibustered the reforms.
Republicans had such a slim margin in the Senate, plus Snow, and Jumpin Jim Jeffords. Democrats have had effective control of the Senate for the last eight years.
Please Remember, Doug Lamborn and many like minded Conservatives voted AGAINST this BS bailout.
Our children will live to regret this disaster.
And this is not the worst economic crisis since the great depression. 1980 under Jimmy Carter was much worse. Home loan rates were over 10%, and inflation was at record levels. Of course the home loan standards required a down payment and an ability to make the payment, something the Democrat’s like Barny Frank and Chris Dodd have legislated out of the mix at Fannie and Freddie.
When will the Socialist leaning Democrat’s learn, if prosperity and economic equality could be legislated and centrally controlled, the Soviet Union would have been the richest county in the history of the world.
We would be out of Iraq by now, tax rates would be progressive instead of regressive, all children would have health insurance, the list goes on and on.
As to any legislation moved forward – it was signed by your guy’s president uber-Conservative George W. Bush. A man celebrated as a conservative’s conservative up till a year ago when it was clear that all the wheels had come off the bus.
Living in fantasyland will not get the Republican party back to a majority.
You were in charge (For 2 years- Jumpin Jim Jeffords anyone.), or had veto power (filibuster) to block just about anything in the Senate. And that is a fact David.
Which is why the news media is touting the 60 Senate seats they hope you get which make it a filibuster proof Senate.
Your control of the US House (making it both houses) occurred in the 2006 election, about 2 years ago.
He is also a uniter, not a divider and let the Democrats have a tremendous say in many things, (signed Kennedy’s education bill) etc.
I have NEVER considered either President Bush as Fiscal conservatives. The are compromisers. (Read My Lips)
Goldwater and Reagan were fiscal Conservatives. Reagan proposed and attempted spending cuts, but could never get them past the Democrat’s in congress.
(Yes Reagan signed a bill that increased taxes in exchange for cuts, the cuts never materialized under a congress controlled by Democrats.)But Reagan was at heart a fiscal Conservative.
Bush never really tried to cut spending, he signed everything, and many conservatives from RUSH to NEWSMAN have complained about it.
He proposed most of it – every single bit of the spending increases, plus or minus a few billion in earmark spending. And the Republicans representing you in Congress went along with all of it, nearly unanimously.
The fiscal conservative wing of the party has either been marching in lock-step with Bush and the party leaders, or is a figment of your imagination.
Having “control” in the Senate with a one-vote majority isn’t really much “control”. You know that. Sure, Dems could have filibustered bills, at a time when Bush’s approval rating was in the low 90% range and at a time when the country was looking for a united government in a time of crisis. It would have been political suicide, but they could have done it.
In fact, they could have filibustered any number of measures – and did vote against cloture on the worst of those the Republicans sent them. But you can’t pass an agenda on a filibuster – you can only try to block one, which the Republicans have been doing since early 2007.
I’m sure I’ll be shunned from the Republican Party for saying this, but I am so fed up with Republicans using Regan as their model for everything. Yes, he was a good President, but he was not the end all be all savior of every issue that faced our nation. When in doubt: say that Regan did or would have done or supported the same thing, then call it a day…come on!
On the flip side, I’m also tired of hearing Republicans being blamed for everything that is ailing our country. Haven’t we had a Democrat majority in D.C. for the past four years? I can’t see how they couldn’t manage to salvage anything Bush screwed up…oh wait…they couldn’t or they wouldn’t be able to throw it back at the GOP now.
First off we have had a Democratic majority in Congress (not all of Washington) for 2 (not 4) years. And the Republicans retained enough people to stop cloture in the Senate. So we Dems have had some influence the last 2 years – but less power than the Republicans.
Second, Reagan was on both sides of so many issues that you can claim he was for or against most anything – including that he not only lowered, but later raised taxes.
You are right that people should stop invoking his name for everything.
ps – welcome back