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November 01, 2008 04:11 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Our elections are free–it’s in the results where eventually we pay.”

–Bill Stern


38 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

    1. I’m canvassing all day. Mostly students, but I got one older woman who said Obama had voted against a minimum wage increase and McCain had voted for it. Also that Obama had called us all “whitey” in his book.

      “Thank you for your time, have a nice day.”

  1. I’m researching grad school for political science. I got my BA in poli sci in May from Metro. Anyone have a suggestion of programs in Colorado? Preferably a program that doesn’t require the GRE.

    I’m leaning toward an MA in International Relations.

    Any suggestions would be welcome and appreciated.

    1. .

      I think you can complete a degree at many of the leading schools back East from home in Colorado,

      only having to spend a total of about 9 weeks at the actual campus.  

      Maybe this opens up more options ?


      1. My brother got his Master’s online from there. It’s $600 per credit hour if I understood their chart correctly.

        The instate tuition is the only thing keeping me in Colorado for grad school.

        If the GRE and money were no problem, I’d rather go to Georgetown or DU.

    2. was started by Madalyn Albright’s dad. I believe it is still rated in the top 10 worldwide.

      Unfortunately, at this time their most famous alum is Condoleeza. But, I know there are recent grads who are doing great work around the world.

    3. but if you are looking to stay in Colorado, the International Relations isn’t very relevant.  

      Regis has good Masters programs that are flexible for busy, working students. I’m not sure they offer a Poli Sci Masters though.

      CU Denver also has good programs and has a good reputation.

      Have you thought about Public Administration rather than the more wonky/popular (?) Poli Sci?  I’ve seen many a resume in the last two years that have Poli Sci degrees, but it is difficult to find a job.

      Also, thought about doing volunteer work first before grad school?  AmeriCops, Peace Corps, other?  Helps the resume and job hunting for the future.

      Ultimately, I would recommend a MS in ClusterF**k management.  That is what is needed most in the US right now.

        1. It is hard to get into and expensive as hell, because you have to give up two years of income.  However, going forward, there are all kinds of graduate school fellowships afterwards.

          DU has one of the largest post peace corps graduate school fellowship programs in the country…..and while it might require the GRE, you would be crazy to get a degree from somewhere which doesn’t require the GRE and then spend the rest of your career competing with people who have degrees from institutions which did require the GRE.

          The competition will also be tough for people who do not have overseas experience.  

          Is there a reason why you think you need a Master’s to work in DC or overseas???

        2. Volunteering before going into grad school is very worthwhile.  You get a few years of experience under your belt and the following years in grad school are more relevant with that life experience.

          I’m sure you’ve looked at Thunderbird. Not in CO and requires a GRE, but an excellent school with and top notch program!

          I understand about not wanting to take the GRE.  Hate tests!

          It has been awhile since I was in your shoes, but friends that got grad degrees in CO discovered that DC wasn’t impressed with CO degrees. Go overseas, explore, learn a language and then your resume is more marketable.

    4. I’m at CU now and our program is…um…solidly mediocre.  It’s OK, not all that bad, but it could be a lot better.  We require the GRE though and it’s actually reasonably difficult to get in.  

      In fact, basically every reputable program anywhere is going to require the GRE.  You might want to reconsider it.

      DU’s Korbel School is good, but it’s not a straight forward PoliSci or IR grad program.  I’m pretty sure they require the GRE too, and it’ll cost you an arm and a leg (DU, not the GRE).

      CU Denver doesn’t require the GRE…but it’s also a thoroughly unremarkable program.  That’s OK if you’re using grad school as a stepping stone to Law School or a PhD somewhere else, or want to be an elementary or HS teacher; but anything in “Professional PoliSci” would probably be ill served by by going to CU-D.  Just my opinion.

      Barron makes a good point…you can power through a program in a year if you really put your mind to it.  A little more than 9 weeks, but still, you get the point…

      Anyway, good luck!  Grad school is a ton of fun if you’re in a program you love.  I’m almost sad to be graduating in Dec.  Almost…  🙂

  2. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27

    here’s what he said about colorado

    Colorado: What a transformation. The Democratic dominance is taking place so fast that it appears the state forgot it was supposed to stop in “toss-up” land on its way from Red to Blue status. Democrats could win another House seat in the state, another Senate seat and see Obama carry the state. If I were the Republican Party, I’d make Michigan and Colorado my petri dishes for experiments to get the party’s groove back. Until the GOP can appeal to secular independents in the West and working class Democrats in the Midwest, they are going to be a minority party. The party’s comeback should start in one of these two states because they  are microcosms of the GOP’s issues.

  3. I finally had some free time today, so I spent two hours waving Obama signs on Broadway just south of C-470.

    My (admittedly) unscientific observations about the folks who responded:

    • Among the folks who expressed an opinion, Obama supporters outnumbered McCain supporters by about a 2-1 margin.
    • I got three obscene gestures, two from Joe the plumber clones and one from a white-haired guy in a Cadillac Escalade.
    • Two guys yelled “Communist” as they drove buy, and one guy in a BMW Z3 tried to tell me that I would regret my choice.
    • The Obama supporters seemed quite upbeat, with lots of shouting and cheering. The McCain supporters (with a few exceptions) were pretty subdued.

    My shoulders are sore from holding my arms up that long, but it was a beautiful afternoon and a lot of fun! Maybe I should have run for HD43 again this year. 2008 might be a pretty good year to be a Democrat in Highlands Ranch!

  4. from Pro Publica

    For weeks Republican leaders have warned that widely reported problems with fake voter registrations could result in a flood of phony votes in pivotal states.

    But Ronald Michaelson, a veteran election administrator and member of the McCain-Palin Honest and Open Election Committee, said in an interview that he could not name a single instance in which this had occurred.

  5. Senator McCain gives us the straight talk:

    It would be bad enough if senator Obama wanted to destroy jobs, but if he’s willing to go so far as to Destory jobs, well then he deserves no votes at all.

    1. According the iCasualties, the total number of servicemembers killed in Iraq now totals 4,503. This last week, Iraq Body Count lists 95 Iraqi civilians killed. For the month of October, 553 Iraqi civilians lost their lives, 26 by US Forces; 33 were children.

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