( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
U.S. District Court Judge Kane wasted no time ordering Colorado Secretary of State Mike Coffman to stop removing names for the Colorado voter lists on the eve of the election, an act that violates federal law.
Coffman had openly continued to remove names from voter lists despite reaching a settlement with voter advocates earlier this week. Coffman could be jailed or fined personally if he violates the order.
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What a sight.
Will he still win CD6 proving that a piece of toast labeled “R” could win here?
Thank you, morons, for wasting even more time and effort by our election officials when they have better things to do. The court already reviewed your charges and ruled that the people who are elgible voters will be able to cast their ballots. It doesn’t make any sense to clean up a 3.1 million person database… removing dead people, poeple who have moved and morons who register to vote yearly or more than once. Most of the Acorn and registration drives were after May. Makes sense to me that we would want the most accurate database possible.
who got purged after it was too late to do anything about it because Coffman incorrectly assumed that they were duplicates, or to the guy who gets canceled because someone in another county with the same name and date of birth kicked the bucket and the social security administration flagged the wrong number.
I’m all for data cleansing, but not after the deadline. The voter file should freeze until after the election.
I’m guessing it was an honest if stupid mistake – because if Coffman had intended to disobey an order, he’d have done so quietly without signaling what he was doing to the press…
It’s just playing politics in supression of opposition party vote.
It’s been part of stealing elections since our system began.
to go to war over WMDs?
Was it an honest mistake to paint a sitting US Senator who is running for POTUS as a terrorist?
Honesty + Mistake = apology. I have not heard one as of yet.
they always switch the vote to the Republican? Inquiring minds want to know how these mistakes with the voting machines NEVER switch the vote to a Democrat? How can so many “honest” mistakes always benefit Republicans?
Somewhere it was being reported that a voting machine was swinging McCain votes to Obama. Based on the number of reports one way vs. t’other, you’d have to suspect bias. But it could just be disproportional reporting or observation, or some fluke of positioning (say, Republicans being placed above Democrats because of incumbency or something…)
What’s sad is, with all the reports, we don’t have a Federal in-depth, county by county investigation of voting machine problems. This (Federal election mechanisms) is within the purview of the Federal government, and it deserves a full, complete, and non-partisan review. No punches pulled – if it’s not at least as reliable as an ATM, it should be thrown back in the vendor’s face.
if it’s a touch-screen, the problem is calibration.
but he’ll probably be promoted within the Republican party.
Thank God that 12 dead people, one convicted felon, and 62 people had their votes saved today — those were the voting records in question. And hey! An additional 66 people will get to vote twice now! Yeah Judge Kane!
Why are those 62 votes not important? Hell, they might be Repubs.
Stupid decision. Counties are reinstating dead people, felons, and records with clear duplicates.
A wonderfully misinformed decision.
And these dead people are going to show up with ID and vote .. exactly how?
The point is, in Coffman’s zeal to cleanse the rolls, who knows which valid voters he’s removed? Since there’s no recourse beyond the insufficient remedy of a provisional ballot, the policy ought to be inclusive so close to the election — with the burden of challenging voters on the state, rather than the burden of proving validity on the voter. That’s the law.
Which is why the federal law says do your housecleaning voter lists purging more than 90-days from the election and notify anyone who is purged for specific resaons that they were purged.
Certainly not the week before.
I’d recognize that it might just be a stupid mistake – it’s certainly stupid.
The constitutional right to vote is the single most important bedrock right in our republican form of government. The principle of “one person, one vote” can only be effectuated if every eligible person is allowed to vote. Efforts at disenfranchisement are usually the last desperate gasp of despotism against an electorate that has had enough.
On the bright side for you, maybe this will increase O’Leilly’s and Limbaugh’s ratings for the next 8 years. So, at least you’ll get more of your peculiar brand of humor/rhetoric. Now you can enjoy your fantasy world in which the 6% margin by which Obama/Biden crushed McCain/Palin was due to “voter fraud” (= letting poor people and minorities to vote) enabled by the “commanists” like Judge Kane.
convicted felons have the right to vote in Colorado. It is only those who are currently incarcerated on a felony, or on parole for a felony, who cannot vote. Study the law before you go forth to preach about it.
I encountered a record of a person who was purged for being dead. He was not dead at all. He had simply moved from one county to another.
I have no idea why the original county (Lake) reported him dead, but he had simply moved to Summit County a few years ago (and registered to vote there). Now he has moved to Denver and when DMV changed his voter registration to Denver, his case landed on my desk.
After about a half hour searching through various databases, I was convinced he was mistakenly reported dead and really alive and now living in Denver so moved his registration from Summit to Denver.
So summarily purging people without research is bad regardless of the federal 90-day rule.
Just another in a long line of instances where Coffman thumbed his nose at the law.
How very Marilyn Musgrave of you! and guess what, if you assault someone tomorrow, YOU COULD GO TO JAIL!
Coffman is working overtime to fix problems from the last election. Everytime he turns around he is sued by some crazy liberal group. The man is doing his job and trying to make sure we have fair and honest elections.
Your bias is showing…
Similar to “Fair and balanced?”
How annoying that citizens want to vote and sometimes have to take their elected officials to court in order to do so.
acting in an official capacity would have no personal liability and would not be subject to criminal penalties or contempt penalties.
“Don’t f*** with da Jesus! Hoooo!” (or with a federal district court judge. Lifetime appointment=plenary power)
even though Coffman is under possible indictment and could end up going to jail, Hank Eng still doesn’t have a rat’s chance in a poison factor. Sad. Don’t know if that metaphor really works, but still a depressing thought.
…lord help us, people are jus’making shit up now
the humorous nature of your comment! Quite right!