“Trickery and treachery are the practices of fools that have not the wits enough to be honest.”
–Benjamin Franklin
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BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: kwtree
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Does Gabe Evans Realize Who Packs His Meat?
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Senate Republicans Vote Against Resolution Condemning J6 Insurrection Pardons
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: Libtard McSnowflake
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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you gotta love that firefighter from Littleton, Joe Heinnemann. Do you know he is the Union President and his union effectively has Right-to-Work? Yep, he sure has lost his voice to advocate.
Without wild animals in the commercial Jabs loses all credibility…
I was trying to think of something new, good, and interesting to post as the first comment on the Halloween open thread. I wish I could say that you’d done the same.
States with right to mooch laws like 47 average $7,000 a year less per job than free bargaining states like Colorado. If that doesn’t scare you, nothing will.
…fat management pay hikes and a new mercedes.
Does Deano have you working on that 2009 oped for RTW at the federal level yet?
Now, back to work fat boy. Channel Lusty Larry at home. That crap ain’t allowed at the Post…you off-shored it remember.
has never had a real job in his life,
drives his mother’s Yugo
and has a thing about wide-stances.
How’s that working out for you, boy?
Finished your community service yet?
from TPM
The Obama campaign has shown they know what they’re doing. They’re putting money in here because they feel confident in the battleground states, and they see opportunity.
With that said, these three are long-shots and Arizona might be more to throw McCain off his game rather than a real chance to win there.
must be pretty humiliating to him compared to Obama’s great big lead in Illinois and HUGE lead in Hawaii. Maybe this is to see if Obama can make it even closer and force McCain to waste some money in Arizona in an effort to make his home state victory a little fatter as a matter of pride.
from Craigslist…
– I can be your date to the Obama rally – $1 (Chicago)
Date: 2008-10-29, 6:38PM CDT
I would love to go to the Obama rally!! Have an extra ticket or just need someone to go with you? I would love to go! let me know….maybe it could turn into more than one night with me you and Obama. haha. who knows right??
– OBAMA RALLY TICKETS FOR SALE!!!!! $10 Trillion Dollars! – $10 (Uptown)
Date: 2008-10-30, 5:32PM CDT
Hi, I can’t go to the rally so I am selling my ticket for 10 trillion dollars. Meet me at the Wilson Red Line. The money will be given to cover the United States public debt bill. Thank you.
– If you’re a hot chick & have 1 extra Obama ticket. how bout a dinner? – $1 (Chicago)
Date: 2008-10-29, 10:54AM CDT
I am willing to take out a pretty & intellectual chick to dinner in exchange for going and usnig your extra Obama ticket.
How about that? sounds like a win/win/win to me.
oh, i’m easy on the eyes too, you will like. I just know it!
But, none compare to what Denverites were willing to do to see Obama at Mile High…
I will give you a KIDNEY for 2 OBAMA Tickets for tonights speech!
Date: 2008-08-28, 11:35AM MDT
Are you in need of an extra kidney? Know of someone who needs one? I have 2 good kidneys which is a little excessive. Ill give you one of them for two tickets to tonight’s speech. I live in Denver and tried to get tickets the minute they were announced. Somehow the first come first serve registration did not work since I was put on the waitlist.
So, I need two tickets for me and my girlfriend. I have an extra kidney. You take said organ, I take 2 tickets for this historic speech.
Could it be because every single one of McCain’s rallies gets aired, uninterrupted, on all cable news networks? I can’t seem to turn on MSNBC or CNN without seeing that insufferable prick or his trophy running mate, often saying the exact same damn thing they said in yesterday’s speech.
By contrast, Barack Obama’s speech yesterday was interrupted to cover a fucking car chase in Florida. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen more than ten seconds of a Joe Biden rally, or a Michelle Obama rally, or even a Bill or Hillary Clinton rally.
It’s odd that CNN’s journalistic integrity prevented them from showing half an hour of Obama for money but not from showing more than half an hour of McCain, commercial free, for free.
close but in elections a highish single digit lead in the presidential is considered extremely decisive. A nine point lead in the popular is usually called a damn landslide. Bush called “mandate” on a lot less.
It’s the OBAMedia! They’re soooo slanted towards him.
I don’t even turn my tv on to anything except the Discovery channel anymore until this freakin election bs is over.
All I ever see on half the pages in the paper and on the news is that INSUFFERABLE PRICK Barack. His dumass face is everywhere.
Contrary to popular belief, I am fairly sure he is NOT the 2nd coming of Christ.
come Wednesday, November 5th, aren’t you homophobic, racist baiting loser?
Boo fucking hoo, homeboy. Watch the results roll in and weep, you fucking hairy backed Mary.
What, in this context, is a “Mary?”
Poor Gecko. He’s probably reaching for the nearest Webster to figure out what the big word means.
In Spanish slang, “mariposa” has the same meaning “pansy” does in Ingles. Perhaps that’s the origin. (I always win at that connotation for Pansy because I love those flowers, they have such an impudent look about them.)
at the term pansy, not “win”
We had tons of pansies when I was a kid. They grow easy and they are tough flowers–they survive all kinds of weather.
It is ok for a lefty (sxp151) to bitch about seeing R’s on tv, but if someone else bitches about seeing a D on the tube, you call them names.
Well fuck you too you liberal piece of shit.
How’s that? By the way, middle of the road just means you have no position you wishy washy dipshit.
Prompted me to change mine, at least until Tuesday.
You fall for it every single time, you uneducated dumb ass. You rise to the bait as predictably as the sun rises in the east.
to college………some of us weren’t born with the silver spoon……..but I bet I make more money than you do.
And frankly, if that’s how you measure whether or not you are a success, I genuinely pity you.
Oh and as for silver spoon? I’m the daughter of a dirt poor farmer from Illinois. I put myself through school by working part time for seven years to pay for it.
So, fuck off, you racist dipshit. Your kind is a dying breed and the world is better off without your kind in it.
And I bet I worked harder for it than you’ll ever work in your selfish miserable life, you liberal wishy washy pile of shit.
The world would be better off without your “give the world away” liberal mentality.
How’s that little girlie………..
are up to their eyeballs in debt so they can afford to go to college. I personally will be $30K in the hole when I graduate.
How’s that? , you ask?
It’s kind of pathetic and redundant, little man with tiny penis.
I would bet we have both worked our asses off for every thing we have. I would grant you that. Never said you didn’t work hard. Just said you are a homophobic, racist pile of steaming stupid, uneducated shit.
Just sticking with the facts, little boy.
Your turn.
Islam-practicing, Bible hating, gun-loathing piece of $#@%& you aren’t even close to being the most uncivil person on this blog.
Nothing can top the cheap shot at Gecko’s tiny penis. 🙂
Thanks for the kind words, Bob:-)
Unless you’re a convicted felon or certifiably nuts, the Dems are not going to try to restrict your gun purchases.
And unless yuou earn over $250,000 per year, you won’t see a tax increase. I realize you work hard but you’re probably not in that bracket just yet.
Just relax and cheer up….. good things are going to be happening soon.
What on earth does the name a parent gave a child have to do with how they would govern? Your sig line is both moronic and racist.
That is my opinion just like the MULTITUDE of names that have been thrown here at Bush, Cheney, Lamborn, Schaffer, Coors, Musgrave, etc etc etc. They are other people’s opinios.
You can’t deny that. Most all of your liberal buddies here have said nasty nasty things about most ever R out there. Are they called moronic or racist?
Uh, no. Is it because they are being spouted by liberals and not conservatives?
Wow. THAT in and of itself is about the stupidest response I’ve seen.
The question to Gecko was: “What on earth does the name a parent gave a child have to do with how they would govern?”
Obama himself joked about this at the recent Al Smith Dinner, noting of his middle name that his father obviously never imagined Barack would have a future in politics.
Just because it’s your opinion doesn’t mean it’s not stupid. Or moronic. Or racist.
But please, Gecko, by all means keep using that sig line. It just devalues everything else you say before it.
so mind your own business, eh?
a campaign built around mocking your rivals middle name might be more effective if you own candidate’s middle name wasn’t “Sidney.”
I just can’t vote for a president named John SIDNEY McCain.
People here have said don’t vote for Marilyn Musgrave. But they don’t say “don’t vote for anyone named MUSGRAVE.” With the all caps you make it clear that you won’t vote for a candidate who’s name includes HUSSEIN.
To put it another way – “don’t vote for the corrupt slime Marilyn Musgrave” – ok. “don’t vote for someone named marilyn MUSGRAVE” – not ok.
I’ve been getting most of my gloaty hilarity from blogs like The Corner, Instapundit, and the currently broken Red State. It’s rather frustrating waiting around for you guys to post something to laugh at.
Come on, you’d never describe someone as “insufferable prick” if I hadn’t done it first. Your whole post sounds like “I know you are but what am I?” As for “dumass,” I can’t help but be reminded of…
I told you to grow up.
You didn’t.
Keep telling yourself you’re a worthwhile person. It’s not true, but it probably makes you feel good.
know it all attitude too.
Where were you when that little girl was calling names? Where were you and your smart ass wordly knowledge and words of wisdom when that other dipshit called McCain names?
You come on like the teacher in history class. Well you aren’t. I could work circles around you under the hood of a car, inside the motor of a harley, and building a house from the foundation to the sod.
That does not mean I am better than you, but you could at least treat me with that same respect. If you don’t like my OPINION, too bad. But don’t try and look down your nose at me and tell me to grow up.
I will put my opinion on paper so to speak here as long as everyone else does.
When I see you responding to all the negative attacks from the nuts on the left like that wierd Whiskey chick, I’ll take you seriously. Until then, find someone a little younger to preach to.
has never lit into you unprovoked. So don’t whine about how she treats you when you start shit, Gecko.
That’s what I mean by “grow up.” I AM older than you – maturity wise, if not physically.
I’ll be the first to defend you when some real shit happens – remember Coloradem1? I’ll step up then.
But when you continue to misconstrue valid criticisms as some sort of unfair treatment of the right, and devolve into a curse-filled rant, don’t look to me to pull your chestnuts out of that fire. You brought that all on yourself.
Here’s a quick lesson – for every action there’s an opposite and equal reaction. Think about that when you’re felling picked upon here.
Remember… it wasn’t too long ago.
Gecko and I are all talk.
to buy pizza and such for voters standing in line?
I remember some crazy law that you couldn’t buy someone a beer for voting, but I don’t know if that was a state law or not. I also heard someone got in trouble for giving people cigarettes while taking them to the polls. (And this had nothing to do with asking them to vote for any particular candidate.)
Lines don’t seem that long in the local early voting centers, but just in case they do get long, I want to be prepared. Thanks.
There was a brief news blurb this morning on Krispy Kreme and Ben & Jerry’s; Krispy Kreme was giving out a free red, white, and blue star-shaped donut to anyone who showed their ‘I Voted’ sticker. Ben & Jerry’s was giving away a free scoop of ice cream to everyone because they didn’t want to run afoul of laws on giving something of value for voting.
Don’t know the law in Colorado. I do know that if you do anything, it should probably be more than 100′ from the polling place.
When I set up the Election Protecion table (with hot coffee and tea), we measure off one hundred feet. I can see the scenario in my mind and no way was it a football field’s length.
…all the signs say “100 Foot Limit?”
I need sleep.
You can’t pay someone to vote – but can you pay someone for having voted?
There’s no effective difference between paying someone to vote and paying someone for voting.
If the FAMILY Christian Store gives its customers a 10% discount for having voted, or DailyKos gives away a one-year subscription for having voted, is there really any practical difference?
It is too easy to “disguise” vote buying. Hence the laws in some states barring after-the-fact “bribes” of any sort, regardless of how non-partisan it sounds.
Some guys were offering swag and limo rides in exchange for voting. Straight from Coffman…
it revolves around a legal concept called “Consideration”–value paid for a promise.
you can give someone something if it is not an offer and acceptance. If the item of value of is given after the performance of an act (voting) without an offer and acceptance, it is not considered value for a promise. In this case it’s called a gift.
This was the problem with A41, most scholarships are not promises for grades, but rather rewards (gifts) for previously performed acts.
Giving an ice cream to someone who has voted is a gift.
the outgoing mayor of Oakland, CA was running for his old seat in the state Assembly. If you lived in the district and voted, you could take you vote stub to a local supermarket and get a free fried chicken dinner courtesy of the Harris campaign.
Apparently, it was entirely legal…but he ended up losing the race because of the backlash of offering a fried chicken dinner in an overwhelmingly African-American district.
And thus the career of Elihu M. Harris came to an end. 🙂
Have there been any polls? If not, consider this from CQ Politics
That sounds very similiar, both district and candidates, to CD-5.
Not gonna happen.
Not. Gonna. Happen.
Put your GOTV time in where it will happen…CD4. Let’s finally get this district in Democratic hands.
Sunday & Tuesday Obama. Maybe A-58 on one of those days. But I still hope Hal can pull it off – wouldn’t that be a sweet capstone.
I’m really pulling for Joe. That’s an effort put to good use. Have a good weekend and a safe one.
And I’m not trying to be negative, I swear. I just think that being unrealistic about a candidate’s chances is bad form this late in the game when there are candidates out there that have a good chance of winning and need all the help they can get. We have to pool our resources and focus them, at this point, on the seats we can actually win and CD4 is the one, this time.
Come back down to earth.
CD-5 is fairly conservative.
I’m wondering how you could possibly think that Sali’s 2006 victory with a 48% plurality is the same as Lamborn’s 60% landslide in 2006.
Hal says he’s a conservative. The Denver Post repeated that in endorsing him. Does that make it so ?
Hal’s only possible route to victory would have required splitting the 60% conservative vote.
His pipe dream about tricking conservatives into voting for a progressive was always an impossible dream.
If the Democratic Party wanted to exploit this easy pick-up, they would have dumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into the campaign of the conservative party candidate in the race in the 5th CD,
the American Constitution Party.
I suspect that they decided it wasn’t worth it, since they would just lose the seat in 2010.
Jay Fawcett showed that the progressive vote here tops out at 40%. Max.
Hal needed me to draw off 21% of the conservative voters, including those who would vote anti-Lamborn if there was just a viable option.
To a committed conservative, voting progressive is not an option. Ask Haners and other anti-Lamborn conservatives right here on this site.
But Hal and his campaign rebuffed invitations to debate me, believing that they were major league and deserved a head-on match-up with the incumbent,
not a 3rd party also-ran.
I’m guessing Dan Slater contributed to that misjudgment.
It was still a longshot, but it was the only shot they had. Hal didn’t even agree to debate me until way too late to make any difference.
astute reading of what might have been. But I doubt Bidlack debating you would’ve made much difference.
I hope he catches the bastards.
Libertad is back! I love that ad. Again Jabs starts off lying. No one is required to join a union. In case anyone forgot, here’s the Colorado Labor Peace Act:
Considering he started off that ad with a lie, how much else can we trust about what he’s saying. There’s plenty of out of state money coming in to support Amendment 47. But we’ll never know the full amount since the campaigns are hiding their donors behind c4 organizations. Heck one of them just got fined nearly $10k.
there you go again.
I’m sure you are the only one left on earth that actually believes that stuff.
OK you and Gecko.
I know you are opposed to Clean Government. Your corrupt business buddies (Denver Chamber crowd) will crap their pants when 54 passes. Business will be stuck, but Union Bosses will filter all their campaign contributions through new out of state non-profits, union financial clearing houses and newly created special union only financing loopholes.
I can just see it now…the Denver Chamber crew in state court crying about 54 and the Union Bosses snickering in the corner.
Wow, just wow.
She’s the first of three Democratic women who gave up voting for the Democrat this year, and who simultaneously gave up the entire Democratic platform. (The other two are Elaine Rafferty and Wendy Button.)
I mean, it’s one thing to support McCain, but how do suddenly stop caring about choice because you’ve made a different endorsement? How do you stop caring about working people?
Plenty of Republicans have endorsed Obama, but they haven’t suddenly become radical left-wingers. What’s up with these people?
I’ll mull that over the next time I crack open a bottle of ChГўteau Mouton Rothschild wine.
Wait a minute…I can’t afford a bottle of ChГўteau Mouton Rothschild.
I’ll just quote it in full, because it’s short and hilarious.
And that, “my friends,” is “socialism” and “redistribution.”
God, don’t fall for it people.
Speaking as a company CEO – taxes do not reduce the number of people I hire. If anything they increase it. Taxes come on profits so hiring more people reduces profits and thereby reduces taxes.
Think people!!!
Nothing to do with politics, but this is such a good (minor) tale.
An old neighbor that I hadn’t met and I were talking a while ago. He was telling me about his deceased wife and her work early on in computers. Said that she was the woman who discovered the bug in the old computer. I asked her name, it didn’t register, and then he said, “Her partner was Grace Hopper…” Ding Ding Ding Ding!
The moth was taped into the log book as “The bug in the computer.”
This is a new one: a politician complaining that her First Amendment rights are being violated by a FREE PRESS that is daring to criticize her.
Holy smokes, how dipshittedly bass-ackwards is THAT?
It sounds like something Saturday Night Live would write as a parody.
You mean that Sarah Palin wasn’t SNL parody to begin with??? She’s real???? Holy &^#@!!!
To reiterate my concerns: These are the three factors which can cost Obama the state.
1) Republican talk radio
2) Coffman-playing coy with the integrity of his office and making it difficult for newly registered dems to vote
3) Catholic bishops
In our household of many colors…we have received the robot calls for Beauprez and the so-called “informed Catholics”…I want to know where the fuck they got their call list….one person in this house was once, many years ago, a member of a catholic parish to say these calls are upsetting her would be an understatement. My concern is where the hell did they get the telphone number. The telephone number would only appear on lists from the gd archdiocese…as far as I can figure out. Are the calls effective. I don’t know. Are they legal? I don’t know that either..
But it is the kind of gd crap with which the repubs have won before…
See. gang….it is a little bit here and little bit there…carving away….that can cost Obama the state….
So spare me the dancing dogs and the triumphant victory shout outs….the race is not to the swiftist, etc.etc.etc…but crap can happen
and had to wonder… Although I’ve been to Catholic weddings in the last decade, I haven’t been to church as a worshipping Catholic since Reagan was still in office. Maybe they took a chance on my Irish last name…
I worry about the archdiocese’s abandonment of issues of social and economic justice to soley focus on Chaput’s pet political projects.
I agree that getting complacent is foolish.
Totally random and non-CO related, but wouldn’t it be nice if all ads were this sincere?
Also, if Obama/Biden win, chances are Johnson would be in line to chair the Senate Banking Committee, replacing Chris Dodd if he moves to Foreign Relations.
of a decayed and festering animal’s corpse. Ew, just ew.
Just the repeated reference to his bloated, drug addled instestines is disgusting.