from Andy Borowitz
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama will use his thirty-minute infomercial tonight to unveil a new breakthrough in exercise technology that will guarantee all Americans “sexy, rock-hard abs,” the Obama campaign confirmed today.
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I missed it. Bought a fake rat today at a Halloween store and hid it to scare my son. It worked great, but in the ensuing excitement and hilarity I totally spaced out the infomercial.
I suppose I should send another $25 to compensate for my neglect!
How was it?
I’m sure it was moving for Obamians. It was annoying for those of us who understand how manipulative and lying Obama is on the stump and in the infomercial.
Only idealists who don’t understand politics and Washington could believe Obama’s promises.
More empty rhetoric, false promises and, according to CNN, lies about McCain’s alleged connections to the radical Columbia professor. CNN also says McCain’s charges against Obama are false.
Some feel McCain’s making inroads with his charges about Obama’s tax plans, inexperience and ties to radicals.
I think it’s probably too little to late, but hope not.
Obama thinks that was unfair. I don’t think so, as I’ve pointed out before in a deleted thread.
As described in the infomercial tonight, the denial of coverage was routine and apparently stood up to any challenges.
He said she had a new job and the insurer said she had her cancer when she first bought her insurance. He’s said this before.
The argument is whether insurers should be allowed to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. Under HIPPA, if the person had insurance somewhere else when she got cancer, I think an insurer has to cover her. So it appears she didn’t have insurance until she took the new job.
Murky, I’d say.
So she wouldn’t have been protected by HIPPA, and apparently wasn’t protected in the state where she died.
AS is getting a little shrill as the election draws near, I’m thinking. He sounds more frightened than my kid did when he saw the fake rat….
By the way, it’s HIPAA, not HIPPA.
compassionate conservatism at work. So she had cancer when she got insurance. What the hell was she supposed to do, not buy insurance?
And I’m sure the insurance geek who turned her down felt so proud when she suffered.
The question isn’t whether it was legal. The question is whether it was moral, and whether our public policies should allow it to happen.
His moniker should be “Tough Shit.”
Repeatedly he has demonstated true compassionate conservatism: It’s all your fault, buck up, die. TS, I mean AS, I hope someday you have a Scrooge experience. Not for your suffering or pain, but for the lesson that we are all in this life together.
HIPPA does not have true, 100% portability in pre-existing conditions:…
But apparently you disagree with that. That’s fine, it’s your opinion.
that shows why McCain is losing so badly.
The whole concept that a person should be denied access to medical care due to a “pre-existing conditions” clause is just obscene. We have the wealth and ability to do better for our citizens.
We WASTE a tremendous amount of money and resources in America fighting over issues like these. We could put that money to much better use actually PROVIDING medical care.
and the insurance company, that he’d been paying for 50 years, denied the claim because it was a pre-existing condition. Apparently he’d been born with it and the Marine Corps had just missed it when he enlisted.
You have some sort of objection to making little old ladies selling their farms to pay their dead husband’s hospital bill?
Five years after the sale the company was forced to pay the bills, but only after being sued. Seems fair.
Why would an insurance company have to pay claims? How un-American!
Far less tragically, I had a diesel car once. The insuance cost me about $100 a year more than the gas version, “cuz it is a diesel.” When the car was totalled in a fire, I got far less for the car for the exact same reason I was paying more insurance!
Lord, I cannot express the extent that I hate insurance companies!
It was about his plan, his values, his life, and what he intends to do once elected. There were some vignettes of people (in swing states, imagine) talking about the economy, health care, their kids, etc. Little sound bites from Michelle, Tim Kaine, Bill Richardson, etc. But mostly Obama.
Obama talked about Obama, and America. He said nothing about McCain or radical anybody anywhere. Wouldn’t it be nice if the whole campaign could be like this?
It was more lies and changes in Obama policy. Something I’ve noticed is Obama keeps changing his policy on income redistribution. Over 250K, now a FAMILY or business making 200K. He lied about public financing… I’ve found if someone is lying over here, they’re lying over there.
Consider the following:
If your economics professors understood how the economy works, they would be making a living doing something productive, not teaching college kids the dismal science, which is almost completely useless. The vast majority of professors are liberals. When I went to Columbia Business School, my Econ PhD advisor predicted Reagan’s policies would have us in a severe depression by 1984. Head of the Department! He preferred Carteromics.
Redistribute wealth. Grow Government even more – more entitlements, more bureaucrats, more UNIONS – just what the US needs. Maybe the EU will let us in, so we can share their bounty?
Grow up. Forget BO’s empty promises. We did this in 1976, let’s not do it again!
I’d suggest cutting back a bit. It’s bad for you.
People just don’t like comments like that.
Do I think Obama will be able to accomplish everything he wants to do? No.
Do I think he’ll be a perfect President? Hell no.
Do I think he’ll be an incredible improvement over the current occupant of the White House? Hell YES!
Do I think he’ll have an inclusive Cabinet: one where Robert Gates might even continue on as Defense Secretary and where Richard Lugar will have a role? Hell yes!
Do I think he has the chance of being one of the greatest U.S. presidents? Yes.
Do I think there’s a chance he’ll be another Jimmy Carter? No – I think he’s learned from those mistakes and is a much better communicator – and he won’t have an insular Georgia Mafia shielding him.
Do I think he’ll protect America? Yes.
Do I think he’ll actually REDUCE the number of abortions over those that McCain and Palin would reduce? Yes!!! Not by showboating and vain pandering to the Christian right, but by taking real steps to reduce the number of abortions that occur.
Do I think he’s a good family man, a loving father and a faithful husband? And a Christian? Yes – for what it’s worth. A much more moral human being, judged by his life, than McCain and many others.
Adios, Wednesday.
at least you waited 25 minutes to post.
Your views are suspect at best. Obama has no ties to radicals. This is manufactured silliness by a desperate losing GOP.
I credit Obama with runnning a clean campaign and not maligning the character of his opponent as your insipid post does.
Only non-professional, uneducated, hateful people could give your post any credibility.
Obama did not say anything on how he was going to support these plans. A detailed report would be great. It just does not add up when you think about it. You cannot waive taxes on all the middle class($250,000 and below) and still bring in revenue. Obama seems to promise the moon but will only deliver a piece of dust.
Here is an interesting article from the Pueblo Chieftain:
Sheila Conlee, Pueblo businesswoman checking in here. I can report that I have heard many reports of other democrats such as myself, also, and still at this late date, voting for John McCain.
I have many reasons for not wanting to vote for Obama, mainly however, is the fact I believe he is a Socialist. I am presently very upset because Obama is having a rally here in Pueblo on Saturday directly in front of my store and the Secret Service came into my retail store today and told me I have to close on Saturday between 10-6 (my store hours).
Several other shop owners and myself are very upset about this because Obama’s campaign could certainly afford to rent a place for his rally, and yet he is so arrogant as to think that he is so well accepted that none of us will care if we lose our business that day. I wouldn’t give his campaign a nickel and yet I am giving up a day’s wages. My proof that Obama cares about Obama and not much else.
Here is an interesting video from a veteran:…
McCain has smaller cuts until the $111,111 to 160,000, for the upper income levels he gives back much more than Obama. Overall it comes out to a larger cut under McCain (for the rich).
So, the better question is how would McCain afford any programs while funding the wars? Traditionally it’s the GOP that tries to cut taxes and pretend that programs don’t cost. Come on, you remember the debt under Reagan and Bush (both of them).…
Fabulous production values.
Tear jerker.
Reassuring to “scared white people”.
I can’t believe I actually watched the whole thing.
I was drawn in the whole time – superb job of all the different messages all brought together.
I’d get the DVD, if they do one of those quick turnaround releases. That was really something.
I’m pretty sure American Stories, American Solutions is the infomercial. I missed it due to not having a television watching habit.
Minus the last few minutes, which cut to Obama live at a rally in Florida for the finish.
I can’t get over the size that crowd in Denver on Sunday.
Now, go vote for change!
I am rereading a great book, now out of print, by the late, great, Gene Amole, called “Morning.”….about mid century Denver. He claims that when Truman came through on his campaign train, that a crowd of 100,000 met him in Civic Center Park. Amole claimed to be one of the democratic party organizers…
Until you see Civic Center park filled with people from the State Captol to Denver City and County Building, the whole architectural park and buildings doesn’t make any sense.
…and votes for McCain, they an idiot and/or amoral.
It was superb. Like the MHS acceptance speech, sheer marketing genius.
McCain should reserve his ticket to Phoenix….or one of his nine homes.
But what was the MHS acceptance speech?
I assume.
I was trying to think of any president with the intials MHS, but thought it was a little odd of a reference.
Did any undecideds watch it?
Somebody did, that’s for sure.
The Nielsen overnights are out:…
The infomercial had a 29 share, crushing its competition on ABC by a factor of 7.
Over here in the hinterlands, Bresnan scattered it over three time slots. It was on MSNBC at 6:00 local; on Fox, Bresnan didn’t air it until after the World Half Series, airing The Simpsons in the 6:00 time slot instead, and on the other networks we saw the West Coast feed at 7:00.
…for Obama to afford this.
Someone told me that he saw something on (although I couldn’t find it) that another someone went to the Phoenix McCain Hq. Signs piled up going nowhere, a veritable morgue. Meanwhile, over at Obamaland, a madhouse.
the elitist 9 home Mac takes his woes out on small donors! I just watched him argue on CNN that If it wasn’t for us middle class folk contributing to Obama, the election would be different. What an elitist prick.
What the heck could he possibly know about middle class struggles?
Free, highest quality undergrad education, free health care for at least two generations before him. Born on the taxpayer nickel (as was I!)
OTOH, Obama was born into average circumstances. Yet, he’s the “elitist.”
Palin said that an elitist was anybody who thinks that they are better than anybody else. How many times has she said that people in small towns have better morals? Yep, she thinks she’s better than anybody in the Big City.
McCain agreed, but went on to say that elitists live in New York and D.C. He’s been an elected official in D.C. for 25 years.
Figure that out.
What do those big, elitist cities know about real patriotism? About the threats we face from terrorism?
You tell ’em, John and Sarah!
Those comments were in response to Obama mocking Joe the Plumber. Sarah was defending people Obama put down. Obama smiled a condescending smile and said “McCain is concerned and fighting for a plumber.” As did Joe Biden. Obama keeps gaffing his disdain for small towns of which most Colorado qualifies as… saying they cling to guns… The infomercial was a slick, poorly done scripted performance– but get Obama off script and without the help of Hollywood, he slips about income redistribution (amount keeps changing) talking to dictators of Iran without preconditions, and Rev. Wright being his mentor and lying about Ayers just “being a guy in the neighborhood.”
If you watch the entire video of his encounter with the man he was pleasant, polite and respectful, trying his best to answer the guy’s question and explain his postion. It was the McCain campaign that jumped on it and shoved the guy into the spotlight and invited the media to take a look.
Oddly,the guy would actually be much better off under Obama’s plan even if his dream of becoming a real plumber and buying the supposed 280K business were to come true, You don’t make 280K off a business that grosses that amount so he’d still be well under. Not to mention other breaks for small businesses in the Obama plan and the better health care plan for people who have to get their own insurance.
And Sarah Palin’s definition of elite is absurd. Sounds like the kind of thing lazy bullies say to good students in High School: The brainy kids who study and get As think their better than us. Waahh!
We’ve had eight years of a president who had no reason to think he was better than anybody. He isn’t and when the leader of the whole damn free world is a complete mediocrity things tend to go to hell pretty quickly. If we don’t want the very best we’re just plain stupid.
Get it, define.
How do you figure that a bad definition is to protect all of us six-packers?
Green is a color that hasn’t worked out that well for McCain.
Amazing presentation, fantastic message…didn’t really expect it to be so good.
The education section was especially compelling. How you pay for it, I don’t know, but the part about education starting at home and his story about his mother absolutely has to resonate with anyone with a soul.
The only part I was skeptical about was the “going line by line through spending bills (or something like that) to cut waste.” Democrats have never been all that bullish on the line-item veto, have they?
it’s gotta be done. I don’t think any President has ever really been mean about it, but that’s what needs to happen. Make it work, or cut it out.
He did a comprehensive pass (well OMB did) and tried to get a boatload of items killed in a single bill. The lobbyists destroyed the effort.
I’m hopeful that Obama’s strong election and the financial mess will give Obama an opening to actually do this.
This sadly under-appreciated effort actually had an effect. It was a bottom-up effort to improve govt. It worked.
But none of these types of things will ever occur when you don’t believe in good government and put people like heckuvajob Brownie in charge.
To me, that’s what this election is all about. It’s for the grown-ups to be in charge again.
The President pitches the Budget to Congress, so decides each line (cut waste, support good projects, etc) before submitting it to Congress.
And as we all know Congress amends the budget and returns it to the President to execute into law. However, while Clinton used the line-item veto during the 90’s, in 1998 is was ruled unconstitutional.
how much head-butting there is between the CBO and OMB in an Obama administration. Even when republicans controlled both, Doug Holtz-Eakin and Daniels/Josh Bolten did a piss poor job of working together. Add in Kent Conrad, John Spratt, Dave Obey and the gang, and Obama will probably have to do some serious arm-twisting to do. 🙂
I think you’re right. Whatever happens, the next President is inheriting one heck of a mess.
She’s a successful governor of a small state, and has as much experience as Bill Clinton had as Governor of Arkansas. (gasp, he says, oops, forgot that…I was too busy focusing on the hit pieces on her clothes to see the facts.) She oversaw a 40 Billion natural gas pipeline and took tax revenues from rich oil companies (Exxon Mobil and gave it to the people of Alaska.)
The press is generally in the can for Obama– except the most respectable Newspaper of all Wall STreet Journal.
I believe Bill Clinton had been Governor for nearly a decade – that’s a lot longer than two years, in case you were wondering. You shills like fuzzy math.
You post this here and say in another comment that you’re voting GOP for the first time ever. You think we’re dumb enough to believe that? LOL!
BC was governor for two years, left the office, and then back for nine years, eleven months. And not to forget two years as AG for the state.
That’s fourteen years of real experience in a state that is much bigger in population than Alaska and lacked all that oil revenue.
Of course, he couldn’t see Russia from Little Rock…….
Send the corrupt beauty queen back to Alaska to keep an eye on Putin for when he reers his head over America.
It isn’t even started yet. She tried to railroad it through to replace a plan the oil companies were committed to self-funding, and neither the oil companies nor the required government permits have gone through.
She’s an arrogant brat who’s climbed to the top on the knives she’s put in the backs of her mentors and compatriots, doing the same corrupt deeds but until recently leaving them holding the bag. She’ll be lucky if she’s not in jail by the time 2012 rolls around.
It’s also led to another scandal.
Also, the company that’s going to end our dependence on foreign oil? It’s Canadian. But not to worry, that’s her foreign policy experience.…
So you approve of socialism, then? Then what’s all the fuss about Obama’s plan to simply do away with the unaffordable Bush tax cuts for the rich and return them to the rates they paid before? Much less socialistic than cutting a check to every Alaskan whether they pay taxes or even work at all or not based on a view that Alaska’s oil should be considered a communal resource.
If Obama proposed such a thing Palin would be calling him a Stalinist. That is if she has any idea who Stalin was.
a $3200 check from taxes on oil companies, like they get in Alaska, if she gets to be Vice President?
…and thanks for your thoughtful comments!
We’ve had SO many trolls and shills here lately.
Welcome aboard.
you guys really do attract some funny characters, haha!
We do appreciate diversity of opinion around here, provided that it’s your own damn opinion.
each time Mac seems to be all but down and out, he gambles big. Watching these last few days has been laughable, seeing how he’s moving further into wing-nut land with his attacks, without giving the American people any reason what-so-ever to support him, I’m just not sure he even knows what to do next with only 5 days left.
Anyone have any thoughts? What’s Mac’s final hail mary?
More than he was. In a speech today he even specifically brought up OBL. (Just heard it on the local news)
Mostly I think he knows he missed the boat. I still wouldn’t be surprised to see something horrible in the Middle East on 11/3.
Firing his staff during the primary, picking Palin, etc., those are big gambles. Attacking his opponent with the same kind of attacks we’ve been hearing from Bush/Cheney for the last eight years isn’t going to cut it.
Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke is the standard saying. Sit on a lead. Play it safe. Don’t rock the boat.
The Obama playbook looks a hell of a lot different from Rove’s. His narration voice was amazing like Reagans. Palin is a cheap tart with her winky winks when it comes to reading lines and injecting them with emotion. Obama is playing for a unified nation now and he showed the country that he has talked to and listened to the real Joes and Janes in America. This was a double whammy smack down of the phony wanting book deals and a TV show. McCain has nothing on Obama when it comes to communicating with ordinary people.
It also shows the quality of talent Obama is attracting to his cause to have an Academy Award winning director produce this. If he brings in to his cabinet this quality of talent to work for him we might not be a failed nation in ten years. It really showed that people want to step up and work for him. He is doing his part and keeping faith with America. Anyone who believes he is capable of leading our nation needs to get out and make some phone calls and knock on some doors this weekend.
A lot of it could be read as what he’s going to do as president. He wasn’t campaigning, he was getting us moving along on his presidency. And I think it shows he will be very effective as president.
I can’t wait to see his cabinet level appointments.
It’s bad luck. Let’s just keep working to see this thing through.
Another day just ticked off the clock and Obama owned the news cycle.
tick tick tick
That ain’t a bomb John. It is the last hours of your dreams to be number one ticking off the clock.
With only 5 more days left in the McCain campaign they tried to bring up Khalidi, and that fell flat on its ass.
A ho hummer. Hard to stay awake
Obama is trying to run out the clock. It might just work.
yeah, I bet all those stories about people struggling to get by in today’s economy is really annoying for hob nob elitists like you McCain supporters.
and then others just nail it perfectly before I can even check the site.
Buying a half hour of ad time is hardly “running out the clock.” It’s revolutionary.
And it will work. That was a very compelling video.
First it was moving his acceptance speech to MHS.
Now, a 30 minute infomercial on four networks.
Neither had ever been done.
You know, if Jesus, Lincoln, and Reagan endorsed Obama, some folks still wouldn’t get it. Actually, I think Lincoln and Jesus would. Obama’s conciliatory style and history is much more like they were than McCain.
give his convention speech at the LA Coliseum?