This glorious, beautiful morning I woke up and it looked like it was going to be a wonderful day, until I saw the state of my car… It appears that at least one Obama Supporter doesn’t believe in “free speech” or simple tolerance. A rogue had stuck a screw driver into the side of my window and shattered the glass. Why? Because I had just put a McCain sticker in my window. This was actually the third time I had put a sticker on, the first two had been ripped off.
Intimidation will not work, the second I get my car back from the shop; I will put one on again.
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I hate that. That is so low, it’s horrible. I apologize on behalf of my side of the political spectrum.
Everyone has the right to put political messages on their own private property, and no one has the right to remove or damage them–or the property on which they are displayed.
under the sticker put a message “placement of this sticker strongly supported by Obama supporters.” Keep up the good fight!
you beat me to it.
Not asked in a cheeky way at all, please don’t misinterpret.
I heard a report on the radio about this happening across the US. Stunning to me that a person’s political persuasion allows this anger and emotion to run amok.
May I make a suggestion?
When you get your car back, place a note by the McCain sticker saying,
I’m a lifelong Democrat, and I’ve already voted for Sen. Obama. Whoever did this to your car has apparently not been listening to what Sen. Obama has been saying.
This sort of thing always agitates me, no matter who does it. It really is approaching brownshirt-style thuggery.
How do you know it was an Obama supporter? Do you have proof. Vandalism is never right, but placing blame without evidence is just as intolerable.
ok, the first bumper sticker I had on my car lasted one week. The second bumper sticker on my car lasted two days. The third bumper sticker lasted two days with my window being demolished.
Also, nothing was stolen and I had multiple valuables in the car 1. being my cellphone and 2. being my wallet (that one was hidden however).
I’m sorry that you are blind to the acts of people you agree with. There was no other reason to vandalize my car, there are only 5 cars on that side of my building and only mine was damaged. Not to mention that the side that was damaged, was not visible to the street.
but a lot of wild accusations are being made. Tis the “silly season.” I like proof. Sorry if that upsets you.
..not included in your first post.
Western Way, if you re-read your original diary you left out a lot of pertinent info that would make any reasonable person question that some anti-McCain person trashed your car. Heck, even with this info it’s just as reasonable to presume that you’re the victim of a Ron Paul fanatic.
None of that is excusable, of course, and I’m truly sorry that you went through this simply for showing support for the candidate of your choice. But until this person is caught you’re assuming to know his or her politics.
and is dispicable regardless of who is doing it.
I salute you for refusing to be intimidated by people who are attempting to deprive you of your first amendment rights!
I’ve had three Obama signs stolen (strangely enough, the criminals were not as offended by my Udall, Windels and Gagliardi signs as they left them alone). In each case, I planted another Obama sign and contributed $50 to his campaign. I would encourage you to do the same for McCain….I can tell you it made me feel quite a bit better!
From one that has been the target of violence in the past, all I can add is that I’m glad that you weren’t hurt.
It’s sad that violence still exists in the political process.
Job well done, sir!
One in CD-2, one in CD-4, and one in Hawaii. He’s voting for Obama on all three.
I wonder if others have shared the experience of a colleague who was informed by a long-time client that their business relationship was over because of her politics. After a grilling about her views and listening to a rant about Barack Hussein Obama and his “black national agenda” (what is that?) an ultimatum was delivered… the client would no longer work with people who were on the wrong side. My friend was flummoxed. I know this happens, but it still surprises me. I think it only demonstrates the need for unifying leadership. Can the accumulated rancor be overcome?
is to reinstate slavery but for white folks. Why do you think that fat ass rush limbaugh is so scared. His fat ass hasn’t done a days hard work in years!
One of my best salespeople was a Republican. We would discuss politics occasionally but I would keep it to a minimum because I was worried that as his boss I shouldn’t be spouting off on something he disagreed with.
And when he left for another job (closer to home), I did everything I could to keep him on.
But I don’t shop at Wal-Mart or some other places specifically because some of my money would be going to support things I strongly disagree with, and (more importantly) business practices that I despise.
I shop at Whole Foods most of the time because I believe that organic food is better for me and for the environment.
The power of the free market is supposed to be that the best overall product/service rises to the top because consumers are informed about the companies and products they are buying.
I happen to think that this client may have been wrong in their decision (and more than a bit racist to boot), but I can’t be hypocritical and say they shouldn’t be changing business relationships based on political beliefs. How many of us are threatening to stay away from American Furniture Warehouse because of Jake Jabs’ support of political measures this year?