“If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world.”
–Mercedes Lackey
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IN: Gabe Evans, Jason Crow: Yin And Yang On Pete Hegseth
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From the latest New Yorker:
Oh, they are homonyms?
Sort of like Nixon’s guarenteed annual income, I guess.
And yet in the lower 48 the battles over a few bucks a barrel of extraction are legendary.
I just noticed that, in another thread, you already quoted this. I’m just redistributing the information, I guess.
Based on her record, she would probably tell us to not just end the oil company tax holiday (Amendment 58) but increase the tax levels.
Amendment 58 does increase taxes. Calling it a tax holiday does not mean that you’re not increasing the tax level.
If this were an accurate analogy to what Obama proposes it would be putting more of a tax on the $150 million that Obama has raised so that a tax could be taken off of what the Libertarian, Prohibition, and other poor candidates are raising. McCain wouldn’t actually get anything because he’s not in the bottom 80% of presidential candidates in fund raising. He’s more like one of those upper middle class people who neither get a cut or a tax increase.
And it isn’t funny. Not because it is against my guy, but because it doesn’t do a good job of poking fun at Obama. It isn’t even a good caricature, he doesn’t seem like the sort of person who would yell in that fashion. The cartoonist should have gone with a blank look and “It hardly seems equitable to take the money and give it to McCain,” or something of that nature. That would be a twofer as well since that’s the sort of elevated language that conservatives love to mock. And he should learn how to draw.
Will it be a category five or just a lot of hot wind???
I don’t like all this crap about the Obama birth certficate….however, the lawyer challenging Obama’s “born in the USA” is pursuing a legal strategy which could get the Supreme Court involved. He sued in federal court challenging Obama’s qualification for running for the Presidency…The judge threw it out on the grounds that the lawyer did not have “standing” to bring suit. That could well be a constitutional issue, independent of the merits of the case. It is on those grounds that the lawyer is appealing directly to the Supreme Court..you only need three justices to decide to hear the case,
The first thing such a decision to even hear the case would do is stop the Obama momentum. the second thing would be to create doubt…the third thing is it could give the Supremes…stronger on the right than in 2000…. a way to throw the election to the repubs…
These are bizarre times we are living through…
So, Phoenix Rising,…no soothing words. This is just my observation….putting it on the map now….let us watch what happens….
Sadly, I do think the issue of who has standing to sue is a legitimate constiutional question.
It would open up the whole McCain citizenship thing. I’m rusty on the rationale, but it has to do with the laws in effect when he was born.
My own, non-legal analysis: Obama hasn’t been elected yet; he won’t technically be elected until the EC meets. Any lawsuit challenging his eligibility would be thrown out until his future swearing-in was relatively beyond doubt. Call it “not ripe” or “lack of standing”, as the judge did, it’s a pretty standard ruling and not likely to be heard before the Supreme Court.
Having the SCOTUS step in on this one could lead to long-term chaos. Alito and Thomas might step up to support this, but I give Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Scalia credit for enough brains to say no.
I agree with you that Roberts would probably not go along with such a stunt (unlike his predecessor in 2000), but Scalia would probably be the brains and provide most of the energy behind such a maneuver.
Obama was born in Hawaii? Even if the SCOTUS agreed to hear it, their finding would be that because he was born in the US he’s qualified.
But more importantly, even if the standing issue made it to the Court, they would rule on the standing issue and send it back without ruling on the underlying challenge to senator Obama’s citizenship. Even if the Supreme Court found standing, the lower court would then throw it out on the merits, and you can bet what’s left of your life savings that the Supreme Court is never going to take up a case of someone seeking to eject a sitting president.
If the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case on the “standing issue,” that would stop the Obama momentum…it would throw a wrench into the last days of the election….that is all it would take to perhaps convince independents to vote McCain…It SLOWS DOWN the Obama train…..that could be significant.
I remember 2000. Don’t anyone tell me what the gd Supreme Court will or will not do. And, for god’s sakes, don’t tell anyone to bet their life’s savings…
As an aside, if there were a Fairness Doctrine governing public airwaves, then the repubs would have to grant equal time on the same venue to refute what is being said….for example, this lawyer said that Obama is a fraud. He also said that states will issue copies of original birth certificates…which is not always true. However, he can repeat this false statement forever without fear of being contradicted by the other side on the same station at the same time to reach the same audience. In the closing days of this close election, the repubs control the majority of the public airwaves…that is not freedom of speech…that is government control of the media…
they took the case, it would cut the other way. The story would be a 2000 repeat and an attempt by Republican appointees to stop a popular Democratic candidate. I think that would lead to more, not fewer, moderate votes for senator Obama.
I understand why you don’t trust the Court. I’m just saying if I ran a book I’d take bets at 100,000 to 1 the Court doesn’t take up this issue in the next 6 days and 10,000,000 to 1 they wouldn’t, somewhere down the road, issue a ruling that attempted to remove the President of the United States from power based on this issue.
But remember, the important thing is who wins….not the overall issues.
Bush won with less than 600 votes in 2000……and kept the power for eight years…
It is about power; not about law or impressions or anything else.
A dirty win is still a win. If McCain wins, the Roberts court will rewrite federalism….that is a tremendous incentative….
I’m not sure that would happen. Wouldn’t Biden then become the Dem candidate, or at least the guy who the Dem electors would be most likely to vote for in Dec. when the electors meet to actually elect the president?
As someone else posted, such a stunt would re-open the whole issue of whether someone born in Panama (albeit, when it was the Canal Zone) is qualified to serve as president.
I wouldn’t lose any sleep over this. I’m more worried about the Shrub precipitating a “Wag the Dog” moment this weekend to scare the shit out of voters, and to help McCain.
Oh, and we haven’t seen O.B.L.’s traditional pre-election video, and who he wants to see win.
Sorry, I don’t know how to embed a Youtube.
I have really, really gotten to disrespect these typical Republican voters. I don’t recall Obama ever saying anything about gun control in its many forms. Yet, there they are as if he said he was going to repeal the second amendment. I think generally, Dems have dropped gun control as a rallying cry for 15 years. A few pockets of social experimenting like DC, but generally not caring. It’s like Civil Rights, the battle has 98% been fought.
The other factor of my disrespect is the Joe The Plumber Syndrome. Obama wants to DECREASE taxes on those making less than $250,000 a year yet these morons (the gun buys, no doubt) think he will increase their taxes. Well, like our own Gecko. Is there anything in the book for people who make $50K but think that they make $500K, or soon will.
Retards. (Apologies to folks with a lower IQ.)
At news conferences the McCain people have Joe the Plumber commenting on foreign policy. Are they nuts??!!!!
I shit you not.
In fact they’re over already.
He’s not even getting softballs from Faux News anymore:
The tax cut would be for those making $150,000 or less.
Those making between $150,000 and $250,000 would not get a tax cut, but would see no tax increase.
Those who make over $250,000 would see a modest increase.
I think that has been slightly muddied by the ads, the media, and by the Obama-Biden campaign itself. Biden clarified the plan the other day, and McCain used it against them–as if seeing no tax increase (but not receiving a cut) is something horribly evil.
I’m sorry, but if you’re making over $150,000 a year, not getting that tax cut is not going to ruin you. Basically, the Bush tax cuts would roll over for that bracket.
See the pretty chart.
But if that Tax Policy Center chart is right, then it looks like they’ll see no increase at all. The first actual increase occurs at $600,000+.
The first of the — arbitrarily chosen — ranges on that chart that averages an increase is 600K+. But in the range just below that one, some people are seeing increases and some people seeing decreases. People just above 250K are seeing increases, though slight ones.
Because of child tax credits, etc. That’s why they did it as averages.
is pollster’s national chart. Only 15 solid red states left!
because none of this is law yet. All subject to congressional action promoted by President Obama. (Get used to that, righties!)
One of the foundations Obama served on was radically anti-gun, among their other efforts. However, Obama’s concentration while on the board was in other areas. Also, Obama was pretty anti-gun in his earlier years, but now supports “reasonable controls”.
However, I don’t think gun lovers have much to worry about. First, the recent Supreme Court ruling has finally nailed down the basic right to own a gun beyond doubt, and second, Obama and the next Congress will be too busy with “real work” to try and take away people’s 2nd Amendment rights.
but McCain has caught up with Obama in their daily tracking poll. He now leads by three, and the race hasn’t been this close by that poll since the RNC.
Obama is still leading or tied in almost every battleground state though.
What’s happening in the national polls appears to be similar to what happened just after the Republican Convention – undecided Republican voters coming home to Republican-land, and most prominently in already Republican states.
The battleground polling is closing only slightly if at all, leaving McCain way behind where he needs to be right now.
….overlook the fact that we have 50 elections, not one.
In terms of the EC, barring something like martial law, Obama has it by a huge margin.
Drudge keeps this topic going for the last week. Drudge apparently wants to forget the EC. Or doesn’t know about it.
be a regular Drudge reader purely because that’s where so many others get their news, but I’ve gotten so sick of him. I’ve completely stopped visiting.
By the way, I was referring to the Rassmussen tracking poll in my first post. I didn’t make that clear.
Drudge ain’t no statistician, unlike the folks over at fivethirtyeight.com.
I like Drudge just because of the quick to scan “headlines” that cover so many topics, even funny ones. I expect him to be less partisan again after the election. He does have a way of spinning, but I’m too damned smart for that! 🙂
Is my logic flawed?
Thinking about this here is my speculation.
There are approximately 294K active registered voters in Denver (411K total registration including inactives).
For the sake of arguement let’s assume that the universe of voters likely to vote is no more than 294k.
To date approximately 197K voters have applied for a mail ballot. By the time early voting ends in Denver something like 30K+ will have voted early. That means that out of the 294K active registered voters, somewhere between 120K and 130K will not vote on election day (though many may turn in mail ballots on Nov. 4).
That means that less than 100K voters may show up to vote on election day.
There are 185 polling sites in Denver. Some with as many as 5 precincts and some with as few as 1. The apportioning of precincts to polling sites is determined by a variety of factors, but the size of the potential voter universe at each of the sites is one of the factors. Also, resources (voting equipment, judges, etc.) are being apportioned based on factors of vote history, number of persons who have voted early or by mail ballot. The point is to ease the load across all the polling sites.
But taking a simplistic approach (while recognizing that voter turnout at each polling site will not be uniform) and for the sake of arguement/demonstration:
100K voters on election day, spread over 185 polling sites equals 540 voters per site on that day.
No lines?
Could you get a Recent Reply button added to our personal menu? It would make life so much easier and cut down on the amount of replies some of us miss. I know it’s doable because I blog on another Soapblox run blog and it was recently added, making life oh so much more simple.
Pretty please? I promise not to swear once for the rest of the day if you make it happen. 🙂
You have to navigate to get to it, though. Click on “your comments” and you’ll see “recent replies” on that page. So it’s kind of a pain since you have to click twice…
If you knew that already, sorry…
I most definitely didn’t know that. I tried it and Eureka. You’re a genius. 🙂
new comments have [new], so I just search for that when I reload a thread. I know Internet Exploder is annoying with this, but firefox and Safari both have nice tool bar text search functions
the “Your Comments” tab on the far right and it will show you if anyone has replied to any of your comments.
you have to go back further and further to see if someone replied and I’ve been missing quite a few. Now that I’ve had the Recent Replies pointed out to me, my life has suddenly become much easier. 🙂
because sometimes folks answer two or more days later and because there are so many more diaries as well as users here.
I love this story. Just reminds me of how far we have come.
109 year old daughter of slave casts vote for Obama.
Amanda will be celebrating her 110th birthday in December.
Seriously, that is a wonderful idea, parsing.
what an amazing story.
but at 110, will she be in shape to travel?
Thanks for being such a Debbie Downer, though. 🙂
If anyone has earned a ride on that plane, it’s that lady!
I would be just fine with that. She truly has earned it. Me? No, I have not. Not even close.
Her? Yep. Definitely.
Obama/Biden vs McCain/Palin,
What if things were switched
around?…..think about it. Would the country’s
collective point of view be different? Could racism be the
culprit? Ponder the following:
What if the Obamas had paraded five children across the
stage, including a three month old infant and an unwed,
pregnant teenage daughter?
What if John McCain was a former president of the Harvard
Law Review?
What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his
graduating class?
What if McCain had only married once, and Obama was a
What if Obama was the candidate who left his first wife
after a severe disfiguring car accident, when she no longer
measured up to his standards?
What if Obama had met his second wife in a bar and had a
long affair while he was still married?
What if Michelle Obama was the wife who not only became
addicted to painkillers but also acquired them illegally
through her charitable organization?
What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard?
What if Obama had been a member of the Keating Five?
(Five US Senators accused of corruption in 1989,
igniting a major political scandal as
part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s
and early 1990s.)
What if McCain was a charismatic, eloquent speaker?
What if Obama couldn’t read from a teleprompter?
What if Obama was the one who had military experience that
included discipline problems and a record of crashing seven
planes? What if his fellow prisoners called him ‘songbird’?
What if Obama was the one who was known to display
publicly, on many occasions, a serious anger management
What if Michelle Obama’s family had made their money
from beer distribution?
What if Obama hired illegals for some of his many properties?
What if the Obamas had adopted a white child?
You could easily add to this list. If these questions
reflected reality, do you really believe the election
numbers would be as close as they are?
This is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizespositive
qualities in one candidate and emphasizes negative qualities
in another when there is a color difference.
Educational Background:
Barack Obama:
Columbia University – B.A. PoliticalScience with a
Specialization in International Relations.
Harvard – Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude
University of Delaware – B.A. inHistory and B.A. in
Political Science.
Syracuse University College of Law – Juris Doctor (J.D.)
John McCain:
United States Naval Academy – Class rank: 894 of 899
Sarah Palin:
Hawaii Pacific University – 1 semester
North Idaho College – 2 semesters – general study
University of Idaho – 2 semesters – journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College – 1 semester
University of Idaho – 3 semesters – B.A. in Journalism
from an email Mrs. Blog got from a friend who got it from ???
From Colorado Springs, the Irish Times reports on American evangelicals:
“Prophesy” has 2 meanings that I’m aware of:
—to speak for God; or
—to foretell the future.
Some folks apparently are mixing up the Koran with the Bible.
Only one of those was reputed to have been dictated, word for word, by God to a Prophet.
The other one was inspired by God, but written by men.
This is fundamental. To us Christian fundamentalists, its pretty important to get the basics right.
Telling one set of fundamentalists from another is a bit difficult when each claims the other’s foundations.
there it is.
I really can’t add much to this…
How is The Onion supposed to do its job when we have people like Don Young out there proving that truth is stranger than fiction?
Nixon was the second best president. Hoover was the best. Bush II is a distant third.
We changed things up a bit. Seems to make the message more powerful, no?