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October 28, 2008 02:36 AM UTC

You know its late in the season when the Obama's room service bills show up in your e-mail.

  • by: NEWSMAN


I guess the point is Senator and Mrs Obama didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night !

So the new story is, the bill is a fake.  So What.  My point was, it must be late in the campaign season when room service bills start showing up in my e-mail.  This is only one of many from both sides that have me scratching my head.  I wasn’t that impressed when I thought it was true. It is just one more sign of the last week of a very partisan campaign.  I wonder how many of the emails I have received are true.  I am sure the one that accuses John McCain of being responsible for the Fanny/Freddie mess is a crock. How about Obama the closet Muslim.  I am pretty sure that’s hooey.  Palin the big spending Governor, by who’s standard.  It’s all hyperbole at best, and outright lies at worst..

Can’t we just talk about what our Guys really said about the real issues.  


29 thoughts on “You know its late in the season when the Obama’s room service bills show up in your e-mail.

    1. So the new story is, the bill is a fake.  So What.  My point was, it must be late in the campaign season when room service bills start showing up in my e-mail.  This is only one of many from both sides that have me scratching my head.  I wasn’t that impressed when I thought it was true. It is just one more sign of the last week of a very partisan campaign.  I wonder how many of the emails I have received are true.  I am sure the one that accuses John McCain of being responsible for the Fanny/Freddie mess is a crock. How about Obama the closet Muslim.  I am pretty sure that’s hooey.  Palin the big spending Governor, by who’s standard.  It’s all hyperbole at best, and outright lies at worst..

      Can’t we just talk about what out Guys really said about the real issues.

      I say use the opportunity to clean out your own e-mail box.

      I challenge my fellow polsters to post the most outrageous claim from any race.  No makin it up.  The real stuff should be very entertaining.  Republican, Democrat, Third party, makes no difference.

      Show us the best example of hyperbole, exaggeration, fiction, or distortion.  

      Extra points if it was an overzealous group from your own side that is responsible.

      Oh wait, this isn’t fair is it. Some of you could never do this.  You actually believe that C–P posted on Daily Kos .  NEVER MIND !

      1. probably since you just post this stuff without giving any explanation. Really – was anyone supposed to understand your point when you didn’t make it in any way? That’s almost as silly as you taking my comment seriously (which, based on this lengthy post, you have – and if not, well, time to brush up those communication skills of yours. Wasn’t your hero rumored to be good at that? 🙂

      2. Ari I didn’t take you all that seriously.

        Did you not see the name of the group that sent this email.  It’s in the fine print at the bottom.  “The concerned citizens who Love America”.  

        I thought it was a joke at first, but the attached copy had a link to a New York Newspaper.

        I know, I know, never believe the mainstream media.

        But they used to actually check their sources before just firing up the press.

        This whole story is truly something I would expect to see about Cindy McCain, or Sarah Palin posted on KOS or the Huffingandpuffinton Post.

        Let’s say the bill was real.  Who knows who or how many it was for.  Who knows who paid, personal or the campaign. (I was joking about buying 3 or 4 more orders next time so they would have less money to buy ads with) As long as it wasn’t Public money, the campaign can spend how they see best.

        But I bet you get something just as outrageous about McCain, Palin, Schaffer, or some Republican in your e-mail box before Nov 4th.  Question is, will you buy it, or will you remember this and think twice.


        1. You can’t fool me, Newsie… you took it seriously enough. LOL

          BTW, when are you going to learn to link stuff? “Attached copy had a link to a New York Newspaper…” Don’t mention it if you aren’t going to link it. Jeez…

      3. I never said take your diary down. You could post a diary saying Obama was an alien or a demon from the 7th layer of hell, and I would disagree, but I wouldn’t ask you to take down a diary. Ever.

        I did, however, miss the sarcasm.

        In retrospect, this diary is hilarious.

  1. You’re missing the tit for your tat.  First, can you say with absolute certainty that this was paid for by the campaign (not that I have a problem with that)?

    Second, what’s the average room service ticket for a family of seven (I’m not sure if her eldest son travels with her, but the girl is eating for two anyway)?

  2. http://www.nypost.com/seven/10

    October 21, 2008 —

    THE source who told us last week about Michelle Obama getting lobster and caviar delivered to her room at the Waldorf-Astoria must have been under the influence of a mind-altering drug. She was not even staying at the Waldorf. We regret the mistake, and our former source is going to regret it, too. Bread and water would be too good for such disinformation.

  3. Your first thought should have been that there is no way Michelle Obama would have done something this stupid. Second, look at what’s on the bill – that’s not a semi-normal order, that’s the right wing’s dream of what they would like to show.

    It doesn’t pass the smell test.

            1. I mean who found this picture.  Who did the lighting for this photo retouch, Alfred Hitchcock?

              But the best part as I said before is the groups name, in the fine print.

              Lie’s .. Well that depends on what the definition of lies is.  This is last week of the election, (is it just par for the course politics?)

              I already voted (For Obama of course*) so none of this will effect my vote.

              (Full disclosure-  I actually did vote for Obama in a poll that asked who do you think will be easier to beat in November, Hillary or Obama.)

              If Hillary were your nominee, McCain would be down by 20 right now with this economy and Bill’s record of 90’s prosperity for Hillary to tout.

              1. I think Hillary would be at about the same point – but with different states in play. McCain ran a tough campaign and would have shoveled as much slime on HRC as he could have – and would have held it to the 5 – 10 point difference.

                It’s not that Barack had more weaknesses, it’s that we’ve had his, real and pretend, the focus for 2 months. We have not had Hillary’s. So she looks like she would have been hit less.

                Wouldn’t have made a difference.

  4. Newsman first posted this as a real actual news item, then changed the post to a commentary about the election season when he found out it was false ?

    1. The gutless wonder didn’t have the heart to pull his debunked opus down so he did what all good Rethugs do–reframed it and denied.

      He’s a good little lockstep commando. I credit him for that. He can goose step with the best of ’em.  

        1. The only thing that changed about my take on this, is when it was posted, the NY POST had not yet changed its mind on the story being true.  My take on it being a sign that its the last week of a long campaign, and “new” groups like “Citizens who Love America” crop up on both sides with what I consider less than seriously relevant things did not change.  Yes my first post had some snark.  I did jokingly suggest that the more spent on room service, the less left to spend on attack ads.  But so what.  Is still think that.  By all means, waste as much DNC money as possible :).

          Ask the first few readers here that got it, and they will confirm if that makes you happy.

          Or on second thought, just keep reading my stuff.  You will see I don’t hesitate to post stuff that is critical of my side when the story interests me, and I think it might interest others.  

          I don’t post things I think are deliberately mean spirited, or knowingly false.

              1. I have a new mouse. On the one hand it’s really snazzy, being a laser instead of a trackball, but the buttons are real sensitive and double click unless I’m really sure to be gentle.

                Besides, you should know better. If there were two of me, we’d be GOOD twins…

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