“A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.”
–Theodore Roosevelt
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BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
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IN: Monday Open Thread
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IN: Monday Open Thread
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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Spending the day working to get our next president of the United States elected.
But I’m focusing on down ticket candidates!
If you live in JeffCo, make sure to vote Jason Bane as Commissioner, District 2.
…I sorta was, but what do I know about Jeffco?
There is simply no rhyme or reason to their endorsements. They are utterly meaningless to me.
is left center. That is simply not true. The ed board is decidedly center to center right (more center than right). Add to that Dean Singleton’s hatred of unions (he’s certainly a moderate or liberal on most social issues) the board tilts more right than left.
I would be interested to hear Ewegan’s take on my assessment of the ed board at the Post and how influential Haley and Singleton are in the editorial stance of the paper.
I drink it.
Would defenitely mean no to Jason Bane because of his present job.
they are anti worker, but pro union boss. They are also very pro political and corporate boss. Sickens most people, but what can you expect.
Between the cup and the lip, there is many a slip. The Post Office cannot find 11,000 ballots which Sequoia said it sent……
Back in the day, an election in New Mexico was not official until someone stole the ballot box in Rio Arriba County….but at least they had ballots.
The spouse’s mail-in never arrived. For this longtime registered Denver voter it has been a multi year occurrence. Hummmm spouse is registered GOP, hummmm.
p.s. my ballot arrived, YES on 47 for freedom & justice and YES on 54 to stop the corruption.
…and NO on 49 because Ewegen is a hateful anti union member pig.
There should be a large quantity hitting mailboxes today or Monday and then another large batch hitting Tues-Wed.
If you live in Denver and have not recieved you mail ballot by Wednesday’s mail run, get yourself to the DED for a replacememnt ballot or to an early vote site to vote provisionally.
Please correct me, because if so it wouldn’t work for lost ballots.
so a missing ballot then could not be voted by anyone who finds it.
I hope they don’t charge the voter $25
the more you fascist anti-union goons split your vote, the easier it is for reasonable people to divide you and conquer you! You feel for that one hook, line and sinker.
Now, walk Jonathan’s dog, you’re late again.
Still doing the community service after that plea bargain? I thought I recognized you in that orange jump suit. Orange is just not your color, boy.
Say Bobby, how is your other favorite fellow republican doing … Ted Stevens?
You offshoring un-American corrupt types are all the same … anti worker/pro boss and $s for influence.
I still think you should have fought that thing instead of pleading, you had a clear case of entrapment. But you just never listen, do you, boy.
Now, get Julian his coffee. Remember, he wants two sugars.
You can be honest here, you hide behind an alias, after all, so nobody can track you down. So, how’s it working out?
Why would you want to track me down? Does your corporate & union goon squad want to give me a knuckle sandwich?
Here’s the link:
Rocky Mountain News
The writer of the story is Myung Oak Kim who has been very inaccurate with her election coverage so far. I would take this story, and another by this writer, with a grain of salt until confirmed by an independent source.
Here is the scoop:
Denver sent the correct file and correct numbers, Sequoia somehow did not manage to send them all.
The people who are affected have been identified and a mailing of those ballots is now slated to go out on the 27th.
Ballots mailed the 27th to voters are really late to be mailed back by November 4th. Didn’t the Post Office wanted them in the mail by the 28th?
“Sequoia somehow did not manage to send them all.” Imagine my surprise.
Denver City Election Department has a S&M relationship with Sequoia. The more they beat up the department, the more the department loves it…
If anyone is concerned about the mailing time, in Denver, they can also drop at any voting location during voting hours (I know this kinda defeats the purpose of mail ballots, but saves the postage)
Since the old precinct network has been destroyed, I don’t know off the top of my head where I can drop off a ballot.
I had to find where I had thrown all the mailed information and then locate the poll.
Parking, finding the place, etc. etc. all make it difficult for the first time voter, read democratic, read Obama supporter, to get that vote to the right place by the right time.
I agree, for once, with Sirota, that Coffman is getting ready to throw all kinds of wrenchs into the system, except for Denver. Denver can f##k up all by itself.
Before anyone tries to give me instructions on how to get to Mexico and Colorado, please know I am voting on election day; I know how to get to my closest polling place, and when the best time is…
I will not even have to follow the long lines, screaming participants or the national media helicopters to find it…
Finally, I hope to hell that the Obama boys and girls do not let down at this late date…….they should have lawyers camped in the Secretary of State’s office, NOW, challenging every damm thing he is doing….NOW
I know some of the county clerks had drive-by drop offs for mail ballots last election. Are any doing that this year?
And they give you a sticker. I read that in California they have drive through early voting.
you can drop off at any early voting location during the early vote window (Oct 20-31). I’m not sure about Oct 31-Nov 4, haven’t covered that point yet.
You can find them at your county site or county party site. They include your County Clerk and Recorder at your County Administration buildings and also City Clerk’s offices if you don’t get your ballot before early voting is over.
with the sample ballot? It had all the early voting locations and the hours they’d be operating. They also set up a collection center in the middle of Mexico Avenue outside of their new HQ (about one block west of Colorado Blvd – Mexico is just north of I-25 there.)
Check out their website.
My wife said she got one where Pat Schroder said “I’m taking the time to make this call because it’s so important” – it’s a robocall – Pat is not sitting in a room all day long dialing!!! My wife found it hilarious.
I asked here what the call was for and she said it was vote against some amendment for firefighters sake. But had no idea what amendment. Gee, lousy messaging on top of a dumb script. Not well done.
…the fault automatically falls on the script? There are other possible places to lay blame.
If the marketing message does not get through, the fault is the message. It may be delivery, it may be the script, it may be what you’re selling. But if you don’t reach the customer, you need to change your marketing.
My guess is it was no on 47, 49, 54 as the union marketing on those has been pretty poor.
As soon as I figure out it’s a robocall, I hang up. Unless it’s the candidate robo-calling, I usually listen to those. I definitely would not spend much time listening to RoboSchroder!
from FaceTheState we have:
I’ve got bad news for you guys, wishing won’t make it so…
In his syndicated column today, Garrison Keillor offers an insightful and concise summation of the difference in worldview between rural Texas (Repub) and urban (Dem) Americans–with respect and humor for both and the common ties we all share. It strongly resonates with my own experiences in those two habitats.
Here’s the link to the article in the Abilene, TX paper, couldn’t find it on the Rocky website:
I’m not going to link and I’m not going to reference the specific story on purpose. The Camera found out that the subject of a story, who is a minor, is the child of a political figure. And so they published the child’s name. Not just that they are the child of this person – but that child’s name.
Age 17 is almost an adult. But 17 is still a minor. There was no valid reason to do this. This was wrong.
the parent of the minor in question basically gave an interview to the guy that wrote the article. That’s not the DC’s fault. It was the parent’s choice.
The DC didn’t “out” him, neither did the police, one of his parents did.
And the story is damn funny and you know it…at least admit that.
Yes, it is stupid. My fear is that we no longer enjoy the stupid things that make life fun. Arrest, lawyers, fines – not a good use of our legal time and tax dollars.
Suspend the kid for three days, have him spend a Saturday working on something meaningful and call it a day.
Boulder PD has got to have something better to do with their time.
Oh wait, maybe not. They can’t really start patrolling the Hill to hand out MIPs and noise violations until 11pm or so. 🙂
I think what he did is very funny. I think the over-reaction of BVSD and the police is not funny. As WLJ says, this called for a slap on the writst and nothing more.
And it definitely did not call for naming him in the paper. We’ve had 17 year old kill others through drunken driving up here and they aren’t named in the paper. But for this they did – and now any employeer who googles him in the future – finds this.
The kid was a kid and did something harmless.
Unfortunately, all the grown-ups overreacted.
Finally figured out how to post a video from YouTube.
Thought political junkies would appreciate it as much as I did.