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October 24, 2008 09:43 AM UTC

How Amendment 47, 49, and 54 will affect rights and safety

  • by: johne

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

First we have an example about firefighters:


My name is Bill Wolf.  I made a promise to somebody I had been canvassing with who’s a firefighter.  And we talked about a lot of the economic issues surrounding these amendments.  But he wanted me to tell a story about an oxygen tank that he has.  There’s an oxygen tank that’s available to firefighters that’s lighter, smaller and allows firefighters to stay in a burning building 15 minutes longer than they can now.  With the voice of many firefighters within the union they were able to get approval to get this oxygen tank approved for them to carry.  Now for those of you who have loved ones in a burning building and they have 15 more minutes to get them out, this is more than just economic issues.  I’m sorry, I get choked up about this but this is more than that.  They will take that away.  Amendment 47, 49, and 54 will take that voice away.  Those kinds of things will not be able to be advocated for.

So, these things have consequences, real consequences.  It’s not just public safety that we’re talking about.  

More from State Rep Morgan Carroll:


I just wanted to give a little bit of background on Amendment 47.  This is arguably the most deceptive measure on the ballot this year, and maybe ever.  And the danger of this one is right to work sounds good.It sounds like it’s a right to work.  This is a race to the bottom.  But to bill this as if somehow something that devastates workers right in Colorado is somehow good for workers is probably the most offensive thing to me on the ballot.  Now our economy is desperate right now.  Our middle class is barely there by a thread. This really removes the infrastructure to take care of basic things like wages, safe working conditions, a secure pension.  This is the heart of the middle class.  And it’s not by accident that this is coming up.  In the so called right to work states which are really race to the bottom states, you see worker’s wages annually less, about $5300 per year in those states.  Check out the data on what happens if you look at the two states side by side, 51% more workplaces deaths occur in states that are this race to the bottom the so called right to work and Amendment 47.  This is not a labor-non-labor/businsess-labor issue.  This affects the wages and working conditions of every single worker in the state of Colorado.  We don’t have to guess.  We’ve already seen what happens in other states that pass it.  And the data shows it goes downhill and pretty quickly.

Did you hear that statistic at 1:06?  Indeed, a survey of Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows 51% higher work place deaths.  The link is actually from the AFL-CIO  Lest someone call bullcrap on me, I thought I’d take a look at the data just for Colorado and the neighboring states.  Data on workplace deaths for 2007 is available in a pdf on this page, and state populations from US Census Bureau.

Population is in thousands:

deaths Pop rate
AZ 88 6338 1.38
NM 43 1970 2.18
TX 527 23904 2.2
CO 119 4861 2.44
OK 104 3617 2.87
UT 78 2645 2.94
NE 63 1774 3.55
KS 100 2776 3.6
WY 48 552 9.19

Colorado and New Mexico are the only states without this legislation, and what we see is that Oklahoma, Utah, Nebraska, Kansas, and Wyoming all have higher worker death rates.  Why do Texas and Arizona have lower rates?  I don’t know.  But, combine the fact that 6 bordering states have a higher rate, and the overall 51% higher rate and we have something we should be concerned about.  Remember, this doesn’t just affect union jobs.  Businesses that don’t want unions try to keep their wages and benefits competitive.  When workers lose their ability to bargain for their wages, benefits and safety, we all loose, in as Rep Carroll said, a race to the bottom.

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17 thoughts on “How Amendment 47, 49, and 54 will affect rights and safety

      1. There is nothing that a small amount of sloppy housekeeping and a leaky Waste Management refuse bin won’t cure.

        The Denver Chamber of Commerce, corporations you love to hate and the Denver Economic Development Authority line up against Clean Government (54), Ethical Standards in Government (49) and the People’s Right to Work (47)? Say it ain’t so Joe.

        But wait, the focus is now only 54.

        From: Janice Sinden [mailto:Janice@ColoradoConcern.com]

        Sent: Thu 10/23/2008 11:18 AM

        To: ‘Janice Sinden’

        Cc: wisenberg@sagehospitality.com; phamill@morehouselessmoney.com; sfarber@bhfs.com; dritchie@dcpa.org; canschutz@westdevgrp.com; dbailey@tritonproperties.com; joe.blake@denverchamber.org; rafael.butillo@compassbank.com; mark@swinvest.com; christne@wellsfargo.com; tclarke@copic.com; Jeffrey.Dorsey@hcahealthcare.com; ‘Ellis, Joe’; dfarraro@bellco.org; ‘Fox, Lori [DENGV]’; normfranke@alpinebank.com; jefreyer@ltgc.com; ‘KC Gallagher’; kgart@ssv.net; mhobbs@keybank.com; ghutchison@hutchison-inc.com; ‘John Ikard’; mimhoff@stifel.com; jjohnson@gejohnson.com; Donna.L.Lynne@kp.org; ccm@mcwhinney.com; Rockys@mcwhinney.com; ‘Gary Meggison’; nflanagan@mdch.com; monfort2@attglobal.net; dmorton@thesportsauthority.com; roy.palmer@xcelenergy.com; ‘Kate Paul’; apeppers@westerracu.com; mswan@ch2m.com; tjr@ojrnr.com; sjr@hexagoninc.com; ‘Blair Richardson’; dick_robinson@deanfoods.com; jross@rossfbo.com; ‘Bill Rothacker’; hassan.salem@usbank.com; rsapkin@edgmark.com; ‘Shaw, John’; wshepherd@kamletshepherd.com; ssmith@laplatallc.com; cwalker@wcg-corp.com; Ward, Charles (Qwest-Colorado); scotw@matrixbancorp.com; McCormick, John; mike.beasley@xcelenergy.com; ‘Trimpa, Ted J.’; cfinegan@hhlaw.com; mfeeley@bhfs.com; ‘Dunn, Jason R.’; tamra.ward@denverchamber.org; tom.clark@metrodenver.org

        Subject: Important message from Walter Isenberg, Steve Farber, Pat Hamill and Dan Ritchie – NO ON AMENDMENT 54

        Many of you have already made a contribution to support Colorado Businesses for Sensible Solutions (CBSS), the newly formed coalition that was instrumental in removing the four labor-sponsored ballot initiatives (53, 55, 56 and 57).  We appreciate your support, and collectively, we have come a long way in a short amount of time on the fund raising commitment of $3 million-but we urgently need your financial support to ensure we meet our obligation.  

        Accordingly, we are asking every one of you to make a minimum contribution of $10,000 or as much as $100,000-corporate or individual funds – by noon on Friday, October 24.  Funds can be wired to the CBSS account (details attached) or checks can be couriered to Janice Sinden at the Colorado Concern office (140 East 19th Avenue, Suite 400, Denver, CO  80203-Phone:  303-241-6607).

        The campaign has refocused its attention and is now solely working to defeat Amendment 54.

        Amendment 54 would prohibit entities that have a no-bid contract with any public entity from making a campaign contribution has a slight advantage in the polls.  This amendment would have devastating impacts on both the business community … blah, blah, blah

        Say it ain’t so Joe.

          1. that 54 would paralyze their franchise elections. It’s a very anti-business amendment offered from the far-right “think tank” crowd that has absolutely no understanding of business.  I see Xcel kicked in 75k to defeat this crap, hope they double that.    

  1. It is outrageous that we even have these items up for a vote. At a time when jobs and income are tenuous this could put a nail in the coffin for workers in Colorado. Don’t be deceived about the nature of what and who this is about. It is about our families. Those who push this crap down our necks should have to pay the state back for the cost of running this garbage on the state ballot just to grab more dollars out of our pockets and pad the wallets of CEOs.

  2. I posted a diary just on 54 earlier, but I can’t believe there are so many constitutional amendments that have not been thoroughly researched and well-written. All of these are dangerous, as are 46 and 48.

    Leave the Colorado constitution alone and vote the constitutional amendments down.

  3. He was telling me to vote “No” on 47, 49, and 54. First call for me this election cycle from anyone (except the Obama and Undall campaigns who’ve called to try to get me to volunteer.)

  4. by disrupting the public private partnerships proposed for the commuter rail corridors. They are all encompassing design, build, finanance, operate contracts that would seem to run afoul of 54’s ban on sole source operations.  

  5. Does anyone who opposes Amendment 47 have any training in basic multivariate statistics? So many times I’ve seen the “states without Right To Work are [enter statistic] than Right to Work state.” Whether it is wages, state GDP per capita, or workplace deaths, you cannot possibly claim that Right To Work is the primary factor in that difference without controlling for factors like education attainment, industry composition, etc. We know that people with more education earn more, we know that some industries are more safe than others. It is entirely possible that some of these traits happen to correlate with the RTW division (in fact, I happen to know that RTW states have worse educational attainment, which should not be seen as causing the worse educational attainment).

    If a good statistician can show a rigorous effect of RTW on these variables, I’m fully willing to oppose RTW (though my vote is already cast).

    1. have 87 percent fewer multivariate statisticians than free bargaining states. They earn 43 percent lower wages and make 26 percent more errors in their calculations than statisticians in free bargaining states. No on 47 and 54.

        (There is an 92.3 percent chance that my humorous response to your opaque non sequitur will convince readers to vote no on 47 and 54.)

       And of course in any dedbate, the burden of proof is on the proponents of change. Go ahead, prove RTW states are anything but a bunch of minimum-wage havens for chicken plucking firms like Perdue.

       Inquiring minds are waiting.well, 23.5 percent of them are waiting. The rest are watching the Broncos, who are 100 percent certain to have another crappy season.  

      1. Is on those who propose reduced liberty, not those who propose more. I should be shown that there is a good reason to force people to pay union dues against their wishes.

        I’m not exactly sure how responding about the claim in the main post that RtW states have more fatalities with a question of the statistical claim counts as a non sequitur though.

        You won’t find me defending the RtW states as a bunch…most of them have serious policy flaws that lead to bad outcomes, but RtW isn’t particularly important among them.

        1. would turn down the pay incrreasea and job security that the real union members pay to negotiate, I’d stop calling them moochers.

          Can you name even one non-mooching “right to work” employee who did that, Bondo?

          Didn’t think you could. No on 47, there ain’t no right to mooch.

          1. job security? Sure, it is fantastic for the employee, but it isn’t particularly good for the economy as a whole. I work in a non-unionized workplace and have essentially no job security…yet it is a pretty progressive workplace, salary is a bit low due to the nature of the organization, but benefits are great. I don’t need legal securities to know that they aren’t going to be intent to fire me unless I’m incompetent or it simply doesn’t make sense for the organization to keep my position.

            Anyway, I’m not in favor of letting people “mooch” but my solution is not to force them to pay dues but to allow them to be excluded from collective bargaining. Your talking point on this is just so reductionist.

  6. Because we want a level playing field with NO discrimination or preference except on merit. Conservatives want all people to be judged on the “content of their character”.  

    Because we want to protect the right of each and every employee to choose for themselves what private organizations they join and who represents or speaks for them, without coercion, intimidation or fear of losing or not being accepted for a job.

    YES on 46 – 47 & 49

    Because It matters.

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