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October 23, 2008 03:37 PM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“You win some, you lose some. And then there’s that little-known third category.”

–Al Gore


41 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

  1. Sarasota County foreclosures are up 39% over a month ago.  Eleventh in the nation.

    Two or three years ago I ran across some articles about the overpriced RE market, mostly in SF at http://www.patrick.net .  I thought the guy made a lot of sense based on historical relationships between income and housing prices, mostly.  

    For years in the RE and mortgage industry, the quick finger in the wind was a house price of four times annual income.  Granted, that didn’t take into account interest rates and other variables, but it was a good place to take off from.

    So my prediction is that we will continue to see lost equitey until “average” homes that used to sell to the “average” borrower at $400K-$700K (doable with a teaser ARM) hit $200K-$280K.

    An interesting interview on Thom Hartmann was with a guy who wrote “Choose Foreclosure.”  www.chooseforeclosure.com  If you bought your house near the peak, it may be ten-20 years before you regain that value in inflated dollars.  In the mean time, you are paying on that phantom value.

    He is also advocating suing for relief if you can make a case about predatory lending.  He got his own loan reset to a lower amount at ZERO interest.

    1. your lack of personal or business responsibility should not cost me … your failure to account for yourself has cost me already in lowering home values.

      Looking for a handout is wrong. There are no victims, only abusers of the system. The corporate ones (mortgage racketeers) should be hung.

      1. I’m going to take half and blow it on a completely unnecessary war based on fradulent intelligence, then I’m going to give some to Wall St., who blew all theirs while I wasn’t watching !

        Then I’m going to ask China if I can borrow more candy !  Whatever’s left goes to Nieman Marcus !

        Oh crap, a Republican.

        Have a good weekend Newsman.

  2. Maybe she just realized that the jig is up and there is no sense continuing the charade.

    Or maybe McCain isn’t giving away bling anymore for posting.

    1. about his/her/its absence as well. But, I did not want to jinx things. Hope you haven’t. Perhaps she finally became aware the homeschooling wasn’t working and had to devote more time to that.

  3. from the Denver Post

    Despite assertions that it was not cutting back on resources in the state, John McCain’s presidential campaign has drastically slashed television advertising at Colorado’s big three stations.

    For the final eight days of the campaign season, McCain has purchased a little more than $50,000 of ad time at Channel 4 and $67,000 at Channel 9, which is watched by 40 percent of the market. McCain had not purchased ad time for those days at Channel 7 as of Wednesday.

  4. http://www.jfklibrary.org/Hist

    There has to be a better way to link to the speech archived at the Kennedy Library….so I would welcome anyone’s technical expertise to make this easier.

    However, this weekend, Colorado is IT.  We will be visited by all the candidates.  I anticipate another barrage from the churches and I thought this would be a good time to read what the first Catholic president of the United States had to say on the topic of Separation of Church and State; the First Amendment, and how a Catholic could reconcile his faith with his oath of office.   It is important to note that at this time, abortion was not an issue because it was illegal in all states.  However, birth control was also illegal in many states, and was an issue.  It is also important to note that the then Catholic Conference of Catholic Bishops supported the premises of Kennedy’s speech.

    This is a good speech. Please read it.

  5. this is a bit of weirdness from DaliyKOS

    More good news for Darcy, among those who’ve reported they already voted, she’s leading 57-39. (Yes, 4 percent of those who’ve already voted say they are undecided. Go figure.)

    How on earth are you undecided after you’ve voted???

  6. In 1974, Arthur Schlesinger wrote a very interesting article for The Atlantic on the role of the Vice President in American government:


    Interestingly, it seems like nobody has ever known precisely what branch of government the VP belongs to or what the role of the office should be.  The only reason the office was created was so that the Electoral College electors could vote for two candidates for President, a system abolished by the 12th Amendment.  To quote the article:

    Samuel White, a senator from Delaware, summed up with admirable prescience the consequences of the Twelfth Amendment: “Character, talents; virtue, and merits will not be sought after in the candidate. The question will not be asked, is he Capable? Is he honest? But can he by his name, by his connections, by his wealth, by his local situation, by his influence, or his intrigues, best promote the election of a President?” Roger Griswold of Connecticut said that the vice presidency would thereafter be “useless, worse than useless.” A number of political leaders, Republicans and Federalists-John Randolph of Roanoke, former Speaker of the House, now Senator; Jonathan Dayton; Mathew Griswold; Samuel W. Dana-drew the logical conclusion. The vice presidency was an organic part of a particular mode of election, and that mode of election had now been constitutionally abolished; therefore let us abolish the vice presidency too. Unfortunately for the republic this effort failed.

    I recommend reading the article… very enlightening to me about the history of this weird “appendage” of an office.

  7. As I noted in the thread about Obama being in Denver on Sunday, there will be early voting available in the Webb building on that Sunday.

    I also noted that it was not widely known that voting was available on that Sunday.

    I would imaging however that it won’t be unknown for long.  The voting site could be overwhelmed after the rally.

    There might be a push to have Denver Residents who have not voted to go vote after the rally.

      1. Why so personally bitter, the unions will simply run all their campaign cash through NY and DC groups like they did with Fucking Colorado’s Future.

        1. But as a matter of fact, I do dislike clean government.  I think people from New York and our nation’s capital should gorge themselves silly on all kinds of forced dues and then control all the rest of us from afar.  I’m pro-forced due gluttony and anti-freedom.  As a matter of fact, I think there should be forced dues simply for being alive and that all the money should be used to support the pro-fat cat glutton lobby. Plus don’t get me started on apple pie, that’s the only thing you shouldn’t gorge yourself on.

          And I’m not sure what the F-bomb is really in reference to, but I’m certainly doing my best to destroy Colorado’s future as best I can.  Personally.  


  8. http://www.politico.com/news/s

    Could be worse, she could be a dreaded “5.”

    One well-connected Republican operative told Politico that the list, if anything, understated the number of members needing a political lifeline. The operative also said the GOP is all but writing off the seats of Reps. Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colo.), Joseph Knollenberg (R-Mich.), Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Phil English (R-Pa.), and the open New Mexico House seat of retiring Rep. Steve Pearce (R-N.M.), who is running for the Senate.

    Many of these potential pickups would strike at the heart of the Republican base. Pearce represents an oil-rich district that has been under Republican control since 1981. Musgrave and Bachmann are among Congress’ leading conservative voices, and both have won elections in the exurban areas that were until recently GOP strongholds.

    With as many as 34 seats considered tossups or expected to flip, the National Republican Congressional Committee is being forced to make painful decisions about resource allocation.

    Earlier this week, the NRCC pulled its advertising in Musgrave’s Colorado-based district and decided not to spend money it had previously reserved on Bachmann’s behalf in Minnesota, leaving them to fend for themselves in the campaign’s final week.

    1. By making a comment that would help her election 4 years ago, she went from relatively safe to toast. When what worked before suddenly is a road to major failure, it makes Republican candidates everywhere suddenly worried to say anything.

      1. Open mouth, insert FAIL.

        Pearce’s seat the GOP can at least explain away as an Open contest in a bad year.  Bachmann rates a 3 “just” for saying they should investigate anti-American activities in Congress – and is now down 3 in the latest SUSA poll for that act.  There’s not much you can say in defense of Bachmann’s comments, though they’ve been trying.  Same with Robin Hayes in NC-08.

        It really makes my heart sing to see Randy “Shotgun” Kuhl on the list as Rank 5.  Finally my old “home” will be represented by someone who isn’t a complete embarrassment.  Having Florida Rep Tom Feeney in the “buh-bye” column conjures nice thoughts, too.

      2. They’re like dinosaurs.  They couldn’t adapt to a changing environment so they went extinct.  (Of course, that assumes a belief in evolution…)

  9.    Although his term as chair run until March ’09, my prediction is that the GOP Crown Jewel calls it quits shortly after the election debacle that is rapidly approaching.

      He’ll announce that he stepping aside to return to Virginia to run Macaca Allen’s ’09 gubernatorial campaign.

      Who then could possibly replace the Wadman?  The GOP has a very deep bench when it comes to candidates for chair.  

      O.Q.D.’s personal favorite is that once and future state chair, Bob Beauprez.

      There’s also soon-to-be (but not fast enough) former state Rep Doug Bruce if the party wants to appeal to its anti-government fanatics.  

      And given the cold shoulder that Wadhams gave to the social conservatives with his opposition to the “Egg as Person” Amendment, perhaps former U.S. Rep Marilyn Musgrave or Kristi Burton will run for chair.  

    1. Is that intentional or just a coincidence that all your possible candidates are or will soon be big ol’ losers? Wadhams doesn’t look so bad compared with Beauprez, Bruce, Musgrave or Burton. Why not throw Scott Starin’s hat in the ring for good measure?

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