Why is the unholy alliance of Union Bosses, the Denver Chamber of Commerce and Governor Ritter so opposed to Clean Government?
When you see Unions, Politicians and Corrupt Businessmen united in an unholy alliance … all citizen’s need to ask why.
But wait there must be something to this effort.
Publicly elected CU regent Tom Lucero is chairing this Amendment 54. He is in government, oversees a $40 billion institution, yet he stands up for all Coloradans.
It seems to me that his voice will be heard.
“YES on 54 is just good common sense: having a searchable database is the perfect disinfectant for corrupt NO-BID contracts. A searchable database will put elected officials on notice that every time a NO-BID contract goes out the door, taxpayers will be watching. Ultimately, the goal is for every government contract to be competitively bid. YES on 54 makes taxpayers the real winners.” – Tom Lucero CU Regent
However, according to the DMCC their opposition is:
The proposal has First Amendment ramifications by politically silencing businesses that have a solesource contract with a public entity. Additionally, the nonprofit sector is adversely affected as they may have sole-source contracts, such as the provisions for health care and social services. Rural Colorado is also impacted, as in some of our state’s smaller communities there are limited numbers of businesses that are able/equipped to bid on public contracts, making a solesource award more common.
So they admit they are sole source inside dealing profiteers and oppose cleaning up their scam. I can clearly see why they are opposing this, it is against their economic interests.
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