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October 21, 2008 11:27 PM UTC

Hank Eng: His message to the voters

  • by: DavidThi808

from: Hank Eng

November 4th will mark a momentous day for all Coloradans.  Once the votes are tallied, Colorado’s voice will be heard.  America’s voice will be heard.  But what will America say?  What will Colorado say?

Will Coloradans say that it is time for change, that the culture of corruption and ineptitude on Wall Street and in Washington will be ended. Will they say it is time for responsible leaders who are ethical and show good judgment.  I firmly believe that I represent that choice for change in my district, the Sixth Congressional District of the great state of Colorado.

This election is about choice – and that choice resides in all of you who are going to the polls or casting your votes by mail.  We must all choose what kind of leadership we want in Washington.  I believe that this is the moment for Coloradans to stand with all Americans and say that we will no longer accept the culture of corruption that has prevailed in government. No longer will we allow “Golden Parachutes” to be given to unethical politicians who refuse to accept responsibility for their poor judgment – are these the types of leaders we want elected to higher office?

As voters, we have this special opportunity to decide what direction our country will go. To see real change, we must choose the type of leaders who embody the ethics, good judgment and responsibility to prevent the failures of our economy, our healthcare system and our educational institutions.

As a development and aerospace engineer, I spent over 30 years living and working abroad.  From Kenya to Pakistan, China to Moscow, I represented America as the guiding light surrounded by a cold war.  Throughout all those years, my guiding light has been my moral compass, a sense of right and wrong that has directed my life of public service and private enterprise.  Every country I have lived in and every community that I have been a part of I left better off than when I arrived. I have made a difference because that moral compass has guided me.

My time working in some of the poorest places in the world has taught me how to be an ambassador. The fact that we worked hand in hand with local peoples, teaching them how to build and maintain the infrastructure we installed, shows my capacity as a manager and mentor. My term as President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing and my career with a Fortune 100 company means that I am prepared to deal with today’s global economic crisis.

I believe that of the two major party candidates running in the Sixth Congressional District for the United States Congress, I am the best candidate for the job. I believe the contrast between myself and my opponent could not be greater and I am proud to stand by what I have accomplished in my life as an international businessman and civil engineer. I invite all voters to give us both a thorough inspection before making their final choice. The headlines do not lie.

I pledge to you that I will always know what is going on in my office and that I will take full responsibility for every action I make.

As a final note I would like to add that I am starting a new feature on my website called Ask Hank. Ask Hank is intended for two purposes, first, to let voters ask me questions directly as I am asking them to get to know me and trust me to be responsible enough to hold higher office. The second is to make my campaign and myself available as a resource for all voting related questions and needs. Republican, Democrat or Unaffiliated we want to help make sure you get to exercise your most sacred right to vote, so I am making my office available and our resources available to make sure you can vote.

I invite you to visit my website, www.HankEng.com or just email AskHank@HankEng.com and submit a question on any issue and for any voter information.


23 thoughts on “Hank Eng: His message to the voters

  1. I have told every candidate in a congressional (and any competitive state) race that I will front page 1 post from them to the voters. This is Hank’s. I posted it because he just registered today and there is that 2 day delay on writing diaries.

    Mike Coffman, will we get one from you?

  2. Please get your yard signs off public property.  It’s been too many of them to be a random idiot in your campaign or a supporter to have pulled off.

    If I see one of your folks out picking up your signs off the median in Jeffco or Dougco, I’ll vote for you.

    1. Believe me, candidates don’t have time to micro-manage down to that level. His volunteers are desperate to get his name out there.

      Please go to Hank’ site LB and check him out. He is a really good candidate,  not a far lefty at all.  He has a great background of international experience to draw on as a Peace Corps alum and engineer who traveled extensively.  And that’s just for starters:


      His chances may be slim but lots of Dems will vote straight ticket and he really is a much better choice than Coffman who isn’t exactly acing it as SOS.

      1. So you’re telling me that a City Council Member from Wisconsin (as of two years ago) would have a difficult time defeating someone who has been elected to state wide office (here in Colorado) three times? Get out of here, lol.

        1. I’ve lived in Colorado for 10 years and I am originally from Wisconsin. I moved here because I liked the state. Are you saying I shouldn’t ever seek higher office because my blood isn’t pure colorado?

          1. I was merely pointing out that he is a carpetbagger and doesn’t understand the issues that the district faces.  If he would have moved here ten years ago (ps I wasn’t born yesterday, I know your posturing) then I would have nothing to say, but my question for you is, “Do employeers hire a jobseeker who has two years experience to a high profile position?”  No, I think not.

      2. then how will he possibly know everything that will be going on in his office and to take responsibility for it as he so pledges? Sounds like you are already making excuses for him…

        1. he will have conflicts of interest and maybe he will leave social security numbers online, wait Coffman did that. I like one of the republican bloggers who had this to say in response to being called a democrat on the Rocky Mountain News:

          AFAFalcons writes:

          I am voting for McCain. I’ve been a supporter for his for years I even supported him during this run in 2000. I was a supporter of Coffman. However, the other major tipping point was when I saw my social security number on his SOS website sort of upset me. Especially since I’ve been a victim of ID theft. These are not talking points. This is my story. Have you ever been the victim of ID theft? It takes years to get your life back in order. So don’t you tell me I’m not a republican. I bleed red. You my friend are just defending an ally of crooks. I hope all those read all that I’ve said and take it to heart. I want Eng in not because I like him but because he didn’t help an illegal alien steal my identity like Coffman did.

          1. rather than posting on this blog. Once again I see you attacking Coffman, yet you say nothing about what makes Eng qualified to be a member of the United States Congress. I went to a debate between Eng and Coffman and everything Eng said was a frivolous attempt to attack Coffman about something that was untrue or out of his control. Maybe if Eng had been in this state longer he would know how the SOS office works.

            Ps… If I wanted to steal your identity, there are about 100 easier ways. I would probably steal your vote first, as people like you and you boss don’t favor showing identification at the polls.  


      3. But his signs have really been all over, and tons and tons of them.  Much more than usual, and for many weeks.  They get taken down from the median and put back up the next night.

        It would take one word from him to get people to stop.

        Coffman should win this race in his sleep, but I’ll take a look at his site.

  3. This is the first I’ve seen of Hank having a message to the voters. There was no introductory commercial explaining who this guy who has only been in our state for 3 years is. I have seen 2 commercials for Hank both which attempt to attack his opponent. One of them is so ridiculous, I’m surprised that even Dems can take the guy seriously. It reminded me of a bad episode of Barney.  

      1. and have viewed this video are taking him seriously. Beer4prez is a cute name, but you’ll have to change it to Beer4mytears after Nov 4th.  

        1. I like your name too, beer4prez :D. Its pretty funny. This site is pretty cool I’ve never seen it before until i started going over my ballot. I like it. It’s very informative.

  4. I checked out your website and you have done so much for the world and I totally agree that commercial is sooo funny… I love the whole maybe they mean that in a good way.  

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