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October 21, 2008 05:24 PM UTC

McCain Denies Colorado Pullout

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: We hear that John McCain himself may visit Colorado on Friday. Whether that means McCain is still focused on Colorado, or whether they just want to maintain the appearance that Colorado is still in play, is another matter entirely.

The AP reports:

John McCain’s campaign is denying a report that advisers are considering ceding Colorado to Barack Obama.

A CNN story on Monday cited unnamed McCain strategists and advisers as saying the prospect of the Republican presidential candidate winning Colorado, as well as Iowa and New Mexico, looked bleak. They also reportedly said the Obama campaign was in a better position to get out the vote in Colorado.

McCain’s regional spokesman Tom Kise says the report isn’t true and that pulling back in Colorado isn’t on the table. He spoke as Sarah Palin wrapped a daylong trip through Colorado and said that McCain would be back campaigning in the state on Friday.

Obama’s campaign manager, David Plouffe, says winning Colorado’s nine electoral votes is absolutely essential to his campaign’s strategy.

As we said last week discussing the NRSC’s abortive pullout from the Colorado Senate race, McCain’s campaign has little choice but to keep fighting here. Whatever happens down the ticket, McCain will fight for this state to the bitter end–abandoning Colorado forces increasingly implausible McCain victory scenarios, and McCain has always had a better chance to win the state than Bob Schaffer.

We don’t see any real hope for a McCain/Udall ticket split this year, but the memory of 2004’s split between George W. Bush and Ken Salazar is surely factoring into McCain’s thinking. Unfortunately, this ain’t 2004.

Having said that, we do note the comments made on CNN yesterday in support of the original story–senior McCain advisors quoted as saying “Colorado is gone.” Just like the NRSC Schaffer pullout story, the underlying reasons for the despair being expressed–plummeting poll numbers, dwindling resources–represent the bottom line. This is how defeat unfolds: disorganization, backtracking, haphazard reshuffling of assets, and lots of angry denials.


72 thoughts on “McCain Denies Colorado Pullout

  1. and then there’s what they’re thinking.

    At least one of McCain’s advisers is reportedly opining that Colorado is a lost cause at this point.  That may be true, but if so, it also means that some of McCain’s staff is beginning to think the election’s a lost cause, too.  Perhaps they’re too reality-based to fit in with the GOP.

  2. Just pulled off a great joke on the McCain camp here in Colorado.  I just received a strongly worded email from a McCain staffer stating that they beleive that this story was essentially “floated” to CNN to dampen the GOP’s spirit the day after Palin’s appearence.

    Who would do such a thing in politics?

      1. But, do you think that CNN decided to run with the story without checking the facts on the ground?  Just maybe?  

        Phoenix, the story is wrong, that’s all I’m saying.  

        1. If one of McCain’s staffers told them he thinks Colorado is a lost cause, then those are the sum total of the facts.

          CNN didn’t, AFAICT, say that McCain is “pulling out” of Colorado, only that they’re looking to other, more risky strategies as Colorado “drifts away” from the campaign.

          Let’s look at the where the campaign is putting their resources – McCain is in Pennsylvania today; Wisconsin and Minnesota are getting attention from McCain, too.  These states are even bluer than Colorado; why are they even there?   It looks an awful lot like the McCain camp is flailing for alternate possibilities…

          1. http://politicalticker.blogs.c

            The article didn’t say that McCain was pulling out of Colorado.  The headline says it all:

            McCain camp looking for way to win without Colorado

            I thought it was good reporting.  While I didn’t like the anonymous sources, few campaign higher-ups will divulge strategy on the record.

            In fact, the article presented more sources saying that McCain was not pulling out: one campaign manager Rick Davis, and the other was anonymous.  The anonymous source offered that McCain might spend even more money here:

            (One of the McCain sources said that ad spending in Colorado could be increased – even doubled – to somewhere in the ballpark of $1.5 million. “We’re not giving up on Colorado,” one of the sources said. “But we need to have a math scenario that doesn’t count on it.”)

            So, Ben, if you want to make this a left-wing media conspiracy, go for it.  But the CNN story was a decent story.

              1. And more important, why do you hate America?

                You made a point, right or wrong, about something that appeared on CNN.  It was obviously based on some misconception that had nothing to do with the actual story that was run.

                That’s fine.  I’m never going to interfere with someone who is exercising his God-goven right to be completely full of shit.

                Go to the link I provided.  Read the article.  Tell me once again that there was something presented there that wasn’t factual.

                I didn’t say “something you don’t agree with,” I said “something that wasn’t factual.”

                As far as the Presidential election goes, vote for whoever you want.  You might win, you might lose, but neither of those possibilities has anything to do with how uninformed you insist on being.

                1. “I’m never going to interfere with someone who is exercising his God-goven right to be completely full of shit.”

                    The most eloquent defense of Libertine I’ve ever heard!  

  3. Apparently the trick really happened. Within minutes of the CNN story hitting last night, there were lefty versions of Nancy posting all over RedState.  New accounts, etc.

    If one of my advisers told me a race that’s been as close as three points recently was “lost” they’d be out on their ass.

    1. We’ve got critics on the other side who say all this talk about pullouts amounts to a giant ‘headfake’ by Republicans.

      Maybe you’re both right and the Dems are out-headfaking the GOP’s headfake?

      On second thought, we’ll stick with the simpler explanation.

  4. I think Palin knows Obama will win and she is positioning herself for ’12 (God help us). And so you’ll see Palin hit the states that she needs to win in ’12 (like Colorado) rather than the last gasp ones for this election.

        1. Palin running around the country just to villify Obama and bump her name ID in the process is wearing thin. She presents no in depth plans, no policy proposals, no nothing, just that you should be really doubtful about who Obama is.

          WTF kind of mythical standing does this complete charlatan have to criticize Obama ?  If you propose no alternative what are you saying ?  Nothing.

          Going to rally after rally inciting division and distrust amongst the rabid right wing kool aid drinkers is counterproductive, and is doing far more to turn regular people off to her cause than excite the vaunted  “base”. Its not America first, its Palin first. She has no idea what she’s doing, but gosh darnit, shes having a good time doing it !  

            1. And she and McCain are set up for an enormous failure.  As a ticket you can’t lose a presidential election in a landslide (especially after sinking to such depths to win), then come back as some sort of savior to the party.

              1. Fidel, she’s the new star of the Republican party.  She gained office by taking on corrupt Republicans, and is ridiculously popular in her home State.

                She’s made a choice to be pro-life.  Apparently, that’s a choice that a woman is not allowed to make or she is completely demonized.  She’s also been criticized about her youngest child, her family, etc.

                I’m not a pro-life radical or anything.  I look at it as though I’m pro-life within my own family, but I think Roe should be overturned on the basis that it’s bad law.  I think most R’s are like me.

                Palin is not stupid, unaware, or incapable.  I think you dismiss her at your own peril.

                1. I believe that abortion should always be legal in the cases of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is at risk.

                  And most Republicans are not as moderate on this issue as you, my friend.

                  GOP platform:

                  We support a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.

                  If that happened, then those exclusions would not be permitted under the law, since equal protection is guaranteed by the 14th amendment–whether you’re raped, a victim of incest, or you will die if your pregnancy is not terminated.

                  I agree that Roe is bad law, but until those exceptions are guaranteed by both parties, there can be no consensus regarding this issue.

                  1. She can be whatever she wants in her family.  Why impose your thoughts on me?  That is an arrogant, elitist move.  Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do with my family and my body.

                    I think it is a moral tragedy to let a high school drop out marry a 17 year old girl.  I would never allow that in my family.  Should I be able to support legislation that says no family can make that decision?

                    This is the problem with he Republican Party, they believe they have cornered the market on what is right for everyone.

                    Don’t give me God and all life is scared bullshit, because if that was not the biggest lie perpetrated by the Hate Party, just look at who supports ending the life of anyone in prison who happens to be Brown or Black.

                    I missed that part in the Bible. And lastly, I protect my right to not believe in God, life at conception or any other ideal you feel is important to you, your life, your family and your conscience.

                    Will this Party please just go away.

                2. Ask Peggy Noonan about that – she was a bad pick, selected by a very hasty process. Remember when Dick Cheney told John Edwards he didn’t have a very distinguished career ?

                  I think most feel the same way about Palin.  She’s average, but she’ll sink to anything to win.

                  She’s a lightweight LB.  Sorry, but I disagree with you.

        2. or the Barry Goldwater.

          Lose a close election, then nominate someone on the fringe next time around and get totally trounced.

          Although I’ve seen no indication that Palin actually wants to be President. She’d do it, I guess, if someone stood over her shoulder and told her what to do at every second (George W. Bush style). But what I’ve read about her suggests that she’s been pushed up the ladder by others.

      1. Palin is a political force now. This awful campaign certainly may damage her future chances, but before you go closing your minds and filling your hearts with hate, wait and see how she develops once she has control of her own career again.

        I met her and she is perfectly nice and normal. Not a demagogue like Obama, not a blowhard BS-er like Biden. She is a typical mom from the Western US, and she is allowed to give her opinions just like you geniuses. If you had any idea how much those Washington insiders suck as human beings, you’d be a little more open-minded about someone like Palin, who actually understands what a real life is.

        I do not want to see a resurgence of the wacko-rightwing types in four years. There have been a few nutjobs at her rallies, but “inciting division and distrust amongst the rabid right wing kool aid drinkers” is a bit of an overstatement. That’s a perception that was amplified by the media coverage. Anyway, the liberals have their idiots, too so don’t forget that in your year of euphoria.

        San Francisco teaming up with Massachussetts, with the Chicago mob running the White House. You’ll get yours….  

        1. for someone who was criticizing others’ comments as hateful.

          And don’t you mean TAXachusetts? Call it by its proper name for cryin out loud. 🙂

        2. “He’s an Arab”

          Textbook case of “inciting division and distrust amongst the rabid right wing kool aid drinkers” by both McCain and Palin.

          I stand by my comments.

          Then you come up with “Chicago mob running the white house” and presume to tell me my comments are a bit of an overstatement ?


            1. I personally can’t hear the “kill him” on the video clip that supposedly contains it, but I certainly can hear someone yell out “terrorist” when McCain asks “who is Barack Obama”, and McCain cringes enough that I’m pretty sure he heard it…

              1. He’s talking about Ayers from the stories I’ve been able to read.  

                As far as “kill him” the Secret Service was unable to find a single witness other than the reporter after an investigation.

                It didn’t happen.

                1. It’s on YouTube, and was one of the first things that I pulled up when searching for “McCain” and “kill him”.  The timing left little room for doubt.  McCain makes a statement about Obama hanging around with Ayers, long pause for crowd reaction, makes a statement about Obama, ‘nother pause, asks “who is Barack Obama” and gets the response of “terrorist”.  McCain makes a grimace like he didn’t really want to hear that, but then keeps going without comment.

                  There’s video of the “kill him” remark, too, but it’s so vague I can’t even hear where the person in the crowd is supposed to have said it, never mind distinguish what was said.  Given the rabid disclaimers from the GOP about things that they’ve said in the past week (read: Bachmann, Hayes, Palin, etc.) that are backed up by video and multiple testimony, I think we’d be wise to (a) not put too much weight on that single incident, but (b) not be so fast to discredit a reporter who is, after all, only doing his job and doesn’t know if someone else can contradict him with a solid counter.

            2. by anyone other than the reporter I will give McCain/Palin campaign the benefit of the doubt.  They certainly don’t deserve it, but I will give it to them. It’s the “pro-America” thing to do.

        3. because I am sick and tired of conflating ignorance and “real life”.  See David Brooks’ excellent column on the need for  intellectual conservatism (not an oxymoron) and how ignoranuses like Palin, who reject all ideas (not just bad ones) are corrosive to the Republican party and democracy in general.

          You know what real life is? Real life is having a gay parent.  Real life is living in Chicago as a single mom. Real life is working two jobs, neither of which offer health care, and figuring out how the fu*k you’re going to take your kid to the doctor if they get sick (thanks for opposing SCHIP, McSame).

          And real life is being tolerant of people who aren’t like you, and reading books (not banning them) and learning something.  

        4. I’m sorry, I’m sure it was a nice occasion – but that’s like saying you know foreign policy because your state is close to Russia.

          Look, I met her too: through the wonder of television. When she was on TV with Katie Couric. She was perfectly nice and normal. She answered Katie’s questions about the same as I would have, I’m sure. But I’m not qualified to be our nation’s Vice President and potential President – and neither is she.

          Obama a “demagogue”? That just doesn’t make any sense. Obama has broad-based support from many, many Republicans who recognize that he is a pragmatic, TRUE “uniter” who they’ll be able to work with.

          And that “Chicago mob” comment is so out there it doesn’t even deserve a serious response.

    1.    I think the next time around she is going to get the Hilary Clinton treatment from the media–vetted over a hot fire, and no holds barred on areas to question.  I see her future as more an Ann Coulter talking head.

      1. The more we hear about her, the less there is to like.

        Wait’ll the stories about her charging the taxpayers for her and Bristol to stay in a $700 a night hotel for five days – and similar shenanigans.

          1. A lot of liberals don’t give him credit for that because he is still a religious fundamentalist, but he arrives at that with an open mind that has thought thru his beliefs.

            I also think he is the one Republican who could have beat Obama. And in this economic climate his populism would have sold well.

            1. I don’t agree with a damn thing he says, but he is extremely smart.

              I don’t agree with a damn thing Palin says either, but she’s just flat out dumb.

              There is a difference.

              1. i thought Huckabee was awesome when he rocked the bass on letterman, and, he fucking killed it every time he was on Stewart or Colbert, but I just think the Flat Tax is a horrible idea, and an evangelical preacher shouldn’t be President of the United States.

    2. It’s just been reported that she has used campaign funds to pay for an astonishing $150,000 in clothes for herself and some family members during the last couple of months:


      That is not a trivial issue:

      After all, it was during this same campaign cycle that Republicans belittled the $400 haircut that former Sen. John Edwards had paid for with his own campaign money (the funds were later reimbursed). And yet, the comparison to that once-dominant news story is hardly close: if Edwards had gotten one of his legendary haircuts every singe week, it would still take him 7.2 years to spend what Palin has spent. Palin has received the equivalent of $2,500 in clothes per day from places such as Saks Fifth Avenue (where RNC expenditures totaled nearly $50,000) and Neiman Marcus (where the governor had a $75,000 spree).

      “Joe Sixpack” and “Joe the Plumber” won’t appreciate that.

  5. with Florida going to yellow on the pollster map, that it might actually have a shot at working.

    I don’t know if I believe the whole “it wasn’t the McCain camp” theory. Leaks are prevalent in politics, and this campaign is no exception.

    When you’re perceived as getting your ass kicked, and pretty much everyone thinks Obama is going to win (close or landslide) you start getting a little down on yourself, and sometimes you make the mistake of letting some reservations slip. It was obviously off the record, because they would have quoted the campaign official if it wasn’t.

    1. the campaign official could’ve been trying to help.  Kind of like, don’t worry about the polling in Colorado, we have a plan to win without it.  It may have just been taken as defeat instead of poor strategy.

      1. is that some people in McCain’s campaign are attuned enough to reality to understand that losing is quite likely. Those individuals don’t want to be perceived as having helped the defeat, so they start leaking stuff to journalists to establish a reputation with them.

        Such relationships pay off eventually, and are the sort of thing that separates the Rove-losers from the Wadhams-losers. Rove liked talking to the media, so even after he loses a campaign, he could get columns and TV appearances and continue to be a consultant. Wadhams hates the media, and journalists don’t trust his information, so if he loses this campaign, he’s going nowhere.

        The campaign-operative/commentator revolving door is just a smaller-scale version of the politician/lobbyist revolving door, I think.

    1. The grumblings we’re hearing are from individuals in the campaign staff, not the official direction of the campaign as a whole, and certainly not from McCain.

      There is not a single sign that the McCain campaign is willing to cede even a single state before the election.

      Nonetheless, the anonymous campaign staffer is right – they’re losing Colorado, and there’s probably a lot of McCain staffers about ready to write the whole campaign off based on the current signals.

      1. Obviously, Michigan was a lost cause. You don’t see Obama trying hard in Mississippi either.  But McCain is sure ceding no ground in Pennsylvania he needs a blue to make it. I don’t think he’ll get it, but he sure will fight.

        1. we were talking about him cutting back activity in Colorado, pouring in to Pennsylvania.

          Actually, McCain was contesting Michigan quite vigorously until the numbers overwhelmed him (this was BEFORE the economic meltdown) and he high-tailed it. Is he facing reality in Colorado? We’ll see. Obviously, he’ll keep fighting somewhere until the polls close — the question is where, and whether it’s enough or he’s just grasping at straws.

    2. fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fighting.

      That is why he is totally unfit to lead.  He doesn’t understand reconciliation.  He doesn’t understand peaceful negotiation.  He doesn’t understand tolerance or compromise.

      The man is seething with the fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight mentality.

      In the movie, Enter the Dragon, Bruce Lees character is confronted by a villain who wants to fight him on the spot.  The character played by Lee lures him into a rowboat and then lets out the rope so the villain is stranded in the boat.  Lee vanquished his opponent without using his fists.  McCain would never understand the importance of that story.  He only understands life as a fight.  That’s why he is going to lose.  

  6. There are McCain Camps (Plural) and a Palin Camp.

    This is why we seem to get so much misinformation–it is not a coordinated campaign of deception, but rather the campaign seems o lurch around depending on which camp you talk to.

    The real question is, if the election was closer would the campaign be as divided and erratic.

    No matter your opinion of Obama, you must admit that his campaign has been incredibly strategic and disaplined, even when he was behind last fall, or Hillary seemed to be surging or McCain seemed to landing blows in early August or when there was the Palin bounce.  Bodes welll for his governance.

    1.    I am boggled by the numbers he is putting up.  Even with a charismatic candidate this doesn’t happen spontanteously–it’s another sign of a great organization.

       The third piece of the trifecta will be to watch the ground game getting out the early, mail-in, and election day vote, and fielding the lawyers to repel challenges.  That will determine the final size of the margin.

      1. My daughter is signing up to be one of the election day lawyer/pollwatchers.   As Phoenix said, it’s really the quality of Obama’s GOTV that is putting Colorado into the Obama camp. The polls are still winnable here for McCain but Obama has 52 field offices to 12 for McCain…and that’s an awesome ground game. I call the Obama campaign “Saul Alinsky meets the Internet.”

        1. Senator Obama has one office open in Loveland, in the past the cornerstone of  Republican majorities in Larimer County, but by next week he will have four headquarters open in that city.  He already has over 300 volunteers in Loveland who have canvassed the city and identified the Obama voters. Between now and election day they are going to make sure their voters vote. If anyone would have told me, even two years ago, that a Democrat could muster this kind of organization and support in a Republican city like Loveland, I would have thought that person was crazy.  Not anymore. Senator Obama’s ability to inspire and move people is truly amazing.  His ground game in Colorado is going to make the difference here.  It certainly won’t help Mr. Schaffer or any other Republican down ticket.  

          1. when they suggested Obama people work on their campaign instead of his.  Its Obama firing up the new voters and if they turn out, they aren’t going to vote for Obama and then switch to Shaffer and Musgrave.

            It’s not “coattails,” but grass roots organizing that threatens (promises?) to transform Colorado politics.

      2. The local TV station’s Man In The Field last night talked to people standing in line. He made no comment on presidential preferences, probably reflecting station policy.

        But he did say that the voters were a wide swath of middle class and that they had grave economic concerns and wanted change.


  7. McCain targets white Clinton strongholds

    Some voters acknowledge racial factors

    Despite a double-digit deficit in polls, Sen. John McCain is throwing almost everything he can into Pennsylvania, seeking to flip soft supporters of his Democratic rival – many of whom favored Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in the primary, with some boldly acknowledging that race was a factor


    I expect the language to become less coded and expect to see mail drops with the most frightening pictures of black folks they can find.  

    1. The true racists are already registered in the polls as McCain supporters. There aren’t that many undecideds out there who will be swayed by Jim Crow stereotypes.

      It’s like Limbaugh saying Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama because Obama’s black: what, Powell just realized that? LOL

    2. If people voted for her over Obama (which Penn. did), does that make all of your fellow Dems racist as well?  Just because McCain is going after the same voters that voted for Hillary does NOT mean that McCain is going for the race card.

      Geez!  You are a sensitive one aren’t you??

      1. (and by the way, that should be “who” and not “that”) have long since decided that McCain and Palin don’t believe in the same things that Hillary believed in.  

        If you think the McCain people should go after the last 20 or 30 PUMAs, dash off an email to them.  Otherwise, try to focus on reality.  McCain getting enough former Hillary voters to make a differences has nothing much to do with reality.

  8. OK, he’s pretty much losing Colorado. But he’s also pretty much losing Virginia, North Carolina, New Mexico, Nevada, Florida.

    And he’s definitely lost Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota.

    Where’s he supposed to campaign? Arizona?

    I wonder if McCain’s “I’m suspending my campaign” shtick was actually a secret attempt to conserve money for the final weeks and days before November 4th.

    1. pullout rumor.  They decided that there wasn’t anything to confirm either way, but did say

      But a look at ad spending on FOX 31 paints a slightly different picture. Between Oct. 17th and Oct. 27th, the ad buy which covers both McCain and GOP ads declined 35 percent.

      So we can all look forward to that.

      McCain finally came out with another attack ad, and I’m happy.  The friendly one, where he tries to distance himself from Bush, makes me feel like someone’s yelling at me.  It starts like a lecture and I’m fragile.


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