The two challengers in CD-5, Democratic Party candidate Hal Bidack and Brian Scott of the American Constitution Party, will square off at 6:30 PM in the Carnegie Room at Penrose Library in Downtown Colorado Springs.
Congressman Lamborn was invited, but his Campaign manager said she regretted that he had a previous engagement. Despite offers to reschedule, it looks like this will be just 1-on-1 between Scott and Bidlack.
Eric Singer from KRDO TV will be the moderator. With some experience in competitive politics himself, Mr. Singer said that he would step in only to break up egregious fouls like eye-gouging. Otherwise, no holds barred.
Congressman Lamborn was able to fit one appearance into his schedule where he will be at the same venue as his opponents, at the same time.
His friends at the Republican Club of Falcon have set up a side-by-side press conference for the 3 candidates on 30 October, after the Lamborn Campaign figures most mail-in ballots have been returned. But the format for this event prevents any interaction between the candidates, or between candidates and voters.
If you like your politics sterile, and resent that challengers want to rock the boat and hold incumbents accountable, come to the 30 October event at Sand Creek High School.
If you prefer that politicians be put on the spot and forced to defend their positions or votes,
or if you think that being an incumbent does not entitle someone to automatic reelection, Come out this Wednesday. Heck, come out both nights!
Come on out and cheer on your favorite Polster (after Jason) running for office, or the other guy.
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I wish I could come Wednesday, but I already have plans. 🙁
I will try to see if I can make it to the 10/30 event though. What time is it going to start?
Scott for Congress!
So I get to say my piece about how to get out of Iraq while salvaging as much success as possible, and before TV cameras, no less.
According to how I define it, my campaign has achieved “victory.” I understand my limits.
Now if only the current Presidential Administration could define “victory” in Iraq in terms of what is achievable, and then accept Victory when it presents itself.
As the only public event that Congressman Lamborn is attending where he will have to answer questions, the auditorium will be packed. Come early. And please introduce yourself.
Very best of luck to you.
Be sure to wear the power tie.
Get your one liner zingers worked out beforehand.
And drink five Red Bulls prior to the debate. That will give everyone a great lasting impression!
Seriously, kick ass and take numbers sir!
While I don’t disagree that this would have been better if it had been scheduled a week earlier, it is still being held over a week before the election.
I have a question for you here.