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October 18, 2008 04:05 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Defeat never comes to any man until he admits it.”

–Josephus Daniels


48 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Just in case anyone thinks that Colorado is a floating island, isolated from the real world.

    The National Right to Work exists, and for some reason; either purely coincidental as a current anti-working family commercial with a local pitchman would try to convince you; or it is the reason the anti-working family national group provided the name and form for 47 to the author and supporters of it.

    1. At present the balance between labor and management here in Colorado slightly favors management. Passing this amendment will change that to an overwhelming advantage to management. With no union dues there is no union. In practice this eliminates unions.

      Unions are not perfect. But they are a critical counter-balance to the natural impulse of companies to maximize profits at the expense of the employees. This counterbalance benefits all workers, including those in non-union jobs.

      details here

      And Libertad, I’ve yet to hear from you why this is not, in practice, freeloading…

      1. Laws aren’t perfect either. There is a trade off when people are given back their civil right to freely associate.

        The trade off with giving the people back their civil rights is that large businesses (trade unions included) have to deal with the minimal risk to the status quo. Those with good business models become stronger.

        Too bad the federal law is flawed; but I am sure you’ll be supporting the change to card check. The next step by Union Bosses is to remove the secret ballot.

        Amendment 47 has the ability to make Unions stronger through greater accountability to their members.

        Every person in Colorado will agree that our economy is struggling. There are thousands of people who are finding it difficult to pay their mortgage, pay their energy bills or put food on the table.

        It’s never right to force somebody to give up part of their paycheck to a private organization against his or her will. But in these tough economic times, it’s an even greater injustice.

        As union workers, we support Amendment 47 because it will return power to the individual, and we hope you join us. It’s imperative we pass Amendment 47 in November to advance personal freedom and individual liberty for every worker in Colorado.

        1. Spreading the rear output of the people who want to make Colorado into a minimum wage and no benefit state.  

          Unions already have accountablity, members vote.  

          There are no “closed shops”, over 60 years ago those went away, or maybe you havn’t heard yet.

          And the commericial with the “firefighters”, actually California actors who should be kicked out of the guild.

          If you are going to be a troll, try to find some facts to use.

  2. As if it wasn’t obvious back in 2006, but the Coloradoan picks up the story:


    The Bush administration dispatched four high-ranking officials to Colorado to help boost the candidacy of Rep. Marilyn Musgrave in 2006 but labeled the trips as official rather than political, according to a House committee investigation report released this week.

    The use of taxpayer money for such partisan purposes violates federal laws, according to the report from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which found the Bush administration did so on more than 300 occasions in the 2006 election on behalf of 99 Republican incumbents.

  3. is intellectually dishonest if she believes voter fraud is the same thing as voter registration fraud. HUGE difference. Yet you won’t hear a single Republican honestly articulate that difference.

    I’m still trying to figure how Ingraham can lie so easily while wearing that cross around her neck.

    1. Clearly, registration fraud is not the same as election fraud. The GOP is already orchestrating their new line of attack. From the 10/18 Washington Post:

      McCain campaign and other party leaders are using it [sic registration fraud] to amplify a political case they will make in the closing weeks of the campaign: that Democrats and their allies are trying to steal the election.

  4. McCain is a LIAR.

    Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Saturday accused Democratic rival Barack Obama of favoring a socialistic economic approach by supporting tax cuts and tax credits McCain says would merely shuffle wealth rather than creating it.

    “At least in Europe, the Socialist leaders who so admire my opponent are upfront about their objectives,” McCain said in a radio address. “They use real numbers and honest language. And we should demand equal candor from Sen. Obama. Raising taxes on some in order to give checks to others is not a tax cut; it’s just another government giveaway.”

    McCain, though, has a health care plan girded with a similar philosophy. He proposes providing individuals with a $5,000 tax credit to buy health insurance. He would pay for his plan, in part, by considering as taxable income the money their employer spends on their health coverage. [snip}

    On Sunday, McCain was to travel to Ohio, where he might appear with “Joe the Plumber,” the Holland, Ohio, plumber Joe Wurzelbacher whom the senator has been portraying as emblematic of people with concerns about Obama’s tax plans.

    Wurzelbacher became the focal point of the final presidential debate after he met Obama earlier in the week and said the Democrat’s tax proposal could keep him from buying the two-man plumbing company where he works. However, reports of Wurzelbacher’s annual earnings suggest he would receive a tax cut rather than an increase under Obama’s plan.

    What a pathetic old man he has become. I’ve got a better name for McCain though. A LOSER.

      1. Perhaps you confused him with Marilyn Musgrave.

        So it bad when Obama gets 100K people at a rally and good when Palin gets 50K?

        You Republicans are wacky.  I do not understand how your heads don’t explode from the contradictions in your ideas.  

        1. Loved the way  Letterman put McCain on the spot about why his associating with J Gordon Liddy (much more closely than Obama ever has with Ayers) should be looked at any differently than Obama being on a board with Ayers.  Why doesn’t the supposedly lefty MSM ever grill McCain the way Letterman did? And Letterman wouldn’t have either if McCain hadn’t really pissed him off.  Liddy was successfully prosecuted for crimes against the USA.  Ayers never was.

          1. J. Gordon Liddy, the tough guy who puts loyalty to boss ahead of loyalty to the country, is a real coward.  He graduated from Princeton in June of 1953.  The war in Korea was still hot. Most male college graduates were drafted.  Did old J.G. jump at the chance to serve his country?  NOPE. Ole J.G. took a student deferment to go to grad school.  The cease fire in Korea occurred a few weeks later that June, but it didn’t matter because J. Gordon Liddy was already safe.

            Two other observations:

            McCain has not gone after Rev. Wright.  My guess is that is because McCain knows that Wright, before he got his doctorate in theology from the University of Chicago, was a marine and then a navy corpman….just about same time as McCain entered the Navy……loyalty, sometimes, can be a good thing.

            Finally, McCain is lying and his campaign is lying. Lies told by the Executive branch of this country got us into Iraq.

            God help us if lies win again.

            1. The lying iussue is particularly disturbing, as it points directly to a scared, volitile, relatively uninformed and possibly violent large group of people at a time in our history whern inflation looms, poverty is increasing and wealth decreasing, the military are poised to take to the streets of America and are draining the countries resoources in foolish wars, and very few have a garden in their back yard!

              I had written about Wright’s service to our country some months ago, and thank you for the reminder. I think you hiy the nail on the head.

              Can Obama provide the innovative and bold policies on a range of fronts without setting up the country for a resurgence of Republicanism (gasp!) in 2010?

              Challenging times, indeed.

            2. Finally, McCain is lying and his campaign is lying. Lies told by the Executive branch of this country got us into Iraq.

              God help us if lies win again.

              Better vote none of the above than!

  5. http://www.crisispapers.org/es

    From which this was snipped in discussing what should be done to turn this country around after all the damage Reagan economics have done, and the Bush policies, both foreign and domestic:

    Here are a few proposals:

    An immediate restoration of personal liberties, a diverse media, and the rule of law.

    Investment in public education for responsible citizenship, including the teaching at an early age of United States and world history, the foundations of American democracy, and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. The public media should be required (under the “public interest” clause of the Federal Communications Act) to supplement these lessons.

    Authentic free enterprise must be reinvigorated, and the so-called “free enterprise” promoted by the regressives recognized as the monopolistic and anti-competitive fraud that it is. Corporate gigantism must be abolished through anti-trust legislation and enforcement, which will reintroduce competition. The domestic manufacturing base must be restored. If profit is to be privatized, then so too must risk. No private corporation can be allowed to grow so large that it might hold the national economy hostage. As Senator Bernie Sanders puts it, “Too big to fail is too big to exist.”

    “The profit motive” must be recognized as merely one productive motive among many. In addition, careers dedicated to service to others, and to the search for knowledge must be celebrated, encouraged, and generously rewarded.

    The nation’s wealth, privately acquired by the privileged few through tax cuts and de-regulation, must be reacquired by the national treasury through tax reform, and invested in public institutions such as infrastructure, education, scientific research, universal health care, transition to sustainable energy, environmental restoration, etc.

    The U.S. Military budget, now equal to that of the rest of the entire world combined, must be cut, in half at least, and the “Defense Department,” true to its name, must limit its objectives to national defense thus restricting its capacity for offensive warfare abroad.  American imperialism, proudly proclaimed by “The Project for the New American Century,” must now be officially repudiated.

    Economic recovery policies, proven in the past in The New Deal (FDR), The Fair Deal (Truman), The New Frontier (Kennedy) and The Great Society (Johnson), must be reinstituted, but adapted to present circumstances.

    I agree wholeheartedly.

    1. This is awful for McCain.  While doing research I found blogs with people complaining, “Why couldn’t it have been McCain/Powell!”  I don’t think any casual 2000 supporter will still support after this.

  6. I’m reading the news after watching the morning shows and now I’ve got it on the Fox pregame show.

    I’m only half listening and I think I hear Bradshaw sounding a little like Chris Mathews saying “He’s got to Attack, get after Barack, Attack, Attack, Attack.”

    He was actually saying “Ferrote”

    I guess I’ve got my favorite sport on my mind–politics.

  7. He was so clear and honest this morning.  He has said everything I have felt, but so much more elegantly than any of us could.

    The Republican Party has much to learn and far to go.  They are now the Anti- American Party.  They are ugly, racist and on the wrong side of what our founding fathers saw as a great nation.

    Thank you General Powell!

    1. really did state all the best reasons why concerned Americans should support Obama and he did it in both eloquent and crystal clear fashion.

      Hope this makes a big impact on some fence sitters. Hope this is a new beginning for Powell as well.  

      There really was plenty of moral failure and failure of judgement to go around during the rush to war, much of it on the Dem side of the aisle, to be fair and honest, which I perhaps haven’t always been where Powell is concerned.  Probably extra hard on him because I thought so much more highly of him in the first place.

      Kerry voted Bush war powers out of sheer political cowardice and I forgave him, after all.  He may have hoped someone like Powell would save his bacon but could never have actually thought Bush could be counted on  to use the power for diplomacy.

  8. If you put your ballot in the mail with no postage – it will be delivered. What’s sad about the article is the pleading from the County Clerk’s office that the amount is so small that people should pay full postage.

    They should instead be encouraging people to just get the ballot in the mail so they have voted. The key issue is not saving a couple of bucks in costs, it’s maximizing voting.

    1. why should people who choose to vote by mail get to do so for free but those who drive, take the bus, or walk to the polls have to expend money/effort?

      Voting isn’t free for anyone.

      1. I’m not getting reimbursed for my time and gas for getting to the physical polls on Monday to vote early.

        Why should the taxpayers have to foot the bill for $1.50 in postage from all the people who had (insert excuse here) and didn’t apply the right amount of postage.

        1. ..and monitoring Pols, it does sound like it is.

          Ours is a pretty big envelope, twice the size of the ones I got from Arapahoe County. Unlike AC a few years ago, our Supervisor of Elections actually put a little piece of blue paper in advising of the $1 postage.

        2. I agree w/ Dave when it comes to all-mail elections (sort of), but when you make the choice to not go to the polls, it’s up to you to get the ballot back to the county.  And as a tax payer, it’s not my job to pay for you to vote for free.  I’m glad the post office is delivering ballots w/o postage (I’m sure some folks just forget), but people taking advantage of the policy kinda lame.

    2. According to what the clerks told me, the post office won’t deliver a ballot with no postage but it will deliver with insufficient postage…i.e., at least put on a stamp, the clerks wsill pay the overage.

      Why they just don’t make it a gbusiness reply card eludes me.  On the other hand, Libertine, don[‘t bother putting posting on your ballot for the right to mooch issues, 47 and 54. They always deliver for freeloaders, right?;-)

  9. from TPM

    The campaign of El Tinklenberg, the Democratic challenger against Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), announced today that they’ve raised about half a million dollars in the time since she let loose on Hardball with her claims that Barack Obama may be anti-American and that the media should undertake a full investigation into which members of Congress are anti-American.

    Here’s hoping that this budding McCarthite loses.

        1. It doesn’t specify which let loose on Hardball, maybe people liked the rant so much that they’ve started donating.  I suspect you’re right, but it isn’t clear.

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