John McCain was superb at the Al Smith dinner:
McCain’s Closing Remarks:
And Obama, who also did a good job:
And Obama’s closing:
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I think we’ld be facing much closer numbers right now.
I listened to both, and I thought McCain got laughs by poking fun at himself, while Obama got laughs by also poking fun at McCain.
Going second, he could have responded differently.
So yeah, I guess that’s what being a partisan is like.
I agree with David. If McCain would have shown this side of himself–instead of the grumpy old man persona– during the campaign, he’d be in much better shape in the polls.
Of course McCain’s proposed policies look a helluva lot like Bush’s, so he’d still be at a disadvantage–but at least he’d be more competitive.
why McCain used to be a media darling, anyway. But I thought Obama came across well too and he certainly DID poke fun at himself. From a starting point of both of them being decent well meaning people, I still can’t stand McCain’s policy proposals, foreign or domestic, and find his behavior under pressure during actual crises, rather than at dinners or on talk shows, to be dangerously erratic. Lots of leaping without looking, slamming on the breaks and careening in various directions.
I still want smart, calm, deliberate Obama, the guy who not only wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth but who is not at all far removed in time from his humble roots, from heavy college loans, from working closely with a community hard hit by plant closure and job loss, from the horror of his Mom’s experience with our health care system.
McCain has had everything covered for him on all fronts from birth. The nightmare of his captivity was an interruption. Before and after he has never had to worry for a second about paying for an education, excelling as student, officer or pilot ( reputation for not studying manuals and stalling out and losing planes a whole lot more than anyone else could have without being grounded) making a living or getting the best health care available. He really doesn’t have any idea who Joe Six Pack, Joe the Plumber or any ordinary Joe is or what their lives feel like. Pretty much like faux good old boy Bush.
And it shows in his devotion to discredited trickle down economics and his prattling about earmarks as if fixing something that accounts for a fraction of a percent of the budget is going to significantly help him keep spending like a drunken sailor on enormous items like Iraq and huge tax breaks for the rich while balancing the budget. The guy is still clueless and his judgement in the advisers he has chosen and the advice he has taken has been abysmal.
But I can now at least begin to see why he once had a reputation as charming and funny.
I thoroughly enjoyed them all, and it was a great smiling morning.
Great way to start the day!
I think McCain’s jokes actually were better by a margin than Obama’s. Obama had the better, more appropriate ending.
would be to have Stephen Colbert (in character) be the “moderator”. Or Jon Stewart. Or Colin Ferguson.
Anyone who feels like it’s appropriate to call the other candidate or their supporters things like a disgrace or a terrorist, etc., needs to watch those videos and realize that we really are indeed lucky enough to be in this together, and then shut the fuck up.
Thanks so much for posting these David.
I couldn’t agree more with Laughing Boy, watching those made me so happy to live in a country where we can have a civil debate, and even laugh at ourselves a little bit along the way. To hell with those who think otherwise.
Up yours, you freak.
You fascist, warmonger you.
I am really feeling the love here !
I found Obama a bit more self effacing than McCain (who I thought was a bit more after Obama) but both were fine.
I did notice that the Cardinal sitting next to Obama seemed uncomfortable when McCain was doing his Obama=the mesiah and calling him “Your Eminence”
…and had the campain “let John be John” – we’d be winning this thing. Instead, we’ve got an over managed and under performing candidate.
We are each who we choose to be. We can say that we do things because of the influence of others, but at root we each choose to let that influence work.
I liked McCain in 2000. Why he embraced Bush after what he did to him is an entirly different subject.
I also think that too much of McCain has become an issue. I worked in the retirement sector for about 5 years doing marketing for non profit that built high end retirement communities. What happens as you get older is you get to be more of who you are at your core.
If you are angry, you become angrier. McCain is dealing with a lifetime of anger. It could not have been easy growing up in a Four Star’s house. And then seen as a disappointment I am sure made it worse. Add in being a POW, that anger is something that will come more prevalent as he gets older.
McCain has good qualities. But in an age of 24 hour news and YouTube, the old time candidate will find it hard to compete.
Young people now live their entire life on film, something that is uncomfortable even to a very hip 45 year old such as myself. LOL!