( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
From The Jed Report
Marc Ambinder digs up a pretty damning video, given McCain’s current line of attack on Barack Obama. In 2006, McCain told members of ACORN, UNITE HERE, SEIU, and PAW that they were “what makes America special.”
As Ambinder says:
McCain had no trouble fraternizing with ACORN in 2006 when their political interests coincided with his. Now, his campaign is writing e-mails in his name bashing ACORN as a tool of the Obama machine.
Ben Smith also posted a picture of McCain at the same rally.
Here’s the video Ambinder posted:
McCain’s “straight talk express” has cruised into the pathological liar lane.
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MW 10:10-11:15 AM
Professor: Senator John McCain
Description: In this course, students learn to craft political messages about themselves and their candidates. Careful attention is paid to using organizations and groups to your advantage in different situations and scenarios. After completing this course, students will have a firm grasp on how to both use people for political gain, and then vehemently attack them when it is more convenient for them to do so.
3 credits. Fulfills a general education requirement for Business Administration and Pre-Law majors.