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October 13, 2008 02:21 AM UTC

What does Obama have to do imediately after becoming President?

  • by: Sir Robin

We’re starting to get the set up in the MSM. With the Democrats having a chance to control the Presidency, the House and the Senate, obstructionism may finally be defeated. Obama will be asked to increase the military budget by $450B over the next five years, which is exactly opposite of what needs to be done, as America must work very hard to counter it’s negatives around the globe. Military spending must decrease.

Clearly, the economic meltdown heralds the end of Reagan economics, but what next? How do we turn this country back into the economic engine, once envied by the rest of the world?

With energy, conservationism, and the environment very much front burner issues, how does Obama balance the need to develop renewable energy sources, while educating the american public that the last 30 years of credit card spending cannot continue?

It’s my personal belief that our American culture is broken as badly as the financial system. The pockets of ignorance, poverty, and racism needs to be addressed, but how? How do we “fix” a TV culture that promotes cheap values, violence, and mindlessness?

What will the influence of the Boomers be? In our rapidly aging society, will their creativity and self centeredness be harnessed for the greater good…and how?

Has the immigration issue been properly framed and addressed? How can we afford a national health care plan,now that Reagan economics has basically bankrupted the U.S? What will the proper role of taxation look like, not to create “class warfare”, but to address the issues of the deficit, the shrinking middle class, and economic stimulation.

IMO, the MSM must become a more responsible partner in the creation of a more enlightened society. What is the chance of that?

What does Barack Obama need to do first to turn this country around?

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11 thoughts on “What does Obama have to do imediately after becoming President?

  1. That will take time.  The second he is elected, even before he takes office, he has to announce a treasury secretary and SEC Chairman that have gravitas and push the current occupants to work with their incoming counterparts.

    He also needs to ask Gates if he is willing to stay on for 6 months and if he is willing to begin redeploying troops from Iraq into Afghanistan.  It would be nice to keep a little continuity so that Obama can focus on the economy.  However, getting out Iraq has become an even more important priority because of its budget impact.

    The air force needs to accept some budget cuts, because the Navy and Army need a lot of the budget.  The Army needs to replace lost equipment and the Navy needs to be building frigate equivalents to fight smuggling and piracy (not to mention the Marine reequipping–But the navy has to give up its new carrier every few years priority)

    1. There has to be a national dialogue…..why not contribute to it here? I have tremendous respect for so many participants on this blog.

      Militarily, we need a complete re-evaluation and orientation of these resources. I didn’t mention foreign policy in the poll, but obviously the world has become so intertwined, that America can’t behave as it has in the past…on many fronts, and in so many ways.

      Let’s continue the discussion…I have to take a call.

  2. and why is that the president’s job?

    Obama can appeal to our better natures, maybe denounce some violent music or video games, but beyond that, I think he’ll have his hands full fixing the economy, strengthening the middle class, improving America’s standing in the world, and banishing the persistent culture of fear. If all those things lead to better TV shows and more parents reading to their children, fine. But “improving” the culture is, at best, a side-effect of what a president does.

    1. My gut tells me we’re in a heep of trouble, unless we can improve the culture here in America. Sure, Obama doesn’t have to spend valuable time on this….heaven knows that I am keenly aware of how much an individual can accomplish in a day. But he can, with all the resources at his disposal, find ways to enlighten our society, heal the divisions, and refocus our priorities.

      How much pain will it take before this great country awakens to a new vision for oour future? Hopefully, not too much more.

      1. I think most — left, right and down the middle — would agree there’s a sickness in our culture and dire need for rejuvenation, but I’m just not sure that’s in the president’s job description. He’ll bring an end to torture, change the direction of our military adventurism, and do what he can to heal the vicious anger that permeates what passes for casual public discourse. The culture will have to take care of itself, as it always does.

        Maybe having a president who can compose a thoughtful sentence, much less a searching, reflective and tremendously well written memoir, will do something to dampen the flames of anti-intellectualism fueled by “leaders” who can’t stand the scrutiny of an inquisitive public. That’d be worth something fixing the culture.

  3. Clearly, the economic meltdown heralds the end of Reagan economics, but what next?

    It absolutely does not.  The housing meltdown that triggered this fiasco is more intertwined with Carter economics than Reagan’s.

    Hopefully he’ll convene an economic council, and leave the Congresspeople at home.

    Then move to rescind the partial birth abortion ban.  According to Sen. Obama, anyway…

    1. Those are sure casting a long shadow, especially for having been repudiated soundly before they had a chance to get off the ground.

      It’s the end of Grammonomics and late-stage Greenspanonomics (urging on the housing bubble, without which we wouldn’t be in anything approaching these circumstances).

      But, yeah, go ahead, bash Jimmy Carter. Is it because he volunteers with Habit for Humanity, building homes for poor people? That’s really what’s at the root of this crisis. You got it pegged.

  4. Immediate reassurance to the people. Kick ass where and when needed.  

    There is a realtor (or a thousand!) in this town, the largest independent one.  Outsells all the chains. Her ad today contained lengthy text quoting and appreciating FDR’s handling of the situation back then.

    Now, I don’t know her politics, but I would think them quite Republican.  Yet she is turning to FDR for hope and guidance, quite publicly.

    I never thought I’d have the “opportunity” to re-live the Great Depression and the hope given by a (Democratic) president, but it seems to be my fate.  

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