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October 12, 2008 04:06 AM UTC

The PUMA's ride again?

  • by: Laughing Boy

Wow.  This is not a Republican, this is a Dem:

Obama and his supporters have been complaining the last couple of days, accusing the McCain campaign creating mob mentalities. I have read that they are forming lynching mobs, stirring up anger, and causing division.

And, you know what? The people ARE mad. But you can’t blame it on John McCain and Sarah Palin.

People are sick and tired of being called racist, over and over, and over, and over, and over again for not supporting Obama.

People are sick and tired that every single issue they bring up against Obama is called a racist attack.

People are really sick of hearing that Palin wearing white is a shout out to the KKK and therefore racist.

PUMA’s are pissed off at the lynch mob mentality that formed to paint Hillary and Bill Clinton as racists.

People are pissed off about the caucus fraud that they witnessed, by the Obama camp.

PUMA’s are pissed off at the DNC and their behavior during the Primary.

PUMA’s are angered that Obama and the DNC never spoke out against the vitriol attacks on Hillary.

PUMA’s are destroyed, feeling abandoned by their party.


15 thoughts on “The PUMA’s ride again?

    1. I didn’t write it.

      Do you think the PUMA folks will be any kind of a factor?  I tend to think not, but I still feel like things will tighten up as we get closer, and if they were a viable bloc it could make a difference.


      Honestly, I’m more an d more impressed with Obama – I just wish he’d get a little more specific on some things that he seems to be giving up on in his slide to the middle in the general election.

      1. I say this as a Democrat who is supportive of the concept of third party candidates. If you examine polls in which Ralph Nader is included, you’ll see that Obama actually takes a greater winning margin against McCain.

        What’s this mean? Obama has done an effective job of unifying the left against John McCain. Ralph Nader, liberal as he may be, doesn’t “take votes from Democrats.” He takes votes from those disenfranchised with the ideals and operating procedures of the major parties. Obama, unlike Gore and especially Kerry, has given wary Democrats and left-leaners a viable and “morally acceptable” option on the ballot. Thus, the PUMAS, like other disenfranchised voters,  hardly represent any sort of acting voting bloc.

      2. That website, the one you linked to, is run by a rabid anti-Obama hater who was banned from Daily Kos after posting a particularly vile racist diary. His name is Larry Johnson. He is no more a Democrat than you are. His site is not a Democratic one, either.

        He formerly worked with the CIA and wrote quite a bit about Valerie Plame and her outing. Thus, the Daily Kos sheep fell all over him, rec’d up everything he wrote and thought he was God for about a year, until he started to write some truly crazy shit. A few folks, including myself, warned that more often than not, he was writing unsubstantiated rumors that he could not prove, but we got smacked down by the herd.

        The bottom line is this, no matter who the author is, be it David Sirota, George Will, Markos Moulistas, Barack Obama or John McCain–if they say something they can’t prove, question, question, question.

        Johnson and about twelve of his PUMA followers are just hoping that someone will come along and give them a little publicity, since he has lost all credibility and most of his readership after Hillary conceded the primary and joined the Obama bandwagon.  

  1. And NOW that a few people have stood up and vented that anger, and a few have screamed terrorist or kill him with the mention of William Ayers, McCain and Palin are being accused of forming lynch mobs, trying to divide the country, and worse.

    Obama said that McCain and Palin are stoking anger and division.

    It is not McCain and Palin that are stoking anger and causing divide. That was accomplished by Obama, the DNC, the MSM and the thug like behavior of Obama supporters.

    People are pissed off. And people are feeling panicked. But, you can’t blame that anger on McCain or Palin. You can blame that on Obama and his supporters.

    Oh, yeah. Projection.

    These maniacs (and I use that word in the technical sense) have lost all touch with reality.  

    1. Some of these people are fucking nuts if they really believe the stuff that they write and say. (Hello, AS!)

      RG, you’ve hit this nail on the head.

      1. LB, this author may be a “Dem” (and that’s open to question) but the self-described PUMA’s have all, to a person, shown themselves to be little more than people who just really hate Obama and have no rational reason for it, much like the GOP base types who call Obama a terrorist. The increasing likelihood of a victory for Obama is making all of them lose their grip.

  2. Did you know the largest growing business segment in the world is the Small / Medium size Business? This segment is the backbone of America and is where ALL large companies are born.

    I fear that the ideas I hear from Obama will kill this segment. His tax policy ,health care requirements, and increase of the FMLA will devastate this group of American businesses. This is not GOP rhetoric but exact words from Obama’s mouth. Obama is a good man – but he is young and not experienced in the world of finance and business.

    All we hear is the attack on the McCain camp that they want to lower taxes on Exxon Mobile. Exxon is not the problem in our country but they are an easy target to incite people to anger. The problem is that there are so many laws that force American companies to have to go offshore in order make a profit that American jobs are leaving the US.  Remember companies, regardless of size, are in business to make money.

    We will get thru the economic problems of today. These same problems are happenning all over the world and Bush is not president in those countries. The econmic woes are a sign of the times, it is cyclic. As global consumers, we have overspent and we have created this mess ourselves. If  we allow free enterprise to flourish, new businesses will be born from it. The more laws, restrictions, and taxes we place on American companies the worse for all of us.

    I consider myself an independent and at the end of everyday my loyality lies only with my family. If the times were different, I am not even sure I would care enough to vote. But we are on the brink of electing a President I completely believe will further destroy the economy. Obama’s policies are so anti-business and are catering to hate-mongers who believe the Corporations have created all the problems. Millions of people in the US are employed by these “horrible and evil” business. The US can not survive more people getting laid off and replaced by offshore resources.

    McCain’s plan to not raise taxes on individuals but provide a tax break for the small / medium size companies will keep jobs onshore, will encourage more new businesses, and will provide incentive for offshore companies to come to the US and bring new jobs with them. As airlines and car companies are on the brink of bankruptcy, increasing taxes and creating new labor laws will only push these companies into collapse. As a nation, we can not afford to lose our big corporations. – THINK ABOUT IT!

    Please do not get caught up in the smooth talk but listen to the facts coming from each candidate and analyze how he will help or hurt our current situation.  

    1. I think McCain’s policies would be much worse for my company that Obama’s. The single most important impact the president will have on my company is turning this economy around and competently running the government.

      Obama is much more likely to be successful on that front. And once he is, if my taxes go up a bit, I still have more money at the end of the day. The key is not my tax rate, it’s the number of dollars I have in my pocket after paying those taxes.

      That’s two very different things.

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