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October 12, 2008 03:28 AM UTC

Conservative Post Columnist Writes Off McCain

  • by: Colorado Pols

Love the Denver Post’s David Harsanyi or hate him, as he opines:

This election has never been about John McCain – though his candidacy is sure to revive a debate about the worst presidential candidates of all time.

No, this is a referendum on Barack Obama. And many Republicans are exuding the confidence of a hopelessly quixotic sports fan – a person who watches his atrocious team struggle for three quarters with the false expectation that some miraculous comeback is imminent in the fourth.

It rarely is…

Those Republicans anticipating a fourth-quarter comeback during the debate were instead hit with a wet fish. Did the putative Republican candidate just propose that the U.S. Treasury renegotiate millions of mortgages at a better price?

Was McCain simply unable to articulate a more complex position? It sounded a lot like a comprehensive nationalization of the mortgage industry. It sounded a lot like hundreds of billions of additional tax dollars.

Yep, he meant it. It’s called the American Homeownership Resurgence. It will stabilize the economy. And Obama will stop global warming. And McCain will find bin Laden, even if he has to do it with his bare hands. And . . . well, at this pace, we’re about two debates away from being promised free lemonade and snicker doodles.

None of these promises have worked. So now the McCain campaign will set its sights on Bill Ayers, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko and other members of the Legion of Doom. All of them are legitimate topics for conversation, but with less than a month to go, the conversation reeks of desperation.


26 thoughts on “Conservative Post Columnist Writes Off McCain

    1. The 2010 and 2012 campaigns have begun.

      McCain may be able to save this thing, but I’m not very optimistic, and I’m very discouraged, if not surprised.

      McCain’s wrong on business, illegal immigration, amnesty, campaign funding, torture and so many other things that it’s no surprise that he’s an incompetent presidential candidate.

      I’d rather have him as president than Obama, but now I really know how Kerry’s backers felt 4 years ago and Gore’s 8.

      Obama’s likely to do things that extend and deepen a recession, depression and bear marketl, ensuring that he’ll be a one-term president.

      I don’t think the Republicans have talented demonizers like Dachele, Reid, Pelosi and Kennedy, but conservatives will do everything they can to make Obama and the Dems look and sound bad and to block their initiatives, just as the Dems have done to Bush and the Republicans over the last 8 years.

      But the Dems won’t need the GOP to make them look bad. Barney Frank and Pelosi are already showing what fiasco the Dems reign will be.

      1. Democratic leaders have NOT blocked Bush’s agenda.

        You must be confusing them with the Republican Congress of the 1990s, and George W. Bush’s presidency with Bill Clinton’s.

        1. in the late 90s who saved America’s economy by forcing Clinton to govern well. (Impeachment was just to show they meant business.) Then when Bush took over, Democrats in Congress were so consumed with Bush Derangement Syndrome that they prevented Republicans from getting any work done. (All those nasty looks make working hard.) When Obama wins and problems start getting solved, it’ll be because of the brilliance of Bush’s policies (and also Reagan’s), which are only now being appreciated.

          Wow, that’s surprisingly easy. I feel like Peggy Noonan.

  1. is often more of a plague on both your houses libertarian leaning type.  But it’s certainly interesting that people like him as well as many old style serious conservatives are writing critically about McCain and scathingly about Palin while he gets booed by the far social conservative right base for daring to point out that Obama is not a scary Arab or terrorist supporter but a decent and admirable family man with whom he happens to disagree on policy.  

    He’s already alienated many of the independents he used to wow and pissed off most of the once adoring media, with the notable exception of Tom Brokaw who can still be counted on to laugh at all his lame jokes.

    Bradley effect not withstanding, it’s looking more hopeful for Obama every day, knock wood.

  2. at this pace, we’re about two debates away from being promised free lemonade and snicker doodles.

    Lemonade in every glass and a snicker doodle on every plate!

    1. Where is Sarah Palin? The whole job of a Veep candidate is to go on the attack on Sunday morning shows and other national TV broadcasts.

      Gov. Palin is nowhere to be found on television. She’s been throwing out red meat on the stump like she’s a lion trainer at the circus, but that only reaches so many people.

      If the McCain campaign wasn’t so poorly run they would have had her on at least Fox, if not Meet the Press, doing what she does best: reciting talking points.

  3. It’s much more difficult being right on a consistant basis, even when your editor and/or corporate masters think otherwise. It’s absolutely sickening to see these reporters, whether Harsanyi or Kristol (more ideologues than repporters), attempt to save some face after years of printing such bullshit.

    1. Still, Palin is a genuine Alaskan — of a kind. The kind that flowed north in the wake of the ’70s oil boom, Bible Belt politics and attitudes under arm, and transformed this state from a free-thinking, independent bastion of genuine libertarianism and individuality into a reactionary fundamentalist enclave with dollar signs in its eyes and an all-for-me mentality.

      Thanks for the read

      1. So Tina Fey is doing a parody of Sarah Palin affecting a Minnesota accent? Anybody have a video of Sarah Palin doing the real Sarah Palin?

        What’s with the GOP and phony accents, anyway?  I’ve always noticed GW’s sort of Texas twang sounds nothing like any other member of his family. I mean it’s not like he’s a real Texan. Or a real rancher.  

        I remember when Putin, who likes to ride horses, was very disappointed to find out there wasn’t going to be any such thing happening on the “ranch” of the “cowboy” President during his visit.

        They’re like a bunch of kids playing dress up.  Sarah Palin; frontier woman.   GW; just a good old boy rancher clearin’ brush.  Yeah, right.

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