At 2:15PM today, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey of the arch-conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks will be giving Rep. Marilyn Musgrave an award highlighting her agreeing with him 95% of the time. From their press release:
Heading into the November election, Coloradans are focusing on the economy and pocketbook issues. Voters are faced with a clear choice between lower taxes and limited government on one side, and more regulation and higher taxes on the other…
How long ago was this scheduled? Armey and his Club for Growth buddies led the charge for deregulating the financial sector, privatizing Social Security, and just about every other laissez faire whimsy now being discredited by the ongoing economic crisis. It’s like being endorsed by a Japanese soldier from a South Pacific island who never heard the war is over.
“Musgrave 2.0” finally cashed in? Traded for “Republican Revolution” Musgrave? Good luck with that. Original FreedomWorks press release and a poll both follow.
Dick Armey Press Conference to Award Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO) Jefferson Award
Musgrave Scored 95 Percent on Economic Score CardLast update: 10:08 a.m. EDT Oct. 7, 2008
Oct 07, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) — FreedomWorks announces:
What: Former House Majority Leader and author of the Contract with America Dick Armey will visit Fort Collins to award Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave the Jefferson Award and to discuss the economy. Armey is currently the Chairman of the national grassroots group FreedomWorks.
Who: FreedomWorks Chairman and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey and Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO).
When: October 9th, 2008; 2:15-2:30 p.m.
Where:Dunn Hogerty Investment Consulting, Inc, 412 West Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521, Phone: (970) 484-8806
Why: Heading into the November election, Coloradans are focusing on the economy and pocketbook issues. Voters are faced with a clear choice between lower taxes and limited government on one side, and more regulation and higher taxes on the other. With Washington throwing hundreds of billions of dollars around in bailouts and giveaways, taxpayers need watchdogs in Congress to protect their interests.
Armey would like to personally congratulate Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave on her pro-growth and anti-tax voting record that earned her the Jefferson Award. The Jefferson Award recognizes members of Congress for their leadership in supporting FreedomWorks’ efforts in fighting for less government, lower taxes and more freedom.
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Her best chance, and it’s not much of one, is to get every person in her base out and voting. It still won’t be enough, but it’s her only chance.
That and maybe she can get Coffman to yank the registration os every student at CSU.
Hybrid Musgrave, now with Dick Armey endorsement!
Now we get the all clear to buy. You go first!
my top performing fund is the Fidelity Contrafund, which buys stocks that are undervalued and out of favor. Guesws what, if you had bought the dow index on oct. 28, 1929, the day before the crash, and kept it ten years, you’d have made a tidy profit. Steady contributions = dollar averaging = successful long-term investing.
however, stick to mutual funds. otherwise, your investments run your life.
you write for the Wall Street Journal?
The S and P 500, since the inception of the index until last Jan., had averged 11 pct a year growth, inlcuding dividends. Remember, when the ribbon clerks panic and sell, that’s the time to buy.
OK? I think I will be putting all my refunded donations to work in the stock market.
and I wish you well. It’s a good time to buy for those who can be patient. I’m just sticking to my usual 401k contributions, refusing to panic…and going into occasional cardiac arrest. 😉
But I don’t expect to take a dime out for at least 7 years and I think we can come back in that time. The next two years won’t be easy, though.
You need to factor in inflation.
And frankly, I’d be surprised that the Dow was back to 1929 by 1939 even w/o inflation. But I could be wrong and I’m too lazy to research that fact.
to being too lazy. That’s me. In a nutshell. I could prove it but I simply have no desire to put myself out to do so. 🙂
I think this is why I like you so much, parsing. You’re so honest. It’s a refreshing trait around these parts.
Some things are worth time researching, other things, arent’.
Whatever the correct answers are, the Dow is plummeting. Real time, real world, real disaster.
If I were Markey I’d be making a humorous ad highlighting this endorsement.
It was good PR to change the tone from nasty to funny. Folks are already mighty tired of the mudslinging and we still have almost four weeks to go.
Mike Coffman is slated to receive the Katheryn Harris Excellence in Government award.
Dick Armey could not even get his own son elected to Congress from the District he represented in Texas.
Marilyn may lose by ten or more points. The happiest over her defeat will be the Republicans who have wanted a shot at running for Congress: Gardner, Hillman, Buck and Renfro. The most unhappy will be Brandon Shaffer who could have should have and would have been a contender if he had run.
Will win his race handily and hopefully continue to do good things in the state legislature.
His time is coming for higher office. He’s just one of the amazing array of talented Democrats Colorado has on the bench.