“If pigs could vote, the man with the slop bucket would be elected swineherd every time, no matter how much slaughtering he did on the side.”
–Orson Scott Card
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BY: kwtree
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: MLK Day 2025 Open Thread
BY: kwtree
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
BY: The realist
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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Regardless of who’s elected.
I’m solidly for Obama. I’m just mad that this gigantic mess that laissez-faire Bush deregulation has gotten us into will keep Obama from accomplishing everything he wants us to do.
Anything that doesn’t go his way will be Bush’s fault?
Wow and I though that the BBFE crowd would be done come January….
You still have plenty of ‘pubs blaming everything on Clinton. You reap what you sow.
It sure stung when I used that line on you, didn’t it? Probably because you know, deep down in your frosty little heart, that it’s true.
is that you, by any chance, the shrieking attention whore in the black jacket?
You’re obviously hanging out with geniuses.
What is wrong with them?
The fact they are saying Barack is a terrorist is clearly a link to the fact he Black. These people a mental midgets and I hate this part of America.
What is wrong with them? They are fearful, racist people – and they make up the base of the Republican Party. The sad part is the Repub leadership knows this and has exploited idiot people to serve their need for power, at any cost.
McCain and Palin will have blood on their hands should anything happen in this election. They are doing nothing to stop “red meat” rhetoric. As a matter of fact, they are provoking it. McCain and Palin are a complete disgrace to the history and Doctrine of this country – they are the cancer in our great nation.
I thank God for Americans that are balanced, which in my world is most of us. Thank Heaven!
Even on this thread, we disagree with each other however; there are only one or two posters that are truly mental midgets.
I don’t know if I am so angry right now or if I am so sad right now that my thoughts are just blank.
I will be speaking about this on Fox News today at 1:30.
But not this, not at all:
These idiots clearly make up the fringe of the Republican party, just as some of the more radical, embarrassing people that you see make up the fringe of the Democratic party.
I could look for videos of people saying just as ignorant things from the other side of the aisle, but I don’t want to waste my time on it.
The fringe of any side is nothing to be proud of, but in a tight election, both parties count on the fringe vote. It’s just the way it is.
In a crowd of thousands, if you go around asking leading questions of people trying to get them to say something inflammatory and then edit a video to include only the most inflammatory things, sure you can make a video. I’d bet you get about the same reaction if you walked around your average rally for senator Obama and asked everyone, “Is John McCain senile?”
The real question is, is there something better you could have been doing with that time?
They know that their base will respond to this type of attack and they want them to continue. It is a phenomenon called mass hysteria and they are working it and hoping it takes hold. That is just sick and the Repubs should be deeply ashamed.
At this point they are throwing all the shit they can muster at the proverbial fan.
Elsewhere I’ve expressed profound disappointment in senator McCain’s embrace of the politics of personal destruction that he so eloquently denounced when they were directed toward him in 2000.
Of course, neither campaign has an active outreach effort to attempt to rein in their fringe (and, let’s face it, if they tried, all they would do is give those folks more attention), but I agree in that to the extent a candidate expressly or tacitly encourages the behavior, he is selling off a chunk of his integrity at much too low a price.
people refer to George Bush as a terrorist, or Hitler, or all the other epithets the right is spitting at Obama?
I don’t know if that was facetious or not. The honest answer is, many, many times. Especially Hitler, but also as a terrorist.
If you substituted George Bush’s name for Obama’s name, many of the comments in that video could have easily come from the left against the current occupant.
Nothing worng with his middle name, except to those that are lunitics – it incites haterd.
Is the Palin /McCain team hoping that a crazy gets so upset they act on thoughts. They can then sit in the police inteview and say they attacked Barack or his wife or daughters becuase at the McCain rally they told them he was a terroist?
It is sick and at this point i put nothing past the Palin/McCain team, win at any cost to America mantra.
it was one jackoff radio host that used Obama’s middle name when inteoducin McCain and he was immediately rebuked b McCain himself. I think it was also in the early spring. Was there another occurrence?
Btw, it’s his middle name. I see what you’re getting at, but it’s his middle name.
But they did issue a rebuke again.
Yes, it is his name and there is nothing wrong with it, except when you have people calling to “Kill Him” and looking for a reason.
Are you really arguing that you have NO IDEA why the Repubs use his middle name?
The bigger issue is, and have beaten this to death, is why is an ethnic last, middle or first name an issue with certain sectors of our society. And the Repubs are PROVOKING that sector. That is the issue.
It is EVEN WORSE when the person introducing him is a Sheriff. Who BTW, is now being investigated, because like the military you can not campaign in uniform. Coming from a man of the law, this is almost a call for vigilantism. And the WAS DONE BY THE PALIN/MCCAIN campaign.
Just saw a poll that has Barack up 12 points in Virginia. America is balanced, that you God!
Please show me an official McCain event other than the one I mentioned where they’re using Sen. Obama’s middle name.
Anyone saying anything like this should be arrested. Scum.
Here’s a video that will undoubtedly make you angry. Is this man racist?
that he didn’t change his middle name when he arrived on the political scene. He doesn’t want to be called “Barry” or make himself seem like anything other than he is–someone who is proud of his heritage.
But “Hussein” just makes me think of the late, great, King Hussein of Jordan, a voice for progress, moderation and peace. and ditto, redstate, on Obama sticking to the name his parents gave him.
I have never stopped being amazed that he was able to foster a peace between Israel and Jordan.
Callsign JY1. And a very prized QSL card to have in your shoebox.
Unfortunately, he died before I got my ticket. I never got to work him.
As a kid I was hot to be a ham but didn’t have enough money for a rig. And I never learned the code well enough to qualify. But did hang out with a railroad station agent near our farm who had a rig and a national HRO receiver, then the top of the line. I have a veryu good receiver today but short wave is fading in the face of the internet, like much else. You hams are great. Everytime we have a flood or hurricane, hams saved our butts.
You hit the nail on the head.
It’s one thing to have loony idiots on the fringe of your party.
It’s quite another to hear those idiots say “kill him” and “off with his head” and not immediately condemn them. That’s the point Joe Biden was making.
And it’s quite another to seem to be actively TRYING to drum up such responses through irresponsible, factually inaccurate and race-baiting comments and ads. McCain has truly sold his soul to the devil – who in this case does appear to wear Prada.
I don’t know about anywhere else, but in Aprapahoe County when I volunteered in late 1998 that was exactly the sort of people that made either a majority or the visible plurality. After a month I did not go back.
I was left very conflicted about my relationship to the party. I believed in what I thought were Republican principles. But for my fellow volunteers they were just code words for something else.
A little less than two years later when George W. Bush got the nomination I was through voting Republican.
There are good Republicans, but my experience in Araphahoe County was one of bad driving out the good.
by how many former or currently dissatisfied Republicans post here. I was never officially in the GOP, but I usually sided with them for a good long while.
Back then I voted a mixed ballot, but now I am so fed up with how the GOP has been governing, I will be voting a straight Dem ticket for the third straight election.
that there are so many currently dissatisfied Democrats around. I am officially Democrat but will probably be changing my affiliation to Unafilliated after I saw how Hillary was treated.
It is clear that my party the Democrats only play lip service to the ideals they pretend to stand for.
Great? Perhaps.
But NLB is evidence that it’s not 100% effective.
I was a strong supporter of Nancy L Baldwin but now that she’s exhibited truly insane behavior and can’t seem to write a sentence without lying, I must change my allegiance. It is clear she’s taking a cue from serial prevaricators John McCain and Sarah Palin, who have brought great dishonor on themselves and their followers. Very sad.
“Ha! Now, that’s comedy.”
Here, I found one for you.
I think as vile as this is, it needs to have a bright light shone on it. I felt nauseas after viewing this.
The way that Palin, in particular, has ramped up the level of hatred is appalling. Dana Milbank had a fantastic op-ed piece on this yesterday. This fear mongering, this hateful inciting is reaching a frenzied peak and I am honestly afraid of what someone like the people in this video may do.
I do think LB has a point–this is the lunatic fringe. But, the fact that both Palin and McCain are playing to them, appealing to them, is what frightens and disgusts me.
Disagree with it maybe, but hatred should reserved for very special cases. And only for individuals who deserve it, not entire segments of the population.
I am very clear on the history of this country and what can happen when people are OK with a minority of people that are predisposition to act on their fear and prejudice.
I have no choice but to stand up and make all of you know how sick that part of America is.
Not to do the Hitler thing, but it was the good people in Germany that did nothing that allowed Hitler slaughter millions.
If anything happens in this election, it would be the good people that did not put the idiots in check, that allowed it to happen.
put on a WWF tag team event and Howard Beale pile drives McCain. I bet many Americans are getting fearful of even attending the Branded Bull and Moosealini rallies. They are turning this race into a Hate and Fear v. Hope and Future contest. And polls show their tactic are McFail’n.
I watched this group of non-cognitive IDIOTS and about a half hour later by coincidence got a call from the Obama campaign – I just gave them more money.
and calling Bill Clinton a racist.
Actually it was when he made the speech in 2004. The one Hillary referred to when she said McCain has a lifetime of experience and all Obama has is a speech in 2004.
Propaganda is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of large numbers of people. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense presents information in order to influence its audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the cognitive narrative of the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda.
to show me ANY reputable link that shows Obama (1) “trashing” Hillary or (2) “calling Bill Clinton a racist.”
You plainly sympathize with the people on the YouTube video who believe Obama is a “terrorist.”
Tell us, Nancy L. Baldwin of Newport Beach, California who has contributed the maximum $2,400 limit to the McCain campaign: Do you believe Obama is a terrorist?
No I don’t think he is a terrorist.
I do think that he finds comfort hanging around with terrorists though. Bill Ayers for example.
I have read your posts regarding Schaffer and Abramoff and it is interesting how you guys make these leaps of logic to link Schaffer and Abramoff. Then you ignore the very close relationship Bill Ayers and Barack Hussein Obama have.
Obama kicked off his career in Ayers home. Ayers worked with Obama running a fund worth 100 Million! – Oh just casual relationship there…
Yet Schaffer knows a guy who knew a guy who knows Abramoff and they are intimately tied together.
It is amazing how logic is lacking in your mindset.
What is the import of your associations.
With regard to the Schaffer/Abramoff association. Schaffer went on vacation, paid for by Abramoff and then used talking points created by Abramoff to excoriate the federal regulator and the representative of Catholic Archdiocese when they tried to describe the conditions in the factories.
Its not that he “knew” Abramoff, its that he took money from him and the sweatshop owners and then acted as their factotum.
As to Obama not knowing who Ayers was. I didn’t know who Ayers was, and I am about Obama’s age, until Hannity fixated on him last spring. When Obama goes to a party by a college professor and advisor to politicians on education policy, I’m sure no one said ‘this is Bill Ayers, he used to be a terorist’
Obama served on the Annenberg Foundation with Ayers, but the part of this story not talked about is that Walter Annenberg was an ambasador under Reagan and that his wife has endorsed McCain. Does that mean that Walter Annenberg was a terrorist sympathizer for hiring Ayers or that Reagan was a terrorist sypathizer for hiring a terrorist sypathizer or that McCain is a terrorist sympathizer for accepting the endorsement of someone who would hire a terror sypathizer?
Silly right.
Unlike Schaffer who was directly involved in favors for trips which is at the heart of the Abramoff scandal, Obama is in no way associated with Ayers activities in anyway (unless you are arguing that as an eight year old in indonesia Obama aided the Weathermen).
That is a lie. Ayers wrote a blurb for Obama’s book.
Ayers is his next door neighbor.
Ayers and Obama served on several boards together.
Ayers and Obama spent 100 Million together.
Ayers sponsored a fundraiser in his home for Obama.
And Ayers wrote on 9/11/01 that he was not sorry for what he did. In fact Ayers said he wished he did more.
Now how old was Obama on 9/11?
You obviously have a problem reading It is associating with the activities of Ayers.
I give up with you and your foolishness. How someone your age can be so shockingly unwise is beyond me.
He’s walking around with a camera baiting people in hopes of humiliating them. Now several of the people he finds have destructive views and prejudices, but that alone isn’t enough to make the action laudable.
He’s asking them a simple question to which they can easily say “I don’t want to talk with you” or even better, “No.”
This video is like the one of those Kentucky drunkards that previously appeared on YouTube. We Americans need to realize that there are people out there just like this who are being intentionally whipped into a frenzy by McCain-Palin operatives willing to stop at nothing to get their team elected.
which isn’t the same thing. I’m certainly not defending those respondents he chose to include in the video, but it seems likely that he chose to ask the leading question because he was looking to draw out responses he could put on YouTube as part of a video to draw traffic to his site (which is tagged at the beginning).
To the extent this was actually a fair-minded attempt to remind Americans of lingering racism or xenophobia, then more power to him, but it just doesn’t seem that way. It seems that he thought he could bring out more extreme responses by asking “Is senator Obama a terrorist?” than “What do you think about senator Obama?” He was probably right, but again that doesn’t have the same shine on it in my view.
…they are to blame. Deal wit it.
I couldn’t watch but half. It was too painful. Examples of why the FF limited voting rights.
A grand idea
Boyles had a Philadelphia lawyer on his show this AM. The lawyer is the one who filed suit against Obama and the DNC charging that Obama was not born in the US.
1) First lie: Boyles and Berg, the lawyer, both agreed that Mitt Romney was born in Mexico when his parents were on a Mormon mission, but he was eligible to be president because both his parents were US Citizens. Now Boyles only has half a brain, left over from his drinking days, but the lawyer ought to know what he is talking about.
Truth: Mitt Romney was born in Michigan. His father, George Romney was born in Mexico when his parents were on a Mormon mission. George Romney ran for the Presidency in 1968 and dropped out of the race because he claimed that he had been “brain washed,” by generals in Vietnam. There was a question as to whether or not George Romney would be qualified to be president because he was not born in the United States. The question was never tested in court, because Romney dropped out of the race.
Lie 2: Berg contends that Obama’s mother was visiting in Kenya and was not allowed to get on a plane to return to Hawaii because she was too close to delivery. Therefore, she gave birth to Obama in Kenya on August 6, and then immediately got on a plane and flew to Hawaii and registered the birth in Hawaii on August 8th.
Truth: In those days, to the very best of my recollection, you could not fly on a plane with an infant under the age of six weeks. Also, to the very best of my recollection, women spent a week to ten days in the hospital after giving birth and I don’t know how you get from Kenya to Hawaii in two days, then or now.
This why we need a Fairness Doctrine. Boyles is under no obligation to broadcast the truth or do allow anyone on his show to refute the lies.
So you are in to censorship?
You guys are freaking radicals.
The fairness doctrine is not censorship as censorship is the act of prohibiting speech. The fairness doctrine requires additional speech. Very different.
Unless there is nobody that has the other side. Then the one side cannot speak.
As ruled on by the Supreme Court
make a mistake. So, how’s that Dred Scott thing working out, David?;-)
and never once molested by a priest, I might add.
I think my father falls intot hat category.
While one is too many, most Catholic boys have never been molested by priests.
Let me see if I can get it right, this time. If you have a religious institution in which all minors are not only taught to respect the priest, but more importantly his spiritual authority, and then some minors are abused by that very authority, and the religious institution does not protect the minors, but rather the priests, then all minors are exposed to the spiritual abuse, even if they were not physically molested.
So, BE, you took us far afield from the issue of the Fairness Doctrine, except not really. It all boils down to who can you trust to tell the truth? Not the newspapers. Not the public airwaves. Not an ancient religious institution.
but, not to worry, George W. Bush is going to be on the air, today, with a short message to reassure the nation.
I’m not diminishing those who have suffered.
I’m only trying to point out the fact that most boys in the church never were molested.
One (most boys never molested) has nothing to do with the other (some were and have suffered.)
Given the nature of the spiritually relationship between catholics and the priesthood, and the fact that the institution did not protect children, all children suffered spiritual abuse, even tho not all were physically abused.
As I recall PR, weren’t or aren’t you a minister? There is a world of difference between the protestant ministry and the catholic priesthood and therein lies the problem…
Sorry, I can’t buy that everyone was spiritually abused because some were physically abused.
It’s like the accusation that being a white man I’m guilty of all kinds of crimes against minorities because I’ve allegedly benefited from whatever happened long ago.
I am not going to argue the point with you. It is a Catholic thing. It goes to the heart of whom parents teach their children to trust and why. Those who were not raised catholic or became catholics are really not able to understand the profound horror of what happened. So lets agree to disagree.
However, the issue which does have some relevance here is the issue of trust or credibility.
But giving air time to this “Obama’s a foreigner” ignoramus is harmless. If anything, it’ll get more people to vote for Obama.
Anyone with half a brain knows that if there was anything to this story, Hillary Clinton AND John McCain and their armies of operatives would have been all over it years ago.
Boyles must have had a cancellation from a more serious guest.
Good one!
I just have to laugh at the evidence against Barack Obama. One is that his Hawaii-issued certificate of life is not legitimate proof of birth.
I emailed PB this morning. I was born in Honolulu in 1964. My certificate of life is similar to the one Barack Obama posted on his website. My original birth certificate is black with white print and cannot be scanned or Xeroxed. The State of Hawaii issued me copies of my certificate of life, which was adequate for a passport, adoption homestudy, FBI check, and limited DOD clearance.
Or, do you mean copies don’t work for official purposes? That is certainly true.
I don’t know of any “anti-scanning” technology.
Is the most idiotic conspiracy theory I’ve heard in a long time.
Any Republicans I know would laugh in someone’s face about it. A total load of shit.
when the left was trying to say McCain couldn’t run for President because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone?
That was when the polls showed him ahead. Now that Obama is head in the polls, the right is trying to use the same idiotic ploy.
to show his birth certificate.
If I were Obama I wouldn’t comply either. He has nothing to gain by showing his real birth certificate.
1. If Obama really is not born in the USA then that can be a problem.
2. If Obama is born in USA and he does not comply with the courts… Then if McCain jumps on this as a story – Obama could then prove him wrong.
But, the courts are asking Obama to prove it nonetheless.
Even if he’s technically an illegal immigrant, in my eyes he’s proved himself and is qualified to be President in terms of citizenship.
Fidel Castro is qualified to be a US President.
for president. He’s a SMOKER!;-)
Definitely disqualifying
You are a very funny man.
Anyone else here interested in a post-election cigar?
Good lord, November 5th is going to feel SO good.
So, Viva El Presidente “SeГ±ora” Nancy?
Anyone seeking information on statements made by Ms. Baldwin should keep this website in mind:
This is a great example. Fake lawsuits etc., notwithstanding, anyone who wants can see a damned photograph of senator Obama’s birth certificate here:
There’s a line between advocacy and attempting to change people’s votes based upon deliberate misinformation, and crossing it is a mortal sin against democracy.
There’s this.
“Remember …. There is nothing in the world that can prevent a document
from being copied on a photo copier.”
That’s a very proprietary product. I doubt is the states are up to that yet. And even if they are, birth certificate copies have never been sufficient for most purposes.
Watch for our first tv ad on your local set! Learn more about our fight against Polis Phony! Go Scott Starin Go
There was an ad on MSNBC which I kind of liked. This one just makes Starin look like a dick.
What is it with Colorado Republicans? People don’t want to vote for dicks this year!
your comments could be construed as an attempt to surpress the dick vote !
I mean, you have every right, but do you really think this makes you more likely to win?
Nothing wins over undecided voters like attacking underage students as well as your opponent. Even assuming that going negative is politically mandatory, why on earth would you put up images of students as part of a political attack? What on earth did those students do to deserve that?
The whole point of that (and many other) charter schools is to help at risk kids. They have had a lot of successes and a lot of failures — but had they stayed in the traditional avenues, they would have virtually all dropped out. Batting .500 in a league where you’re expected to go .100 sounds pretty good to me. Even Ted Williams was only 405 in his best year. Scott Starin is better than this ad.
terrible message and I’m pretty sure there’s an FEC violation here.
while he’s saying “I approved this message”? Or else it’s violating the law? Not sure, but I thought that was the rule.
Beyond that, it’s a stupid ad. Where’d they get that voiceover guy? He sounds dumb as a rock.
Do any of you know of a link where one can see the current polling results on the 14 Initiatives on the ballot? I’m sick of trolling around the Post and RMN websites and not finding a simple link of “Current Polls” or something to that effect.
For example, I’ve seen absolutely no polling on 51, the tax increase for developmently disabled.
In 2006, there was a 9News/SurveyUSA poll every week in the last month of the election. I don’t know if they’ve done a single poll this cycle.
I realize the newspapers are struggling and it’s probably a budgetary thing, but are the TV stations in such bad shape?
seems related to the torrent of ballot measures. Many, like the Post and Ciruli, did some but not all ballot measures. I’m just stunned that a tax increase, normally a battle royal in Colorado, is being basically ignored.
Colorado’s UFCW Admitted that 50% of its membership wants out but is forced to stay and pay dues.
Unfortunately, far too many workers are trapped in a union and forced to pay dues, but unions keep their stranglehold all workers (except government ones who have the Right-to-Work).
And that’s why union boss Ernest Duran is terrified of 47, it would give workers some measure of freedom.
According to Ernie Duran, 50% of Colorado’s United Food and Commercial Workers would stop paying union dues and leave the Union if they could.
When Amendment 47 passes, no Coloradans will be forced to pay union dues as a condition of their employment. Under current state law, those working at union-organized companies may have to pay forced union dues whether they like it or not.
So according to Ernie Duran 50% of his Union members want the Right-to-Work.
That is probably because 50% of the union members do not see any value in paying their union dues and it is just a line-item expense on their paycheck.
If the UFCW folks actually did more for their employees then maybe he wouldn’t be looking at losing 50% should this pass.
a great example of this is Duran hiring family members for fat UFCW paychecks or the abuse he levels at businesses he has unionized.
Here is wishing Walt Isenberg and Ernie Duran and long and, ahem, fruitful partnership in the words of Bill Ritter.
p.s Walt, Ernie will assure you have a closed, all union shop. Well unless 47 passes that is.
is that they make a lot of money off of the backs of kids working a part-time job bagging groceries for slighlty more than minimum wage.
Unless things have changed since I was 16-17, they took a portion of my paycheck to pay for my “Initiation Fees” as well as regular “Union Dues” and by the time I had paid off the initiation fees, I was leaving the job to go on with my life.
The interesting part is that I could have always left the union and stayed working there, but not until my initiation dues were paid.
The net result of that is free money for union bosses that I received no benefit from.
Now if I had had a choice in the matter, I would not have ever joined the union because I had no intention of working there the rest of my life. For those who want to and can reap the benefits I say more power to them, but for those who it is just a part-time job to have some spending cash, they should have the opportunity to opt-out alltogether.
I think we all remember this video, it explains why all Coloradans need the Amend 47.
All the union members should get together and vandalize her home with spray paint calling her a SCAB!
Steve Farber (lawyer lobbyist), Tom Clark (Den Chamber), Walter Isenberg, Dan Ritchie (Retired Westinghouse CEO), Joe Blake (Den Chamber), Don Kotrz (Fuller and CO), Pat Hammill (Oakwood Homes)
All agreed to lead the pay-off to labor unions.
All covered for the Democrats.
Tom Clark is the mentor of Mark Udall (Udall’s words), Udall sponsors a bill to take away the secret union ballot.
All agree to oppose the basic human right to freely associate.
All agreed to to pay unions and speak-out against their own economic interests.
Things are getting so bad for the Republicans that they’re reduced to complaining about the way Obama pronounces “Pakistan.”
Apparently it’s un-American – or “ostentatiously exotic” (a.k.a. uppity) – for Obama to pronounce the country’s name exactly the way General PETRAEUS does – and the way it’s actually pronounced by Pakistanis.
We should all instead do like Palin and prove we’re good, know-nothing Americans by saying “Eye-wrack,” “new-cular,” and “Pack-stan.”
and meh-he-coh just like the espanol lina sez.
I will see you at Wal-Mart. I will be the old lady greeter in about 10 years.
Near my prediction of 8000-8500.
I think I need to revise further downward. Here comes a spike to 7000-7500, then rebounding at 8000-8500 through next summer (hopefully).
Don Boudreaux runs one of my favorite sites called Cafe Hayek. Here’s a post from today:
Truman said: “Give me a one handed economist”
in reference to economists inability to take a stand on the economy.
On the one hand this but on the other hand this other scenario.
who said “War is too important to be left to the Generals” – the economy is too important to be left to the Economists.
looks like a typical academic pompous ass – from my Alma Mater nonetheless.
So we wouldn’t have to keep saying “typical academic pompous ass.”
It was hot then, it’s hot now.
What I’ve observed is that with the sun lower in the sky and the inadequate AC, the house is actually hotter than in the summer!
What a ride. Wouldn’t wish it on a Republican, even.
But you’re missing one hell of an indian summer in Colorado. It’s been absolutely gorgeous for the past few weeks.
One thing that will make you happy though: it’s supposed to snow this weekend.
that Obama snorts?
not Columbia.
I meant Columbia University. 😉
Just kidding, you got me. Nice catch.
….and saw photos online.
Early snow, eh? I always loved the first snow.
Instead, today I chain sawed up a Brazilian Pepper tree and bordering on heat exhaustion, bobbled around in the pool with a beer.
Not near as mystical as that first snow.
Don’t waste your time missing Colorado, we’ll be getting snow soon. Can I come visit you in a month or so?
Today on CNN, Bush’s Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Edward Lazear told us that Bush’s bailout plan would take days or weeks instead of months or years to take effect. Didn’t we hear that same BS about a filthy war in Iraq?
These Republican liars are getting more and more brazen in spouting their deceitful analysis. Wasn’t it just 4 months ago that this same Bush henchman, talking about economic stimulus, said?:
When we are constantly fed this line of pure BS by these clueless Republicans, I truly fear for our nation.
We can probably be confident, though, that the bailout will be greeted on Wall Street with flowers.
The match that lit this worldwie depression was Congress rejecting the bill the first time. Lawmakers chose to protect their careersrather than do what was correct for teh country.
The market is going to burn 20% again today. Teh dpression is upon us. Certainly the neocons harbor most the blame and this year will be a huge route of theose bastards.
Nevertheless, blame exists across the aisle.
that’s not important right now. It’s more important that we know Obama is palling around with terrorists.