The Chicago Tribune’s Swamp blog reports:
The McCain campaign has denounced a racially charged, anti-Barack Obama newspaper column written by one of the Republican campaign’s organizers in Virginia, and has removed the author-activist from his post as a member of the candidate’s statewide leadership team, our colleague at the Top of the Ticket reports.
“The column by Bobby May appeared in a southwestern Virginia newspaper, The Voice, and drew attention after it was cited in a Sunday Los Angeles Times report about how voters in that mostly white region were reacting to potentially electing the country’s first black president,” the Times’ Peter Wallsten writes.
“May, who in July was named his county’s Republican representative on the McCain statewide campaign team, offered a spoof of Obama’s platfrom and plans in his recent column,” Wallsten reports.
“Examples: Obama would hire the rapper Ludacris (a prominent supporter) to paint the White House black. And the Democrat’s administration would divert more foreign aid to Africa so “the Obama family there can skim enough to allow them to free their goats and live the American Dream.”
“May also joked that Obama would replace the 50 stars on the U.S. flag “with a star and crescent logo,” an Islamic symbol, and that his policy on drugs would be to “raise taxes to pay for Obama’s inner-city political base.”
Par for the southwest Virginia course, Macaca. Dick Wadhams feels their pain.
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when you get David Duke to ghost write your articles for you.
I’m sure George Allen thought it was a downright knee-slapper though.
Kudos to the McCain campaign for at least wasting no time in jettisoning this total loser.…
I think we can all agree that there is no place for racism and illegal hacking of people’s personal email.
Propaganda is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of large numbers of people. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense presents information in order to influence its audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the cognitive narrative of the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda.
I thought the narrative was that the children of candidates were off limits. I could swear I read here that the immoral behavior of Bob Shaffer’s son and Sarah Palin’s daughter were off limits.
Is that right, Nancy?
…or a Republican pretending to be a Democrat. Which would make it IOKIYAROARPTBAD.
But I am thorougly dissapointed in the Democratic party. Obama has really brought our party down – that is clear.
I mean Carville was actually threatening the voters that if they didn’t vote for Obama there would be rioting.
I’m sorry, but I have no interest in giving in to terrorists demands. No matter what.
Don’t let people like Carville frighten you into voting for Obama because you fear for your life.
Stand firm. Vote for McCain/Palin
did you contribute money (which was refunded) to McCain as early as 2007? Doesn’t sound like what a Democrat would do.
You didn’t look at who else I donated to did you. Come on – tell everyone who else did I donate to?
Was it a Republican???
Was it?
Besides – that web site is not accurate.
Propaganda is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of large numbers of people. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense presents information in order to influence its audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the cognitive narrative of the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda
And such a surprise.
So Nancy, do you condone the overt racism of Bobby May, the VA Republican representative on the McCain statewide campaign team?
You haven’t addressed that in any of your responses to this thread. (Kind of like the way Palin responds to debate questions.)
Now, ajb do you condone the hacking into Sarah Palin’s email account and posting personal messages on the interenet?
so the kid is innocent til proven guilty.
Assuming he’s guilty without seeing the evidence is unAmerican.
Why do you hate America?
Why do you hate America?
You know, where they don’t believe in due process?
Your wit is as sharp as your intellect. And no, that’s not a compliment.
I love my Country and fear my government. Ari loves his government and mistakenly thinks the government is his country!
where you can still change your party registration. If you were in Colorado, that deadline would have passed you by already.
A troll?
…we have been repeatedly assured by wise people on this site that opposition to Obama has nothing to do with race. And now this?! Now I don’t know what to believe…
McCain called Obama “That One.” He talked down to an African American man in the audience by condescendingly suggesting the man had probably not heard of Fannie/Freddie before last week. And, he refused to shake Obama’s hand.
Add this to his political ads which portray Obama with darkened skin and a scowl, suggesting he supports sex ed for little kids, and all the references to terrorists.
I’m just curious because when I saw one of the McCain ads the other day the first thing I thought of, “Hey they are doing the same thing that Time did to OJ on that cover.” It was especially blatant because one of the parts of the ad had a clip of Obama where he was not darkened. It was like comparing Italian Espresso roast to New England roast.
doesn’t negate valid policy disagreements others have with Sen. Obama, or magically make them racist.
Continuing to cry racism nearly every time your candidate is challenged on something is nearly as sickening as racism itself – at that point (I’m not talking about the above now-fired racist asshole) you have injected race into the campaign, not the person who disagrees with Sen. Obama.
I have very honest and poignant concerns with his policies, and I also question his judgment in regards to some of the folks he’s surrounded himself with.
Shall I get specific for you or do you want to just continue with your passive-aggressive race baiting and condescension?
That said, I’m more and more impressed with Senator Obama. I’m a Republican, but it does bother me that we’ve had a President that can’t seem to put sentences together. That is loyal to a fault – a big fault that probably cost more of our troops’ lives than necessary.
I still support the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. I think there were good reasons to go in, and I think the execution of the post-invasion in Iraq was royally fucked up by egos at the highest level of government.
I believe very firmly in free market economic principles – I believe that I’ve seen them demonstrated over and over again, but we don’t really have a free market in the US as is, so it’s going to take someone very clever to fix some of our issues.
Obama has been hard to pin down on some of these issues, but if he were to stay true to what he said last night, he’s very appealing to me on some levels. I’m more impressed and affected with the sheer, ruthless capitalism displayed by his campaign than I am afraid of the rhetoric that he’d turn us into a socialist country overnight.
If he were the same man on foreign policy as President as he was last night in the debates, then I’d support him. I do believe he has the ability to think on his feet, and I liked his answers for the first time on Pakistan and Israel.
I absolutely can’t stand the Messiah crap, and the fact that at least half of his crazy supporters can’t give you a policy reason as to why they like him.
But I’m changing the way I feel a little.
Maybe because I’m a racist?
…and I don’t know if you’re not racist. In short, I don’t know you. Despite his great gap in my knowledge, I feel comfortable in saying that, while not everyone who opposes Obama does so for racist reasons, many who oppose Obama do so for racist reasons, at least in part. Add this particular “jackass” McCain staffer to the pile of other “jackasses” who continue to surface and the pile adds up!
As to your claim that I’m guilty of race-bating and condescension, spare me (and yourself) your silly umbrage. Save your silliness for someone who cares about your intent to insult.
Sorry, but you are exactly race baiting with crap like this:
And you are almost always condescending. It’s tedious.
You don’t offend me, you just bore me. Like Nancy does.
…to dismiss all concerns about racism as race-baiting. Saves you a lot of thinking and worrying! And if I bore you so much, why do you respond to my posts that are not directed at you (e.g., my first post in this thread?) You ol’tease you, playing off your interest as boredom.
Well, I think that I’ve seen actual racism, it sounds similar to the jackass that wrote that little piece of literary joy that started this topic. I think that there is a danger to constantly claiming racism, especially when its just people being stupid. I can’t say that there are Obama supporters that do not annoy me. I agree with you on that Laughing Boy, if you want to vote for a guy because of his policy, than know his policy.
too be fair, as nancy is an example of someone who merely votes on emailed lies and badly formulated logic, there are many on each side.
I think that many of the problems of association fall into the “If you want to be in politics your going to meet some odd and frightening people.” I don’t think that Ayers is as big of a deal as some make of it, but that is merely my opinion.
My difficulty with McCain stem from his policies on National Security. I don’t agree with the hardline type attitude that he has taken. I believe in nuance and diplomacy, but I’m a democrat and thus a wuss.
And no, your not a racist Laughing Boy, at least so far as I’ve seen evidenced by what you’ve written here.