“Don’t take the wrong side of an argument just because your opponent has taken the right side.”
–Baltasar Gracian
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Oh, for crying out loud. Don’t make it so easy for us to make a point, NBC.
A very funny skit that rightly placed some of the blame for the financial mess at the feet of some powerful liberals. It also bashed Bush, but apparently Herbert and Marion Sandler have enough juice to get the skit pulled from the website, scrubbed, youtube, and comments about the video are now being erased by NBC from their website.
Here is the video on a blog in .wmv form.
What a bunch of total bullshit, you guys.
I guess the actions of two obscure Democratic donors who, not surprisingly, took offense to a comedy skit which called for them to “be shot” is all you guys have left at this point.
Your guys have screwed up 2 wars, driven the economy into the ground, are poised to get drubbed in the House and Senate races and your presidential candidate is on the verge of a historic blow out.
Now that I think about it I guess I’d be talking about Herb Sandler if I was in the GOP too.
I’m sorry- when did SNL become the political satire arm of the RNC?
So, Steve- are you saying the video should have Bren pulled and the comments scrubbed because it offended a leftie for once?
To be clear- I don’t think anything should be off limits on SNL and I don’t think anything should be scrubbed, either.
Who said anything about SNL being right-wing? I said nor implied nothing of the sort. I merely pointed out that it’s a testament to the pathetic state of the GOP that this is what GOP partisans are left to discuss.
I said that I can understand why a private citizen might get upset that SNL called for him and his wife to “be shot.” Should it have been pulled? I don’t know and don’t really care. We have bigger problems in this country right now but I guess I can understand why you wouldn’t want to discuss those.
And the ‘money shot’:
Riiiight. I have a feeling that if Bush had called SNL and had a skit pulled that made fun of him you’d be screaming, as you should.
that the Secret Service would pay him a visit.
Please, people. If the shoe were on the other foot you’d be livid.
I just think it’s crap to scrub it. It’s comedy, fuckers!
but yeah, it’s still stupid to cave into outside pressure by pulling it off the web.
If the offensive thing about this skit was the “they should be shot” sound bite, then it could have been bleeped.
I watched the original. It was funny. I can see why people who maybe could have been shot didn’t want it to get wider coverage.
But there was no need to yank the whole video.
NBC did not receive a complaint from anyone’s lawyer.
I guess right-wing bloggers will imagine they somehow had something to do with this. Meh, whatever gets them up in the morning.
Come on, sxp. NBC suddenly grew some big, overactive comic conscience?
Get OUT!!!
for why NBC did what they did.
1) The explanation that comes from NBC.
2) The explanation that comes from Michelle Malkin, who’s wrong almost all the time.
In the absence of any supporting evidence whatsoever, I tend to believe the opposite of whatever Malkin believes.
NBC got a nasty memo from its lawyers. Those statements are perilously close to libel. And juries love to sock it to the media, especially television networks. My old J school professor used to say: “Never question the chastity of a woman, even that of the town whore. It just isn’t worth it.”
The same applies to allegations of corruption and potential death threats. They just don’t sound funny on cross examination. To make it worse, its by no means clear that the targets were public figures in the legal sense.
$500 million removes one from obscurity.
The guy who put this up after it was taken down should be arrested and tried. And when found guilty should be forced to do time in the Obama work camps.
I laughed my ass off. The guy doing Barney Frank nearly had me in tears.
I don’t see what the big deal is or why this is being pulled down? What am I missing here?
I mean, come on, it’s comedy. There ain’t nothing more fun than making fun of everybody. SNL needs to lighten up here.
When a society’s leading satirists, which, at this moment, the folks at SNL are, ever become afraid to their job well, we’ve moved past the America we’ve all become proud of.
Our politics needs satire more than ever because the actual communication from leaders are often such shrink-wrapped half truths that often good-spirited mockery is the only way to restore the rule of common sense.
I thought the skit was pretty hilarious. People should make fun of Barney more often, he just provides so much material.
SNL should put the video back up online.
I didn’t think it was that good but pulling it down is wrong.
That sketch really wasn’t funny, even the Bush-bashing parts (though the Barney Frank impression was pretty good).
As for Herb Sandler, who even knew who he was before this sketch? I had no idea who they were even as it was airing, but to say two actual people should be shot is a bit much in my view.
If I said Bush should be shot, would you be offended?
Herb Sandler and his wife were the owners of Golden West Financial, aka World Savings. Buying Golden West is what brought Wachovia down. They should be well known as 2 of the people that brought us the current mess. I didn’t know that they were Dem donors, and I don’t care that their feelings were hurt. Now that they’ve done this, I think even less of them.
As for calling for someone to be shot, publications like The Onion take satirical jabs at real people all the time. If I thought for one minute that SNL was actually advocating for people to be shot, of course that would be inappropriate. If you don’t want the public attention, then don’t become billionaires who poison the world financial markets.
George Soros was also spoofed in that skit, which I found mildly amusing. Was he involved in getting it pulled?
It greatly offends people who are getting punched.
Your link doesn’t work. There is no video.
It certainly would seem that way–or at least turning a blind eye to it. Consider this…
‘Worse, Palin’s routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric’s questions for her “less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media.” At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, “Sit down, boy.”‘ and;
‘The reception had been better in Clearwater, where Palin, speaking to a sea of “Palin Power” and “Sarahcuda” T-shirts, tried to link Obama to the 1960s Weather Underground. “One of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers,” she said. (“Boooo!” said the crowd.) “And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, ‘launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,’ ” she continued. (“Boooo!” the crowd repeated.)
“Kill him!” proposed one man in the audience.’
She won’t do a press conference because the press is EVIL! EEEVILLL!!!
we find bigotry, hatred, and ignorance. No more proof of my statement is needed than your well recorded observations.
“Kill him?” Holy shit. I hope the SS is holding that idiot.
at least not yet, to my knowledge.
at least I was pretty sure that he didn’t mean for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to hold him. Rumor is that they have no more room in their detention facilities.
The Treasury Department, on the other hand, the former parent of the USSS (Secret Service,) has plenty of room, now that those 700 dump trucks dispatched from Wall Street have been loaded.
Not to say those unused FEMA detention centers. Didn’t I see one on eBay the other day?
I LOVE that name!
Obama in a landslide in this land of conservative retired Republicans. Mike, the barber (and biased Democrat!) says many customers are Republican but fed up with their party and McCain.
comments made from about :15 to 2:30 creep me out 100x more than what you posted…
The myth of White Intellectual Superiority has no been completely exposed.
You voted for GW not once but twice.
You have these people (yes, I said THESE PEOPLE) running around and pontificating the Jesus freak mantra.
Did any of you people (yes, you people) study the Crusades; it didn’t work so well…
People say that big cities are dangerous places. I have to disagree, small town, middle America is the scariest place on Earth!
And yes, LB your video clip was creepy as well.
Racism is not doing so well with the generations coming of age. If the election were held today and only those 45 and under could vote Obama would win by 16 points. Pretty much opposite in those over 65. Maybe that’s why the Obama is “different” thing isn’t working as well as the GOP had hoped.
And no, LB, I’m not saying that everyone who votes for McCain is a racist. And yes, LB, I believe you and many who will vote R are not, at least no more so than we all probably are, regardless of race, to one degree or another.
Just think this stat shows a decrease in younger people growing up with hard set racist attitudes. More people growing up who don’t believe race is a deal breaker.
another 10 years of older voters dying of old age and younger ones turning 18 and bothering to vote and gay marriage will be legal.
You can’t fight demographic change.
are good things.
but I’ve been hearing the same “just wait for the younger generation” predictions for two decades. I believe we’ll see widely accepted gay marriage long before we’ll see the end of the kind of violent racism Palin has exposed — that’s built into the culture from the start.
Village/ethnic group/cultur survival. Beware of the other, the different. Good built-in radar to keep the group intact. Bad built-in radar in a global age. Easily rooted from our attitudes with good parenting or role modeling. Getting rarer.
I was a little too young for Woodstock and was a hippie wannabe. I would NEVER have even dreamed of trusting anybody over 30. We were the people our parents warned us about. Etc. etc. etc.
Then we became the old farts and instead of working for peace, love, and brotherhood, we elected that son of a bitch. Twice.
Don’t hold out too much hope for the next generation of young people. I’d like to think they will eschew racism and prejudice against gays, but I thought my generation would have done that and we see how well that worked out.
….glad to hear you’re creeped out by the right wing too.
YouTube user “ObamaistheOne”is a clumsy Republican?
Are you sure you’re not just mad at me about voting yes on 47?
…even when shilling for McCain? Man, no wonder you fall for silly amendments and other shiny things!
Because nobodys done any deity-like bs for Obama to this point in the campaign, and I’m just too stupid to get it. Nyuk!
That MUST be it.
I’m liking you less all the time. But my opinion can change.
I’m actually liking Obama more through these debates.
pandering to the far left…
None of us call Obama “The One.” That’s a right-wing meme.
In the same way, I think the YouTube channel “NounVerbPOW” is not a McCain supporter.
ACORN offices raided in voter fraud investigation.
when nothing very actionable is found. Dems are nowhere near as good with voter fraud as Repubs are with voter suppression through misinformation and intimidation and through tampering.
from fire dog lake we have:
It’s little things like this that can do major damage because people can easily understand it and view it as sleazy, or worse.
If this resonates like I think it will this could flip the race to the dem side.
Not sure whether it really matters if this particular issue resonates or not since Franken seems to be overtaking Coleman.
Something slightly worrisome is that the 3rd party candidate in this race is polling something like 19%. Hopefully, it hurts Coleman more than Franken.
The polls are very contradictory here. There’s probably something weird with the likely voter model.
In a way, it is a lot like Colorado. Minneapolis/St Paul is one of the most liberal, progressive places in the country but some of the suburbs and the rural areas are old-time conservative.
Going to places like Rochester or Hibbing is like going back in time 30 years.
Word on the street is that Coleman is running attack ads and that doesn’t play too well in the land of “Minnesota Nice”. As long as Franken doesn’t do something silly like proposing increased taxes on snowmobiles, he’s got a good chance.
very weird. Very populist.
Hibbing is more like 50 years ago.
Coleman was doing “well” relative to the environment because he was a nice guy, going negative will destroy him.
Franken’s bigget problem was that he was more SNL than prarie home companion, but Norm going negative takes away his advantage.
Gov. Jessie Ventura.
Enough said?