Ok, if you have a spare 4 hours there is the State’s 71 page Blue Book.
Or if you want just the essentials of each, carefully and dispassionately evaluated, below the fold is a link to a short summation of each initiative. You can also go to Colorado Ballot for this information.
A-58 The most important Initiative
Economic success for our children depends in virtually all cases on their gaining a college degree. This requires making college affordable (A-58).
At present Higher-Ed funding is so tight that many students must forgo College because they cannot afford it. This is sentencing them to a life of economic poverty.
If we don’t adequately fund education in this state, then we sentence ourselves to fall behind not just other parts of this country, but behind the Chinese, Indians, and others who are adequately funding education.
Our future economic success requires the passage of Amendment 58.
Each amendment was reviewed with the following priorities:
Click on the link for a short summation along with the pros & cons of each initiative:
46: Eliminate affirmative action
47: Right to freeload
48: Outlaw abortion
49: Eliminate public employee unions
50: Increase gambling
51: Increased funding for the disabled
52: Lock in I-70 funding
53: Criminalize management incompetence (withdrawn)
54: Ban some from the political process
55: Prohibit firing employees (withdrawn)
56: Require health insurance coverage (withdrawn)
57: Companies liable for any injury (withdrawn)
58: Increase funding for Higher-Ed
59: Increase funding for K-12 schools
L: Lower candidate age
M&N: Eliminate obsolete items
O: Improve the initiative process
Update: The no on 58 group claims that students will just waste this money on beer. The Oil & Gas companies would rather keep this money for hookers and blow.
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Barack Obama-Biden endorsed HSUS McCain-Palin
McCain-Palin scoriated. Barack Obama-Biden endorsed by the Humane Society for the United States.
Standing on the sidelines is no longer an option for us.
If Palin is put in a position to succeed McCain, it could mean rolling back decades of progress on animal issues.
I’m proud to announce today that the HSLF board of directors-which is comprised of both Democrats and Republicans-has voted unanimously to endorse Barack Obama for President. The Obama-Biden ticket is the better choice on animal protection, and we urge all voters who care about the humane treatment of animals, no matter what their party affiliation, to vote for them.
Voters who care about protecting wildlife from inhumane and unsporting abuses, enforcing the laws that combat large-scale cruelties like dogfighting and puppy mills, providing humane treatment of animals in agriculture, and addressing other challenges that face animals in our nation, must become active over the next six weeks to elect a president and vice president who share our values. Please spread the word, and tell friends and family members that an honest assessment of the records of the two presidential tickets leads to the inescapable conclusion that Obama-Biden is the choice for humane-minded voters.
Paid for by Humane Society Legislative Fund and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Read the entire article here [ yes, there is a lot more….]
Oh wait, you posted it there too.
As for “scoriated”: I do not think that word means what you think it means.
“My way is not very sporting.”
Government employees have demonstrated that Right-to-Work can work for all Coloradans.
1. Unions have not been destroyed.
2. Many, many, many choose to join the Union and pay Union dues.
3. Employees have the freedom to choose.
This basic human right of self-determination enables employees fully values these workers and has made Unions even stronger.
End the tyranny of the Coors Family!
what special interests are really pulling the strings?
He’s pissed that the voters did not pick him as Senator and decided to stick it to the state by breaking the Labor Peace Act.
is very high up in a very large corporation. He used to deal exclusively with the food/beverage side and complained often about the third/fourth generation beer kids. With few exceptions they’re all almost retarded in business.
Thanks for sharing. This is the type of up close, personal, first hand data that allows for quality control considerations.
in that Jonathan and Pete have no legal authority to pull the measure. The legal sponsors were aurora city councilman Ryan Frazier and anti-union consultant Julian Cole. They and they alone would have had the power to withdraw it. Whether they would have done so if the real paymasters had said to do so is questionable.
They are the sponsors.
Frazier agrees we should extend Right-to-Work to all Coloradans. It’s proven to work well for government workers. This policy will benefit all Coloradans and\ deserves to be extended.
Without Tabor reform, the state is doomed! not only helps education, but also the entire rest of the budget, including higher ed which will be the first to get cut without this. Support 59!
If I didn’t I would give it equal billing with 58.
From the debate, talking about oil and gas tax:
…the people are going to come first and we’re going to make sure that we have value given to the people of Alaska with those resources.
It reminded me of Ken Gordon’s recent newsletter:
I think, “The citizens of Colorado should also benefit from the oil and gas natural resource in Colorado.” Amendment 58 will allow Coloradans to receive a larger share of the value of this natural resource that oil companies take from under our soil and sell on the world-wide market.
See? Bipartisan.
Please go to https://salsa.wiredforchange.c… and max your contribution via Visa. You can contribute up to the less of you credit max or $5000.
They need this money by Wednesday to go up on TV. If you do not contribute all will be lost.
Vote yes on 58 and 59. Thanks David for the support.
No on 46. We need to encourage female and minority businesses.
No on 47,48,49,54. These amendments are anti worker and anti hard working families and pro greed.
No on 52. need a comprehensive approach to transportation Not this amendment.
53,55,56,57 Have been withdrawn. These amends will still be on the ballot but the votes for or against will not count.
Yes on 50. This is a no brainer. This funds Community Colleges without raising taxes. If you choose to bet $100 in Blackhawk it should be your choice.
Yes on 51. We need to increase funding for the disabled.
Yes on 58 and 59. See posts on pols.
Nothing but a transparent ploy to cut funding for unions while legally forcing them to represent those benefiting from the unions’ efforts. By not being able to recoup the costs of negotiating for the non-unions worker’s benefits, higher wages, etc…, the unions eventually lose money and power, making their jobs virtually impossible.
End result – working families’ wages eventually stagnate and drop, and benefits like health care, pension plans, etc.. erode.
If we want to keep the economy in CO strong by helping working families, vote “NO” on 47.
ColoradoWINS has been very successful in attracting new members under Right-to-Work.
YES on Amendment 47 will bring stronger Unions to Colorado. When union management needs to compete for your dollar they will be stronger.
End the beer baron tyranny of this state and send a message to Coors that this OUR state and not his!
On #58
To the Grand Old (Corrupted) Party eliminating a $300 million dollar tax-funded subsidy flowing the the world’s richest industry currently poking more wells in Colorado than ever before, on top of 7 record years before that, is ‘double taxation.’
Rosen needs to get out of his cushy little office and visit the Western Slope, which he seems happy to consign to the status of energy colony.
PS-the leaves and fall colors are beautiful out here right now Mike, and you might actually learn something. Don’t forget to wear your hunter orange, though, we’d hate to see a mishap.
David, I hope you are right that it will pass comfortably. On what do you base that statment? Is there some polling you have seen? I am worried about it, just because it is soooo important, and because of ballot fatigue.
There’s no real opposition and people do tend to support education. On the plus side, the SAFE group is putting in a very good effort. So I think it has a very good chance.