( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
“We must meet as Americans, not as Democrats or Republicans, and we must meet until this crisis is resolved,” John McCain said.
Well, surprise, surprise: I guess that wasn’t true.
Still, hoping to staunch the bleeding in the polls, Sen. “Hasn’t been to work in DC since April” McCain is bringing his brand of ‘leadership’ to Colorado this Thursday and Friday, the Denver Post is reporting.
Republican presidential candidate John McCain will make a two-day swing through Colorado on Thursday and Friday, his campaign announced today.
On Thursday in Denver, McCain will hold a “women’s town hall meeting” at the Sheraton Grand Hotel downtown. Doors for the 3:45 p.m. event open at 2:30.
…On Friday, the campaign will move south to Pueblo for a town hall meeting at the Colorado State University-Pueblo campus.
The program at Massari Arena is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m., with doors opening at 9 a.m.
More, and a poll, after the fold…
John “Drama Queen” McCain has had a rough week. He vowed to stay away from the debate until the financial crisis was solved, then quickly backed down. But not before shipping off an ad to the Wall Street Journal declaring himself the winner in the then-future debate, which was apparently run a day early. Then those damn voters disagreed, and awarded the win in the debate to Obama.
After the debate, Gov. “Putin-head” Palin was safely sequestered away while her opponent, Sen. Biden was hitting all the networks to give the post-debate spin.
Over the next couple of days his VP pick has been off agreeing with Obama on foreign policy, requiring that Sen. “Grandpa” McCain either babysit her during the round 2 Couric interviews, or insist that having a voter ask the candidate questions is ‘gotcha journalism.’
Then, yesterday, before Wall Street suffered its single biggest set back ever, the McCain campaign issued a press release claiming that McCain’s leadership had caused solved the problem, literally minutes before the deal fell apart.
And that, my friends, is leadership to believe in.
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Is he still has over 40% support…
In Missouri Obama has them arrested.
Not that I’m surprised……I wonder if she’ll be more lenient on the Dem VP nominee? Hmmmm. Since an Obama White House would take her sales through the roof? Hmmmmm. And since she’s an effing liberal??? I hope the Dems know they would be a mere footnote in history were it not for the mainstream media. Sorry to whine. All the whining on this Obama-pseudo-reality website must be rubbing off on me.
It is not considered a credible source.
Its former Jerusalem Bureau chief is a member of the Kach party-listed by the state department as a terrorist organization.
It is also is promotes racism against blacks.
And it just generally libelous
Just registered today, and already spamming every thread with posts and self-replies.
I don’t think he’ll be convinced of anything.
Here is the promo from her book which comes out on 1/20/09. This is from Random House, not the creepy WND:
Honestly, don’t you think that getting someone to moderate a debate that wasn’t writing a tribute book to one of the candidates would ave been a better idea?
But the book doesn’t sound glowing to me.
Here’s Ifill interviewing Obama in March:
Here’s another Ifill-Obama interview:
She also mentions his campaign finance shift.
Finally, here’s a recent article from Ifill, which is presumably excerpted from the book. It looks like it’s about a bunch of black politicians, of whom Obama is just the newest. So in short, no real indication that the book is “pro-Obama.”
It’s easy to find people accusing all the moderators of being unfair or biased one way or the other. Working the refs in a debate is almost as common as the pre-spin of expectations. But I think Ifill has been quite fair historically.
I’ve had some great exchanges with you this last week.
Thanks, freak.
and the book is “Pro-Obama,” whatever that means, I would say that the horror of this lies with the McCain campaign.
Not very good due diligence.
From what your WND says, Obama is not the topic but an example of post-civil rights era accomplishments. Which probably is true.
Funny. It’s ye olde Fox news modus operandi: an ill-defined “some” are accusing Ifill of not being able to be fair and balanced — and just to prove it, we at Fox news will point you towards a Fox news analyst!
now that was ‘fair and balanced.’
that one can’t hold an opinion and still be, really be, fair and balanced. Of course, to do so takes a higher ethical ability than most righties can muster up.
aren’t you guys saying the same thing?
Referring to this:
Every time the nearly-unwatchable Fox News is mentioned on this blog?
pretending otherwise. Even pronouncing otherwise.
…setting sail for Pueblo. snort
NOthing like going to DC to makle the deal and then saying no deal….only to say deal the day after when his advisers tell him that we won’t have a banking system left if we have no deal. Then he sails out of town ready to blame Speaker Pelosi for the depression.
…after all, she had the frail egos of 100’s of Republicans in her hands.
I saw that one on another forum. The rank and file Republicans tossed him under the Double Cross Express. How stupid can you be to brag about your leadership in passing the bill and at the same time release an ad proclaiming it was evil Obama legislation all before the vote? Apparently the ad was run on a few TV stations before it got pulled. It went from stupid to parody all in the same day.
are yet more reasons to vote Obama/Biden.
Casual Fridays.
Man, I’m begging you…
I mean it. This guy is killing me.
“He’s against facts. But, he’s for the message.”
Oh my Lord.
Thy name is
RepublicanFaux Newsthen his wife slaps it down, and he raises it for Obama.
Good catch! Oh man. I wonder what he really does when he gets a moment alone in the booth and away from the “boss” in his family. 🙂
Maybe he was just confused?
all laugh at the Faux News guy ‘it’s split’ commentary.
I like that a lot.
Did you notice that the only guy who raised his hand for McCain is the Fox guy? Aw jeez. I just got that. No wonder everybody in the room is laughing at him.
but I didn’t realize it was the Fox guy until you pointed that out. That makes it even funnier.
And this is in Northeastern PA, which I assume is Scranton or Wilkes-Barre. Not at all presumed Democratic territory: it’s actually part of the “Alabama T” (the very conservative part of the state made up by everything outside Philadelphia and Pittsburgh).
When the clip is over there’s video to congratulate Fox News on 10 years. Hilarious.
Is there another fucking room we aren’t seeing because everybody except for like one guy had his hand in the air for Obama. WTF?
Wow, an actual solution. Where are Obama’s? Or is he just ‘hoping’ the stock market will get better?
You’s see Obama proposed that first. McCain, again, was late to the party.
..else you could’ve answered your own question (assuming you’re truly interested in the answer):
This is what I’ve been waiting for, applause to Sen. McCain. What is Obama doing playing the blame game as per usual.
It’s quite another to “agree” with a mistake after it’s been clearly pointed out as such.
What’s the matter with you?
in the next sentence attacks Obama
Then the RNC attacked the (Bush) bailout as the ‘Obama plan’ and attacked Democrats for passing it, before they had to pull the ad because 2/3 of Republicans opposed it and it failed.
So were Boehner and the other Rethug shills lying when they pretended to support it? Afterall the ad was already in the works and on its way to market.
Playing politics with America’s economy? Nothing is too far in the gutter for the RNC apparently.
with about the same frequency that McCain changes his positions. Nancy is has more pseudo names than McCain has houses. You get the drift.
You are kidding, right? This was announced as Obama’s proposal on NPR and the BBC early this morning.
Well, it’s great to see you love his idea. Too bad you gave credit to the wrong guy but I’m sure you’ll be back any minute to apologize for your error and give credit where credit is due.
Did the old guy bother to stop by his Senate office when he crashed into the photo-op at the White House?
“. . .Sen. “Hasn’t been to work in DC since April” McCain . . .”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Saturday, September 27, 2008 Contact: Jessica Robinson, 573-751-0290 Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign’s Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement
Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign’s Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement
JEFFERSON CITY – Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.
“St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.
“What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.
“This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election.
“Barack Obama needs to grow up. Leftist blogs and others in the press constantly say false things about me and my family. Usually, we ignore false and scurrilous accusations because the purveyors have no credibility. When necessary, we refute them. Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts – not a free society.”
Your post doesn’t tell us anything. It doesn’t even insinuate anything.
Here is the rest of the story.
The truth squads needs to be made up of neutral parties not persons that are being accused. This can show truth bias and does not hold an ounce of water to the majority. Especially when it is accusations toward the defender.
Great original thought and comment there, dude/dudette.
But then, anyone who doesn’t check their new handle I don’t have much faith in.
ploticians? Are they like the Klingons?
that we keep blasting McCain for not voting since April while Obama has only been there 4 days himself since April?
I guess four days is better then zero…but is it really something to brag about?
Just a thought…
Keep digging. You’ll get to China eventually.
Since nObama didn’t make one phone call or do any arm twisting to get, oh, lets say for instance the 12 member’s of Barney Frank’s committee? to vote for that ‘bailout’ bill – which would have put the bill over the top – what are we to conclude? Maybe Franklin Raines (Obama’s financial advisor and former Fannie/Freddie CEO) wanted more insulation first?
So is that like thirty-five McCain points?
Keep posting here and even fellow conservatives will start disowning you.
Members of one house do not twist arms of the members of the other house.