“You can’t make anything idiot proof because idiots are so ingenious.”
–Ron Burns
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IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
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IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Flunks First Big Test As Energy Secretary
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Will the Chinese stock market decline be the last chance for Republicans to throw the US economy into recession before the next election?
Not exactly a packed house for @HillaryClinton women's event in Columbus.
If I had to bet now, I'd bet on Trump winning the presidency. I wouldn't give him even 50% odds, but I do think his odds are better than anyone else's.
Why? Because he's not just a lighting rod for disaffected voters like Ross Perot and many others are. He's figured out how to run a much tighter OODA loop using social media much more effectively than anyone else. And the social media campaign is as big a transition as the TV was for Kennedy vs Nixon.
He can definitely beat both Bush & Clinton because neither has the ability to run anything as close to as fast an OODA loop. It's just not in them. So they'll always be responding to an old issue as Trump has moved on to 8 new issues.
And they'll keep waiting in vain for the news media to hold Trump accountable for his statements not realizing that the news media is also reacting too slowly to have any impact.
Maybe someone will figure out how to compete with him (Bernie Saunders possibly). But my guess is he'll own the discussion right into the white house. When the means of campaigning fundamentally changes, the experienced politicians generally lose.
The way Trump will not be president is he is the ultimate teabag Republican. He took the far-right-right wing of the Republicans, and made their imagined and possibly even real fears his rallying cry. Who are those people? The same far right white males, KKK, John Birchers, white supremacists and those unemployed/underemployed due to Republican, Bush tvi II, Bush I and Reagan policies. Will they realize they are being tossed under the bus my the loud mouth? Probably not. They do not understand that the world is better under Obama in spite of the obstacles of the Republican congress people.
David, he has the support of around 30 percent of Republicans, and around 40 percent of Amuricans self identify as Republican. Do the math, Dave, 12 percent of the country supports him, mostly old disaffected white guys. That means that right now about 88 percent of the country doesn't support him so much. A chunk of that 88 percent are the browns and blacks he's running against. Women largely don't support him.
I stole these numbers from a Daily Chaos posting, can't find the post again to site it.
Seriously, Dave, I don't see Trump having the stamina to last from now until a year from now November. President Trump won't happen.
But your colleague MacAfee jumped into the clown car. Maybe you could support him. Less charismatic, but just as cray-cray as the Trumped-up One.
Emasculated White Men Love Donald Trump
I didn't know you were a Trump supporter.
And again, you expose your willful ignorance to the intertubes.
BTW A/C, which of the 17 embarrassment of riches running for the GOP nod do you support?
Based on the comment to Michael, I'd guess Carly!™ since she's the only one with any balls in that group. Personally, I despise her, but then I worked for her, so…
When you have Congressman Blake Farenthold as a face of your movement, your best days are behind you.
Frustrated Conservatives Take Aim at the Iran Deal – and the GOP
I would agree that his odds are better than anyone else's, but still too early to call. Problem for Dems, just looking at big picture, history suggests after 8 years of one party in the Presidency people are ready for a change.
What's interesting to me about Trump is many think he's the lighting rod for those upset with the system and therefore don't see that he's campaigning orders of magnitude better than everyone else. By the time they figure that out, he may be in the White House (which I find a very scary thought).
Your claim might have merit if you put "campaigning" in quotation marks.
The flip side is Trump is also making a lot of mistakes. Some he can get away with, others, like the Carly is not pretty stuff, is going to limit his ceiling even in a Republican primary.
30% of Republicans, despite all the hype you're obviously buying, is not going to make him President, David. Especially since he could never in a million years get 35% of the Hispanic vote which is what a Republican needs to win the WH. Romney just got 27%. His ridiculous poll showing that Hispanics love him is total bull. Real polls show the depth of Hispanic loathing for him. And not just Hispanics. He just got thoroughly and roundly booed showing up to watch Serena's match in New York. You're letting the lazy ratings loving media blind you to common sense just as Trump blinds his very small minority of supporters. Once again. Remember it's not even anywhere close to 30% of all potential voters. Don't be ridiculous.
How about something completely different to get pissed off about?
And this. 9/11 heroes great for grandstanding pols but spending money to take care of them? Not so popular:
In today's "Mud wrestling with The Donald" update:
Michael Bowman is right — Trump has a lock on the angry, white, sexually insecure, misogynist male Republican.
Otherwise known as the backbone of the GOP!
But not the nation. And as far as appearance goes, people who live in glass houses……
Besides, Carly Fiorina is a perfectly nice looking woman with a nice trim figure. Looks like she does some running in fact. Her hair is a color found in nature worn in a simple flattering style. Guess he couldn't come up with anything else.
Trump could have easily critiqued Fiorina's crappy performance as CEO of Hewlett-Packard.
But that wouldn't appeal to the low-brow low-info teapublicans
Obviously being a woman (and, of course, ugly) is a far greater hindrance to governing than poor business performance (Says the guy with three bankruptcies).
Thought it was four. His method is to push a deal as far as you can. If it starts to fall apart declare bankruptcy and stick your investors with the loss. Substitute "tax payers" for "investors" and you have his likely economic policy. Let's just say neither he nor Fiorina has a portfolio that promises anything but the public getting screwed. On appearance, she wins hands down.
Of course you're right, four bankruptcies.
It's all part of the deal
We can talk about alternate standards of "beauty". While Fionina may be more conventionally attractive, who could compete with this for laughs:
No wonder his latest outdoor appearances feature him wearing a ball cap.
But with three hot wives, two of whom were models.
Yeah, well, he's spends freely.
Today the Senate took its first vote on an attempted resolution of disapproval of the Iran deal. The cloture motion failed, with 42 Democrats voting in favor of a filibuster.
Meanwhile in the House, right-wing conservatives aren't happy with a simple vote of disapproval – which they know won't block the deal. So the House is going through with a series of bills that would strip the President of the power to implement the deal (which will also fail to pass the Senate, and which might be unconstitutional on top of it all…).
At this rate, Republicans won't even be able to put their disapproval of the deal on the President's desk.
When the rockets start landing in Israel the Dems will be reminded of their complicity.
How does a rocket get past Israel's Iron Dome?
Regardless, I'm sure you will be cheerleading the war effort – from a nice, cushy seat on the sidelines, no doubt.
If you mean anything nuclear, that's highly unlikely. Israel has a well stocked nuclear arsenal as everyone knows. As to other stuff, Israel is well equipped , especially with their alliance with us, to deal with it as they've been doing all along. And there's nothing in this agreement that prevents us from taking any action, including military action, against Iran so there is no increased danger associated with the deal no matter how many times you silly righties claim there is. Don't take it from me. Take it from the Israeli intelligence community who support the deal and think Bibi is being a real pain in the ass about the whole thing.
I'm guessing these Texans are doing a booming business today…