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September 06, 2008 03:47 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Praise undeserved is scandal in disguise.”

–Alexander Pope


55 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Jesus barred from the McCain Campaign Web site

    Tired of Preaching to the Choir? I went blogging on the Mc Cain Website and learned :

    NOTE: This phrase will get you an error message and I was not able to post– Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate, was a governor.

    Notes from McCain.com from their Tell the Web Portion of the Site

    This activity tool allows you to learn what sites they want their followers to blog on.

    URL for blog http://www.johnmccain.com/blog

    For this list, see http://jadexy.blogspot.com/

  2. I think, but I don’t know, that McCain’s website blocks The Savior’s name because he doesn’t want it used in vain.  It’s most likely a show of respect for who he believes to be our Creator.

    By the way, notice how many times Democrats used McCain and Bush in their convention.  Anyone who has ever followed McCain’s politics would know that there’s simply no relationship between the two people.  McCain has always chosen his own path.  McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Leiberman, McCain-you pick a Democrat.  “More of the same” couldn’t be more far from the truth.  It’s offensive to me that the Obama campaign thinks they can say a catchphrase enough to make me forget reality.

    1. McCain-Kennedy was backed by Bush – it was a true bi-partisian effort early on in Bush’s first term.

      Lieberman is not a Democrat – he’s an independent who calls himself a Democrat while supporting the Republicans.

      Yes, McCain has charted an independent course at times. But he shares most of the fundamentals with Bush. The fact that he would probably be good on education and immigration does not make up for the fact that he will be terrible on the economy and international issues (like Iraq).

        1. 2008-100%

          95% for others

          The Obama campaign uses 90%, because then they can use the clip of McCain bragging that he voted 90% of the time with Bush.

    2. record of voting WITH Bush, surpassed in 2008 by a perfect 100%.  Also McCain largely toes the line on the far right social wedge issue votes.   As for the 10% of votes against the Bushies in times past, he a has recently come over on almost everything.  

      McCain the maverick is long gone.  McCain the guy who admitted in his book that he really only wants to be president out of personal ambition has inhabited the old wrinkly body.  And not a moment too soon from the looks of him.

  3. Ok, it’s time to make donations again (at least for me). The question is who. This is how I see it shaking out in order of priority:

    1. The groups fighting Just Cause, etc. I’m still not sure which to donate to because I can’t get ahold of anyone at the group opposed to both sets – but I’m not wild at joining forces with some of those in the main anti Just Cause group.
    2. Barak Obama – it’s getting closer and the presidency is key to turning this country around.
    3. Betsy Markey – She’s clearly neck & neck with Musgrave, and maybe even a bit ahead. This will be a very close election but Betsy clearly can win.
    4. Joe Whitcomb – They don’t do polls for the state senate but everyone watching this thinks it is very close. So again, an extra dollar can mean an additional seat.

    That’s it. I don’t see any other races in the state being that close. Udall should trounce Mr. Foot in the Mouth. Morgan Carrol and Joe Rice look to be in good shape.

    What do you think? I’m open to suggestions before I donate this evening.

  4. Senator John McCain is an honest, experienced, independent and passionate man running for President of the United States. He and Governor Palin seek to serve America instead of American serving them.

    I’m not a professional writer or eloquent orator, so I’ll share the words of Jose Marti, Cuban patriot, poet and writer, to communicate why we need Senator McCain and Governor Palin.

    “Socialist ideology, like so many others, has two main dangers. One stems from confused and incomplete readings of foreign texts, and the other from the arrogance and hidden rage of those who, in order to climb up in the world, pretend to be frantic defenders of the helpless so as to have shoulders on which to stand.”

    Senator McCain will not stand on the shoulders of the poor, uneducated or disadvantaged for self gain.

    “There is happiness in duty, although it may not seem so. To fulfill one’s duty elevates the soul to a state of constant sweetness. Love is the bond between men, the way to teach and the center of the world.”

    Senator’s McCain is one of those rare human beings who finds happiness in duty.

    “He who receives money in trust to administer for the benefit of its owner, and uses it either for his own interest or against the wishes of its rightful owner, is a thief. The vote is a trust more delicate than any other, for it involves not just the interests of the voter, but his life, honor and future as well. He who uses the office he owes to the voters wrongfully and against them is a thief.”

    This election, I’m going to voter for life, honor and future, and I’m going to entrust that vote to John McCain. Will you please consider doing the same?

    1. Is they apply to Senator Obama every bit as much as they do to Senator McCain. So why note end it with:

      This election, I’m going to voter for life, honor and future, and I’m going to entrust that vote to Barak Obama. Will you please consider doing the same?

      1.  “What’s interesting about your reasons above

        Is they apply to Senator Obama every bit as much as they do to Senator McCain (change to Clinton). So why note end it with:”

        Remember the –they have the same positions so why not vote for Obama– logic that ran through bloggsville?    

      2. And, if they don’t win, that it wasn’t Hillary’s fault?  Obama is certainly taking credit for his success in the Dem primary.  It’s only fair that we give him credit for the outcome of this campaign.

        1. quite a fair assessment about the ticket. If Obama fails to win in two months, then I will be a staunch Hillary supporter come 2012.

          However, if Obama does win, will you work with us to help bring about the change we desperately need? We need to continue working hard after Obama takes office, hold Congress and the White House accountable, and make sure they are following through with what they’ve promised.

          That’s the interesting thing about the campaign. Since it’s funded by the American people, we hold a bit more power should he be elected.

          But with the power comes work. There still need to be voices helping to guide the way. Those of us who are not in it for money, or personal gain, but because we love our country.

          I know it sounds like I’m talking in platitudes, but I really feel that, if there is an Obama administration, a political power shift towards ordinary Americans could very well be the change we have been hearing so much about.

      3. No, I don’t believe that the reasons apply to Senator Obama.

        After doing a lot of research that went beyond listening and reading lofty speeches and personal opinions, I respectfully submit that:

        1. He does not stand for life;

        2. He does he stand for honor,as judged by the company he kept/keeps;

        3. The future for which he is not in America’s best interest.

        I’m standing with the individual this time, not the Party.

        1. I’m pretty sure Obama is in favor of life. In fact, is any politician against life?

          As to the future he has spoken of, I think what he proposes is much more in America’s best interest. The Republican path, which McCain would adjust but not make a major change in, has been a disaster.

          What specifically in Obama’s proposals do you see as bad for America?

          1. Yes, but I’m sorry I only have time to touch on some of the things that helped me reached the conclusions I have.

            Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, I refer you to


            I realize that is a conservative website, but looking past that, the information given is factual and each point cites the source.  I couldn’t even agree with his opinions because the reasons he used were misrepresentations, at best.

            Then there are his close associates. This present a big problem for me.  These are more than just casual acquaintances (“I happened to be there when they took the picture”, or “He was a guest speaker at my church”). These are people who, to different degrees, helped shape and influence him, such as Rev. Wright, William Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, Dr. Khalid al-Mansour.

            As for why I don’t think our Country’s future is not safe in his hands, I’ll have to address that when I have more time. I just have to get off this computer now.

            1. deplorable treatment of the first wife who waited for him while he was a POW but had an accident that ruined her looks before he came home? Nancy Reagan refused to speak to him for years over it.  Nobody pretends he and his present wife  weren’t adulterers before they were married to each other or that he didn’t betray his first wife with many other women  as well.  

              You have no problem with McCain’s role in the Keating 5?  You have no problem with his surrounding himself with the very lobbyists he claims he’s always fought or with  his embracing extremist pastors whom he once called agents of intolerance just to pander to the right?  

              Not saying that Obama is a saint or that any of the above would cause me to vote against McCain if I agreed with his policies.  I don’t. I also voted for Clinton knowing perfectly well that his personal integrity left much to be desired. Just observing that, since being a POW, McCain hasn’t behaved with anything above average honor at best.   It would make more sense to make the decision as to who to support on  policy questions and leadership skills and style.

              I’m voting for Obama because I think Obama is on the right track and offers the best hope, between the two, of getting us pointed toward reversing our decline as a nation and the decline of the great American middle class. I also am more comfortable with his steady, no drama style, and the high quality of the people he has chosen to advise him and run his campaign under his supervision.  

              I oppose McCain because he agrees with Bush on almost every economic and foreign policy issue and plans to continue those policies that I believe are killing my country and   impoverishing its people. His belligerence strikes me as unwise and ineffective and he has exhibited poor judgement in choosing advisers, so many of whom have left his campaign under a cloud.  Hope you consider policy in making your final decision and if you agree with McCain there and approve of his leadeship style then of course you should vote for him.  

    2. And if you have, more power to you.

      Myself, well, the last eight years have sucked.  Since all I’ve heard from McCain is that he wants to do the same damned thing, well, I’m not really into continuing what hasn’t worked well for me.

      So good luck with your vote.  And by the way, when I’m being fucked in the ass by the current government, I don’t care who is “one of those rare human beings who finds happiness” doing it to me.  I don’t care whether fucking me makes them happy.  I just care that I’m being fucked.

      Just my opinion and nobody else’s.

  5. Just got back from the mailbox with a four page 8 1/2 x 11 flier from an outfit called Protect Colorado’s Future. Very dramatic graphics, but the text baffles me.

    Seems there are three proposed constitutional amendments (47, 49 and 54) that require putting all cops in handcuffs…or something.

    An ad this random must have a story to it.  

    1. Wants to defeat the anti-union initiatives (good idea) and supports some insane anti-business initiatives that would devastate the job market in the state.

      Glad to hear they are concentrating on the defeat (ie good) half of their mission.

        1. A lot of his associates asked him quietly to not do it. If business leaders can’t get him to stop, random voices aren’t going to do it.

          Where I think the business community blew it was when they couldn’t stop him, some of the groups officially backed 47/49. They aren’t putting much money in – but they would have done much better IMHO if they had come out against 47/49 and funded the anti groups.

          In that case I think the unions would have dropped their inititives and it would have not poisoned relations between business & unions. Now we have a situation where even if they are all defeated, we’re going to see more arguments between business & unions and more strikes. And that helps no one.

            1.    All hope is lost.  Some day, there will be a constitutional convention so we can start over.  

                Or a federal court judge will declare the Colorado Constitution null and void because it’s unintelligble.

  6. Are you getting any traction on your plan to try to get both sides to call off the dogs?

    I thought that the Governor was trying to mediate it, but both horrible amendments got on the ballot.

    1. From talking to a bunch of people – it appears (this is opinion based on numerous conversation) that it comes down to spoiled trust fund baby Jonathan Coors. Everyone else is quite willing to drop everything – he’s not.

      He’s not the sole blame though. Many in the business community could have come out against 47/49 and instead have supported them. On the flip side, there are other business owners (like me) that are loudly against 47/49 so at least we have both sides there.

  7. Am I the only one who has noticed the sudden arrival of right wingers on Friday? And maybe the day before and after, but more than an average day on Friday, I’m sure.

    Pols, any stats you are willing to divulge?  

  8. When “the markets” won’t get suckered in, the tax payers should take the hit for corporate bad decisions.

    Private profit, public responsibility.

    “This isn’t a bail out,” said Greg Martin, Washington spokesman for GM, the largest US automaker which has been awash in speculation for months that it is running short of cash.

    “These are direct loans that we have to pay back,” added Ford spokesman Mike Moran.


    1. They gave up on small cars.

      They gave up on fuel efficiency.

      They were ahead on electrics and they gave up on that too.

      Now their work force has greyed and they want to renege on the contracts they negotiated.

      The Chrysler bailout was enough and the industry didn’t learn the lesson.

      Banking is a different story–we have to bailout the banks or the entire economic structure will collapse.  

      1. But it should be with the quid pro quo of returning to more regulation. As you know, this is the SECOND bailout of financial institutions in about 15 years. It all started with deregulation. (And yes, the S&L’s were in competitive trouble, but they threw all cautions to the wind in the legislation.)

  9. …by the Obama/Biden captain for my precinct. (She also did a little plug for Udall.)

      No sign of any activity from the McCain folks.  Does their campaign in Colo. extend beyond El Paso and Douglas Counties?  

      1.    Between stopping abortions in Wasilla, firing the librarian for refusing to burn blasphemous books, and lobbying to raise taxes to pay for the skating rink, she probably needed some help.

        1. she was running the town single-handedly before they hired a manager … she had to have librarians and police chiefs to fire, and the rest of the town employees to extract loyalty oaths from.

          McCain hasn’t specified what her duties will be as vice president (other than inquire daily as to his health). Perhaps she can hire a vice presidential manager to take over actual responsibilities so she can continue rallying the base.

          1.    That’s about it.  I presume she will be named ambassador to the wing nuts in the GOP.

              She would have a constitutional duty to preside over the U.S. Senate.  I’m not sure her style would mesh well with that institution.

      2. I appreciate your response:

        Wasilla hired a city manager

        during her term because residents were concerned she needed some help.

        Except: Wasilla is a location, it is not a hiring authority. So the question would be did the City Council pass an ordinance  authorizing a town administrator? Or, did the Mayor have the authority to hire on her own? If the Council did it, was it at her request.  The real question is was the mayoral job largely ceremonial???

        1. As a member in good standing,  I would hope, of the leftwing liberal pinko blogasphere, I understand it is our job to lobe insults and ridicule at Palin.  Because, if we don’t, then the Repubs will not be able to protect her from this attack…god forbid that we should upset their highly successful political strategy….

          However, every once in a while,…a serious question on experience should be allowed…maybe once every two or three days or maybe we should have a quota system..

          The above is my question.  Let me know when I have reached my quota.

          1. It’s reached.  You can’t hammer Palin or you’re sexist, and we can’t ask Obama anything or we’re racist.

            I love the fact that the debate is almost entirely centered on the Dem Presidential candidate vs. the Republican vice Presidential candidate.

            This weekend, Obama spoke as much about Palin as he did about anything else.  I hope he keeps doing it.

            1. After a week to reflect and observe on her nomination, I will concede that it was pure genius, politically.

              Now, as to being Veep or God forbid, President, the worst of their options for America. Many other capable Repubs even among the women only.  

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