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(R) Somebody



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(D) Somebody



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(D) B. Pettersen*

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September 03, 2008 03:39 PM UTC

Hump Day Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Only after marriage, of course.


180 thoughts on “Hump Day Open Thread

  1. Headed for the Obama office yesterday to get tickets in the early afternoon.  Overheard two women several blocks away commenting on how they were gone when the doors opened as fast as they could process them.  Turned around, back to the car.

    Maybe I’ll go for a glimpse or some luck.

    He will be speaking at Booker High School.  It was at one of the Booker schools that Bush made “My Pet Goat” accidentally famous. I also taught there once for a brief time.  Wow, how many degrees of separation is that?  

  2. than any other state($300 to $34 according to the Citizens Against Government Waste).Oil rich Alaska! With the Republican damaged economy, how can the McCain/Palin ticket claim to be a reformer ticket and able to seriously address the economic problems faced in the U.S? One of them has been a cause of our problems, and the other a welfare mother. There is no explanation for it.

    OT, Lieberman needs to be taken to the woodshed!

      1. We are still mainly (like 85% or so) loyal Dems and everyone (one black sheep exception) in my large extended Jewish family, along with most of our Jewish friends, consider him a traitor. I don’t see the remark as anti-Jewish, just anti the jerk Lieberman. My little old Jewish mother despises him so much she might volunteer to take him to the woodshed herself.  

        Now Palin’s pastor’s remarks about how all of us who are critical of Bush (once again most Jews fit that category) will be going to hell; that’s REALLY offensive. Of course I’m sure he thinks we’re ALL going to hell anyway as we don’t accept Jesus as our savior.  So maybe we shouldn’t get into accusations of anti-Semitism.   Could get point/counterpoint nasty.

        1. as a “Democrat” he needed to be taken to the woodshed. Libertad called him a Jew…unnecessarily to my way of thinking.

          For the record, I’ve been adopted by so many Jewish families I can’t count them all. Just last week, 35-year friends from colledge days….Jewish…and I went boating all day together.

          I don’t distinguish between Catholics (I was raised Catholic and was an altar boy), Protestants, Presbyterians, whatever! We’re all humans, ahem……well, some of us:-)

          To be truly human, one needs a heart, a soul, a mind and a body. Ideally, they should all be connected! Sometimes I wonder about certain posters here, whether they fir my definition. But that will be left for another post:-)

            1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/

              Get real. The Democrats will have maybe 55 or 56 votes. On many domestic issues Lieberman is more liberal than Nelson from Nebraska, Nelson from Florida Casey from Pennsylvania and Landrieu from Louisiana.  If the Democrats get to 61 they can think about kicking him out.  But they won’t. They need his vote and they will get over their anger.

              The Democrats control the Senate because Joe Lieberman voted with them to elect Senate leaders. A little gratitude please.

    1. Palin is like the gift that keeps on giving.  What a disaster.

      I saw this on another blog, so I can’t claim credit for finding it, but this is funny as all heck, and basically true… except it makes McCain look like he actually knows how to use a Blackberry.

    1. incompetent, a right wing fundie and a frightening choice to be one heartbeat away running the free world.

      But you just keep telling yourself it’s because she’s conservative.  

        1. being criticized for her ultra conservative views OR for her skimpy qualifications?  Isn’t that what elections are supposed to be about? I know you folks think she’s more qualified than Obama and that Obama is too liberal for you and you have every right to that view, too.  

          Of course McCain is the one who has made experience his mantra so it’s a tad more inconvenient for him to have such a provincial running mate but if you guys love her, fine.   We’ll find out  who is making the broader appeal to voters in Nov., won’t we?  

        2. She was mayor of a town of 4,000 to 6,000 people.

          He was a state senator for two terms for a Chicago suburb.

          He has been a US Senator, representing a state that has a population of nearly 13 million people while she has been governor for 16 months of a state of 700,000 people.

          She got her passport a year ago and claims part of her foreign experience is because her state is closest to Russia. Uh huh. Then again, she also claims that she visited Ireland, when in fact her plane stopped on the tarmac for refueling. So, she’s not exactly known as a truth teller, in addition to her other stunning attributes.

          She is a joke. She is your joke. You are welcome to her.

          1. The amount of people you represent while you listen to hearings some how qualifies you more?

            What, the people that are back in the state while you are in Washington somehow feed you experience?  Is there an equation that says “this many people in your state gives you experience in writing a budget even though you never did it”?

            That’s pretty funny.

            Oh, and let’s not forget that for internation experience, Barack Obama listed “living in Indonesia” when he was a child.

                  1. obtaining suppport for your legislative agenda, sponsoring bills, researching bills up for a vote, taking care of constituents, taping national news programs, debates, TV appearances, meeting with constituents/lobbyists/interest groups, traveling back and forth to your district, occasional damage control, managing/hiring/firing staff, formulating your message to your district regarding current legislation up for a vote and why, public relations,attend committee meetings/testimony of witnesses, coordinating efforts with your own party, attending public events on behalf of other elected officials in your district/party.

                    Being a US Senator is a lot of work and an enormous responsibility, and IMHO a logical stepping stone to the Presidency. I’m sorry you all don’t agree.

                  2. Under your definition, McCain doesn’t meet up to having the experience to run the country because he wasn’t an executive.  He was in the military, remember, that’s where everyone gives you orders as to what to do, he was a hero and a POW, again where everyone gives you orders, then he was married to a millionairess guess who gave the orders there.  Then he went to Congress.  McCain’s probably never given an order in his life.  The first time he gets to make a decision on his own, its Palin.  Nice enough lady, but I need say no more.  The press is doing all the work this time.  He made this pick in the heat of one of his famous temper tantrums when Rove and company wouldn’t give him his way on Lieberman and he thought they were taking away the one and only one real decision he has ever made in his whole life – his Vice President.  He had finally had it with people making decisions for him.  So he threw a temper tantrum and now look what’s he’s got.  Makes you wonder what would happen when he had his finger on the button, God forbid.

                1. .

                  I’d guess that she could be torn down pretty well with personal attacks without getting so silly,

                  since the “politics of personal destruction” are back in vogue.  

                  I even think she could be torn down if her critics stuck to fact- and reality-based arguments.  

                  But when you say a sitting state governor who is actually running the machinery of state governance

                  doesn’t have at least 100 times the actual responsibility

                  of a new senator who spent most of his time campaigning for president,

                  and really isn’t accountable for or responsible for any specific thing,

                  not even showing up to vote (its optional for Senators,)

                  that’s just silly.  

                  There’s so much you could attack her for,

                  and make a solid case,

                  and yet you choose to make specious arguments that boil down to “I like Obama better.”

                  Of course you do.  But that doesn’t win arguments.


            1. the fact that Barack Obama lived in Indonesia as a child not give him an international experience? Living there showed him how many here in America and across the world live–in abject poverty. Obama had it pretty good in Indonesia too compared to the rest of the kids there. He even had a refrigerator! What luxury!

              Now granted, it’s not the same as talking to foreign leaders or negotiating peace accords, but it gave him an important perspective that any leader of the free world has to understand to do a good job.

                1. Abraham Lincoln was terrible mistake, what with his lack of anything close to enough experience. Boy, he sure screwed up didn’t he Haner?

                  Of course it’s McCain who made experience the big issue.  Obama never claimed he ought to be President because he had the most experience. McCain and HRC did.  

                  But enough of this.  Neither McCain nor Obama has executive experience in government, though Obama has shown sterling executive management and leadership skills in the course of his campaign while McCain has shown a complete lack there of.  My guess is that’s the why this son and grandson of Admirals was never considered Admiral material himself; the upper echelon of the navy couldn’t see him succeeding at that level.

                  In any case, time will tell, won’t it?  New polls already show a sharp increase in the percentage of HRC supporters now on board with Obama.  Now several polls also have him as the first one of the two to break 50%. But there’s a long way to  go.  

                  In November, the American people will decide between the belligerent reckless blowhard and Bush policy supporter and his provincial side kick on the one hand or calm, steady, practical problem solver Obama and his world class elder statesman sidekick on the other. It will certainly be interesting and tell us a lot about our future as a nation and on the world stage.  

                  1. Something Obama doesn’t have-and coupled with his inexperience, makes a dangerous package.

                    What gets me is all of the libs who say that Obama is ready to be president, and sight what…constituent work as his experience?  He’s made it as far as he has because he makes a good speech about “change”, but the “change” he’s talking about is the same old tired failed liberalism, and people like you are treating him like he’s a messiah.

                    And then those on your side have the nerve to attack a woman like Palin in the vicious way that she’s been attacked.  Class act-that’s the politics of change huh?  You can keep your so-called politics of change, and count on Obama’s constituent service to be the foundation of the president that we need.  The kind of president who tries to cut the funding for troops and….wait, what else has he done again?

                    1. 1. Obama is “dangerous” how?

                      2. How has Palin been attacked?  Is it on her record and things she has said?  That to me is fair game. If not, please point out where she has been unfairly attacked?

                      As far as experience, no one seems to want experience – Dems or Repubs. That is why we have Obama and I guess why you have Palin.

                      Do you remember the Obama is a Muslim, Michelle hates America, and Obama supports a racist preacher?  Turn about is fair play. If you feel your candidate is being beaten up for something that is not fair please state it.

                      All I have heard are her own statements being used as the reason she should not be anywhere near the White House.  

                      Perhaps her wanting to teach creationism, lying about the bridge to nowhere, banning and destroying books and her argument for abstinence are not important to you.  

                      They are to me and obviously millions of other Americans.  Whether they are liberal or not, they will vote and they want answers.  

                      Just as the other side is allowed to ask where Obama stands – he has answered all of that over the last 17 months.

                      Now it is your turn, and your girl is not doing well.  Hiding from the press after an historical announcement is not good PR, no matter how you slice it.

                      If she wants to make history, did she (or her supporters) think it was going to be easy?

                      And yes, it is a little hard to take being Mayor of a small town as ready for the VP seat.  By that reasoning the CU Tri-Execs are ready for the big league. They have 30,000 people to serve.

                      What else?  Calm down and seriously answer the questions.

                    2. Honestly frame your questions.  Until you can admit that Palin hasn’t just been the mayor of a city, and that the duties and responsibilities of a governor are more of a qualification to be President then being a Senator, I see now reason to take you seriously.

                    3. Being a Governor or Senator or Congressman more than qualifies a person to hold the highest office in the land.  According to the Constitution one has to be of a certain age (I think 42 without looking) and American born and that about covers it.

                      So, yes, me, Haners, LB, Obama and Palin are all qualified to POTUS.  Especially me and LB because we worn the uniform.

                      Now answer the questions.

                    4. The shame is LOSING that argument. I do it with my kids all the time and now even Haners is besting me.

                    5. If it makes you feel better, I attribute it to the fact that I’m rising to your level Bob, not that you’re coming down to mine.


                    6. comfort is where you find it.

                      At least, I still mop the floor with Libertine. But he’s 17, not 25.

                    7. I’m not altogether sure how the duties of a governor are a better fit for president than a senator. I understand it is popular now (or has been for nearly a week, anyway) to say a person who’s been a governor for a cup of coffee is more qualified than a senator like the guy at the top of the ticket. Is former Governor George Bush a better president than former Senator Kennedy? Would Governor Ritter (who has the same gubernatorial experience as Palin, and more management experience since he was the DA of a large ofice) be a better president than John McCain?  

                      What the hell are you people talking about?

                    8. Obama’s opposition to the war at a time when all of us patriots were ga ga for it was pretty bad judgement.  We all saw how that turned out.  Whodathunk we’d have the mission accomplished, very few lives lost, and hell, the oil just paid for everything anyway.  Not to mention the effect it has on those Russians – they’re scared shitless out of us now !

                      McCain’s judgement in picking Palin is upping the ante on his maverick creds.  Way to tell the far right base you’ll be making your own decisions, thank you.

          2. You sayin’ that Obama is a Senator?  Somebody better tell him.  Maybe one of you leftists can print him a map to DC.

            That reminds me, What exactly did your messiah accomplish while a Senator?  What has he ever accomplished?

            Oh yeah!  Barak Obama: Community Organizer, Lawyer, Politician, Black (I guess he lucked into that one), Marxist, Messiah (going on POTUS).  

            Sounds qualified to me!

        3. Was she editor at the Ivy League law review where she received her JD ?

          Is she a bestselling author ?

          Was she a state legislator ?

          Is she or was she a US Senator ?

          Did she run a feisty, well-organized, 50 state campaign to upset the presumptive nominee in her party ?

          Is she one of the most inspirational speakers of our time ?

          Was she a community organizer, taking in about 1/10th of what she could in salary just so she could help others ?

          Has she sponsored any bills on the national level that became law ?

          Can she pack a stadium with 75,000 people ?

          1. Being a best selling author isn’t a qualification

            Secondly she has executive experience, which nobody on either side has, not John McCain, Obama, or Biden. And don’t say that running a Presidential campaign is executive experience.

            A U.S. Senator for only a few years before starting to run for the Presidency isn’t a qualification.

            And oh my god, Obama is not the most inspirational speaker of our time, just shows how gullible you all are. Have you listened to him speak off prompter? Uh..Uh..Uh..Uh..Uh..Uh..Uh..Uh..Uh..Uh..Uh..

            A community organizer? Really?

            And what bills did Obama sponsor that became law? He has been running for President since becoming a Senator.

            And when Obama has to come out and say he is more qualified than she is, that just proves my point.

            1. and McCain when you claim you’re independent? If you are, then you shouldn’t defend anyone. You’re just a conservative who pretends to be an independent. You should write about why Bob Barr is the best choice to lead this country, not why Palin is more experienced than Obama (she isn’t).

              1. none of you disputed the points I made but rather tried to label me. I have never claimed to be independent, but rather a libertarian that is feed up with the two party system because they all are a bunch of clowns. Just look at the crap the dems and repubs put up anymore. They are candidates that will ruin this country. However, there are people still out there like Sarah Palin that make sense.  

                1. I thought libertarians were against unnecessary foreign entanglements and imposing religious beliefs via the government.  I thought hard core social conservative righties who want to bring us all under the rule of their interpretation of God’s will were anathema to libertarians.  Don’t see how a libertarian can support either McCain or especially Sarah Palin who seems like the opposite of libertarian, wanting to use our army as an army of God to spread God’s will and to tell everyone what their moral values ought to be.  Maybe you just think you’re libertarian.

            2. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting.

              Obama had Europeans waving American flags for the first time in 7-1/2 years last month.

              Whatever you consider “experience” obviously ignores one of the most serious tasks ahead: restoring America’s stature in the world after it has been ruined by eight years of “My Way Or The Highway” George Bush.  We can’t keep going it alone.

              Did you visit the McCain “pollute your local blog” website today?  One of the talking points is partisanship.  Yours is showing.

            3. Being a best selling author is an enormous accomplishment, and yes, it is a qualification.

              you’re telling me Obama is worse off prompter than Bush ?  Are you kidding me ? Remember strategery ? The press made a whole category for it called Bushisms – were you around then ?  At least McCain just pretends he didn’t hear the question.  

              Yes, really, a community organizer.  What part of that don’t you understand ?

              How about the Congo relief act. Obama was the primary sponsor and Bush signed it into law. He also co sponsored the Honest Leadership and Open Government act, signed into law in 2007.  

              And, Hamilton, your last sentence is complete nonsense.   You are essentially saying Obama can’t even point out he is the better choice than McCain/Palin anymore.  How does that prove any point, and more important, what is that point ?  Do you even know ?  Have you even thought it out ?

              1. and by all accounts he had a good record (his first really good reviews in the Navy)

                I also think running a campaign is executive experience–I actually think its one of the most difficult executive jobs.  You have to build an organization quickly, that is in essence temporary.  You have to inspire teamwork even though the team is transitory.  You have to budget without having good metrics to predict your top line over the long term.

                1. I’d also rate Obama’s time as a community organizer as good executive/leadership  experience.   God knows, it makes herding cats look easy.

                  In the army, and a subsequent career in management posts the The Post for 22 years, in I tried to lead a team, but had the choice of just giving orders if I had to. Obama never had that option. If you’re really good, you convince other folks that your idea was their idea and you’re just along to back their play. Seems like he did that pretty well.

                  1. People who think that what he did in Chicago was a piece of cake should try their hand at organizing sometime. It’s not easy to get total strangers in the same room to talk about something that may be uncomfortable for them to talk about–let alone do anything about what’s causing their problem.

              2. That’s like saying a mid-level bank Vice President has executive experience.  Bob, you’re losing it.  He took orders and carried them out, period.  They said bomb Hanoi or some particular place in Hanoi, he did it.  Wow, you must have the new McCain talking points.  They are so desparate.

                1. Actually, the war was long over when

                  McCain commanded the air wing.  During the war itself, McCain’s executive experience was pretty well limited to getting the hell beat out of him for five and a half years. What? You’re the only guy left in America who hasn’t got that memo?

                  For that matter, I bet I got more executive experience as a buck sergeant (and senior NCO) in my department at West Point than you did as vice president in charge of flag burning for your Young Socialist Alliance.

                  1. but I’m also not running for so much as dog catcher.  And having a father and grandfather who were admirals should have given him plenty of extra points.  I suspect other aspects of the McCain temperament took away a bunch points.

      1. …m-kay.  Cuz without change, there won’t be a future.  And that would be bad…m-kay.  Cuz without a future m-kay, how can we possibly change?

        Vote for change m-kay!  Vote for the future!  Vote Obama!  


    2. incompetent, a right wing fundie and a frightening choice to be one heartbeat away running the free world.

      But you just keep telling yourself it’s because she’s conservative.  

      1. Hamilton says that like it’s a bad thing. She’s the most conservative politician on a national ticket in more than 40 years. Can’t she be attacked for both her qualifications and her positions?

  3. How many issues can one person spawn in 48 hours?

    1. Wooten Gate

    2. Banning books

    3. Alaska Succession

    4. Pregnancy / abstinence training

    5. Teaching Creationism in our schools

    6. Lying about your role in Bridge to Nowhere, the internet is an amazing tool

    7. Religious issues, “Speaking before the Pentecostal church, Palin painted the current war in Iraq as a messianic affair in which the United States could act out the will of the Lord.”

    Did I miss anything?

    Oh yeah, the biggest issue of all – what was John McCain thinking?  Does the Repub Party really think people are stupid enough to believe he put any thought into this selection?  Is this the type of decision making worthy of America’s top official and the most powerful man on earth?

    Get off of your attacked because she is conservative – its bullshit.  Was Barack attacked because he was Black?  Why is victimization good when it is your candidate?

    1. because they wanted to shut down an unprofitable dairy and she begged to differ. Her involvement with the pro-Stevens 527. If we aren’t still missing something more will probably pop up. How many new ones per day so far?

    2. Be honest, please.  No matter who McCain put on his ticket, you wouldn’t vote for him nor like them.

      I expect you to attack her, but don’t expect those of us who share her values to listen to you.

      1. The facts be damned already. As long as you share her values, who gives a good fuck how unqualified, how unethical she is? Right on, baby. Good for you.

        Oh and Wanda, I think we forgot to add her little problem with an ethics investigation to your list.

      2. You’re exactly right. The problem is that the media wouldn’t be reacting this way if it was just anyone. You have to expect that to increase our side’s fervor.

        Imagine if Obama had picked Bill Ritter or someone like that. Someone out of left field. And then the media took it by the horns and ran with it for 6 straight days. You might be saying similar things with different proper nouns plugged in.

        1. We’re amateur pundits.  That’s the exercise here, right?

          Middle of Road, I’m not sure what road you think you’re in the middle of, but I don’t expect you to endorse McCain’s running mate even if it were Michelle Obama.

          Obama has his own facts that are a problem for him as well.

          You know what, though?  I love how the R vice Presidential candidate is being compared so much to the Dem Presidential candidate in terms of experience.  That bodes well for November.

          1. (We should all thank him, btw, he’s on the other side giving us our strategy) this is why we need to stop comparing Palin and Obama, and restart the conversation about Obama versus McCain.

                1. You guys wouldn’t have screeched out nearly 1000 posts about her since Friday.  It would be a non-issue.

                  It’s energized a lot of Republicans.  I haven’t been excited about McCain until last Friday – party-wise, that’s good.

                    1. So then why are you guys talking about her so much?  This is a far, far left blog, and you’re just preaching to the choir.

                      Why the need for so many posts about her if she’s such a non-factor?

                      I wanted to again tell you that I really respected your view on not involving her 17-year-old daughter.

                    2. I never said she’s a non-factor.

                      Granted, she gives McCain the base that was going to stay home.

                      But her extreme views, which shift the whole Republican ticket way to the right, give Obama the middle.  That’s where the election will be won.

                      Thanks for the respect.  I have two daughters.  I wouldn’t want anyone trying to get to me through them.

                    3.  “shift the whole Republican ticket way to the right”

                      then I’ve voting for Palin as the biggest miracle worker since Moses parted the Red Sea!

                      I was actually under the impression that the party of God, Guns and Gays was tilting a wee bit to starboard to begin with.

                  1. Telling yourself that this is true.  Republicans don’t count and neither do Democrats.  The ones who count are us in the middle.  And especially those of us in Jeffco which is the swing county in the swing state this year.  If you’re going to keep defending a pick that is so indefensible, you’ll get wiped off the map.

                    1. …the Repubs would probably run Cory Gardner (or Mark Hillman) and keep CD 4.  M.M. is Betsy’s best shot at going to D.C.

                2. what?  Good try PR.  Vetted?  Where is the picture of Obama’s dad?  His mom?  Where are they now?  Oh yeah, his dad killed himself while driving drunk, and his Marxist slut of a mother dumped him off with some “typical white woman” while she went looking for a different radical Marxist to screw.  Heh.

                  I learned more about Palin and her family in the course of a weekend than I’ve learned about Obama in the two years he’s been running for this office.  

                  I think you are just upset that SHE is more of a man than Obama and Biden put together.  Not only is she more qualified than the TOP of your ticket, but there is no danger of her wrist breaking when she squeezes a round from a .45.

                  Hah.  I can see your wimpy little candidate trying to hold a .45.  “Is this the end where the bullet comes out?”  “Uhh, it’s heavier than I thought, Michelle!  Gimme a hand over here.”    

                    1. Just yesterday some of the ‘pubs on this site were talking about how this brought out the worst in liberals. It’s bringing out the worst in cons too, so Haners, et al, take note of the character of your ally The Plumber, and don’t forget all the liberals who condemned the politicizing of Palin’s family while you do.

                    2. Take this crap down.  The Truth and the First Amendment have no place on a leftist website.  

                      CENSOR THE RIGHT!!!  

                    3. Your “truth” is a lie and the 1st amendment only applies to Government restrictions on speech.

                      However, I believe in letting troglodytes like you spew their bile, reminds the rational, on the left and right, to remain so.

                    4. But is it any worse than Sir Robin or that sxp151 person?

                      BTW, what was the part that you think violated the site rules?  I’m not arguing with you or denying it at all, just want to know.

                    5. Stanley Ann Dunham a “marxist slut” goes way beyond childish name-calling.

                      6. Can’t write nice? Don’t write at all. Please, no vulgarity or unnecessary and childish name-calling.

                      I also think it went well beyond anything that was being discussed in regards to Bristol Palin yesterday (not trying to bring it up again though, I’m glad it’s dropped.)

                    6. (and had my wife called) worse.  SXP151 seemed to be excited about Schaffer’s wife having cancer, if memory serves.

                      If you’re going to allow one douchebag, you’re going to have to allow them all.

                      Of course, it’s not my board, and they can do whatever they want.

                      I also agree with you that it’s an idiotic, rude, unacceptable post.

                    7. Many others have said worse. I just got angry. Thanks for talking me down from the clocktower LB.  

                    8. Just bring an air rifle like Palin has in the picture.  Then nobody will get killed.


                    9. Benign means not cancer.

                      Still no walk in the park, but aside from the surgery her life was never in danger and radiation and chemotherapy were never in the picture.

                      Fortunately she’s doing well, as we’ll be able to enjoy her margarita mix for a long, long time.

                    10. I don’t ever spew crap like what Plumber is saying above. Nice try though, I’m not surprised at the attempt.

                    11. You’re just awful sometimes.  I wish you weren’t because you’re really insightful about some things, but you get so angry or something that you just can’t seem to keep it together.

                      Oh, well.  It’s a big world.

                  1. in the most significant manner. By the voters in over 19 months of a campaign against many Dem candidates more qualified than ANY of the Rep candidates. Obama was not my first choice, Biden was. But, what I saw during the campaign was sooo impressive. I really do have hope.

                    If Palin had been a candidate in the primaries she’d have been gone very early in the process and seen as just as far over there as Ron Paul for the Reps or Kucinich for the Dems.

              1. McCain vs. Palin. There’s a reason she brings the Christian Right into the fold, and it isn’t just her attendance at attendance at Jews for Jesus sermons.

                She supports making abortion illegal, even in cases of rape and incest. (McCain would make those exceptions.)

                She was wholeheartedly in favor of earmarks McCain has condemned.

                She wants to drill in ANWR, but the Republican platform steps back from that radical position because McCain opposes it.

                She has said the Iraq War is obviously a grab for oil — a position even McCain won’t ‘fess up to.

                She has sympathies (and a husband with a long history) with the Alaska secessionist movement — squarely at odds with McCain’s “country first” slogan.

                McCain called out Religious Right “agents of intolerance” — she is one.

              2. At least according to polls. I know we are supposed to accept your math that if Obama isn’t up by 12 he’s behind, but I’d say the guy who is polling behind is behind.  But that’s just silly me, LB.

      3. You are rational so I will give you my answer.

        TPAW–he’s been mostly vetted by the national press. Limited experience, but more than Palin and enough that he might have kept the Obama experience argument on the table. Don’t think he would have helped much, but he would have satisified the base and wouldn’t have been a disaster.  I wouldn’t have slammed him

        Romney–Flip floping and  house on top of McCain’s 7 would have made a ripe target.  Would have slammed him on both issues.  However, wouldn’t have questioned his qualifications.

        Ridge–no good angle of attack. War hero, head of homeland security governor of a large swing state.  He’s the one I was really afraid of.

        Joe–I would of been apoplectic, but there woulnd’t have been a good angle of attack except to paint him as a Warmonger (which is true).  War and more war is not popular right now.

        1. Because she’s a real person, who’s worked for a living (unlike either Obama or Biden), huge NRA supporter (this is huge, although Obama spotted us the entire NRA already – a lot of “bitter” folks like me like to hunt, fish and protect ourselves), pro-life (not my gig, but she walks the talk for sure.

          All the guys above would have had problems with a segment of the base that McCain hasn’t captured.

          If she can survive the first two weeks, the ticket will be tough.  That’s why they are attacking her so severely.

          Did you see that they released her SS#?  That kind of stuff will backlash on the “angry left”.

          BTW, it’s the highest of compliments that you called me rational.  Thank you, and right back at you.

          1. The base ain’t enough.  And Frankly, when women, especially over 50 get a look at her and her choices with respect to her family, they disapprove.  I know, my wife and her friends are exactly that.  Their view, seems like a very nice and pretty person. What’s she doing leaving a 4 month old with Downs and a 17 year old pregnant daughter?  They can’t get past it, and they won’t.  Almost all of these women made many sacrifices of their careers and other things for their families.  They disapprove of her choice, and it will affect them.

        2. Danny,

          I respectfully disagree-the knives had started to come out when everyone seemed to think it was TPAW.  Why, on our very own Pols, TPAW was basically blamed for the bridge collapse

      4. LB, you would vote against Obama if McCain named Satan to the ticket.

        However, I did like McCain in 2000.  I was voicing how disgraceful I thought he was treated by the Bush crowd.  I was impressed with his maverick quality, even his honesty about abortion when asked what he would do if his daughter was raped.

        I am not a die hard Dem, I have been a registered Indy until I ran Jay’s race.  The Dems have failed women and Blacks more times than I care to count – the Repubs are even worse.

        However, Palin is a ridiculous choice and LB, you have to admit that.  If McCain chose Kay Bailey Hutchinson, I would be impressed with his decision – I would still push for Obama, but the decision of KBH would have made sense.

        Palin in a 48 hour period after her historic announcement, has avoided the press – she is nowhere near ready to answer what will be asked.

        No, I don’t expect you to listen.  As a matter of fact most of us that actually pen something on this site have our minds made up.  But what we all know is there are a bunch of people that read this site and do not engage.  That’s who I write for.  And I hope that something I write may just change a mind or two or three.

        Palin is a complete mess.  This will get worse. (Did you all se the picutres of her in a red, white and blue bikini holding a shotgun, nice!) The TV pundits are asking Repubs like Giuliani and Specter if they really believe this was a good choice. The answer they gave showed they did not beleive what they were saying -one of the correspondants called them on it.  

        Also, this morning the head of the MPLS Repub Party was asked he would put someone he has known for two weeks in the number two spot in his (personal business) company, he stumbled and gave some silly answer. The conversation then turned to fact that no one would put their career on the line for someone they don’t know. John McCain did.

        It was a gimmicky choice to derail history.  The history of a Black man becoming the party nominee for the first time in 200+ years and of the most powerful person on earth actually being something other than white.

        It is a gamble that has shown the American people the poor decision making of McCain.  No one is buying it – and the harder the Repubs are spinning it the sillier they are all looking.

        Obama is new, but he is a leader and his views are not that much different than mainstream America.  

        Palin is terrifying – Kerry supporters are dammed to hell, creationism, banning and destroying books – is this the person we (the collective American “we”) want anywhere near the most powerful office in the land?

        We both know the answer.  LB, do you believe in creationism?  What books would you destroy? (WBWYD)  Do you believe I am going to hell for my support of Kerry?

        Yeah, well your VP choice does.

        1. Palin is a complete mess.  This will get worse. (Did you all se the picutres of her in a red, white and blue bikini holding a shotgun, nice!)

          This one?  

          I love her even more.  By the way, that’s a Daisy model 760 air rifle.  Yep.  A BB gun.

          Is a vice Presidential candidate not supposed to have gone swimming in a bikini?  Scratch that.  Biden will be even less appealing if he’s done that.  But seriously, this is silly.  Pool party.  Big deal.

          Creationism in the schools? Debunked.

          SO you know, I’d be much more likely to vote for Obama because he’s black.  I’m tremendously disappointed that he’s basically an under-qualified version of Jimmy Carter instead of an inspiring, principled leader.

          1. ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) – As a candidate for governor, Sarah Palin called for teaching creationism alongside evolution in public schools. But after Alaska voters elected her, Palin, now Republican John McCain’s presidential running mate, kept her campaign pledge to not push the idea in the schools.

            And BTW, the picture is photoshopped – funny, but fake.

          2. But please, please, promise that you won’t let McCain into a swim suit.  Ken Gordon in flippers was bad enough.

            As to the gun, I can’t quite tell but it looks like one of those pump guns. I had a Benjamin as a kid, gave it 8 pumps and it would put a BB through, in theory, a one-inch pine board, though a half inch was more like it in practice.  Good enough to shoot pigeons in the Barn and darn accurate. We were poor folk and I could shoot all day on a dime’s worth of BBs. Whereas a box of 22 shorts was 50 cents and shotgun shells out of the question. It made me a good enough marksman to get expert in the M-14 and M-16 in my warmongering days. Course, I also qualified expert in hand grenade and still can’t figure out why the gummint thinksthe hand grenade is a precision instrument. 😉

          3. This one doesn’t look photo-shopped.  I remember back in the 60s and early 70s when wearing the flag as any type of clothing, much less a bikini, was considered unpatriotic and highly disrespectful. Spin away, LB, but is this the way you think most Americans picture a potential commander in Chief?

                1. It’s a real picture. Check out RedHot.

                  WLJ, are you saying that unless someone’s personal religious views conform to your own that they shouldn’t be vice President?

                  She said it shouldn’t be part of the curriculum.  

              1. But my gut answer is yes.  America has issues with the Muslim belief and my guess is we would have had an issue with the Mormon belief if Romney was on the ticket. We saw what happened to the LDS Family in Texas.

                I personally have major issue with anyone who wants to teach creationism in public schools.  There is no basis for it in science.  What I teach my family at home is one thing, what is taught in public school is another. If the teaching was in terms of what different religious cultures believe, that is great.  Teaching creationism as what actually happened sounds crazy to me.

                And you have to admit, in America being that far from the mainstream is just not a good thing for our VP, and when that gets out, it will sink the ticket.

                1. You’re not honestly looking at the facts.  The issue in Texas involved the FLDS church-not “that LDS family in Texas”.

                  If this is the way you frame your arguments, I’m starting to see reading them as pointless.

                2. She believes in creationism, but doesn’t want it mandated in schools.

                  What do you think they believe at Trinity (other than that white people created the aids virus on purpose to kill blacks)?  I’ll bet they don’t push Darwin from the pulpit.

                  You view her as far right, but that’s just because you’re standing in left field.

                  1. And if Rev Wright was running for office I would be terrified as well (not really, no one would actually put him on a ticket).

                    “As a candidate for governor, Sarah Palin called for teaching creationism alongside evolution in public schools. But after Alaska voters elected her, Palin, now Republican John McCain’s presidential running mate, kept her campaign pledge to not push the idea in the schools.

                    So,she did push when she ran for Gov.

                    We don’t need these types of beliefs making us look follish on the world stage.

                    1. As for her personal views on evolution, Palin has said, “I believe we have a creator.” But she has not made clear whether her belief also allowed her to accept the theory of evolution as fact.

                      “I’m not going to pretend I know how all this came to be,” she has been quoted as saying.

                      Maybe it’s “above her pay grade”?

                  2. Speaking in toungues


                    faith healing

                    She was a member and mostly attends Assembly of God church which is not mainstream.

                    I do not believe in litmus tests for office, but she is not mainstream.

              2. and the age of the smoker (is that a member of her family)? Looks like she enjoys pool paties with guns and alcohol, and perhaps uderage drinkers. I wouldn’t be surprised.

                    1. You’re really getting silly.  Underage drinking?  Smoking?

                      Are you for real?

                      I defended it.  I said I liked her more for it.

                      Pool party.  Swimsuit.  Alaska, outdooorsmen, maybe some target shooting.  What’s the problem? Sheesh!

    3. .

      and my dog is better qualified than George W Bush, even after 7.5 years of on-the-job training.

      And my dog is dead.

      So Palin is better qualified than the incumbent.  Surely that counts for something ?


        1. .

          But the footnotes mention 25,000 Marines staying there.  In that one Governate.

          Sure, 10K are in the Rear, Al Asad Air Base, at any one time;

          but that still leaves 15K out and about,

          presence patrols,

          manning 34 outposts and 6 FOB’s.  

          And, most significant, while this means that the commanders of Iraqi security forces in the Governate are Iraqi, reporting to Iraqi civilian officials,

          those civilian officials are still being “advised” by the Provincial Reconstruction Team.

          It is good that the US officers have been pulled out of the intermediate levels of the chain of command.  

          It would be better if they receded to a mere advisory role at the highest levels.  

          But that is coming.  


  4. …keep running on this “the media is tearing [her/him/it/us] down!” theme?  It’s been working for a decade and a half but now it just sounds tired and lame.

    Fred T’s “defense” of Palin last night was flat and pathetic.  If that’s the best the R’s can come up with they are in even bigger trouble than I thought.  

    1. Threw some tasty red meat to the base.

      Home run speech if you’re an R.  Made me happy.

      I wish he’d given speeches like that for himself.  He’d be speaking tomorrow night instead of last night.

  5. I remember all the promises Jimmy Carter made, very much the same as Obama.  I was young, it all sounded so right.  We all get everything, we all have a RIGHT to everything, so I voted for him.  Nothing came of his promises, and as I got older I realized that the party affilitation is not significant. It is the character that is everything.  Say what you will, but if you voted on character, if you watched and understood the differences of maturity between the conventions, one can only conclude that the DEMS idealistically promise everything without substance and the REPUBS promise mature character.  I now know that is all that is important, because the President cannot control the world and nor circumstance, thus he or she cannot control what will require our countries resources, so promises are empty, but character is always there, no matter the circumstance.  

    1. like the one who was in the White House laughing at fart jokes with his buddy Karl Rove? Yeah, real maturity.

      I think that real maturity is asking Washington to give up it’s love affair with lobbyists and start working for the American people.

      I think that it’s mature to say enough is enough, the Iraqis can take the reins now, so let’s start bringing our troops home responsibly.

      I think it’s mature to say to American companies that they will no longer get tax breaks while they outsource our jobs.

      I think it’s mature to say that cutting taxes for the wealthiest Americans while we are at war has got to end.

      I think it’s mature to make a call for us to stop using oil, period, by the end of the next decade.

      If you think that maturity can be found from the last 8 years, then maybe you’ve been living in a different country. I think that the so-called “mature” party has done a swell job screwing things up, and now it’s time for the “idealists” to govern for awhile.

      1. I think that real maturity is asking Washington to give up it’s love affair with lobbyists and start working for the American people.

        Are Union $ any different than what you’re talking about?

            1. The problem with the phrase “special interest” is that one person’s “special interest” is another’s “grass-roots movement” or “organization of independent businessmen” or “voice of working men and women”.  Railing against special interests is just empty rhetoric most of the time, in my opinion.

              How about we all agree that we all have interests and they are all special.  There!  Gold stars for everyone! 🙂

            2. they come from forced union dues and forced agency fees.

              YES on Amendment 47 gives Coloradan’s, like Todd Palin, the choice to stop forced union dues’ deductions that go to elect abortionists, pK-12 anti-reformers, big government developers, etc.

              America’s unions will spend $300 million dollars to get Barack Hussain Obama elected and a 60 seat Senate majority inplace.

              The Union payback is the late-term abortion of the secret workplace ballot.

              Not a bad ROI … too bad FORCED UNION DUES from Colorado will be used.

              Thanks UNION BOSSES!

      2. Laughing sometimes is alright.

        Last I checked the lobbyists were significantly influencing both parties.  No innocents here.  One of those lobbyists has the last name of Biden and has made Millions doing his job.  Think he influenced his Fathers policy??

        If we walk out on Iraq, we walk out on our own future in a secure country.  Thank God we saw it through after Pearl Harbor.

        Outsourcing is the global economy.  What about the Toyota and Honda Plants in America and what about the fact that all American cars use a significant amount of imported parts?  Who is evil when Chrysler is owned by Mercedes (No longer).  Where is the home country?  What about Budweiser, no longer American owned.  From where do they outsource?  Companies are not evil because they outsource, they do it to stay in business in a global economy.  Can the DEM Party stop outsourcing, globalization and put the US in a cocoon?  Of course not, be logical

        What is a wealthy American?  Should America give tax money to those who never paid any.  Who creates jobs in America, surely not those on entitlement programs.  The Top 5% pay 90% of the taxes.  Guess they should pay more so we can give more entitlements..  JFK spent more of a percent of federal money on defense than GW Bush is spending during a war.  JFK spent 6% of federal money on entitlements and Bush spends 45%.  Check the numbers.

        Stop using Oil.  Lets just kill the American way of life and we can live in caves again.  NaГЇvetГ© is the word, not maturity.  

        Its funny how the facts don’t fit your argument.  Your argument is all emotion, no substance.  Don’t elect our next president with emotion, but with facts.

        1. If we walk out on Iraq, we walk out on our own future in a secure country.  Thank God we saw it through after Pearl Harbor.

          That would be a factual comparison, were we attacked by Iraq. Dropping the name of one of the worst days in American history to justify a bad war is being factual, how?

          1. introducing the President last night? One of her biggest applause lines was, “and he’s kept America safe.” Conveniently forgetting the decidedly unsafe day nine months into his administration, when he did anything but. Republicans invent their own reality — they firmly believe Iraq and the Empire of Japan, c. 1941, are the same.

    2. No party or candidate can ever deliver on all of the promises they make, unless they don’t make promises – in which case, what the heck are you voting for in the first place?

      Democrats tend to promise their visions, their hopes.  They fall short not because it couldn’t be done – it can – but because someone(s) or something(s) get in the way.

      Republicans, OTOH, have traditionally promised to not do so much, and fall short because the things they promise to not support are things that are popular.

      Republicans haven’t delivered on their character promises since 1994 when they won control of Congress based on their character.  Of all the 1994 freshmen, very few have honored their term limit pledges.  They delivered precious little of the Contract on America to their constituents.

      The Republican promise has become a cynical lie; that’s why I left the party.

    3. He was also a excellent governor. He had reformed Georgia government and it remains a model.  However, when the economy fell apart, as a result of the consequences of the Vietnam War and the first energy crisis, as President, he did not have a clue on how to respond to the immediate crisis.  

      Interest rates were sky high as was inflation. His solution was a long term energy plan, that if followed, would have made us energy independent today. But the man could not deal with the immediacy of the economic crisis which was terrifying to live through.  That was a failure on his part.

      We still don’t know the whole story behind the release of the Iranian hostages.  What we do know is that all came home, alive.  Jimmy Carter was a good man; a bad president only because he couldn’t handle a devastating economic crisis.

      1. Carter beat inflation.

        How you say?

        He appointed Paul Volcker who jacked up interest rates to kill inflation.  It killed Carter’s political chances, but it set the stage for the next 20 years of economic growth.  Reagan recognized that Volcker had won the war against inflation and reappointed him in 1984.

        Who did Volcker support early in the primaries—Obama.

      2. After all, Carter had been a governor, and isn’t that the best qualification to be president? He managed a budget in Georgia, so he was qualified to manage the U.S. economy, right?

        Sorry. I’m just tired of “but you have to admit that a governor is more qualified than a senator” crap, and this was an opportunity to whine again. I won’t let it happen again. Sorry.

    1. Noonan and Murphy saying the election is “over” and the Palin pick “is not going to work” that it’s “gimmicky” and a “bullshit narrative”.

      That is gold.  Live microphones and they don’t know they’re on.  It just gets better.

    1. 50-45 Hagen v Dole is great news.  While the poll was done by Democracy Corps (a Dem outfit), they now have enough of a polling record to note that their “house bias” is actually Republican-leaning.  Also, the rest of the poll’s numbers closely track with other polls, which is a good indicator that the poll is accurate.

      This race has been seriously up and down.  Hagen led briefly after her primary win, then Dole pounded her with ads and gained a significant lead.  This latest lead for Hagen comes after a strong return volley from the DSCC and Hagen’s campaign.  I don’t know how many more rounds of ad buys will have the same effect – saturation on the DSCC ad was tremendous, so by now most people who watch ads have gotten their first impressions set.

      So it looks (right now) like Dems pick up VA, NM, AK, NH, and CO.  Add in two of NC, MN, OR, MS, and GA and the Dems are up to 57 caucus members (assuming Lieberman doesn’t switch caucuses…).  That’s a stretch, but in the current campaign circumstances, not impossible.  Is 57 enough?

      1. We just like to have fun and enjoy having a sense of humor.  The above is a good poke in the eye of the MSM, who seem to be trying to cover Sarah Palin in one week more thoroughly than they have Barack Obama in over the past year and a half.  But I know you are the kind of person who would scowl all the way through a Pixar movie, so the idea of laughter is outside of your comprehension.


    1. My soon-to-be-ex-brother-in-law served on Adak Island at the tip of the Aleutians, and his favorite tale was of the MPs set to guard to the 13 pine trees that comprised a National Forest on the island.  (Apparently they had to guard against them becoming X-mas trees for the military folk!)  Your first headline brought that to mind instantly!

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