We’ve seen and heard different numbers about the population of Alaska recently, so we thought we’d look it up. In case you were wondering, here are the populations of a few states as of July 2006.
Alaska: 670,000 people (47th most populous state)
North Dakota: 636,000 (48th)
Vermont: 624,000 (49th)
Wyoming: 515,000 (50th)
Colorado: 4,753,000 (22nd)
El Paso County (the largest county in Colorado, by population): 576,884
There are 19 cities in the U.S. with a bigger population than the state of Alaska.
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the Governor of Vermont?
Dean (who I supported) was an accidental politician.
He was a practicing physician who was also part time Lt. Governor when the governor died. When informed of the governor’s death, he finished treating the patient he was working on, called to get other doctors to cover his schedule and went to the mansion to get sworn in.
He was a good moderate governor (A rating from the NRA) who ran for president on a platform of pragmatism and no bullshit and people mistook him for a liberal because he thought Iraq was stupid.
He failed in 2004 because he didn’t know how to build and manage a large operation. However, he is a smart guy, learned his lessons and has applied them with some success to the DNC.
Actually Dean is a great example of how a small state governor with limited big league experience is unprepared (though they may be prepared in the future) and also why Obama, who organized, managed a led a multistate operation to a successful objective, is prepared.
I believe Sen. Barack Obama’s senatorial staff is a bit larger then the real paid campaign staff.
I’ll admit, SPENDING $25-50 million a month does take some expertise to manage.
The money comes from O&G and Federal pork, the Governor spends it.
Obama has 2500 paid staff.
I think the Alaskan citizens have 25,000 employees and a chief executive named Governor Palin.
Alaska: $1,053 per person
Colorado: $38 per person
Alaska is also sixth highest in total earmark spending.
Alaska (6th): $690,639,000
Colorado (36th): $175,113,000
That combined with the state check everyone gets from oil revenue makes Alaska the prime example of a welfare state. The western voter appreciates self-sufficiency. The “bridge to nowhere” (which Palin was for before she was against) is only one example of Alaska suckling of the teat of the federal government.
when you’re a trust fund baby.
I asked Avadonian this in another thread, where should the money go (oil, not earmarks) if not to Alaska residents.
That are then used to fund a major effort to come up with alternatives.
raise taxes. That’ll go over real well…
Even Obama is promising to lower taxes for 95% of people. Should there be an asterisk for Alaska?
They’re viewed as lower than used car salesmen right now. And America will support taxes if they see them being used wisely.
With its 850,000 people somehow makes Biden more qualified, due its much smaller size and extra 180K people?
You can’t have it both ways guys . . .
He’s well-recognized for his foreign relations credentials, mostly from his time in the Senate. As a Senator, he’s one of 100 helping to make laws for the entire country, and he’s been doing it for years. Palin’s been at governing a small (population-wise) state for less than two.
It’s true, Biden has been chair and ranking member of that committee. That means, along with his personal staff and committee staff, he’s managed all of 100 people? Now that’s executive experience…
And before you say McCain is in the Senate too, I agree, he also is horribly under qualified as a manager to be the next president.
This Alaska chick has more management experience than all three of the other lame senator candidates. And that’s what scares me the most.
With its 850,000 people somehow makes Biden more qualified, due its much smaller size and extra 180K people?
You can’t have it both ways guys . . .
Joe Biden is the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. World leaders have the guy on speed dial.
Has Sarah Palin ever even met the leader of another country?
Oh wait, that was just a lay over…
Um, she’s looked into the eyes of McCain and has seen his soul. They are “partners and soulmates” which of course means by the transitive principle that all of his experience is also shared by Palin, ergo she’s more qualified to be President than even John Sidney McCain!
is from the 50th most populous state, and he’s doing a bang-up job.