from ABC News
Officials from the Republican National Convention and the presidential campaign of Sen. John McCain have announced that they will suspend most of their convention program for Monday and will only tackle official business that is required to start the convention.
it goes on to discuss what has the Republicans really upset:
Besides threatening to wreak havoc on the Gulf Coast, Hurricane Gustav is creating a public relations nightmare for Republicans, who are scheduled to open their party’s convention Monday in St. Paul, Minn., the same day Gustav is expected to make landfall on the Gulf Coast near New Orleans.
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Those were the days….
They’ve postponed, if not cancelled.
This is a chance for New Orleans, LA, Bush and FEMA to redeem themselves, and Jindl is looking so much better than his Dem predecessor.
Political speculation and observations aside, I am glad to see they’ve gotten so many people to evacuate, which means there will be less loss of human lives and treasure.
Nevertheless, Gustav is a bummer.
What exactly do you think his predecessor failed to do? Rove and the GOP tried to pin the Katrina response on her. They lied. They said that she had not asked for help. They lied. They said she did not declare a state of disaster. They lied.
When the GOP says something about Katrina, you can safely assume that they are either lying or wrong.
It was a bi-partisian governmental failure. But for a disaster that big, FEMA is supposed to take the lead and as such, they deserve primary responsibility.
Look at FEMA’s charter.
It is to support the state and local efforts, when requested.
States have the primary responsibility for civil defence, search and rescue, and to protect their citizens. Only in international war does the federal government take the lead and have authority to act without state involvement.
School Bus Nagin, and the former LA Governor Kathleen Blanco (D-LA) had the primary responsibility for the disaster after the disaster. The Federal Government(Coast Guard and Navy) rescued the majority of the people rescued.
“Brownie” aside, the Federal Goverment did pretty well in Katrina. Next door under Republican Governor Haley Barbour, there was a different result.
Katrina actually hit Mississippi the hardest. New Orleans was on the back side.
(Counterclockwise flow around a low pressure system)…
Blanco asked for FEMA aid and did not get it.
She was “told” by the Bush Administration that she needed to Federalize the Guard if she wanted help, which – as you point out above – is exactly what the state is not supposed to do in the event of an emergency, since they need the Guard to provide for civil defense and search & rescue.
Now, there’s enough blame to go around for Katrina, including local police blocking people from evacuating, the mayor not being prepared, Blanco for not doing a good job at co-ordinating… But the Bush Administration did so much wrong in Katrina that it will carry its blame and shame through history.
Emphasis added. Given the GOP’s history, I tend to think that was deliberate. They were trying to make Barbour look good and Blanco look bad.
Everything the Bush admin has done in the past 8 years has been to try to increase the GOP majority. The Federal Katrina response is just one of many egregious abuses.
And, yes, Nagin’s PD did not cover themselves in glory. Seems to be something endemic in PDs. See the Milwaukee arrests of protesters and reporters this weekend for another example of police overreach (helped, again, by Bush’s FBI).
What exactly do you think his predecessor failed to do? Rove and the GOP tried to pin the Katrina response on her. They lied. They said that she had not asked for help. They lied. They said she did not declare a state of disaster. They lied.
When the GOP says something about Katrina, you can safely assume that they are either lying or wrong.
You can track the storm here.
Right now, Gustav is aiming to the west of New Orleans, which could make the storm more devastating than Katrina because the greatest damage to a coastline occurs to the east of the eye. Storm surges, which topped New Orleans levees when they reached 20 feet after Katrina, are forecast at 12-16 feet, though this could increase if Gustav gains steam as it heads north.
some were asked to pray for a rain of biblical proportion for the Investco Field event?
The weather last Thurs. night during the speech was clear with temps in the 70s.
Just evidence to me there is a Supreme Power and she don’t like ugly!
The GOP were praying for rain on Obama and instead got their own Convention mostly “washed out” by a deluge.
and sincerely hope and pray that this storm will turn away or fizzle it IS hard not to think about James Dobson’s prayers for a deluge of biblical proportions to drown out the Obama acceptance speech. I don’t believe that petty prayers to do our opponents harm are worthy of devine consideration but Dobson seemed to think so. To be fair, enough of his followers were appalled that he decided to call the prayer effort off. Decent people, leader beneath contempt, even if he meant it in jest. Not funny.
At least Fox News is providing their usual calm, restrained coverage:
from the HuffPo
from the Daily News
from DailyKOS
The phrase “under God” was added in 1954. I’m pretty sure the founding fathers had nothing to do with that.
I’ll admit it, I’m a liberal who doesn’t think that Palin will be a train-wreck for the GOP.
Those tidbits, however, are making me re-think my original analysis.
The Pledge wasn’t even written until 1892,when a minister composed a somewhat different version and published it in a children’s magazine. Whether the Founding Fathers would have found a loyalty oath to the flag “good enough” is another question, but, despite Palin’s Hallmark version of history, they never had the chance.…
who was married with two children when it was changed still sometimes stumbles over it as it wasn’t there the whole time she was a kid in school or through most of her 20s. Even my older brother remembers making the switch in grade school. My understanding is that it was inserted to contrast us with those Godless commies during the Cold War.
Wish they’d left the “under God out,” but not really a big deal. No one knows what it means anyway.
and had blue eyes.
I would say, that Sarah is absolutly right on this. While not in the pledge until the 20th century, It was the opinion of the founders from the birth of our nation.
you are insane. The founders were mostly deists, and they believed strongly in separation of church and state. But thanks for posting the longest comment I’ve seen so far on pols.
Don’t confuse me with facts and evidence, my mind is made up.
Just because you read on dailyKos that all the “founding fathers” were deists, it must be true.
So who wrote the words of the longest comment ever posted on pols, the founding mothers?
Can’t be, they didn’t have the vote then, must have been the founding fathers who wrote the original Articles of Confederation, and the state constitutions of the original 13 (former) colonies.
made absolutely no sense. I read about that in history books. Written by historians, not by religious nutcases. Here’s the only piece of writing that matters on the issue, and I’m not saying anything else on the subject:
I was going to post that but you beat me to it. shakesfist Just kidding.
But bear in mind that Stringer probably don’t believe in the First Amendment.
but that is quite possibly my favorite paragraph ever. I believe it was Madison, but I’m not sure. It was probably more than one person. Some of the finest words ever written.
So we all agree with Sarah Palin, this is one nation under God. We just agree not to establish one demonination that is required for everyone, nor prohibit any.
John Jay (1745-1829), was the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, having been appointed by President George Washington. He was a Founding Father, a member of the First and Second Continental Congresses… He was very instrumental in causing the Constitution to be ratified by writing the Federalist Papers, along with James Madison and Alexander Hamilton.
On October 12, 1816, John Jay admonished:
Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.
The constitution they wrote was very very clear – keep religion and politics seperate.
when it quotes Thomas Jefferson’s “wall of separation” comment from his Danbury Baptist letter?
was picked up by the Supreme Court and has been the law of the land for the vast majority of this nation’s existence.
You regularly confuse “Cut and paste” and “Coherent”?
Certainly lays of the facts of our Federalist beginings and those 13 states that formed a more perfect union (by choice that is).
You can find random quotes to support any political point. The interesting thing is not what all was said, but what they ended up with.
And they very clearly wanted to keep church and state seperate. Some of the states retained an official connection for awhile, and in each case it was an historical artifact that was eventually removed.
And keep in mind why they wanted church & state seperate, it was as much to protect the church as the state. Because when they are combined, the church is forced to make compromises required by the political process – and that injures the church.
The right has to rely on a questionable method of constitutional interpretation (digging up old debates) in order to make their freedom-limiting vision of America a reality, since the actual words of the Constitution don’t serve that purpose. But the Constitution was ratified in a final form and that is what our law is based upon, not the debates that led to it.
This thread and my very long post above were prompted by one thing, and one thing only. Sarah Palins statment David referenced.
In context, Sarah’s statement makes sense. The founding fathers most assuredly did believe in a nation under god, and put references to god and religion in many of the original 13 state constitutions, the Articles of Confederation, and in 1789, the US Constitution’s FIRST Amendment guaranteeing the free exercise thereof.
The founding fathers collectively through their legal documents and constitutions (ratified by majority) are evidence of a nation under god.
As to David T., he is partially right about the establishment clause being to protect the churches as much as the state.
I you want to go off on a tangent, one could make a case its the “indivisible” part of the pledge that was not in the original constitution in 1789. Partially because it wasn’t addressed, we fought a war to decide the question. It is now decided, and we are one nation, under god, indivisible. But I digress.
Newsman was right, you guys need a history lesson now and again.
The “separation of Church and state” is also not found in the constitution. It is not a constitutional phrase, rather it is a phrase from a letter Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802.
What any President thinks or thought is just that, the written opinion of the President. Would you give such reverence to a letter of opinion written by any modern president? I think not. On the other hand, Jefferson did expand and express a concept citizens then and now support, that the state should not run a church or have the king or queen be the head of the Church of the United States, like the queen is the head of the Church of England.
I applaud Jefferson and don’t dispute the concept, only that the wall of separation phrase was constitutionally founded, or separates citizens from the free exercise thereof.
I think in that narrow context, even Danny might agree.
Short on logic, but good try. After your huge blockquote post, I didn’t expect more.
And BTW, my first thought on reading that statement was “how dumb is she to think that the Founding Fathers created the Pledge”? It’s a contortionist argument to think in that brief statement she summarized the Dominionist belief that the FF wanted God in our government.
Finally, has it ever been pointed out to you that all of those State constitutions had their religious clauses removed or struck down as unconstitutional?
The fact that they were voted in by the majority that ratified them is proof of the thoughts of the “founding fathers” on the subject. Which was the point in question.
Take out Marbury vs Madison, and they would still be there.
Not suggesting we do that, just pointing out that without it, only Christians would hold office in some states to this day.
SARAH WINS the aurgument.
So is that what you want? Only Christians holding elected office?
Marbury merely asserted the power of the judiciary. The various State governments were theoretically free to include religious test provisions until the 14th Amendment passed, though as you note in your (inaccurate) copy-paste screed above, the states removed the test laws and the establishment laws before then.
It’s tough learning history when you’re pumped up on revisionist propaganda.
I’m not sure what to make of this, can anyone help me out?…
Michael Moore as a spokesman for all Democrats, as I don’t believe James Dobson is a spokeman for all Republicans.
he is a registered independent.
What was it you said above? Ah, yes…
And I thought you were just being snarky. Silly me, you were expressing your honest sentiment.
The McCain campaign is not getting their money’s worth for your services.
Payback is a bitch.
How else could McCain have kept Bush and Cheney off stage? Not to mention distracted the national press when they should have been vetting Sarah Palin the way his campaign, apparently, didn’t? And after Obama’s resoundingly successful speech Thursday, anything McCain did in a conventional RNC setting would come up short. McCain gets to demonstrate, not just say, that he responds to natural disasters differently than Bush did. All the while saying “country first,” and slamming the Democrats if they utter a single political word. It took a very clever God to engineer this.
They won’t be able to pummel Obama 24/7 now and how can Republicans win without an incessant stream of personal attacks against their opponent?
As for getting a free photo-op out of this situation, McCain then reinforces the counter narrative that government counts and that good government is a benefit to society. This completely undermines the Republican philosophy that government sucks and is unneeded.
It also makes McCain look like an opportunist like when he sent Lieberman to Georgia to score political points. Maybe they can dress him up in a poncho and have him stand in front of some swaying Cypress trees. It reeks of phony concern and an effort to extract maximum political gain from a devastating situation.
Democrats hope and pray that our country goes in the toilet – then they will benefit. The Dems hope the economy sours and people like you and me lose our jobs.
The Dems hope that Gustav ruins an entire state – then they can laugh with glee that the Republican convention will not be covered.
The Dems are in a position that they win if we all lose. Interesting isn’t it?
Then we as a nation will find out what additional damage they will do to our country.
The economy is already sour. The housing crisis has cause way too many foreclosures to count. People have been losing their jobs left and right to outsourcing as well as the fact that companies can’t afford to pay all the workers they need. Layoffs have been rampant leaving people with no place to go. Gas prices have been high for the last 3 years/ This is not what Dems are hoping for. This is what is happening.
For crying out loud, nobody is hoping Gustav causes any devastation. I fear that it will and am constantly hoping that it will be minor if not nonexistent. Nobody that I know wants anything to happen to any of the states potentially affected by Gustav. It’s not like we do what Dobson does and hopes for a torrential pour of rain so much they pray for it. Hell, I’ll hope and pray that it doesn’t come.
We already know who was praying that Obama’s speech would be rained out. And we know who called Katrine “divine retribution” on a “city of sin.”
Your post is a good example of what psychologists call “projecting.” Remember, it was the GOP who hoped that our hostages in Iran would not be freed while Carter was president because it was beneficial to Reagan’s campaign.
And while you worry about potential damage that hasn’t occurred, you close your eyes very real damage caused by the GOP controlled White House, judiciary and (til 2006) Congress.
You do nothing to correct the popular stereotype that blondes are dumb.
We can’t discuss issues because we’re too busy fighting off their allegations and in some cases, we need to make some allegations (mostly true ones) just to get a point across.
I just wonder what it’s about sometimes.…
All in all, truth and compassion will ultimately rule. Right now, we’re deep in the slime and the muck of the self righteous manifestations of lies and aggression.
Sir Robin gives an expansive view that leaves this humble poster reaching for his mat. Thanks for the reference oh mysterious one.
How compassionate.
except for those absolutely necessary”
SJLFGCRYY (Screaming, Jumping, Laughing, Falling, Gagging, Choking, Rolling, Yelling….Yeah!)
that McCain might give his acceptance speech via satellite from the Gulf Coast.
What exactly will he be doing in the Gulf Coast that will be so helpful that he can’t jet up to M/SP to deliver his acceptance speech?
Why does this strike me as so much theater?
…especially during the convention.
This morning, McCain campaign manager Rick Davis made it sound more likely McCain will return to St. Paul for his acceptance speech.
This could be even worse for the Republicans – if Gustav comes ashore and it’s a tropical storm. No real damage.
Granted, everyone did exactly the right thing based on how it was looking. But people will look at all the prep as unnecessary.
And in that case, McCain down on the Texas coast in nothing more than heavey rain will look like show-boating.
They suspended common sense, ethical behavior, fiscal responsibility and the constitution for the last eight years!
I just heard on channel 9 that Palin released a statement confirming that her 17 yo daughter is pregnant. The daughter plans to keep the child and will eventually marry the child’s father. The statement says the Palin’s are very proud to be grandparents.
About that abstinence only education …
White Trash in the White House
You reminded me of a picture I saw of a white trash wedding
You can find it here……
The last thing a kid going through this needs is to be dragged through the press. She’s not the candidate. And I doubt her mom encouraged her to have unprotected sex so it’s not pertinant to Sarah Palin.
because, more and more, it looks like Palin was an impulsive pick without any vetting. No one cares if the daughter has a baby or gets married or whatever, but you can bet the Republicans will drag her through the press for some easy Papa Don’t Preach pro-life message (they’re doing it already).
But it’s entirely legitimate to ask whether McCain knew about this before naming Palin as his running mate and, if not, what else his hurried decision failed to take into account. And those are proper questions about a presidential candidate.
I disagree. Based on her very public statements in support of abstinence-only education, I cannot imagine that Palin sat her daughter down and told her about contraceptives.
It’s hard to tell whether this is a very special episode of Seventh Heaven or Desperate Housewives.
I apologize for posting such a flippant, harsh comment.
The right-winger, virgin-until-marriage family values crowd can have at it all they want – let them reconcile this with their love of Palin’s positions.
There are so many policy and experience issues surrounding Gov. Palin, we don’t need to resort to going after family issues.
The beauty queen that married her high school sweetheart at a young age is bound to have a bunch personal dips in life.
I would bet affairs, more drug use (she used pot, her husband has a DUI) and how many jealous people can not wait to speak to the press and tell them what they know.
The sad part of this is that McCain has taken a woman who has had a successful life and is going to destroy her with his gimmicky pick. It has nothing to do with the candidates; it has to do with the press.
What are they looking into? Plenty….
1. Questions about her maternal choices. Clearing bringing the argument about the fact that she and her family had the choice about what to do with pregnancy, yet, she would gladly decide for me what is best for my family.
2. Questions about her extreme right wing beliefs and why they didn’t work her family. “Why would we believe that abstinence only taught in high school would work for our family, when is didn’t work for yours.
3. Her advocating for creationism being taught in our schools when there is no scientific proof and no person one step from the Oval Office would actually believe such silliness and fight for it to be taught to our kids.
These are the questions that will be asked and hammered home. And Americans have the right to ask. If Barack Obama is too liberal, is this ticket of McCain / Palin way out in Religious Right field?
Palin’s ties to the Alaskan Independence Party whose goal is to secede from the United States. There are countless number of issues that have not been touched on, which all fall onto John McCain and show his poor judgement.
He FAILED to inform himself about his running mate. We need leadership in this country that informs themselves with as much information on the issues as they can, not another four years of more of the same shoot from the hip politics.
Sarah Palin had to know the pregnancy would become obvious at some point and that, like it or not, her daughter’s situation would be scruntinized. What does that say about her judgment as a mother, or in general?
“Those who are without sin should cast the first stone.” Even Obama says Political Children are not fair game…but even that does not stop you Liberals who are angry and hate all conservatives.
Palin has been honest, took on the Republican Party and got lots of bad Republicans out. She has the experience to be VP equal to and in some ways more than your Presidential Candidate Obama.
This woman is a plus to the ticket…and the Liberals know it they just do not know what to do about it.
McCain made a great choice and it will hurt Obama.
As far as God and the hurricane, RedGreen is correct, God always has a plan. The plan is not always apparent but at all times He is in control.
Far from it. It’s becoming abundantly clear she has not been honest with her own nominee let alone the public. This isn’t about Palin though, it’s about John McCain’s terrible judgement.
You’re awfully misguided and seem to blame for Democrats for everything the republicans do wrong. You sound like a ditto-head. And yes, I listen to el Rusho to get a chuckled every once in a while thinking about all the people who follow that pathological drug addicts advice… like John McCain.
that “McCain made a great choice and it will hurt Obama.”
Well, that’s just completely false seeing how most American’s aren’t as stupid as John McCain thinks they are.
McCain made a purely political choice, not a presidential one and the American people see it for what it is; a gimmick.
I understand Ted Stevens (Indicted R-Alaska) has endorsed her. Any word on whether Frank and/or Lisa Murkowski support her bid to be V.P.?
those who condemn only one side for this behavior but not the other are scum too. That means you, sj, unless you want to go on the record and say that Karl Rove, the man behind the McCain-fathered-a-black-baby stunt, is a stain on your party’s recent history.
You men do not understand women! You guys keep going after Palin you will turn all women including your Dem women against Obama.
Keep saying that women with children should stay home and not work.
Keep it up guys you will sink the Obama boat!
because I neither said nor inferred any such thing. And I doubt you can find one single, solitary quote from anyone that can be taken that way.
C’mon, tell me what you think about Rove. This is Rovian tactic all the way. (Well, almost – at least this has some basis in fact and isn’t a vicious lie.)
“Maine’s Republican delegation got a surprise visit from former White House political operative Karl Rove at its convention breakfast this morning.
During his speech, he talked up John McCain’s Republican presidential bid and criticized Democratic nominee Barack Obama for his inexperience.
When the topic of running mates came up, he referred to U.S. Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) as a “big, blowhard doofus.”
I don’t have the link.
I thought it was wrong to talk politics while Gustav was still active. That’s just so sad, what Karl did.
Good thing Biden is a cheerful guy. He responded:
Since women are rejecting Palin 2:1 based on her politics, not her gender. You just don’t get it, just like McCain… who also happens to be a man.
McCain made a terrible judgement call. He’s going to lose because of his terrible judgement.
You guys keep your dreams going because McCain/Palin are going to win. I will love rubbing it in when it happens!
You men have no clue…2006 was the year Dem women who took almost all races they ran in especially against men.
2008 Palin will put McCain over the top.
Women are tired of you men running things, it is OUR time to rule!
Palin is the only way to get a woman close to the highest office in the United States.
McCain/Palin Winners ’08!
and thus not inclined to being a sore winner. But your obnoxiousness makes it tempting to rub your face in it when Obama wins.
SJ in the know, I try to be civil to everyone on this post – as we are all just stating opinions. However, your tactics are childish at best.
Wanting to put a woman on the ticket just because it is a woman is not a move toward equality, it is a move backward when the woman in question is not qualified.
I said the same about Jackson and Sharpton, they did not help the Black population, and it made it harder to overcome the stereotypes.
Palin is doing that for women. Her comments are silly (Alaska as its own country, teaching creationism in school, losing a women’s right to have control over her body and her family, teaching abstinence when is it clear that most people will have sex between the ages of 15 and 19 for first time. BTW, this has been a fact since time began.)
Palin is not helping women. She does not have the qualifications to stand as symbol of the role that women will play. Just as Jackson and Sharpton do not have the qualifications to stand up as the role of Blacks in our society.
Sj in the know, you are showing how uniformed you are.
From the Republican National Committee
Now that inspires confidence!
Counterfeit site.
You can do better, Blue.
Im adding humor to all of sjintheknow’s declarations.…
As a Dem, I can not believe the decision that McCain made. He would put national security and an American family on the rocks for political maneuver that is sure to fail.
Once again it is all about McCain and not about the American people, women’s rights or his own party.