( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Some things speak for themselves.
While I do not think ANYONE that attends the gathering of Democrat’s in Denver as a delegate will not vote for the party’s nominee, I know 2 Democrats in my own family that will be voting for John McCain.
Both are life long Democrats that have never voted for a Republican President in their lives. Until now.
Thanks Hill and Bill. You showed them who Obama was, and they are now voting for McCain.
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You made me throw up in my mouth.
You will have that same feeling again on the morning of the second Wednesday in November. Till then, have a nice convention.
Democrats who are willing to cross party lines after eight years of Bush, or people who are so sick of the GOP and their crappy governing that they’ll just vote Democrat down the line? I guess we’ll see who is right on 11/5/08.
PUMAs that are angry at Obama, and moderate Dems that aren’t interested in higher taxes.
mentioned that he’s talked to about 40 delegates, roughtly half of them for Hillary. He said that out of them, not one has said they will not support Obama. They know the jig is up.
A grand sum total of 60 of them showed up. Even the anarchists are more organized, and even Code Pink is more visible!
Moderate Dems are, I’m sorry to report, sick of disproportionate tax breaks for the rich and irresponsible revenue/budget imbalances caused by Bush’s tax plans. Moderate Dems want a balanced budget and aren’t so ideological to throw the baby out with the bathwater on tax policy.
Keep hoping.
nitwits, many of whom aren’t Dems in the first place and 95% of American families will be paying less in taxes under Obama’s plan. We get 3 times as much from Obama as we do from McSame who targets his breaks at the already ultra wealthy.
And I’ll tell you something else. The average American is paying so much more for everything from fuel to healthcare to education for their kids due to Bush policies fully embraced by McSame, while their disposable income has shrunk and now, due to lax regulatory practices, the one ace in the whole for most, the value in their home, is decreasing. All this and maybe some of the lower 95% got a few bucks worth of tax breaks. Maybe some even got a thousand, not a drop in the bucket compared to their disposable income loss.
If our small business could go back to the income it was making under Clinton we’d be a considerable number of thousands ahead even WITH a modest tax increase. So would the rest of my 95%.
Instead Obama is offering us a tax CUT and a way to build a healthier economy that will get our disposable income moving in the right direction again. McSame offers the same old failed trickle down voodoo. So that tax argument the Republicans keep pushing is a huge pack of blatant lies any way you cut it. Can’t believe you’re still buying it,LB.
you can believe anything you want!
McCain will win easily. Only people who are paying attention to reality think any different.
Political junkies — and that includes me — tend to forget that the average voter, who is registered with one of the two major parties, wears that affiliation pretty loosely. Political parties simply do not have the clout with their members that they did a long time ago.
This past year or so, a generic Republican candidate versus a generic Democratic candidate contest — for either the presidency or Congress — has scored quite favorably for the latter. But when actual people are those candidates, things change dramatically, particularly with the vote for president. When it comes to the top spot, most people will vote for the guy who they think will do the best job.
The current polling between Obama and McCain demonstrates the point perfectly. Theoretically, Obama should have a double digit lead over his opponent, but the race is remarkably close.
Even on this blog, look at the “Big Line” for the U.S. Senate: Udall 3-1 and Schaffer 9-1. That doesn’t track with the actual polling.
At this juncture, I wouldn’t want to predict the Senate race, although I would concede that Udall currently has the edge. In the presidential contest, I don’t know about the final outcome, but I do think McCain will take Colorado.
This state has only voted Democratic for president twice in the last 14 presidential elections (LBJ in 1964 and Clinton in 1992). If Ross Perot hadn’t been in the picture in ’92, I’m not sure Clinton would have won it head-to-head with George H.W. Bush.
What should be of concern to the Democratic activists in Colorado is that Clinton, a supposedly popular incumbent in ’96, lost this state to a 73 year old challenger. That is not a good sign.
Where Clinton is closer to McCain than she is closer to Obama I’d like to hear it.
McCain …
Wants to privatize Social Security
Wants o stay in Iraq indefinitely
wants to make abortion illegal
Rejects universal healthcare
Doesn’t support early childhood education
Doesn’t believe in making higher education affordable.
Wants higher deficits to pay for tax cuts for the healthy.
While McCain’s positions can be argued on their merits, if you move from supporting Hillary to McCain it is only by rejecting everything Hillary believes in.
Just got back from DC.
Just listen to him talk about his wife! (That trollop!)
Just listen to him talk about Hillary Clinton! (That bitch!)
Just listen to him talk about Chelsea Clinton! (That ugly girl!)
Just listen to him talk about how much women love being raped! (Especially by apes!)
Great compilation – made my day. Send it along to any PUMA you know!
My Uncle was shot down in WWII and was a POW. He did not have an Academy education, he barely got out of high school; his parents were immigrant dirt farmers, not admirals. He wasn’t a elite fighter pilot, he was just a kid, a bombardier, shot down on his very first flight.
When he was released from captivity and came home, after the War, the United States gave him a house. It was called the G.I.Bill. If it was good enough for my Uncle, it god damm well ought to be good enough for McCain.
I have had it with McCain’s,” I suffered and you all owe me and the debt goes on forever”…
He had to work to make money to pay for it. The GI bill just made it easier for him to close on that house.
Is he still alive? What a heart breaking tale. I know the author of a book, “The myths of WWII.” Same thing, first day out, lost half of his butt.
You are right, PR,the GI Bill was good deal. What was the deal? I think it was no down payment. No one in my father’s family would have had a house without it….ironically, my grandparents homesteaded to get their dirt farm….
You know, I don’t know for whom my Uncle would vote, if he were still alive. I don’t want to politicalize his sacrifice…which I guess I did….
I just know, a hell of a lot men sacrificed, lost a lot, and were brave…and don’t expect anything else.
There just comes a point, where McCain’s five years are his response to anything.
the fine men and women who fight and die to protect our rights. The GI Bill is one of the greatest pieces of legislation ever written.
but for every dollar the government spent it ultimately got it back many times over.
The bill put men to work to soak up all the labor entering the market. It gave educations to men that became good tax payers. I remember my neighbors, the Traynors, across the street. Bernie became an engineer at Grumman. I can’t prove it, but I sense his career would have been far more humble w/o the bill.
And he wouldn’t have had that cool Studebaker Starliner coupe……
How can someone who doesn’t even want to see the troops get rewarded, wants to continue a volunteer army, and touts their military career as a reason they should be President vote against the 21st Century GI Bill?
The Democratic National Committee should put out an ad attacking him on that.
The military is class stratified by rank…McCain comes from a navy branch that did not need the gd GI Bill…Cindy’s family is his civilian peer…except of course for her family’s money.
McCain is in the MacArthur tradition, they are both sons of admirals and generals.. Their loyalty is to the country’s military…and they get that all mixed up with love of country….they know no other patriotism except that which comes from war and command…
Thank god this country has soldier generals coming from real america….like Eisenhower and Marshall and Wesley Clark…
The GI bill after WWII created the middle class..it allowed returning soldiers to get an education and buy a house…the pillars of middle class….This kind of world is as foreign to McCain as Kenya is to Obama….
It’s that extra half year which makes McCain truly invincible, and you hate America if you think any different.
This has something to do with my comment?
Why is it so hard to stay on the road?
I seem to have posted a reply to something in the wrong place. Sorry for the confusion.
using the POW card as a red herring like McCain.
Now I remember. I noticed the “five years” at the end, and I was doing the whole mock-outrage thing. Still, it doesn’t seem quite fitting in response to a serious comment.
The woman doesn’t even know where McCain stands on the issues.
I’m a little tired of this made up issue. Sure, Hillary supporters are disappointed, but everyone knows that eventually 95% are going to back Obama eventually. This is just political fodder for pundits who have too much time on their hands.
Obama needs Hillary to do an ad for him…ASAP.
I mean don’t you have the ability to at least type an original sentence? How does a posted video with no original content get promoted by pols?
But if you insist. Read above.
very weak Democrats with right-leaning personal ideologies. I can’t imagine any tried and blue Dems actually abandoning every value they hold dear to vote for a GOP candidate out of fear.
What is their reasoning other than fear? If inexperience was their worry, then look at some of the other “inexperienced” candidates who won the office. Lincoln, Kennedy. Some of the most “experienced” politicians have been some of the worst Presidents–Nixon served as a Congressman, Senator, and as VP.
Obama even has more experience in government than George W. Bush did when he took office (one term governor, having held no other elected office.) Obama has now held office for 10 years.
If this is the first time that your family members are voting GOP, does that mean they voted for Kerry? He is ideologically identical to Obama, but without the charisma and popularity.
I’d like to hear an explanation, if you feel like providing one.
I would like an explanation as to why they have voted for Democrat’s for so long. It makes no sense. They are reasonable people with no socialist leanings.
My mother and father were both FDR and Truman Democrats. My Mom has not voted since 2000. And yes I am sorry to say, she voted for Gore. She regrets that now too.
She loved Kennedy (especially Jackie), couldn’t stand LBJ, but couldn’t vote for Goldwater. (Kind of like a lot of Republicans feel about McCain/OBAMA).
She did like Carter and Bill Clinton, until Bill lied under oath. She filled out a mail ballot request last week and changed her registration to Republican. I about fell over. I rushed it to the mailbox before she changed her mind.
Second Family member goes back to HHH, has been a member of the DFL (Democrat Farm Labor party) for over 40 years. She saw McCain and Obama at saddleback church, and announced she was voting for McCain.
A lot of regular rank and file democrats are far more Conservative than Ted Kennedy, Kerry or Obama. They don’t really pay much attention to politics until a few months before the election.
Reverend Wright, William Ayes, and Michelle not being proud of her country does not sit well with the generation that fought WWII.
This is the tip of the iceberg. I see no major Democrat gains in the congress, in fact, there may be more than just former presidential candidate Barry Obama wondering what happened on the second Wednesday in November 2008.
To any Dems thinking of doing this.. A portion of the transcript from the Saddleback thingy with Pastor Rick Warren:
WARREN: Which existing Supreme Court Justices would you not have nominated?
MCCAIN: With all due respect, Justice Ginsburg, Justice Breyer, Justice Souter, and Justice Stephens.
WARREN: Why? Tell me why.
MCCAIN: Well, I think that the president of the United States has incredible responsibility in nominating people to the United States Supreme Court. They are lifetime positions, as well as the federal bench. There will be two or maybe three vacancies. This nomination should be based on the criteria of proven record, of strictly adhering to the Constitution of the United States of America and not legislating from the bench. Some of the worst damage has been done by legislating from the bench.
And by the way, Justices Alito and Roberts are two of my most recent favorites, by the way. They really are. They are very fine. And I’m proud of President Bush for nominating them.
I can’t imagine McCain would have voted against Souter, a solid conservative (in the old sense of the word) Republican appointed by Daddy Bush.
but that was McCain (v1990).
This is McCain (v2008). McCain (v2008) voted with Jr. 100% of the time (when he bothered to show up to work, that is) this session.
John Mitchell once said that about the Nixon administration. The same can be said for John McCain.
Are voters supposed to trust him to keep his word that he will only support strict constructionists on the Supreme Court when his actions point to the contrary?
Now I know the real reason why he dislikes Mittens so much. They’re too much alike!
Souter is the Republicans’ biggest embarrassment on the bench, not at all what they’d envisioned.
He’s why the newer crop are all firm Federalists.
Stephens is the biggest Republican embarassment….
Lamborne’s waaaaaaaaaaaaay more of an embarrassment.
Oh – SCOTUS? My bad.
Just sayin’.
(I know: “Just sayin'” is trite and overworn. Mea culpa.)
(I know: Godwin’s Law. Mea maxima culpa. But Goddammit! These PUMAs are either Closet Republicans all along, or racists, or the most naive people on the face of the earth!)
Ok – so, dissent=bad.
Got it.
in fact its’ rather healthy, but with PUMA’s I don’t see this as the case.
I’d be pissed, too.
Obama’s poll numbers are dropping slightly this week. Any explanations? He may get a bump after Thursday. But so far he is losing ground ever so slightly each day it seems.
The ad is clever and well made.
Some of us Clintonistas are also ticked off by the disrespect which Obama shows toward Bill Clinton.
Love him or hate him, the Obama folks should at least respect the fact that Bill Clinton did something no Democrat since FDR was able to achieve…he got re-elected to a second term.
Did Daddy Bush tell Ronald Reagan what he could, and wehat he couldn’t talk about, in his convention address in ’88? Probably not.
The same courtesy should have been extended to B.C.
How does a condom protect you from John McCain, anyway?
… using a condom during sex.
(It gives one a sense of security while being screwed.)
Sure it was a tough primary, but get over it! This woman is so bitter, and such a bad loser, that she is going to support a candidate that is the near polar opposite of her beloved Hillary.
Seriously, get over it. Your candidate lost, support your party.
How do you righties keep coming up with this shit? HRC said she was throwing her support to BO within the first paragraph. She reiterated it several times. She was exuberant, not restrained. Really bitter, eh?
If she’s still bitter inside, imagine how Gore must have felt.
It’s all politics, no big deal.