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August 19, 2008 12:38 AM UTC

Even Inhofe Introuble

  • by: Colorado Pols

According to the DSCC, Democrat Andrew Rice has pulled to within single digits of well-known incumbent Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe after trailing 61-33 last December.

Why should you care? Because it’s another example of otherwise safe Republican seats (like Mississippi and Louisiana earlier this year) that are moving toward Democrats – and in a state much closer geographically to Colorado.  


21 thoughts on “Even Inhofe Introuble

    1. Kos does a bit of armchair analysis on the poll today, and notes that the same polling outfit for the same race (and the same sponsor – the DSCC) matched an independent poll done at the same time last month.  That poll was 53-33; the trend line has to be at least a little worrying for Inhofe.

    2. I’m guessing Chambliss’s race is causing a bit of heartburn in GOP land.  It’ll probably settle, though – Martin is still riding his post-primary bump.

      We’ll see how much Dole has to worry once Hagan’s ads have a bit of time to sink in.  Her post-primary bump was very unsettling for Dole, I’m sure, but Dole’s ad campaign seems to have tamped down Hagan’s numbers significantly.

      Coleman I think has to worry; he unloaded early on Franken and it seems Franken has weathered the storm and is riding the tide of Coleman’s own little scandal.  Both of them need to worry about voter fatigue; there’s still a long way to go in the race and neither campaign is short on money.

  1. those states’ voters are not moving away from electing conservatives.  The Democratic candidates, who won in the special elections in Mississippi and Louisiana, ran on platforms that could have very easily been ones they could have used as a Republican.  

    Unless Andrew Rice is a Blue Dog Democrat, he will have little chance of unseating Jim Inhofe in Oklahoma.  

    1. I don’t care if the 51st Democrat elected to the Senate is Genghis Khan, it still makes Harry Reid majority leader and gives Democrats control of the committee process.  Likewise, 218 Democrats in the House, even if a dozen of them are Newt Gingrich in drag, leaves Nancy Pelosi as speaker with all that entails.

      Not to mention party control means control of the Congressional investigative process: Read “Scandal” if you don’t understand the political implications of that.

      1. You are absolutely right, Bob.  My point was a lot of these recent Democratic victories are not being won by liberal “progressive” Democrats.  These Blue Dog Democrats may just jump to red, if a President Obama drags their party too far to the left.  This is especially true of those in the House, who will have to stand for re-election in two years.  These guys are conservatives first and Democrats second.  If they are not, they will fall in 2010.    

        1. Duh….that’s because the Democratic Party is not the monolithic pack of Marxist-Leninist Rush Limpbaugh and the other GOP propagandists keep tell you we are.

          1. Barack Obama, like Jimmy Carter, would have trouble with his own party should he become president.  The majority Democrats in Congress are not interested in changing the way things are done in Washington.  Too many of them are not as liberal as Obama is. They would be more interested in their own re-elections than seeing Obama succeed.

            1. …perish the thought!  You mean like how the entire Republican party (sans Mad Cow Musgrave) is running like hell from George W. right now?  Wasn’t it McCain’s commercial that told me that Americans are worse off now than they were 4 years ago?

    2. The latest polling now has Inhofe’s disapproval rating a point higher than his approval rating.  His re-elect numbers when Daily Kos commissioned its original poll of the race were a dismal 39%.

      Sure, Inhofe has $5.4m in the bank, but Rice has already raised $1.4m and is being supported by DSCC money as well.  In Oklahoma’s cheap media markets, that buys a lot of air time.

      Rice sounds like a good candidate; he’s an alternative energy supporter, health care reformer, and solidly with Democrats on international policy issues.  He’s also an MA in Theology and has done private-sector work on religious intolerance issues and promotion of moderate/progressive Christian churches.  And he’s got a touching personal story: his brother died in the Twin Towers on 9/11.

      The race is still “Likely Republican” (down from “Solid Republican”), but with Inhofe flirting with the low side of 50% in the poll, this race bears watching.

  2. He’s the leading proponent of the argument that global warming is a tree-huggers’ plot to destroy our economy devoid of any scientific basis?

    1. The guy is an utter whack job.  And his partner-in-crime , Tom “the obstructionist obstetrician” Coburn isn’t any better.

      Leave it to Oklahoma to elect gems like them…  😛

    2. roadblock in the Senate to any movement on climate change legislation.  As chair of Environment and Public Works he even blocked small, minor, meaningless Republican proposals to study certain aspects of warming (like the effect of permafrost melting on road infrastructure in Alaska).

      1. to the drilling effort up there. There’s a real risk of drilling rigs falling over and pipelines settling and rupturing and heavy equipment literally getting bogged down.

        It’s amazing the degree to which he is willing to shoot their drill, drill, drill philosophy in the foot in order to avoid giving an inch on global warming denial.

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