“I came through the train on Baltimore last night. I’m glad the train didn’t stop.”
– Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)
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. . . so’s Baltimore, I’m guessing. Coincidence???
A while back, I wrote that I considered Rand Paul to be a serious contender for the Republican nomination. Not any more. His volatile temper, condescending attitude towards
*female reporters,
*minority communities with legitimate grievances,
*any press seriously questioning his prior statements or policy positions
shows that he can’t take the heat of the political limelight, and should get the hell out of the kitchen.
But Rand would be preferable to Cruz, Santorum, Huckabee, Carson, Perry. Scott Walker may also now be headed to the 3rd tier, given that the lead prosecutor into his campaign corruption case is an apparently honest Republican; and Mike Pence is already there.
It’s going to be Bush. It’s his turn.
Hey now! I thought it was understood Dioge is the funny one.
But you’re right. Limbaugh/ Hannity/ Fox et al don’t like him… But I don’t recall them loving the other one. s. They’ll line up when it’s time- assuming they are still relevant.
Despite the fantasies of the left wanna- bes (who don’t win national elections since 1944) Sanders being in the deal will not move Senator Clinton (or is it more correct Secretary Clinton?) to the left. It gives her freedom to move to the center, or even the center right, right until the primary ends. It’s smart and safe politics- sort of her specialty.
The in a Bush v. Clinton general he wins Florida (Wisconsin, Indiana, Colorado and North Carolina) and it’s all Ohio. I know it is rude cuz it’s too early to ask- can she win Ohio? But the answer is no.
Sure, she beat Obama in 08 (unlike Texas or Nevada) But that was awhile ago. Meanwhile the younger Working D she’ll need are the exodus. It’s an aging demographic, and not much tailwind from the under 24 who didn’t get to vote in 08.
The Delected in the state are not going to be as helpful in 16 as they were in 08 and 12.
I also realize Ohio is not what it once was- only 18 just 2x Colorado. But in 16 they get another shot.
Warren is the one forcing HRC to make more progressive noises at this point. Moving back to the center, where she’s always been, will be for the general
I think it should be “Secretary” Clinton, MADCO… “latest” or “highest” office is the standard, I think. In this case, “secretary” fits both…
Wow. How low the Republican party has sunk If someone as flaky and confused as Rand is the least ridiculous candidate available.
Better than W, Paul can at least spit out a complete sentence.
But the ordering of the words is certainly reflective of his addled thinking.
Taking him literally can give one nightmares.
All anyone needs to know about Sen. Paul:
Dudley’s ‘fer ‘im.
Strateagery. And nucla. Weren’t those amongst the Shrub’s contributions to the lexicon?
Nucla’s calling….
Ah, you must be referring to “nuculer” . . . .
Back by popular demand (mamajama loves it and it annoys BlueCat – that’s a twofer!)
If you want to vote for the best music video, click here. The top two are:
These Euro videos scare me, Dave, so consider it a three0fer.
I found I could really relate to the part in the second one, where the guy jumps off the cliff.
After listening to these (which I can only attribute to masochism), I cleanse my brain with this, turned up to 11.
Thanks for the palate cleanser!
“Loves them” (the Euro videos) is an overstatement. I am fascinated with all kinds of multicultural music. My church recently put on a concert of Klezmer music, which was rescued from obscurity after almost disappearing with the musicians during WWII.
It’s connected with my own Eastern European and Jewish ancestry. But I won’t inflict the concert videos on you all.
I voted for Hungary’s entry, “Wars for Nothing”. I liked the simple and direct staging without fancy costumes or makeup, and the message.
They don’t annoy me, David. I don’t listen to them. Post away.
What the hell is he doing on a socialistic, UN, commie, pinko, Jade Helm 15, people’s train?
Getting the hell outta Baltimore.
Yeah…. I didn’t think Rand believed in mass transit which is what trains are. Only Biden believed in Amtrak.
Consider the source and practice healthy skepticism — a surprising article in today’s Denver Post from an unlikely source:
Krista Kafer — right-wing radio yakker, Independence Institute associate, and employed by John Andrews’ Colorado Christian University. Does this simply prove that even a blind squirrel sometimes finds an acorn, or perhaps she has gotten tired of the information bubbles perpetuated by (predominantly) right-wing news organizations and their self-interested owners?
(BTW, without the editor and preview function, I am flying totally blind here. No idea how this post will look once I press the “post comment” button. here goes…
She may indeed be legitimately calling for healthy skepticism on both sides. Here’s hoping, anyway….
Not just “both sides”, but anyone that considers themselves (or wants to be) informed, and an active participant in our democracy.
The people that really need to take this to heart are our news media (starting with the owners and executives, all the way down to researchers and reporters) and those legislators pushing “statement” bills based on bad (or no) science, prejudice and head-up-their-ass logic.