Sen. Wayne Allard today endorsed Rep. Bob Beauprez for governor, while yesterday former governor Roy Romer backed Democrat Bill Ritter.
Both are big-name endorsements, though Allard’s is probably more valuable right now because Beauprez is facing a Republican primary. But if that weren’t the case, which endorsement do you think is more valuable to the average voter?
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To the extent that Wayne Allard is synonymous with the failed Bush Presidency–and that should be a very large extent, since they march completely in lockstep–his endorsement doesn’t win Beauprez points among Colorado voters as a whole.
But given that these are primary endorsements, obviously both should help among party faithful.
(I’m still wondering how I can help out the Holtzman campaign. Every Democrat wants Marc as the GOP nominee.)
“Every Democrat wants Marc as the GOP nominee.”
Yeah, who’da thunk it?
As a democrat, I can’t disagree with you that I would rather see Holtzman on the ballot because he is a weaker candidate. Having said that, part of me would rather see BB win the primary, just so theres no chance whatsoever that Holtzman will be the next governor of Colorado.
Give it a few minutes and we should get some sort of announcement from the Holtzman campaign that the Allard endorsement was really Marc’s and Bob stole it from him.
Amen Aaron, Holtzman shouldn’t be anywhere near the Governor’s office. He isn’t qualified, he panders to all sides out of desperation, and simply dosen’t belong there.
As a conservative GOP, I will be supporting BB in the primary and Ritter in the General Election.
The Colorado Republican Party and the National Republican Party has failed us and because Ritter is pro-life; I will leave my party loyalty at the door and cast, for the first time ever, my vote for a Democrat.
As a conservative GOP, I will be supporting BB in the primary and Ritter in the General Election.
The Colorado Republican Party and the National Republican Party has failed us and because Ritter is pro-life; I will leave my party loyalty at the door and cast, for the first time ever, my vote for a Democrat.
As a conservative, Im for conserving server space on COPols and only clicking the “Post” button once.
I’m so glad “Conservative For Life” chose to share such an inspiring message with us today…
In the mean time, Senator Frist has actually issued a press release denouncing Wayne Allard as a “rouge Senator”. Yeah, Wayne has gone rogue. Get out of his way or he’ll take you down with him. What a bummer huh?
I’ll get a link posted as soon as I can.
I’ve been afraid of this all along, Iron Mike. Allard as a “rogue senator” was bad enough. But now he’s out of the closet as a “rouge senator.”
Tell me, did he wear that frilly pink Tutu again when he endorsed BB? Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but, still! And, frankly, I think Beauprez had way too much mascara on.
Honestly, the only real man in BB’s camp is Marilyn Musgrave. I’d almost vote for Holtzman, but, face it, guys, he’s short! Plus, Holtzman’s s got this thing about pigs and , well, they’re asking us to be civil now and I just can’t go there.
Holy shit, Wayne Allard is a member of the Khmer Rouge?
I’d feel shame for my misspelling… But it enhances the humor.
No shame to typeaux in bloggerville, Iron Mike. I think it works better with rouge!
This would have only really been news had Allard endorsed Ritter or Romer endorsed Beauprez…
This would have only really been news had Allard endorsed Ritter or Romer endorsed Beauprez…
I don’t know if anyone of you took notice, but over the weekend Otis the town drunk endorsed Holtzman for Gov. Expect Marc to climb a few notches on the big line.
This is BIG news for Holtzman, Mayberry. At a stroke, it equalizes the momentum Beauprez gained when Madam Fifi, the town…err… “entrepreneur” … threw her support and that of all six of her, ahhh, “nieces” behind Beauprez. Otis, when drunk enough, has been known to vote dozens of times for the candidate who buys his drinks. I do think, however, he’s a registered Democrat and this may not help Holtzman in the primary.
Gee Mayberry, that was so funny. Let me guess, you were channeling Don Knox for a second there and remembered where you put your bullet? You were inspired… I understand.
Can we work to ban insipid attempts at humor? I’d rather have nasty insults hurled.
Nice post Voyageur… For a second there I thought we were going to take this thread to the level of “Andy Kauffman, the Latter Years”.
Way to keep it fresh and funky.
OK Mike, guess I’ll just stick to the nasty insults then (in the spirit of civility), but things just seem entirely too tame today.
With the comments on this thread by folks who will vote for Beauprez in the Primary, then Ritter in the General… I’m a little surprised Romer didn’t endorse Beauprez.
So the politicians are all with Beauprez… Make sense. Are there any regular folks with him anymore? Staff doesn’t count.
OK Mike, guess I’ll just stick to the nasty insults then (in the spirit of civility), but things just seem entirely too tame today.
Posted by: mayberry RFD at March 13, 2006 04:05 PM
And then you showed up to help out. I see. Thanks… a lot. No, really we couldn’t have made it without you man. You kept it injured… Not fully lame, just kinda limping.
Dick, help me out here man. Mayberry’s posts are actually making me feel more stupid… and you know how hard that is to do.
I sense the beginning of a rant here, Iron Mike. You actually need somebody to help you out with that?
Wayne Allard or Roy Romer? Let’s see, getting endorsed by a largely invisible U.S. Senator who is one of the three most extreme right-wing votes in the Senate, or endorsed by a former Governor who was anything but invisible over three terms in office, and who epitomized activist leadership –hmmmm….what a hard choice….
Did you know…According to the Bob Beauprez for Governor website that Bob Beauprez was once a member of the Holstein Association?
It’s true. However, what Bob is not telling his supporters is that he was asked to resign. It appears that the asscoiation membership felt that between the cows and Bob there was far too much “BULL SHIT” for any one organization and so one of the two had to leave.
News from the Campain Trail
Dateline: Four Corners
Source: Beauprez for Governor
Bob Beauprez spoke today to a group of Native Americans residing in the Four Corner’s Area.
Bob Beauprez: If elected as your next Governor, I promise to provide a better way of life for your children.
Crwod Response: Ah-Hum-Ga-Cha
Bob Beauprez: If elected as your next Governor, I promise to improve education for your children.
Crowd Response: Ah-Hum-Ga-Cha
Bob Beauprez: If elected as your next Governor I promise to cuts taxes and reduce government spending.
Crowd Response: Ah-Hum-Ga-Cha
Later that day Bob Beauprez toured the tribal grounds and noticed cattle grazing in an adjacent field.
Bob Beauprez: Chief, those are some might fine cattle you have there, mind if I take a look?
Tribal Chief: Not at all, just don’t step in the Hum-Ga-Cha!
Upon learning of the definition of Hum-Ga_Cha, Bob Beauprez called the Tribal Chief for an explanation. The story goes like this.
Bob Beapurez: Chief, why were your members responding to my speech the way they did. I must be honest with you I’m somewhat dismayed. Why would they do such a thing?
Tribal Chief: We heard the Holstein Story.
Sorry about the post, my computer hung up on me.
mrhandy, if you are going to take up that much space please at least make it funny.
I agree, Mayberry. I heard that indian/politician joke 50 years ago. I bet it cracked them up in Caesar’s time. Nothing wrong with recycling old jokes, but keep ’em brief, boys.
mrhandy2001 – Or follow mayberry’s example by keeping it brief and still not funny.
“I bet it cracked them up in Caesar’s time.” Now this is an example of both brief and funny.
Yes, Iron Mike, as the final arbiter of all that is relevant, funny, witty, correct etc. on ColoradoPols we again defer to your superior judgement. P.S. – try to sober up Otis before the caucus, eh?
The recent endorsement of Bob Beauprez by Senator Wayne Allard was a no brainer for most political insiders. Consider the following: First it is highly likely that Wayne Allard will not seek a third term. Second, Victoria Broerman (wife of Chuck Broerman and Field Director for Bob Beauprez) works for Wayne Allard. Finally, Mark Udall has begun a boiler room operation phone banking for support. If Allard is out, its an open seat. If Allard is in, he may have Udall to face.
See this is my defence for voting for Romer in 1986, right after I graduated from High School… Strickland had the cat lady, Romer had a concubine. Sure we didn’t know any of this stuff yet, the news overlooked both little tidbits of fact, but I could just feel it was so.
I’m ashamed of it now, but back then when I was 18, Romer had a concubine named BJ… he was my hero. He inspired me to do great things, build empires and have a concubine named BJ myself one day. Hasn’t happened yet though. Maybe next year.
I think Chris Romer should run on a “Concubine for Every Guy” platform. I kinda dove tails with Fitzgerald’s message, hearkens back to the good old days of his Dad’s regime, and may really work to seal in that all important 18-24 year old male vote… You know, the young guys out there who also want a concubine. His campaign signs could be a big thumbs up graphic with the slogan “like father, like son”.