Below the break I’ll give my two reasons I presently cannot consider voting for Congressman Lamborn. I’m holding my ballot for a couple weeks before I make a final decision.
I am not trying to pick bones with anyone here. I am expressing personal feelings. I am not trying to personally attack Congressman Lamborn. If any of his supporters think I am, I apologize right now. I am not trying to give fodder to Crank or Rayburn. Lamborn could get my vote when I mail my ballot in a few weeks but for now I am only considering General Rayburn and Jeff Crank. I haven’t made a decision on either Crank or Rayburn.
The two things Congressman Lamborn has done or not done that keep me from voting for him are simple. He hasn’t told us on his website who his personal endorsers are. He hasn’t debated and defended his record in the 2008 primary.
General Rayburn and Jeff Crank proudly show on their websites who has personally endorsed them. I could care less about the HBA or some builder’s or contractor’s association or some pac that has endorsed them. I am interested in personal endorsements and they both have a lot. Several names I know and respect on each of their lists. I still do not find on Congressman Lamborn’s website any personal endorsements from citizens and leaders in the fifth congressional district. I guess I could call his office. But it just looks like his supporters are pacs on his website. There’s nothing wrong with endorsements from pacs. I just don’t value those like I do from people I know personally or by reputation. So, where have all his personal endorsers gone from 2006? I’m still wanting to see my old fifth district congressman, Bill Armstrong endorsing him. He hasn’t yet. He did last time. And Congressman Lamborn was wise to let it be known on his site that Armstrong endorsed him. I remember other personal endorsments on his 2006 website. Why none this time? I do not say it is the answer but it has the appearance that Congressman Lamborn is afraid to show who personally endorses him. It has the appearance that may be a false impression but it has the appearance that those who endorsed him in 2006 have discovered something about him that they don’t like and they won’t endorse him again. I am not saying that is the answer. It is a possibility. I do not know. The only way I would know would be if he would let us know who his personal endorsers are. I would really, really, really like to see Bill Armstrong endorsing him again. I would like to see his entire list of personal endorsements on his website.
General Rayburn, Jeff Crank, and Congressman Lamborn have had a lot of people accusing them of this or that on Coloradopols and in the papers. Charges. Countercharges. After awhile, you wonder. What’s the truth about any of them? I do not know. But, I wouldn’t let someone attack my competence or my integrity and remain quiet unless I were feeling like there was enough truth in the attacks that I would be too embarrassed or ashamed to answer before an audience of voters. I would be begging for an audience to confront them, even if just for show. Until Congressman Lamborn enters a debate against General Rayburn and Jeff Crank, I cannot vote for him. If he cannot handle himself in a debate to answer questions from the audience, from the voters, from his opponents, then I have to think that he’s hiding from something. I don’t know what that something is but it just makes it look like he’s got something to hide.
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I would personally disagree with those for two reasons.
1) Incumbants don’t usually seek individual references, because they’re running on their experience and achievements.
Crank and Rayburn have never been elected to a single office, so they need others to say “this guy can do a good job, trust me.” Lamborn can talk about his record (largest tax cut in Colorado History, Brigade added to Ft. Carson, bringing an ICE office to Colorado Springs, Veteran’s cemetary, being one of only two R freshmen congressperson’s to pass substantive legistlation, etc). Crank and Rayburn can’t do that, so they seek out personal endorsements.
2) Why would Lamborn indulge his opponents with a debate. Polling shows them trailing him badly. Why would he provide them with free publicity when they haven’t shown they can be competitive?
Is that good enough for you Natalie?
I for one would not be impressed with a long list of local realtors, insurance salesman, and other networking types that endorse an incumbent Republican Congressman in a safe Republican District. I am sure Lamborns list would be long, but it proves very little.
As to people abandoning their 2006 choice, I think a close examination of the polls will show it is Jeff Crank who has suffered the most abandonment, Not Doug Lamborn.
Lamborns hard work and effectiveness in Washington is gaining him converts daily.